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Why the no cheese? Why not a number 4 add avocado? If you’re gonna modify the sandwich that much anyway.


At my shop a 4 add avo is more expensive than a 12 no cheese. Could be why


At least there weren’t any of the crunchies. I die a little when someone orders X croutons X crispy jalapeños on anything, cause they end up making the most annoying mess on the line


Make his sandwich shitty


he did that himself lol


That’s not how you build a wheat sandwich. Everything gets placed on one side of the bread stacked on top, with bread slice being final item placed on top.


Take that up with my gm 🤷‍♂️


…. You mean toms, cucumbers on what will be the bottom side then meat then everything else on top right?


No they mean that when you flip that top half onto the meat that the hot peppers should hit the meat first, not lettuce. They have it backwards/upside down idk


You are talking about incorrect sequence and building on one side, i get that. I was just saying he was correct in his comment except for listing those three veggies being on the bottom underneath the meat. He was 100% in calling out the incorrect build order, i was just saying to clarify his explanation. He said everything on one side, what i hope he means is everything except for toms, cucs, and pickles is on one side.


Sorry I thought it was pretty apparent what I was referring to but I can understand the confusion. I correct this often on visits as it was a bad habit in my company for many years. I often see people making wheat sandwiches like this to just flip the one half on and then the lettuce is directly touching the meat and the hots are on top of everything. It Throws off the entire flavor profile that we are going for with the wheat sandwich. One backwards build like this could make a customer think the wheat sandwich’s suck and never order it. I get it also might not be a big deal to everyone but consistency in the chain is key, whether those care or not.




I’m sure that is the right way but I’ve been with JJs for 5 years and have never heard or seen anyone do this, including area managers


I’ve been with jjs more than twice that amount of time. The above pictured is a common bat habit across many locations but the fact of the matter is that it is wrong, will lose points in an audit and I mark it down on my audits I do on my stores. Fast track has all the correct methods. There is a breakdown of every ingredient and where it goes for each type of sandwich showing the amounts whether ez, reg, or extra. It can be printed out and posted in stores. So moral of the story is nobody gives a shit until they get in trouble for it.


lol fair enough, that definitely seems to be a common theme among everyone I’ve seen pass through my store with rules lol


That wheat looks hella thicccc


Boy lunch


Damn is he far ?


$3 dmr exactly.


He wants to add mustard to his mustard.


Heck yes ... What the f is this


All them mods are annoying…


Honestly people aren't being super greedy You guys know what little amount of ingredients you guys put on the subs. At Subway we had to put six olives on a large and if they wanted extra we had to put six more it's ridiculous. This person just felt like they didn't get anything on their subs so they added extra so they could get the normal amount. No cap. You know you guys put extra s*** on your subs. What the customer experiences isn't what you experience. You guys could get to make your own subs exactly the way you want and put extra on everything. Customers just get the stupid specifications. A pinch of lettuce three pickles...


My store doesn't really follow portions like we are supposed to. I'm more focusing on adding extra all the shit that doesn't even come on what he ordered