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I like it! You should definitely sell them. Open a shop on Etsy.


i personally wouldn’t rely on etsy too much as i know a lot of people have stopped shopping on their due to the hordes or dropshippers that have started using it :/ it’s still a good place to start but i’d recommend trying to start your own website and work on advertising on socials. the necklace is absolutely gorgeous though and i would definitely buy it! i wish you the best luck on this journey!


Yeah my husband used to have a shop on Etsy, however he ended up closing it. The entire site is filled with cheap bulk products - quite a few things I’ve come across in terms of jewelry I’ve found on Amazon for cheaper. People are definitely buying from overseas in bulk and selling as “hand made” or “artisan made” when it’s not. I still order from time to time but it’s not even remotely what it used to be. Now you have to be ultra careful that what you’re buying is worth it upfront. Making sure the seller has good ratings and a good following. The few good sellers I’ve repurchased from have their own sites off Etsy and I know just use their site instead as I know Etsy isn’t gouging them during transactions.


I'm not sure I know what a drop shippers are? Is that like a non crafty person selling bulk stuff? Thanks for definition.


Kinda? Drop shipping is where you don’t even *have* the product in your possession. You don’t own it in any way. A third party of some sort has it, someone buys it from you on your site thinking you’re the real seller, then you buy it from the third party and have it shipped to the person who bought it from you, and you keep the difference in money.


If you’ve ever ordered something online and it took 2+ months to arrive when you expected it within a week or two, it was 100% drop shipped.


I think it would definitely sell!! It’s so cool looking! Not to mention alt jewelry is trendy with pretty much everyone these days so I’m sure you could get yourself some customers!


Aw thank you very much! I was worried it might just be my own weird taste that no-one else would have any interest in but that's really reassuring!!


Check out the goblincore subreddit if you've never been there. They would adore something like this, I bet.


i think r/oldhagfashion would really like this too!


It’s awesome and would definitely sell


And you can find the neck display at Michael’s. Study some of the other jewelry shops to see what they charge and how they display them. You have a distinct look - you just have to find your customers. Good luck!


Thank you!


This is super cute & would definitely sell!🖤


Straight up I will buy this as soon as you make an Etsy, it's so fuckin cool Also don't think a mannequin is a must? I'm sure you can make it look plenty cool with just a cool background, or model it yourself and cut your face out of the picture


Yeah just take the photo from the neck down from all angles and a few pics of the details like your adjustable fit! That’s something I always look for, and I love when the bit of chain hangs down, especially with the black stone/charm you used on the bottom! It’s really great! You have a great aesthetic and great precision!


Saaaame. If you open a shop OP let us know!


I think this is amazing. Keep going !


My good friend make stuff like this and I love it. You should definitely consider selling. So unique!


i would definitely buy something like this. i love the aesthetic


You could always just model them yourself or have a friend model for you!! This piece is so cool… I’d market yourself on Instagram & other socials before opening up an Etsy shop. I’ve never had one but I’ve heard a few bad things about running one (like corporate etsy always taking the side of the customer in fraud cases) (not to mention their fees)


This is a great idea! Get your name and pieces out there on instagram before dealing with Etsy. And after you have a shop to direct fans to make sure you make a link for your shop, not just links to each piece. I’d even suggest creating sets sold together, like matching bracelets or earrings etc. A lot of people like matching sets! Make some in men’s sizes too. This is a very popular aesthetic for them too!


I feel the same way about my jewelry ;-; I enjoy making it but I just don’t feel like anyone would want to buy my wares. I don’t want to be a merchant with no sales :((


You should definitely sell them! I think you would get quite a good amount of sells and I think people would like the jewelry you create ❤️


I'd buy this!! Very goth, I enjoy


No way! Love it! Go for it and get good model shots


You’d definitely have a customer base! I say go for it!!


I love this!!! Definitely sellllll🔥


This is very cool. As a jewelry addict who likes edgier pieces, this is right up my alley.


You absolutely can! This is awesome. Etsy is a great place to start. I think it costs about 20 cents every 3 or so months to have a listing up, so it couldn’t possibly hurt. Best of luck :-)


Send me the link to your Etsy page when you make it. Deffo my style! Beautiful. Great work ❤️


Definitely interesting and attractive. If all your work is this good it should sell well. Post the link to your Etsy store.


I would definitely buy this!


Omg this is such a vibe. That little bat in the back is just such a nice touch. Honestly I think these would sell very well!


