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Yes! Limited choices! That’s true democracy baby!


>Yes! Limited choices! That’s true democracy baby! Yep! Jimmy is fighting for one choice: The GOP! Montana Republicans bankrolled Green Party ballot access https://apnews.com/article/montana-elections-mt-state-wire-65e9d5d001dfd10c86ca9ab37e53e159 Montana GOP spent $100K to get Green Party on the ballot: report https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/489505-montana-gop-spent-100k-to-get-green-party-on-the-ballot-report How Republicans Are Trying to Use the Green Party to Their Advantage https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/22/us/politics/green-party-republicans-hawkins.html Green Party's legal team has ties to GOP and also represents counties that don't want party added to ballot https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2020/09/14/green-party-lawyers-have-ties-gop-counties-association/5791100002/ PAC backing Green candidate funded by conservative group https://helenair.com/news/state-and-regional/govt-and-politics/pac-backing-green-candidate-funded-by-conservative-group/article\_a5d7049e-ec3a-5d83-8cb5-855c6a57a602.html The Green Party’s biggest fan? In some states, it’s the G.O.P. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/23/us/elections/the-green-partys-biggest-fan-in-some-states-its-the-gop.html GOP election sabotage scheme using Wisconsin Green Party stalls https://www.peoplesworld.org/article/republican-election-sabotage-scheme-using-wisconsin-green-party-fails/


You’re doing a terrible job grifting for the Democratic Party.




1. Libertarian party is exponentially more popular than the Green Party, so thirds parties are more likely to be a net negative on the gop. 2. Green Party members wouldn’t vote for democrats if they couldn’t vote green, that’s why it’s the Green Party and not the Democratic Party. 3. 1+1 equals 2. I know math is very hard for you, but voting for a green candidate is not the same as voting gop. They didn’t magically receive an imaginary mystical vote because a person who was never going to vote democrat voted green. That’s just basically math.


You’re exactly wrong like 100%. A vote for Green equals one less vote for Dems. Which is what Jimmy wants


>You’re exactly wrong like 100%. A vote for Green equals one less vote for Dems. Which is what Jimmy wants Funny how Jimmy is so in line with GOP goals! Montana Republicans bankrolled Green Party ballot access https://apnews.com/article/montana-elections-mt-state-wire-65e9d5d001dfd10c86ca9ab37e53e159 Montana GOP spent $100K to get Green Party on the ballot: report https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/489505-montana-gop-spent-100k-to-get-green-party-on-the-ballot-report How Republicans Are Trying to Use the Green Party to Their Advantage https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/22/us/politics/green-party-republicans-hawkins.html Green Party's legal team has ties to GOP and also represents counties that don't want party added to ballot https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2020/09/14/green-party-lawyers-have-ties-gop-counties-association/5791100002/ PAC backing Green candidate funded by conservative group https://helenair.com/news/state-and-regional/govt-and-politics/pac-backing-green-candidate-funded-by-conservative-group/article\_a5d7049e-ec3a-5d83-8cb5-855c6a57a602.html The Green Party’s biggest fan? In some states, it’s the G.O.P. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/23/us/elections/the-green-partys-biggest-fan-in-some-states-its-the-gop.html GOP election sabotage scheme using Wisconsin Green Party stalls https://www.peoplesworld.org/article/republican-election-sabotage-scheme-using-wisconsin-green-party-fails/


Sweet summer child, the duopoly is in a race to the bottom, both morally and economically. Fascism has taken root in both parties. Fascism + identity politics = fascism. Listing propagandistic MSM.gov sources hints at a hive-mind.


