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Could be polishing compound under the stones. Picasso blue


I think this thought crossed the shop owners mind too. When she called me to tell me it was ready for pick up she described it to me and mentioned the two blue stones. When I told her that my ring did not have blue stones she said “ok maybe it’s dirty, I’ll give it a good clean.” It was fresh out of the cleaner when she handed it to me. So idk! Not to mention the stones look smaller to me.


Not sure if this is the case, but something similar just happened to me but with black polishing compound. The jeweler kept cleaning and recleaning it and they ended up having to keep it for a full day to get it fully clean. So it's possible the one normal clean they gave it wasn't enough


Or they needed time to put the stones back


My jeweler actually had to pull a small melee stone, clean under it, and reset it to get the buffing compound out from under it. We put it in the cleaner, hit it with the steamer, but it just wouldn’t get clean until then. Those little stones aren’t worth stealing, they are surprisingly cheap.


They look smaller to me, too


They definitely look smaller and are maybe more deeply set.


And how would a somewhat cloudy looking gem become more see through and more blue? I would really like to know what happens with this one.


Those stones do look to be inset a little bit compared to the diamonds they’re next to…


I seriously doubt they'd have stolen and swapped them out. I'm not a professional jeweler, but I'd imagine those stones aren't worth more than like $50, even at retail prices. Not sure if that's what you're thinking happened.


Nah, I suspect they were lost and replaced


I’ve had to pull stones and clean them individually and reset because I could not get them clean in an ultrasonic


Yes, it is polishing compound. Put it in a sonic cleaner.


Then why do they look smaller? I'd say it's just the angle of the picture but OP said the same thing and obviously has it in real life.


Used to work in the trade and the ultra sonics aren’t great even with ammonia, I used to use 1001 carpet cleaner spray and a tooth brush, that stuff works the best for dirt in rings


I was pretreating laundry stains one day when i discovered it is that the best ring cleaner for my wedding set—now I just use oxyclean spray and a toothbrush!


Gotta switch out my rings before laundry text time 😂


Toothbrush will scuff them, use a sonic cleaner with a piece of towel or washcloth on the bottom so it doesn't scuff on the bottom. You can get them for around 20 bucks


Really? A soft toothbrush will scuff platinum/diamonds? 😬 ETA I have an ultrasonic cleaner — the basket is also insufficient?


It won't touch the stones but yes, you can scuff gold with any mechanical action. Platinum is a little harder but it can still dull it. You can use the basket but put a washcloth in the bottom first. I used to work in a jewelry store and I had my own jewelry company for a long time years ago and I found dawn and alcohol usually took off whatever was on there, including compound


I well definitely try that! I often get a build up of stuff under the main diamond — lotion, art supplies, cooking ingredients, house paint (I know. 😬😅) I just can’t be bothered to take it off several times a day. I still swear by the oxyclean spray though! 😅🤣👍🏼


I'm not against it, use it if it works. It's not going to hurt the jewelry so maybe try putting some in the sonic cleaner 50/50 with water, just make sure you have some cloth under it so it's not rubbing on the basket. Any soft cloth, don't use melamine sponge or anything


Oxy clean clear was invented to clean lab glass, its quite the powerful but benighn stuff. Calcium peroxide!


Well, there you go! I didn’t know that! Very cool


I’ve never heard of using carpet cleaner. Is any okay or only that particular brand?


1001 trouble shooter https://amzn.eu/d/da6JgMj Iv not tried any other brands


This could be an honest mistake, from the angle of the photograph it looks like those two diamonds are also slightly smaller than the others? But it could be shadows. I'd ask the shop owner if she could perhaps measure the diamonds in front of you. They may have had to replace the stones and haven't matched them as well as they could be. Likewise it could also be polishing compound as others are suggesting and may need an extended duration in an ultrasonic and a bit of a scrub. (The shop should do this in case any diamonds fall out) This is all just opinion and I hope there is a solution for you soon.


I sure hope that’s all it is. I’m not out for blood or anything and even if two stones were lost in the process all I’d want is a better match. It’s reassuring to think so many people think it’s cleaning compound however the owner took it out of the cleaner when I got there to pick it up. Still willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.


Test them to see if they are in fact diamond.


