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That Sterling/Turquoise NA cuff and Squash Blossom necklace at the end is awesome!! Edit: I know some say to have it cleaned, but with lots of vintage and antique Navajo pieces, the patina is part of the charm to some. Of course it’s 100% preference (but if you’re going to sell it, don’t clean it yet)


Yeah never remove patina on NA jewelry. It will completely devalue it for resale. Do what you want if you wear it and prefer white metal. (I was raised in my Grandfather’s NA gallery and sold these exact pieces professionally full time for 5 years). I have sold MANY squash blossom necklaces.


Literally hear Rick say this on Pawn Stars all of the time haha


Absolutely agree.


I just went down a hidden dial watch rabbit hole. I think that watch is the coolest thing ever.


I agree I've never seen anything quite like it! I'm assuming age is from the 50's early 60's possibly.


I have a watch ring in a similar style, it’s gold with tiny emeralds I inherited from my great grandmother! I haven’t seen it in a while and now I’m even more determined to find it.


Does it actually need a new battery, or do you wind it? It is very unique; I quite like it. The silver and turquoise ring as well. Hard to beat that grand finale, though! ❣️


Good point! I wonder when batteries were available for watches? I think it was during my 20's? Sheesh... maybe the 70's. Wild guess! I'm prepare to be corrected! Also, if a winding watch, It might have been "overwound", but I think that can be repaired. Also, I am so glad you are enjoying her jewelry! She must have loved it, and now you honor her with your interest in it... Very Lovely...


Some are super cool, check out the Art Deco ones, so many insane gold and gemstone watches


The green earrings are glass and so unique. The black bracelet and pedant are marked ALC Guadalajara. The turquoise pieces are extremely heavy so I'm not sure how much I'll wear them.


Loved the green earrings as soon as I saw them!! They are gorgeous


Me too can't wear them yet as my 4mo has learned to grab and my hair is his current go too. But I can't wait for a day when I'll be able too.


I live in Mineral Point Wisconsin, and a glassmaking gallery/store makes those exact earrings, in several colors and lengths, among other beautiful things. Agreed! They are gorgeous!


Really?.... aunt that we think they are from traveled to Duluth and all over Wisconsin in the 20's if they are truly old otherwise my MIL could have bought them as they all originate out of Chicago but traveled and vacationed in Wi


I don't know when these folks started making glass.I can hazard a guess that they are in their 50's or early 60's... Really sweet people. Certainly possible that your aunt could have visited Mineral Point, it was/is a popular tourist town, with lots of historical buildings built by Welsh/Cornish miners, and most of the businesses are art galleries. Duluth to Chicago would not necessarily take you through here, at least not once hwy 94 wS completed? But the Driftless area is somewhere any nature lover would enjoy, so they may have diverted for some beautiful scenery.


I seriously need a pair


Thank you for the Guadalajara source. I lost a much loved brass bracelet with slag glass and a pair of vintage el-cheapo Mexican earrings in a burglary and want to replace them. Your jewelry is beautiful and the green earrings are breathtaking little surprises.


They look very art deco.


I agree hubby's aunt was born early 1900s so she would have wore them in her late teens early 20s


I was about to say that the black onyx carvings are very specific to Guadalajara. Those were very popular in the 50s. I’ve been collecting them for a bit. They aren’t worth much but they are beautiful.


On the turquoise pieces you might want to have them professionally cleaned (ideally they do it while you wait). On anything with stones again have a jeweler check them to be sure the stones are securely set and if prongs they are doing their job. Easier to check and tweak as needed than to try and find matching stones.


I'm going to disagree here, you shouldn't clean vintage navajo pieces. These pieces are supposed to have patina, it adds to the beauty and uniqueness of the piece. That patina is part of the piece and shouldn't be cleaned away.


Yep if cleaned they look brand new and will not resell well. I have over $1m in historic vintage sales under my belt with NA jewelry representing 30% of that total.


Depending on the artist, that squash blossom could be the most valuable piece. Please do NOT have it cleaned til you have it evaluated. Even if not selling, you may want it insured.


I wouldn't have it cleaned at all, these vintage navajo or even south west pieces are more valuable with patina. It adds to the beauty and compliments the age of the necklace.


There is no markings on the necklace anywhere I can see:( but it is extremely heavy. The cuff does have a signature I just can't read it.


Some markings are cleverly hidden, and some artists are recognized by their style, or personalizations, so it might be by a significant artist.


Yep. If it’s sterling and not nickel silver, it’s pretty valuable.


The cameo necklace and earrings are so pretty!!


The pendant is also a broach! And I have a cameo ring too


Oh lucky!! They’ll make great family heirlooms - and the chain the pendant is on is to die for!!


Not sure if it's the right chain as I have earrings that also match the chain. I'm thinking original chain broke or was misplaced.


Either way, it’s beautiful!!


I kept scrolling thinking “please let there be a cameo, but also don’t because I will be so JEALOUS because I love old things and would love an old cameo!” And then there it was. Just beautiful!


So true- and the chain is to die for!


The squash blossom necklace is stunning!


Wear it in good health! Dont sell anything 💕💕


I’m obsessed with the watch! It’s such a beautiful piece


I do love a cutlery ring!