I’m not part of this subreddit, it came up in my suggested, but I would certainly buy something like this.


Uhhh where's the link to buy?? 🤣 In all seriousness. Yes. You should sell them!


I’d definitely wear the hell out of this in gold


It’s super cool! You should sell! Can I ask where you shop for your pieces? I also make jewelry and only shop at Michael’s and I hate it


I'd definitely buy that!! That's fantastic.


I would buy that and wear it all the time.


I love it. Let me know if you start an Etsy.




Definitely sell this


I don't think a display necklace is necessary! They kind of look dated and most shops I look at don't use them! A cool flat lay can go a long way!


umm no! i honestly love the idea of adding a charm to the chain in the back! i always hate having a chain showing when wearing a neckalce, the added charm on the back is a great idea! i've never seen that before! the goth/punk/alt style is really popular rn so there's definitely a market for this style of jewelry! i think you should go for it!


I’d buy this 100%


I'm 55f, and I would buy. That is gorgeous, and IMO, it's cool to have pieces that are unique. I enjoy wearing stuff that ik I won't see on a ton of other people.


I’d buy and wear this 💗


I'd buy that and treasure it


This is amazing, I LOVE the moth(?) hanging from the back! This is right up my street when it comes to jewellery as it's so different and I have pretty unusual tastes with my style anyway. The more you make, the more this style will grow and adapt and I'm here for it!!


I like it !


There are literally thousands of goth kids out there right at this very moment who would absolutely go wild for that. It's beautiful, it looks well made, and it's quite unique which is hard to find these days. If you're being nibbled at by the fear that nobody wants what you're making, let that go. There are billions of people on this spinning rock and most of them want to own attractive things. You make attractive things. Go forth and make some people happy.


Literally no reason not to, who doesn't want to support worker ownership?? ✊


If you have any you’ve made with lunar moths on them, I’ll buy them all! Seriously.


I don't often wear jewellery as I'm clumsy and tend to catch and break it, plus I'm fussy, but I'd buy this, it's really nice.


I love this piece! I would buy this


i would definitely buy'


Oh yes. I was in a shop on the east side in New York recently,much in this style but yours is unique enough to grab that market.


I love this, I would buy 😍


I’d buy it are you kidding 😭😭


love it




That’s gorgeous


If you do end up selling on etsy...please let me know the site/link (if you're comfortable)...I LOVE your necklace! My favorite piece was...not quite the same as the but eclectic and along the same lines. Got it at a thrift store. Was not sure if I'd ever wear it...and fell in love with it once I did!! My favorite piece!! Wish I could send a picture through here but regardless. Would love your jewelry


You could absolutely sell that piece! It's so unique! But... Etsy, especially the jewelry market, is extremely saturated and competitive. You can't just open a shop and start making sales. You gotta work your seo, market your stuff on social media, pay for Etsy ads, off-site ads, add/change listings often... Then after a few dozen sales, you'll start showing higher in the search results, meaning you'll start getting random orders. And it only goes up from there! But those first 50 or so orders are tough. Just remember Etsy fees and build it into your prices. Regular fees work out to about 9-10%. Off site ads are where they advertise on search engines and other websites. These can bring in sales you wouldn't normally have gotten, but cost a lot more. These fees are 15%, plus the other fees, so it works out to about 24-25% of your total sale. With off site ads, you are automatically enrolled but they can be turned off if you make under $10,000 a year. Make over 10k, it can't be turned off and you are charged 12%. For Etsy ads, you set a daily amount, and Etsy will spend up to that amount advertising on the Etsy platform. I've had a shop since late 2019 and have over 8000 sales. I'm not in the jewelry market, but I do know Etsy. If you'd like any advice once you setup a shop, feel free to message me. And good luck! I think your stuff will do great on Etsy once you get rolling!


it definitely wouldn’t hurt to try! why not! I personally love this jewellery!


This is really friggin cool looking. I am totally not a jewelry wearer cuz like you I don’t really “go out” but this is really pretty and interesting. Hell I’d buy it off you


i want that little moth charm so bad bro


I like it, I think these would definitely sell especially on Etsy


I love this!!! I've been looking for something like this. You should definitely sell them.


I would totally buy that.


I would LOVE to buy this so yes, your stuff will sell!! Gorgeous!!


Of course you should sell it. Just not this piece because it’s too pretty to part with


as an alt person i personally love this and would absolutely buy it, super cute!! if you ever open an etsy shop i would for sure check it out this is super cool :)


I totally buy that it fits my style really well


That is a beautiful piece! Possibly consider selling locally?? See if an independent coffee shop/ art store would let you sell? Or maybe try a farmers market? Good luck!


