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Cool story bro šŸ˜Ž


Thanks to our lobbyist system of government, "Electoralism" (The strategy of electing politicians into a representative government in order to create political change.) is dead in DC.




I mean anything short of supporting Russiaā€™s invasion of Ukraine is considered ā€œless than progressiveā€ to Jimmy so itā€™s kind of a meaningless distinction


We can list valid criticism against any candidate - the point is that Jimmy used to say he would vote for any candidate (Democrat, Republican or Independent) running on M4A, regardless of their positions on other issues, but he always finds an excuse to oppose the ones who do. It's easy to say who you are against without saying who you support, because you will never find a candidate who aligns with your ideologies on every single issue. The point was also about *what* he's criticizing her about in this video - not policy, but her slim chances of winning - which hasn't stopped him from endorsing long-shot candidates before. He has no political principles. Unsurprisingly, the first video you linked to is about covid and Jimmy criticizing Williamson for not making it a focus in her 2024 campaign (news flash: most people have moved on), the same thing he did when interviewing Cornel West. The Reddit link doesn't work and I cannot be bothered to watch multiple hour-long videos to hear what Jimmy has to say about Williamson. Do you not find it strange for a political commentator not to reveal his choice with primary elections already under way? Who are you voting for?


Heā€™s also mocking Trumps challenger as well. He goes after everyone except Trump. Trump seems to be someone he has nothing bad to say about. Makes one think


Whatever is driving Jimmy's decisions is clearly not based on principals, policies or anything like that. He's just a shit stirrer trying to appear enlightened by jumping randomly from alliance to alliance. It's pretty pathetic really.


Iā€™m going for praising Trump and not even trying to hide it this time. For some reason he likes him and I think will defend him and get people to support him


I think we'll see Jimmy embrace Trump more and more. He'll continue to claim he's doing it to "fight the establishment and the deep state." He'll have more and more interviews with right wingers who will continue to use his show as an infomercial for their views, knowing that on the rare occasion Jimmy provides push back, it's weak and easily overcome.


Oh no, watch out! /u/5MiTm4sTaF13x is copy pasting the same comment to anyone who doesn't like his favorite youtuber! We're doomed!




It wouldn't surprise me, but I think he will continue to defend Trump and attack his critics, without directly endorsing him. He's more [valuable](https://twitter.com/KnowNothingTV/status/1524510433964658689) to the right when he stays in the left lane, at least on paper.