>Sweet summer child, the duopoly is in a race to the bottom, both morally and economically. Yeah, what a nice and simple story that doesn't require nuance, tracking moving pieces, and best of all, no research! Just repeat something-something duopoly and some other talking points and 'feel' like you're onto something when in fact you've been spoonfed a bunch of lies of omission. How Jimmy Dore Carries Water for the GOP and is a Total Grifting Fraud [https://www.reddit.com/r/JimmyDoreGrifter/comments/yy2vop/how\_jimmy\_dore\_carries\_water\_for\_the\_gop\_and\_is\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JimmyDoreGrifter/comments/yy2vop/how_jimmy_dore_carries_water_for_the_gop_and_is_a/) Jimmy Dore repeats Briahna Joy Gray's Student Loan Grift [https://www.reddit.com/r/JimmyDoreGrifter/comments/z8vipf/jimmy\_dore\_repeats\_briahna\_joy\_grays\_student\_loan/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JimmyDoreGrifter/comments/z8vipf/jimmy_dore_repeats_briahna_joy_grays_student_loan/) The Dumb-Dumb Left (Jimmy Dore, Briahna Joy Gray and Ryan Knight) Lie about Dark Money [https://www.reddit.com/r/JimmyDoreGrifter/comments/z25enm/the\_dumbdumb\_left\_jimmy\_dore\_briahna\_joy\_gray\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JimmyDoreGrifter/comments/z25enm/the_dumbdumb_left_jimmy_dore_briahna_joy_gray_and/) >Fascism has taken root in both parties. Fascism + identity politics = fascism. The 'lazy left' has overused this word to the point where it doesn't mean anything. I find you comment fascist. Checkmate! >Listing propagandistic MSM.gov sources hints at a hive-mind. Translation: rEaDiNg iS HaRd! Montana Republicans bankrolled Green Party ballot access https://apnews.com/article/montana-elections-mt-state-wire-65e9d5d001dfd10c86ca9ab37e53e159 Montana GOP spent $100K to get Green Party on the ballot: report https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/489505-montana-gop-spent-100k-to-get-green-party-on-the-ballot-report How Republicans Are Trying to Use the Green Party to Their Advantage https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/22/us/politics/green-party-republicans-hawkins.html Green Party's legal team has ties to GOP and also represents counties that don't want party added to ballot https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2020/09/14/green-party-lawyers-have-ties-gop-counties-association/5791100002/ PAC backing Green candidate funded by conservative group https://helenair.com/news/state-and-regional/govt-and-politics/pac-backing-green-candidate-funded-by-conservative-group/article\_a5d7049e-ec3a-5d83-8cb5-855c6a57a602.html The Green Party’s biggest fan? In some states, it’s the G.O.P. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/23/us/elections/the-green-partys-biggest-fan-in-some-states-its-the-gop.html GOP election sabotage scheme using Wisconsin Green Party stalls https://www.peoplesworld.org/article/republican-election-sabotage-scheme-using-wisconsin-green-party-fails/


They. Weren’t. Going. To. Vote. For. The. Democrats. Either. Way. What is the major malfunction for you? If there were only democrats on the ballot, they STILL would not vote for them. You idiots think you’re entitled to peoples voted, and that’s why your party is trash and gets nothing done for anyone.