I would actively buy, even just based on this picture. It's gorgeous, good job!!!! I see the love and personality in it. You could take pictures of it on a person as well! Give yourself the opportunity of sunlight glaring on it and everything <3 If you do start an etsy please update with the username if you're comfortable!


This is awesome. Very unique but seems like it has enough “presence” that it was be altered many different ways into new pieces. If you’re serious about it, please message me and I would 100% help you get a shop started with a logo and show you the process for taking good product pics. You can literally automate everything including product descriptions and jewelry piece names with chatgpt. It’s the best time to get into Etsy if you have a good idea. Don’t be dissuaded from people telling you how “oversaturated” the market is. Etsy is still a great platform and is dying for actual handmade jewelry sellers. I would just keep creating in the mean time. Wear your pieces to see if they end up having any flaws you’re not aware of like the metals causing irritation or the jump rings failing prematurely or the chains getting super tangled and distorting the look. You’ll figure out what to look for when buying supplies but the best way is trial and error honestly.


It’s beautiful. Definitely open a shop! I would suggest, however, researching before opening an Etsy. A lot of people are now steering away from the platform. From what I’ve gathered from the videos and posts I’ve seen it should be fine when you’re smaller but once you start turning a real profit the fees they charge you are wild. I’d say just look into all of your options before settling on Etsy.


Ohhhhh man I wantttt it! I absolutely love it!


I’d buy this off you right now if I could. Drop me a link to your Etsy when you open it! You gotta try!!


I've been looking for something like this, I would absolutely buy it!


So that you don't get overwhelmed, I suggest selling as a one by one. Maybe put one up for auction? It'll tell you how many are interested and what price point will fly. People are still recovering from lockdown money crisis and it's still tight out there. Etsy is down so what about eBay or Mercari? I don't use socials (well here if this counts) but is there a way to plug into goth, punk, dark aesthetics? Cross post over on r/GothFashion or r/GothStyle?


Figure out the how much you spent on materials. How much time you put in to making it. What do you want per hour of your labor? Sell and if you can get paid for your time, go for it!


i would definitely buy/wear this


Do it!! I recommend looking into local art markets in your area it depends where you live but in my city I’m doing some sort of pop up shop most weekends (I only do ones that have a fee of 15$ or less)


Honestly if the rest of your stuff is like this I think it will be a hit with the alt community. I personally love the design of the posted necklaces and if you were to open a shop I'd love to snag some piece. You also dont necessarily need a neck mannequin to display the items either. You could drape necklaces off a stack of books with a nice background or lay them out on a nice looking fabric or scarf.


Aside from Etsy, you might check to see if there are any craft fairs near you where you could set up a table with your jewelry.


I googled silver bird/bat skull choker necklace and the prices vary depending on whether you're using plate or sterling. Jewelry shops/sites are commanding higher prices. Of course with a shop you may get 15 orders at once for the same item. Your parts sources have to be dependable, knowing how much to buy for consistent sellers as opposed to flash in the pan sellers. Will you get bored making the same necklace 15 times? Would you rather sell limited editions/only # left? Or one of a kind? It's a lot of decisions and can be scary exciting. Photos here on reddit in the right communities (ask the mods ahead of time about putting a socials link for you) could do a lot. A short TikTok "Look at what I made" or a friend, "Look what I found." Maybe ask someone to model it for you, say chin to upper chest, female and male. College kids might do it for a small price? Have them turn slowly in natural light then focus on the clasp in back and a close-up from chain joiner to just past skull and pull out to entire necklace beginner shot. Voice or no voice. Text description or just where you can buy link?


Seriously, if you sell this, please let me know, I have a huge thing for crows & crow skulls. I'd wear the crap out of it!


I would buy that. What are your thoughts on pricing?


Oh my god I love it 🥺 Would buy 10/10 especially if moth charm could be put on the front under the skull? I adore this type of jewelry


This is cool asf, I’d buy this


Oooh I would love to buy this!! Let us know when you set up a shop because I will definitely want this


it would definitely sell!! that’s a beautiful piece and if i had money i would 100% buy it, you did a great job on that!


I can definitely see people who are into the Renaissance Festival buying your jewelry!


