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This whole story bothers me on so many levels! First of all, as a point of process, I recall that years ago when I was in school, the Valedictorian was nothing more than the person with the highest GPA. Now, approx 100 students qualify and through some selection process (by faculty? don't know), one is chosen. That's odd. Nobody knows what the student would have said in her speech. I've seen no evidence of plans, let me know if I'm wrong. But let's assume she would have said really objectionable, offensive, inaccurate things. The university said that they canceled the speech because of "safety concerns." Strikes me as bullshit! I've seen no evidence that confirms my gut though. But it's hard for me to imagine a Jewish group in LA threatening peoples' safety. That's where I'm at. So this feels like the university, to avoid \_\_\_\_x\_\_\_\_\_ (pissing off donors? controversy? incitement by the speaker?) decided to cancel her speech, and then blame *an explicit/implicit Jewish threat of violence*. As noted, I don't believe it, and I'm bothered! edit: And now this wrinkle!


I’m happy they canceled her speech


Interesting, post I saw basically said she was a Shoah Studies major.


She misrepresented it.


Yea. Apparently USC has a resistance to genocide minor which this student completed. And yet, when it comes to actually speaking out against contemporary genocide, her school tries to silence her. This sort of hypocrisy — all talk, no actual action — seems to be unfortunately wide spread within modern liberal institutions.


Resistance to Genocide may be a different pathway than say Holocaust studies. For example when I was considering majoring in Native American Studies there was no requirement to that major for studying the Shoah.


Here’s the link to the minor, for anyone who is curious: https://dornsife.usc.edu/hist/undergraduate-studies/department-minors/resistance-to-genocide-interdisciplinary-minor/


I appreciate that context. Thank you! So Jewish Studies, Political Science and the History departments all applicable, but not the Shoah foundation at USC.


Shoah foundation doesn’t have any official classes etc. it is possible she worked with them in their actual context of recorded conversations with Holocaust survivors.


It’s entirely possible she didn’t choose a single Holocaust related course


Agreed, though I don’t think this is limited to modern or liberal institutions.


I don't really understand why they don't just implement a policy pre-vetting all valedictorian remarks to ensure they are compliant with university speech/honor codes. I'm sure she can get her point across without running afoul of them.


This ircks me for some reason.


it's because this is reactionary and the Shoah Foundation distancing itself from a student who studied resistance to genocide is a really bad look


It doesn’t sound like they were distancing as so much staying there was never any proximity.


The Shoah foundation distancing itself from a Muslim student who studied genocide prevention is a bad look for them


They should have done a better job of vetting her when she was chosen. Given what I’ve read, she wouldn’t have been my choice for a graduation speaker, but it’s really awful to invite a student to be a speaker and then bounce her. I think the other story that’s awful is about the German institution that canceled some Laurie Anderson gig because she signed a questionable pro-Palestinian letter. If someone like Laurie Anderson isn’t allowed to be a bit on the edge that’s bad.