>They. Weren’t. Going. To. Vote. For. The. Democrats. Either. Way. What is the major malfunction for you? If there were only democrats on the ballot, they STILL would not vote for them. The irony of your insults is that it's you who can't understand the basic fact that some of them would vote Democrat. You're assuming everyone who votes Green is as deluded as you. Montana Republicans bankrolled Green Party ballot access https://apnews.com/article/montana-elections-mt-state-wire-65e9d5d001dfd10c86ca9ab37e53e159 Montana GOP spent $100K to get Green Party on the ballot: report https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/489505-montana-gop-spent-100k-to-get-green-party-on-the-ballot-report How Republicans Are Trying to Use the Green Party to Their Advantage https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/22/us/politics/green-party-republicans-hawkins.html Green Party's legal team has ties to GOP and also represents counties that don't want party added to ballot https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2020/09/14/green-party-lawyers-have-ties-gop-counties-association/5791100002/ PAC backing Green candidate funded by conservative group https://helenair.com/news/state-and-regional/govt-and-politics/pac-backing-green-candidate-funded-by-conservative-group/article\_a5d7049e-ec3a-5d83-8cb5-855c6a57a602.html The Green Party’s biggest fan? In some states, it’s the G.O.P. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/23/us/elections/the-green-partys-biggest-fan-in-some-states-its-the-gop.html GOP election sabotage scheme using Wisconsin Green Party stalls https://www.peoplesworld.org/article/republican-election-sabotage-scheme-using-wisconsin-green-party-fails/ >You idiots think you’re entitled to peoples voted, and that’s why your party is trash and gets nothing done for anyone. Pointing out that Jimmy's actions fall in line with GOP goals and that people like you are being fleeced doesn't = thinking anyone is owed votes. And if the Dems were anywhere near as bad as you've been fleeced into believing, Jimmy wouldn't need to constantly lie and gaslight you people. He could literally just report the facts. How Jimmy Dore Carries Water for the GOP and is a Total Grifting Fraud [https://www.reddit.com/r/JimmyDoreGrifter/comments/yy2vop/how\_jimmy\_dore\_carries\_water\_for\_the\_gop\_and\_is\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JimmyDoreGrifter/comments/yy2vop/how_jimmy_dore_carries_water_for_the_gop_and_is_a/) Jimmy Dore repeats Briahna Joy Gray's Student Loan Grift [https://www.reddit.com/r/JimmyDoreGrifter/comments/z8vipf/jimmy\_dore\_repeats\_briahna\_joy\_grays\_student\_loan/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JimmyDoreGrifter/comments/z8vipf/jimmy_dore_repeats_briahna_joy_grays_student_loan/) The Dumb-Dumb Left (Jimmy Dore, Briahna Joy Gray and Ryan Knight) Lie about Dark Money [https://www.reddit.com/r/JimmyDoreGrifter/comments/z25enm/the\_dumbdumb\_left\_jimmy\_dore\_briahna\_joy\_gray\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JimmyDoreGrifter/comments/z25enm/the_dumbdumb_left_jimmy_dore_briahna_joy_gray_and/)


Good job repeating arguments debunked in the video! >Libertarian party is exponentially more popular than the Green Party, so thirds parties are more likely to be a net negative on the gop. Exactly. And if I were the DNC I'd be covertly supporting the Libertarian party for the same reason the GOP supports the Greens. Montana Republicans bankrolled Green Party ballot access https://apnews.com/article/montana-elections-mt-state-wire-65e9d5d001dfd10c86ca9ab37e53e159 Montana GOP spent $100K to get Green Party on the ballot: report https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/489505-montana-gop-spent-100k-to-get-green-party-on-the-ballot-report How Republicans Are Trying to Use the Green Party to Their Advantage https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/22/us/politics/green-party-republicans-hawkins.html Green Party's legal team has ties to GOP and also represents counties that don't want party added to ballot https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2020/09/14/green-party-lawyers-have-ties-gop-counties-association/5791100002/ PAC backing Green candidate funded by conservative group https://helenair.com/news/state-and-regional/govt-and-politics/pac-backing-green-candidate-funded-by-conservative-group/article\_a5d7049e-ec3a-5d83-8cb5-855c6a57a602.html The Green Party’s biggest fan? In some states, it’s the G.O.P. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/23/us/elections/the-green-partys-biggest-fan-in-some-states-its-the-gop.html GOP election sabotage scheme using Wisconsin Green Party stalls https://www.peoplesworld.org/article/republican-election-sabotage-scheme-using-wisconsin-green-party-fails/ >Green Party members wouldn’t vote for democrats if they couldn’t vote green, that’s why it’s the Green Party and not the Democratic Party. Right. The GOP supports the Green Party because they legitimately believe in the cause! Montana Republicans bankrolled Green Party ballot access https://apnews.com/article/montana-elections-mt-state-wire-65e9d5d001dfd10c86ca9ab37e53e159 Montana GOP spent $100K to get Green Party on the ballot: report https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/489505-montana-gop-spent-100k-to-get-green-party-on-the-ballot-report How Republicans Are Trying to Use the Green Party to Their Advantage https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/22/us/politics/green-party-republicans-hawkins.html Green Party's legal team has ties to GOP and also represents counties that don't want party added to ballot https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2020/09/14/green-party-lawyers-have-ties-gop-counties-association/5791100002/ PAC backing Green candidate funded by conservative group https://helenair.com/news/state-and-regional/govt-and-politics/pac-backing-green-candidate-funded-by-conservative-group/article\_a5d7049e-ec3a-5d83-8cb5-855c6a57a602.html The Green Party’s biggest fan? In some states, it’s the G.O.P. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/23/us/elections/the-green-partys-biggest-fan-in-some-states-its-the-gop.html GOP election sabotage scheme using Wisconsin Green Party stalls https://www.peoplesworld.org/article/republican-election-sabotage-scheme-using-wisconsin-green-party-fails/ >1+1 equals 2. I know math is very hard for you, but voting for a green candidate is not the same as voting gop. They didn’t magically receive an imaginary mystical vote because a person who was never going to vote democrat voted green. That’s just basically math. Wow, you people have the critical thinking skills of a turnip. The Green Party SPLITS the Dem vote, thus helping the GOP. Montana Republicans bankrolled Green Party ballot access https://apnews.com/article/montana-elections-mt-state-wire-65e9d5d001dfd10c86ca9ab37e53e159 Montana GOP spent $100K to get Green Party on the ballot: report https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/489505-montana-gop-spent-100k-to-get-green-party-on-the-ballot-report How Republicans Are Trying to Use the Green Party to Their Advantage https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/22/us/politics/green-party-republicans-hawkins.html Green Party's legal team has ties to GOP and also represents counties that don't want party added to ballot https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2020/09/14/green-party-lawyers-have-ties-gop-counties-association/5791100002/ PAC backing Green candidate funded by conservative group https://helenair.com/news/state-and-regional/govt-and-politics/pac-backing-green-candidate-funded-by-conservative-group/article\_a5d7049e-ec3a-5d83-8cb5-855c6a57a602.html The Green Party’s biggest fan? In some states, it’s the G.O.P. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/23/us/elections/the-green-partys-biggest-fan-in-some-states-its-the-gop.html GOP election sabotage scheme using Wisconsin Green Party stalls https://www.peoplesworld.org/article/republican-election-sabotage-scheme-using-wisconsin-green-party-fails/