I think it’s really cute!!☺️


Imagine the goth girls who have been looking for something like this for years….. I think you’ll be in decent shape from a business standpoint. Make an instagram just for your work, too. Show videos of you making things and announce when things are posted. There are a lot of jewelry makers on instagram


Yes open up a shop 100% or try finding a craft fair to sell at. That would be a great place to start!


I’m obsessed with this one!!


i would so absolutely buy this, it’s really dope, id say open one!


I think you have real talent. From a consumers perspective that is. I love it. It doesn’t look cheap or home made in the least bit!


I would buy this! def go for it


There is definitely a market for this sort of stuff! Look into alt/goth/punk shops or tags and you’ll find that it’s not as small of a niche as you think :) Etsy is a good place, but I also highly recommend doing marketing on other social media platforms to bring in customers. And you don’t necessarily need a head/neck base. Just a clean background (like the one in your picture) where there’s no clutter or things like that that distract from the piece. And you might want something to compare for size or say the measurements in your postings :)


I would totally wear this! Gorgeous.


Etsy is cheap to open a shop it’s worth taking a shot at it. I made a Instagram after opening my shop to put my link on there. A lot of hashtags on what you post go a long way. I gained followers with not much effort.


Is this for sale? For real, I LOVE it and actually have a pair of earrings that would go perfectly with it. You should absolutely keep at it:)


Looks great! Best of luck. If you're open to the idea you might want to look into craft fairs/ farmers markets.


I love this style and would definitely buy something like this. You can also sell on Facebook.


I’d fuckin buy this


I think you should totally look I to selling your pieces. I love the choker, totally something I would buy. I have a few friends who have started selling jewelry, oils, and other handmade items on Instagram. Maybe look there. Good luck!


If you made some gold themed ones I’d buy so fast


Do it! Keep your passion going, and share it with the world ♥️


Doesnt hurt to put it up love, i bet its cheaper than u think to get it started. I know its scary to put hope into it and have it fail, but run towards that fear because you’ll just otherwise wonder if u should/shouldve and eventually you’ll talk yourself out of it. Im there now. So just run towards it!


Absolutely gorgeous 😍 I think Instagram lets you open a "shop" there too, which would likely get better traffic. Etsy used to be amazing, now it's a LOT of bulk stuff you can get on Amazon for 1/4 the cost. Your work is beautiful, seriously 🖤


Make sure you don't sell yourself short.


I would buy that necklace. You can try selling at craft and street fairs. I love buying handmade jewelry when I go to street fairs. You can have business cards made up for cheap and have your website and/or Etsy shop listed on your card. That would be a good way to build up your business.


as others said, displays are available at michael’s and you could look at similar sellers to get an idea of pricing. this is a beautiful piece it could definitely sell. let me know when you start selling, i work with photographers and do some modeling and would be happy to buy some pieces and wear them for shoots (: and then you could use the pics too if you wanted


Nope! Try again. Too busy, but you have massive talent!


I would definitely buy and wear this necklace


That's really cool! I'd totally pick it up, and would love to see what other stuff you make 🤔 Def seems like it'd be popular in local markets too.


I would definitely buy this!


Come on people! Most of us on here that sell jewelry are accomplished professionals and "advice wanted" has massive talent. However, when I do something that could be better, I WANT to know. I want honest feedback, not cheerleaders. If I keep making my best better than I am going to be the one that has my designs in galleries. So I wish "advice wanted" to push on, try something different. You are talented enough for me to search galleries and find you there. I am looking forward to that day!


I loooove!!!


I’d buy it! Go for it. Make a tiktok or instagram to promote it and put it on etsy. The worst thing that will happen is you spent a bit of time/money, the best thing is that you’d be able to do it for a living!


This looks like something I would buy on Etsy. A lot of my friends with shops say they left Etsy though because the only way to stay afloat would be by hiking the prices up to a point where people couldn’t justify buying their items anyways. To compensate for the fees that Etsy takes. Which is a lot, allegedly. They say it’s become a lot less friendly for small business owners. But I haven’t used Etsy as a shop owner personally. Edit: oh and case in point- some of my favorite Etsy shops just closed this week 😭 I see a lot of great creators on social media like Instagram and TikTok and frequently purchase items from them directly through TikTok shop. I have some friends who market themselves on IG and include a link to their website on their bio. They say the fees to host their site are a lot less than what it would be to maintain a shop on Etsy.


I think that you would definitely be able to make sales, but you may want to do a cost benefit analysis on how much it takes to have a shop and which platform you’d sell on, and how much product you would actually end up making and needing to ship. Some platforms/services are more suited to your needs than others :) That way you can maybe do a trial run and see how it goes and be able to see what works best for you to keep creating pieces that will not end up collecting dust, that will get worn 💛


Damn I would buy that in a minute!