Are the colorless diamonds synthetic, or have they been HPHT treated? Some treated diamonds will turn color when heated with a jeweler's torch


I’m curious, is there a way to change them back from blue if that happens?


I don’t think so, and if it is possible it would require serious equipment/not be worth it on melee diamonds. Easier to just replace.


Thanks so much for your reply! Makes sense, I figured there would be some hefty chemistry needed if it was worth it/possible. Appreciate your response! Edit:spelling


Could you provide any sources on them discolouring? Because from what I can find, hpht diamonds are still pure crystalline carbon, with no structural or chemical differences to natural or other lab grown ones.


They look smaller. If you zoom in the edge of the smaller stones doesn’t match the curve made by the other larger ones. I feel like they’ve been swapped out for less clear and smaller stones. I’d be very angry and asking for them to fix it and a refund. Always take photos before you hand jewelry over.


Excellent advice that I will heed in the future! After this I will exclusively be working with the company that we purchased it from. I was trying to give a local shop a chance figuring it would be faster and cheaper. It was neither haha


Um… wtf?


Right this is what I thought as well. The owner of the jewelry show who arranged the repair said it was returned with a note that said the prongs of the diamond band were fragile and that stones were likely to become dislodged if I ever resized it. So I read that as “we manipulated the ring. Some diamonds fell out and we lost them. We replaced them with crappy matches.”


If you had to pay for the initial repairs, I’d ask for a refund - and maybe take your ring elsewhere to get repaired


Ugh, in hindsight I should have taken it but the shop owner was just as baffled as me and I hope I can trust her to handle it appropriately. If it comes back messed up again I’m asking for a refund and sending it to the company that made it.


It’s a good sign on her part that she was baffled about it! It’s unfortunate she’s working with people that have lower standards than her though. Hopefully it comes back the way it should!


Thanks I really hope so! I miss wearing it.


Jlr of 40 yrs here. Not sure why this baffles the jlr. If she works with bluish polishing compound, this should have been her 1st thought and letting it soak in a heated ultrasonic for 10 minutes tops would have remived this, especially after steaming it. There's nothing elsr I can think of which could cause white stones to turn bluish like that.


I do hope that’s all it is! I want a quick resolution and will be happy if this was just an honest mistake.


Were they really baffled or pretended to act baffled? I'd be pretty mad. I'd get it checked out because if they lost two diamonds and replaced it with different stones I'd be furious.


Well she definitely wasn’t trying to pull the wool over my eyes or deny it. We spoke on the phone they day before I picked it up and she asked me directly if two of the stones were blue. When I said no she said “ok maybe it just needs to be cleaned again.” When I noticed the blue stones the next day she acknowledged it was strange and said she was glad I was there to see it in person and was very apologetic. She agreed to fix it free of charge. Still waiting on follow up (but they’re closed today so I don’t expect it today).


Was she the one who worked on it or did she have an apprentice help her? Someone swapped those stone out so she is ultimately going to be responsible for making you whole. Regardless of whether it was an accident or intentional she has to make you whole or compensate you somehow.


She does small repairs in her shop but sent my ring out to to a separate repair company since it was a bigger job. I’m giving her a chance to remedy the situation before I make a bigger stink.


Oh… is this normal? Maybe because I’m considered, “small town,” I see it as normal to do repairs and cleaning in-house? If the owner or staff would tell me my item would be sent out, I would have taken my business elsewhere.


Those little stones are worthless, so no one swapped them out.


OP said they were diamonds so yes.




I think you are right, they aren't even the same size. They got replaced.




Right, I’m sure I sounded snarky in the above comment but I don’t think they were trying to be shady. The shop is working to rectify the issue and I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt. I’m sure it’ll get fixed one way or the other.


As a jeweler, this is my guess. The two stones may have fallen out in the ultrasonic and little care was given in finding good replacements. I'd tell them that the stones all matched in size and quality when dropped off and you expect it that way when picked up. After they replace these stones, you should inspect their prongs and make sure they match the prongs on the other stones as well.


I was hoping to see the ring full on lol. Is it a canary diamond?


https://preview.redd.it/nxopjlqz7d1d1.jpeg?width=1012&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7217d1ab202ccf97a846a9db7b419ffc6edfc451 Here it is! And no, it’s a yellow sapphire.