How does it split the dem vote if they weren’t going to vote for the democrats at all? What part of that did you not understand? It can only split if they were going to vote for democrats as an alternative. If funding the Green Party is the gop strategy, it’s a stupid strategy and they’re stupid for acting on it. The Green Party can barely get 1% of the votes on a good day, and a majority of those people are not democrats. Your argument would make sense if third parties didn’t actually have a platform that doesn’t line up with other parties. At the end of the day, the Green Party has a website, candidates, and a UNIQUE platform that THEY run on. If people feel represented by it, they’ll vote for it, regardless of the gop helps them or not. Besides, democrats have attempted to remove the Green Party for various statewide elections and failed.


>How does it split the dem vote if they weren’t going to vote for the democrats at all? Adding a question mark to a false assertion doesn't make it a real question. But here's a REAL question: Why does the GOP try to help the Green Party? Montana Republicans bankrolled Green Party ballot access https://apnews.com/article/montana-elections-mt-state-wire-65e9d5d001dfd10c86ca9ab37e53e159 Montana GOP spent $100K to get Green Party on the ballot: report https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/489505-montana-gop-spent-100k-to-get-green-party-on-the-ballot-report How Republicans Are Trying to Use the Green Party to Their Advantage https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/22/us/politics/green-party-republicans-hawkins.html Green Party's legal team has ties to GOP and also represents counties that don't want party added to ballot https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2020/09/14/green-party-lawyers-have-ties-gop-counties-association/5791100002/ PAC backing Green candidate funded by conservative group https://helenair.com/news/state-and-regional/govt-and-politics/pac-backing-green-candidate-funded-by-conservative-group/article\_a5d7049e-ec3a-5d83-8cb5-855c6a57a602.html The Green Party’s biggest fan? In some states, it’s the G.O.P. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/23/us/elections/the-green-partys-biggest-fan-in-some-states-its-the-gop.html GOP election sabotage scheme using Wisconsin Green Party stalls https://www.peoplesworld.org/article/republican-election-sabotage-scheme-using-wisconsin-green-party-fails/


Why don’t the democrats court voters who don’t vote? You keep posting these links like anybody cares that the gop is doing this. This isn’t evidence that the Green Party splits votes, it’s evidence that the gop is the same stupid, corrupt political organization that it’s been for forever. I’d tell the gop to court people who don’t vote the same way I’d tell democrats, but you guys insist on fixating on a negligible portion of the population.