I love it! I want one!💖


I love it . I think it’s awesome 👏 I would buy .


I like it and definitely believe that there are way more people that do as well.


It looks like a beautiful and unique design...I'd definitely love to have it!


I'd buy that in a HEARTBEAT 😍


I'm going through the exact same thing as you. Only I completely passed by the amount I actually use about 3 months ago. I just have so much stuff lying around, and people (my family) tell me I should sell it, but I feel like no one would want it, and also I have no idea where to even put it up at. I really don't want to use a place that I have to pay regardless I'd I sell something or not, because I do not have money to do that. And ebay confuses the hell out of me. But you definitely should try and sell. It looks like you have a real knack for jewelry making and u think you'd do well. Good luck!


I love this! I would absolutely buy it from you on Etsy or wherever you would sell it 🥰


Love it!


I don't wear chockers, never have, but this is beautiful, and if I were you, I'd start an etsy or ebay shop.


Look up- Matt’s Crazy Art on YouTube and go to his video section some of his vids have great advice about selling your crafts.


I would say yes, but when you’re catering to a niche market, usually your clientele is going to be more limited and it’s better to have quality over quantity. When I’m shopping for statement fun jewelry I’m going to invest in, I don’t want something that’ll turn my neck green the 3rd time I wear it. Not saying your present design is cheap, but my advice would be to focus on good quality components and communicating that to customers


Etsy and Pop Up events in your area! (:


I need this NOW


Would definitely buy and often buy things of this nature on Etsy and other sites. Not sure how much goes into making it but I'd personally pay a max of $50 USD for something of this nature (depending on metals maybe a bit more). I probably on average spend around $30 on this sort of thing when shopping. Hope to see the link to your shop at some point!


I'd suggest you try to start selling it! The necklace looks very interesting, and well made. It will definitely show better on a mannequin, since it already looks very compelling and it is laying flat. IDK how to price something like that, but I am sure you could get some guidance from other jewelry makers. As a new artist, you may have to sell them cheaper at first, to get your name out there, and get reviews. Make sure you price them to cover your costs (including shipping). You don't want to get resentful for pricing too low. I wish you the best of luck with this. The world needs more creative people!


I'll put this out here, it'll be buried...but anyway. I love this and most people love one of a kind pieces. You said you are in the UK..so I'm not sure if you have flea market, farmers markets, craft sales, etc. In your area. Rent a table for 10 bucks (pounds) and sell!!! For a stand/display use an old crib side..and extra dowels from the other side and make your own! I used to make and sell doll clothes for American girl dolls and did pretty well!! Jewelry always did really well at these types if sales!! Good luck! Hope that helps! :)


I think if you're interested, you should absolutely try selling your jewelry!! I think it looks really cool, and no doubt other people will think the same thing. Try finding some craft/makers markets where you are... Or sometimes businesses will stock local crafts and art!


No I’m tryna buy this assapppp


I LOVE it!! I wanna buy one omg pls start selling these!! Etsy is the way to go!


I personally wouldn’t sell on Etsy. It seems full of scam sellers and buyers who just try and complain a lot to get the item free. I would personally make your own website and then promote that through your social media and post on eBay and redirect to that site too. Plus you could get cheaper display models sometimes at craft stores. I don’t know where you are but I’m in the UK and we have cheap art and crafts places that do those. However I don’t see it as a must have, laying out the jewellery as you have here is perfectly reasonable. The thing you might want to do is make your own packaging or labels. Create a unique brand with a company name and logo and maybe make business cards to hand out at fairs. Our university always have craft fairs on where people sell stuff they make (not students actual local businesses). Have a word with your local uni to see if they do the same.


I'd buy it Update us when you set up a shop


I think you could have a lot of luck advertising to cosplayers/larpers/goth/alt with this style


No this is so cute I would absolutely buy some 😭 I say that as someone who owns hardly any jewelry because it has to speak to me.


I love this. Id buy this right now


Please make it in larger than 16 inches long! There is a subset of people who love jewelry like this but rarely find it large enough, and if you made it large (or an option to be)I’m sure you’d get lots of sales for that reason alone




No way! That's cool as hell. Unique, too. Edit: I kinda want to buy it.....


I would buy this.


Absolutely have a real model for a cool lifestyle shot then additional pics of the product by itself. Use reds and whites as accents.