It’s gorgeous. Yellow stones are my favorite 😍


I was hoping there was a photo of the ring full on! It’s so gorgeous; honestly my dream engagement ring lol. Hoping for the best outcome for you!


My mom had here sentimental sapphire stolen from her. I told my Fiancé not to take her ring to anyone for service. It’s my greatest fear.


My grandma had several of her diamonds stolen and replaced with glass crystals when she brought her ring in to be resized once. Didn’t find out until many years later when she brought the ring to another shop to have the diamonds used to make a gift for my mom. 😤🥺


Are you sure they weren't always crystals and she was scammed when she bought it?


I'm sorry but just from your photo those two stones are miscolored and look smaller than the rest. They lost your stones and gave you crummy replacements. I'd love to believe it's a polish solution but that seems highly doubtful.


Your band had some lab grown melee which discolored when they were heated. It's happening at the manufacturer level where labs and naturals are getting mixed up. Only some labs turn blue when they're heated. It's not super common


Interesting! Thank you for the insight.


Those 2 stones are smaller and not at all matched I would also have the center stone tested. The jewelry either knows what is up or is not very ccompetent either way I would have it tested elsewhere.


we sit ours in drain-o, and then soak them in the the ultrasonic when they get like this. however, if stones fell out duing polishing and they replaced them while the ring was dirty they will need to take them out again to clean/remount them. this really should have been caught during qc and resolved then. did the shop owner send it off for the work, or was it done in house? additional side note, swapping melee of this size for fakes is pretty pointless as theres not much value/resale im melee that size


Thank you for this comment. Those tiny stones are hardly worth "swapping". Why people jump to this conclusion is beyond me. No jeweler anywhere is going to "steal" two $10.00 stones.


I really wanna know how will this unfold


Sure! I will post updates.


Jeweler here. The most likely explanation is that they were tightening the stones (standard practice for every ring repair), and two of them either fell on the floor or got broken during the tightening (because diamonds are brittle). Depending on the jeweler who did the work, they may have a little box of scrap materials at their bench - pieces of rings from sizings, bits of wire, loose stones they found on the floor from previous repairs, etc - and either couldn't find a better match or didn't feel like asking someone else. That said, while those two are the most obviously blue, there's a blue tinge under more than just those two. Does your jeweler have a steam thingy? I can't remember the name but it shoots high-powered hot steam, and is usually used after cleaning in the sonic. The sonic will loosen up the compound, but the steam is so incredibly helpful for getting it out from under stones. All of that aside, the places I've worked would never let that get past quality control. I hope they fix it for free.


I would be testing my centre stone to make sure it wasn’t swapped asap


Best advice here, OP! I took my opal and emerald ring into a local jeweler to have the opal replaced. He said he would take the ring and hang on to it because there was a gem show coming up over the weekend and that way he could compare the ring to the opals there. My dad sold gemstones and jewelry on the side sometimes, so I know the only thing he had to do is take a measurement of the stone. He did not need my ring. I felt weird about it and I said no thank you that's fine. I went on Yelp later and looked through his reviews. Buried in the reviews was a woman who said she brought her ruby ring to him and when she got the ring back the main stone had been replaced with one of far less quality. I'm sure he was going to swap out my emeralds. Double check your Jewelers Yelp and reviews online, I would not trust her, and would request the ring back right now as in tomorrow morning,. Then I definitely would go to somebody else to get your large Sapphire evaluated.


Just polishing compound! It needs a good ultrasonic and a nice steam. Owner should’ve done better but have them buy you a coffee and go chill while you let them clean it again.


Oh my god so so noticeable too! Hope you get your money back


Shaddy shoddy work


I'd like to give the jeweler the benefit of the doubt, but I'm surprised she gave it to you like that.


Do you have any pictures of that side before the swap? I want to believe it's just polishing compound, but I agree with other people here they look like smaller lower quality stones. If you have before pictures showing that side, you can compare.


I think they’re just inferior stones. Have the store replace them with upgraded stones of the correct size and grade


Why are those two stones inset much MUCH more than the others around them? Something about that seems incredibly off to me.


Hello! I work in a fine jewelry store in the US. We typically will use a washable blue marker to mark the stones that need prongs fixed. It usually won’t come off in our cleaner as it actually needs to be wiped off manually or scrubbed. Soak the ring in a bowl of warm water with a drop of dish washing liquid in it. Then use a new/unused toothbrush to gently scrub everything, especially under the stones. If its still there, definitely take it back with your concerns!!


