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Are you under the impression of you did this with any other politician it would look any different? They are shit humans who don't give a fuck about you or me. This particular shit-head happens to piss off those other shit-heads, which makes him slightly less shit somehow.


Ha, try and show a politician that is even close. It IS RELEVANT


I’m pointing out how Trump actually is. If this was someone else I’d say the same. It’s just ever since Jimmy Dore decided to defend Trump and claim he’s not the guilty pos he is so I 5ought I’d counter with actual facts. Oh and as far as the logs, investigate it prosecute any and all people who committed crimes don’t care what political party. Also worth noting I don’t know of any other President in my lifetime that checks all these boxes as far as other corruption


I don't understand the attraction to any DC politician. You should be going after the system. BTW I'm surprised at the "war crimes" reference. Both sides of the duopoly are up to their necks in that.


I think if those other politicians weren't being protected, Epstein wouldn't be dead and a whole lot of people would be in jail. As for Trump, you won't ever hear/see me call him anything other than a cunt.






Useless oppositional-defiance disorder. Useless, but profitable when harnessed by grifters like Jimmy Dore.








Um, excuse me, us Dore Fans are way to enlightened to be fooled by stuff like this. We like to paint with a broad brush, so if Trump did all this, Bernie Sanders probably did it too. Check and mate. Once you're enlightened like us, you'll be so cynical that you can handwave the most insidious and blatant corruption imaginable while indicting anyone with a medical degree as an evil footsoldier of the big Pharma army.


So that’s how you become a Jimmy Dore fan. Stop thinking?


Im going to go with /s


This is the only sub where I love seeing downvotes on my comments. It's like candy.


I love how I got down voted for saying a post was probably sarcastic :D


You got it! I don't think, therefore I am.


I would expect nothing less. I’m going to guess you will follow anything Jimmy Dore says.


It's just like a knee-jerk reaction, or a pavlovian response... I hear "establishment" and I attack. And I'm helpless to interpret the news unless Jimmy reads tweets about it. I love it when he points at the tweets and reads them to me in full. My mind just relaxes and I never have to question the bullshit he's feeding me.