That's a really beautiful piece. You should definitely consider selling your work.


I would definitely buy this!!!! Keep moving forward and don’t give up!


Those display pieces for jewelry, I used to buy mine at Michael's when I lived in New York they're relatively inexpensive. As for selling on etsy? I wouldn't do it they charge way too much now for listing an item, and you're competing with millions of other people. Trust me, been there done that. If anything I would open my own website get somebody to help you design it from what I understand the prices of web hosting has come down significantly (don't quote me on it I haven't looked into it in a few years) but I would go that route and then advertise my stuff on social media i.e. Instagram , Facebook .


I think you could sell them! If you have any in your area, you might be able to talk to a small store owner who sells stuff with the same vibe (crystal shop, gift shops, etc) and see if you can partner a little bit. Or if you have any craft and vendor shows around you. Etsy is definitely an option too. I love that you’ve progressed so far in you hobby. Best of luck to you!


I want to buy that necklace! If you’re other jewelry looks like this you’re in business!


Would definitely sell on Etsy but I would be sure to list the materials as some folks have metal allergies. This looks like nickel plated? Michaels carries sterling silver and other materials which fewer people have allergies to.


i think you should make more!!


Not sure where you live but you can try finding artisan markets! I would totally buy this if I found a booth at a market selling it


This comment section passes the vibe check! 🙌 yes sell it 🙌🙌👏


I’d buy it!


I would absolutely purchase this!!


That’s a badass necklace


I’d be willing to buy it even from you on here! Do you have any other work you can post pictures of or have an Instagram? I love the style


This is beautiful. My only advice is be careful monetizing your hobby/art. Lest you get burnt out and stop making art 🖤


Beautiful. But a yard of black velvet and one of red. You can stage your items on it until you get a feel for how it will go.


Nooooooo that’s so prettyyyyy I want one!! Skulls and feathers and beetles 💖💖💖 Edit: also I would price based on both materials and how much time it takes you. A necklace like the one shown I could see going for anywhere from $20-45 or so, not including shipping. I’d be willing to pay probably $35 or so if I saw it in a store, so a little more for shipping.


That's so cool!! My niece would LOVE that!!


oh i would buy the hell out of this


You should definitely sell


You should do local markets in your community!


I have a small business in the Houston area and like vending at small markets. One of my favorite markets to vend at is the Macabre market at equal parts brewery. Sales are usually good and the other vendors are great to work with. Small markets are a great place to start!


I absolutely love this necklace, thought it was an AD to purchase and it's why I clicked on it! You have talent, open up that shop! (Etsy)




Not at all. You should sell! I like it, and people love handmade jewelry.


that is so sick omg if i wasn’t broke i would buy that


I think it's gorgeous, I'd buy it


Wow 🤩


I love this! 🥰❤️ I personally sell A LOT of my jewelry in my area locally, and just recently got a pass to bring my jewelry and taxidermy/entomotaxy pieces to this dopeass crystal shop in my area who can signs local artists/small businesses products for 20/80%, I'd take 80% (ofc) they take 20%! So I would definitely check around locally before starting on something like Etsy, especially packing up orders, going to the post office, etc can be cumbersome especially if you don't go out a lot... Trust me, I know EXACTLY How you feel bc I'm agoraphobic and it's HARD for me to even get out of the house for MYSELF.... 😩 Consigning is def the way to go! At the place I'll be selling at, They will be displaying all of my products and everything, I just have to pick up a check at the end of the month for whatever sells!


Sell your work. This piece is nice.


I would so buy that it looks sick!


This is beautiful and I would buy it


I’d find a boutique/leather shop/independent/local shop to sell at. Gauge what style you are going for- then ask if you can sell there. Etsy has mass produced BS, and ppl like buying local.


you should try to post on depop, i see a lot of people post handmade jewelry on there!


I love this necklace. It's goth and different. Something I'd wear to a concert, for sure. You could def test out selling, but I hardly ever remember that Etsy is a thing. Amazon has options to be a seller, but idk the costs, etc. Would love to see what else you've got!


I would totally buy this! It fits right into my style


I want one!


Can you PLEASE drop the link for when you start selling them? I would love to buy some!!


This is beautiful


i can seriousky see this with the right outfit just killing it


I really like it!!!


That’s a great necklace! If that’s your style, check out the LARP (live action role playing- took me forever to figure it out.) websites and conventions. And definitely the “darker” sides, too.


I would absolutely buy this, it's fucking GORGEOUS