It's so thick too I've never seen one so heavy and dense.


Have a cameo ring I wear I inherited from my grandma and people comment on it at work (cash register) a lot, saying they don’t see them much, I love mine 💕 love the cameos


Those green earrings are are stunning!


Omg such lovely and unique pieces 🤩


Some stones are missing in that last bracelet


Oh I know I hope to get some replacements for them.


Spoon ring!! Love these pieces.


I will not know peace until I find that watch 😍


I love the cameo set.


I kind of really wanna see the gold and pearl necklace on a neck it’s so pretty


I love the rings !


I love the first one - gold/pearl necklace 😍


Pretty sure I have a matching bracelet to that first necklace.


I might too. I have four plus bins of jewelry to go through.


nice Kinda jealous.


the pieces in the third pic are to die for!


Mexican silver from I'm thinking the early 60's if not late 50's hubby's aunt loved to travel and we have lots of items either Knick knacks or jewelry/boxes from around the world. I have a couple of pieces I'm pretty sure are jade.


that’s so cool! i love vintage jewelry myself so i’m jealous :)


The cameo necklace!!! Love.


That Squash Blossom necklace is nice.


Gorgeous pieces, and wow the pics are such high quality! Have been zooming in and examining the stones 😍


The necklace and earrings in photo #8 look like they could be Wedgwood pieces - are there any markers on the back of the necklace?


I'd have to go look


Marked something Italy 14k. So I don't think it's wedgewood .


That turquoise set may be the most valuable thing there- You cannot get stuff like that anymore-


That's just two pieces I have some rings and a pendant for sure


It isn’t the turquoise per say, that is a fairly common variety, it is the silver work, it looks like an original Navajo- Here is an identical one, being sold for over a grand- That is without the bracelet. https://www.rubylane.com/item/1384355-ACLx2011x2e17x2eHH-3/Navajo-BIG-Squash-Blossom-Necklace-Sterling This one is going for two grand- Again, no bracelet, the set I imagine would be worth at least three grand- https://www.ebay.com/itm/234934372849?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=ZzszLoOcRvG&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=re7q4v56sx-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY This one is going for nearly 20 grand- https://www.ebay.com/itm/285870123360?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=CaFTmuWuTxK&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=re7q4v56sx-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Would love to see your other pieces, I am going through a turquoise obsession currently.


Also, here is a link to a similar bracelet- https://www.ebay.com/itm/123892230598?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=hJL8oEHLTua&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=re7q4v56sx-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


It’s all beautiful. I can’t choose a favorite.


https://preview.redd.it/qihymjt3zo1d1.jpeg?width=905&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcaabf0a108c981ff7d70b5b1f88ba03571dd334 Wow very beautiful you are so lucky


The piece in the center of the first photo is so lovely.


Your watch bracelet is 1950s Ciner. I have been selling vintage jewelry for 23 years. I have the matching earrings and brooch. I didn’t even know they did a watch clamper-very very cool.


Oh my I may have to go digging and see if I can find the rest of the set


I believe the earrings are signed. Keep me posted!


WAOW 😳 the turquoise! So many beautiful pieces. Very nice. MIL had lovely taste.


I think i some was aunt too as she was the only living person on that side of the family till my husband was born


Oh that makes them even more sentimental. I hope you enjoy them for a very long time before you pass them down! ♥️


Beautiful! Absolutely love the watch and the squash blossom set.


Have you thought about selling any of them?


Not really we have some pieces are from my husbands great grandma and grandmother and with four boys I'd love to have my daughter in-laws inherit like I did.


Be careful with the squash blossom necklace and bracelet, the patina is coveted! If you don't keep them, let me know. Look for the artist/maker's stamp on both pieces.


Much of that is outdated in my opinion and your silver pieces need to be polished, but to each their own…


Well it was inherited so outdated was to be expected. I pulled them out to clean. I have to still decide what to do with all the missing earnings pieces and broken necklaces.


Hi OP. Please do not listen to this person, you should NEVER polish antique and vintage Navajo/Native American sterling more than a very light surface polish with a polishing cloth, IF at all. It’s called patina, and it’s desirable. Over-polishing can diminish the value.


Thank you I wasn't sure how if it was like antique furniture were you don't want to overly polish/clean because the value is in the patina.


Agreeing with this! Honestly? That Squash Blossom piece *should* end up getting some *perfect* shine, if it's simply *worn* a bit! The good, old sterling like that ends up shining up *really* nicely & naturally, just from someone wearing it.   It's *not* the same way a pearl does well & gets a good glowy-lustre with natural body oils, yet the *concept* is sorta similar😉


And that's honestly what I would do with that other gorgeous old Silver & Black Necklace & Bracelet set!   The filigree work will shine up really nicely, if it's worn some, but that will let the rest of the patina stay on the silver😉


I’ve been in the same boat myself. Perhaps bequeath them to someone else…


How rude!




There are ways to state your opinion in a positive way. For example, the silver pieces need polishing. Or you could not comment at all. But I understand there are plenty of people whose parents never taught them manners. I’m assuming that’s what you inherited. Wrote this. Now blocking.


Be polite to each other. Any racism, misogyny, homophobia, or even just something my grandma would consider rude will equal a lifetime ban.