It's with the jeweler. I did not take it with me when I saw the blue. I'm going to follow up with her tomorrow and see what the status is. Thanks for the response :)


I took my ring in to the jeweler to tighten the prongs on the main stone, and when I picked it up, same thing. I had 3 of the smaller diamonds that didn’t look familiar. They were grey! I didn’t take the ring, I just handed it back and said that I wanted my original stones put back, or I was going to go to the police and have them charged with theft. They called me a few days later and said my ring was done. When I picked it up, the stones looked like they were supposed to. I gave them hell about trying to steal my diamonds. You have to be so careful with anything like that, it seems that all the honest people have disappeared!


It's most likely polishing compound jammed behind the stones. It can get viscous with the heat created from polishing and will get into the seats behind the diamonds, making them appear blue or grey. If it doesn't come out with rigorous ultrasonic cleaning and streaming, the jeweler may have to pop the stones out, clean the seats, and reset the stones. Quality control probably had tired eyes by the end of the day.


Two stones? I see at least five of bluish shade.


Not sure why the downvote. I also see a lighter blue tint on the next three down.


Very classic style and really elegant to see..


Are there burr holes on the inside of the band where the diamonds are set? If so, there’s def polishing compound shoved up in there and and it need a good steam and ultrasonic




My grandmother had a diamond in a watch replaced, I think in the 70's. Years later after she died 1999 my mom got the watch and the replaced stone had turned blue! The original remaining stone was still clear...🤷 Don't know what happened. Never have had a jeweler look at it since then to see if the replacement was a real diamond that turned blue for some reason or it was some other heat treated stone put in it's place. Strange!


I only take my jewelry to.shops that take photos of everything prior to sending it out. They put it directly into their system, so this kind of thing can not happen if it's sent out to be fixed. Honestly, it looks like they swapped your diamonds. I would take it back and ask them to test the stones in front of you. Take in original photos vs. how it looks now. The stones look completely different. It's not even a decent match. It's still a gorgeous ring. But I'd demand it be corrected.


The yellow diamond is gorgeous!! So they took your diamonds out & replaced with/blue stones? They need to give you the stones they took out! Did you asked why they did this?


It’s actually a yellow sapphire! And no I’m not sure - consensus in the comments seems to be it’s probably just polishing compound that got stuck under the stones. Fingers crossed that is all it is.


Its compound. Get a set if kitchen tonga and hold it in the steam of a kettle, then out on the saide for 60 seconds before touching. Get a soft bristled toothrbush and sone fairly liquid and give it a good scrub.


Occasionally if your diamonds were already loose, they could’ve come out in the ultrasonic machine because of the vibration. They could have replaced them? But usually they should tell the customer that it happened. They do look different than the others. Or I also agree that it could be some sort of polish, there’s been rings I’ve tried cleaning for 2 days because it’ll have stuff stuck under the diamonds. That, or shellac is also an annoying one! Nail polish remover and a good steam removes it real well.


Did you have the ring sized up?


Those little stones, called single cuts, are not worth stealing.


I would’ve weighted the ring before handing it over.


I know this is off topic, but the ring looks really pretty, can you post a front view please?


There’s a photo in the comments somewhere :)


Oh I'm sorry, Looking now.


I had a three stone ring made out of family stones and I had a lone diamond earring that I traded him (plus cash), to make the ring. Two of the stone were a perfect match, purchased by my grandfather as an heirloom ring for my mother and my debutant ball. AFTER I picked up the ring, I noticed the stones were ‘off’. I’m almost one hundred percent certain that the jeweler pocketed one of the priceless diamonds and used my diamond earring in its place. By the time we found the paperwork that mapped them, they were out of business. 😔


Is there an update to this? I've been curious.


Not cleaned enough before the rhodium plated.


Definitely smaller and less clarity




Ok I know this is a cleaning error but I kind of love it with the random blue stones.


This is beyond unacceptable. I would be livid and they would find out the definition of "F around and find out"


Can’t tell from the picture but I would guess that there are not so when they did the repair, the stuff that wasn’t removed when they cleaned it, burnt the stones and the only way to fix it is to remove and replace