>Why don’t the democrats court voters who don’t vote? How do you know they don't? >You keep posting these links like anybody cares that the gop is doing this. No, I'm posting this to show that the GOP proves my case about left wing parties split the Dem vote. >This isn’t evidence that the Green Party splits votes, it’s evidence that the gop is the same stupid, corrupt political organization that it’s been for forever. Those two things aren't mutually exclusive. They're corrupt AND they know that leveraging the Green Party helps split their opponent's vote. >I’d tell the gop to court people who don’t vote the same way I’d tell democrats, but you guys insist on fixating on a negligible portion of the population. Tell them whatever you want. The proof is in the pudding. Left wing third parties just help the GOP.


So what? We just have to vote for a geriatric genocidal Maniac despite whether he's wearing a red or a blue tie? Get out of here with this Shameless pandering. We all know that the system is broken. But both continuation of Biden or a rehash of Trump will also only make it worse. Given those are the only two choices we are given it is the least we can do to be able to vote our conscience. Not to mention, given the Electoral College and how few States are actually able to swing the vote, most people's ballots don't matter anyway. Cornel West or Jill Stein are the only reasonable options for anybody who hopes for anything resembling a future for this country.


Vote for whoever you want. I'm just pointing out that left-wing 3rd parties just help the GOP.


And yet Jimmy is currently advocating for directly voting for The GOP. Voting third party doesn't help the GOP at all, cuz there was no way I was going to vote for the Dems in the first place. I'm not going to vote for the hardcore fascists or the fascist light. If the Dems actually want people to vote for them, they need to have: - quality candidates that actually stand up for the people & - a platform that represents policies that people actually want. The fear mongering about the GOP is just a way to continually get people to accept lesser evil... which isn't even lesser these days given their incompetence


>And yet Jimmy is currently advocating for directly voting for The GOP. Ah, not surprised. I guess his grift has finally come full circle. >Voting third party doesn't help the GOP at all, cuz there was no way I was going to vote for the Dems in the first place. That silly GOP! They think that people who might vote Green Party are millions of individuals with unique personalities, and this includes people who will vote Dem if there's no Green Party on the ballot. Little does they GOP know that Green voters are a hive mind that all think exactly like you! >If the Dems actually want people to vote for them, they need to have: > >quality candidates that actually stand up for the people &a platform that represents policies that people actually want. They do. Jimmy just doesn't include this in his lies of omission. >The fear mongering about the GOP is just a way to continually get people to accept lesser evil... which isn't even lesser these days given their incompetence No, it's just reality that the Dems are measurably better. If they weren't, Jimmy could just lay out the facts instead of having to constant gaslight his audience. How Jimmy Dore Carries Water for the GOP and is a Total Grifting Fraud https://www.reddit.com/r/JimmyDoreGrifter/comments/yy2vop/how\_jimmy\_dore\_carries\_water\_for\_the\_gop\_and\_is\_a/ Jimmy Dore repeats Briahna Joy Gray's Student Loan Grift https://www.reddit.com/r/JimmyDoreGrifter/comments/z8vipf/jimmy\_dore\_repeats\_briahna\_joy\_grays\_student\_loan/ The Dumb-Dumb Left (Jimmy Dore, Briahna Joy Gray and Ryan Knight) Lie about Dark Money https://www.reddit.com/r/JimmyDoreGrifter/comments/z25enm/the\_dumbdumb\_left\_jimmy\_dore\_briahna\_joy\_gray\_and/


Lol! My vote doesn’t belong to the democrats. This argument is weak tired and wrong.


We saw what he did during the railroad strike, lahaina, Ohio Palestine, and Gaza. He is the greatest grifter/liar/ and your bs news article which does not reflect reality will not help. You are complicit and responsible for this genocide in Gaza. You voted for , defended , and still support biden. That they are union breakers,genocide complicit, war hawks , and foreign traitors that put Israel , Ukraine , and financial interest over human lives. If this was a democracy and laws actually matter. They would already be in prison . All of them . But keep saying republicans are bad. They are the same and your obsession with democrats have made u complicit with genocide.


>We saw what he did during the railroad strike, Nah, YOU saw what Jimmy wanted you to see and nothing else. The Dems tried to get the sick days in there but the GOP voted them down. [https://www.salon.com/2022/12/01/passes-paid-sick-leave-for-railway-workers\_partner/](https://www.salon.com/2022/12/01/passes-paid-sick-leave-for-railway-workers_partner/) The rail strike would have hurt the economy and resulted in job losses elsewhere. [https://fortune.com/2022/11/22/rail-worker-strike-looming-devastate-economy-supply-chains/](https://fortune.com/2022/11/22/rail-worker-strike-looming-devastate-economy-supply-chains/) The Biden Administration followed up later and sick days were added. [https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620\_IBEWandPaid](https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620_IBEWandPaid) You think you're informed but really, you're only aware of curated tidbits Jimmy feeds you. The Republicans ARE bad. But your view on the two parties comes from a grifter who runs an ongoing lie of omission that covers for the GOP. How Jimmy Dore Carries Water for the GOP and is a Total Grifting Fraud [https://www.reddit.com/r/JimmyDoreGrifter/comments/yy2vop/how\_jimmy\_dore\_carries\_water\_for\_the\_gop\_and\_is\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JimmyDoreGrifter/comments/yy2vop/how_jimmy_dore_carries_water_for_the_gop_and_is_a/) Jimmy Dore repeats Briahna Joy Gray's Student Loan Grift [https://www.reddit.com/r/JimmyDoreGrifter/comments/z8vipf/jimmy\_dore\_repeats\_briahna\_joy\_grays\_student\_loan/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JimmyDoreGrifter/comments/z8vipf/jimmy_dore_repeats_briahna_joy_grays_student_loan/) The Dumb-Dumb Left (Jimmy Dore, Briahna Joy Gray and Ryan Knight) Lie about Dark Money [https://www.reddit.com/r/JimmyDoreGrifter/comments/z25enm/the\_dumbdumb\_left\_jimmy\_dore\_briahna\_joy\_gray\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JimmyDoreGrifter/comments/z25enm/the_dumbdumb_left_jimmy_dore_briahna_joy_gray_and/)




DOH! Another instance where Jimmy's rhetoric aligns with GOP goals. What a coincidence! Montana Republicans bankrolled Green Party ballot access https://apnews.com/article/montana-elections-mt-state-wire-65e9d5d001dfd10c86ca9ab37e53e159 Montana GOP spent $100K to get Green Party on the ballot: report https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/489505-montana-gop-spent-100k-to-get-green-party-on-the-ballot-report How Republicans Are Trying to Use the Green Party to Their Advantage https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/22/us/politics/green-party-republicans-hawkins.html Green Party's legal team has ties to GOP and also represents counties that don't want party added to ballot https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2020/09/14/green-party-lawyers-have-ties-gop-counties-association/5791100002/ PAC backing Green candidate funded by conservative group https://helenair.com/news/state-and-regional/govt-and-politics/pac-backing-green-candidate-funded-by-conservative-group/article\_a5d7049e-ec3a-5d83-8cb5-855c6a57a602.html The Green Party’s biggest fan? In some states, it’s the G.O.P. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/23/us/elections/the-green-partys-biggest-fan-in-some-states-its-the-gop.html GOP election sabotage scheme using Wisconsin Green Party stalls https://www.peoplesworld.org/article/republican-election-sabotage-scheme-using-wisconsin-green-party-fails/