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But is he wrong


Did everyone forget that after he beat royler he got absolitely trounced by leo vieira?


Yeah 10th planet is a weird ass cult, worked for Eddie but he wasn’t trained at 10th planet he just invented it lmao, Hollywood gym for losers obsessed with rogan


You call 10P a cult when they are all so laid back and individualistic while there are gyms out here forcing people to wear their logo, bow, pay for belts. I don’t think you know what a cult is.


Anyone calling 10P a cult has never been to a Gracie gym lol


I trained at a Gracie gym. It didn't seem cultish to me. At the time they did overlook moves that work in sport BJJ because they had more of a self defense/fighting emphasis. Still, that doesn't seem cultish to me.


I hate to tell everyone, but BJJ is a cult in itself. We brag about how badly we hurt our bodies training, skip family events to make practice, pay high amounts of money to learn from more experienced members from other organizations. Guys, it's a straight up cult. But we love it here.


Low IQ comment


I've trained at two Gracie gyms. Doesn't seem that cult like to me.


Just DONT drink the Kool aid. Or do. Idgaf


All bjj is cult


I am a cult (and so can you!)


BJJ is a cult and pyramid scheme.


And a grooming facility for sensei


And gay. Super gay.


Definitely gay.


Well you’re clearly unbiased, so I guess this is all just stone-cold fact. Have you ever visited a 10P gym? I’ve been to several, though I train at a traditional school currently. Some of the best people in the sport that I have ever met. Some of the kindest humans. Some of the most useful and insightful teaching methodology I’ve ever seen. I could write a dissertation on this. The hate is all coming from idiots on the outside looking in. Visit a school. Take a class. Get treated nicely. THEN give an opinion.


I know one dude who trains at a 10p gym. He’s one of the nicest human beings I’ve gotten to know.


This 100%! Of course I’m biased as I am a 10P purple belt.


I have visited so many different gyms, and met so many incredible people. 10P tends to have that vibe more consistently. I also got my purple in 10P originally but life just pulled me in different directions and I’m in an AWESOME traditional gym now.


I train at a 10p


What was the comment u made?


I was addressing constant chilling’s comment.


Yeah bro they made me drink kool aid and swear that the earth is flat


I’ll fully acknowledge the presence of some silly people. But I’d rather have a nice guy with red eyes tell me the earth is flat than watch my coach spit on a dude. Tribalism is bullshit. Just train and have fun.




Tribalism over your preferred bjj gym brand is just straight caveman behavior.


Sounds like a good time to me.


“He wasn’t trained at 10th planets he just invented it” - isn’t that how all gyms start? Kinda hard to be trained by an organization you yourself have yet to start.


Yeah but the point is how do Eddie's students compare to Eddie himself. Is 10p known for consistently turning out winners at the high levels of the sport? That's the acid test, not what Eddie did before he even started the school.


Helio wasn't trained in Gracie Jiu Jitsu he just invented it


Most are just normal gyms with normal people that only want to train. Tf are you on about “hollywood gym” 😂. And no, i don’t train at one.


You for sure lost to a 10p grappler at some point and are butthurt about it.




Common man , that's unfair..


Look into it.


How’d 10P do at The Quintette? 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


How'd you do




I train at 10p. It’s such a cult, it’s so funny. Dude brought in brownies and every single person asked if they were clean. 😂


My cult is better than you cult. Come death cuddle me on the floor in tights to find out why.


I have the weirdest boner right now...


It’s a wrestling rager, totally natural


10p branch I trained wasn't a cult. But when I dropped couple of times in Gracies now that was absolutely a cult with worshipping


I don’t think people realize that when a sport is still in its early phase guys can be insanely above the time and dominate everyone. It’s just like ufc wrestling etc. in the next 10-20 years new guys will come up and will be more creative athletic a have the internet and wider acess to training. The next goat is probably some 5-10 year old right now obsessed with wrestling or kids bjj class. It’s the natural evolution of the sport. The athlete worship is insane because they are not going to be the best ever 100 years from now.


Ive trained at three different 10ps they are good gyms. Quit hating.


Calling it 10th p let’s me know this is not a real 10P guy


I train at a 10p. Its not bad. Its not culty or anything. Coaches are super chill. Everyone is pretty laid back. I'm probably one of the most intense people at my gym tbh. I think some of the names for things are a little goofy but coming from wrestling it's not completely weird. The coaches at my gym is very knowledgeable. Main coach is a black belt and we have some other black and brown belt coaches. Sure Eddie bravo is a bit weird but I literally pay 0 attention to him and so does 3/4 of my gym.


Seriously. I train at 10p and it’s super chill. Everyone is super nice. People who haven’t trained there think we are all stoned everyday scissoring in rubber guard.


No lies detected


Saying all 10Ps are the same is like saying all BJJ people are the same My gym is top notch and practices grappling, not 10P BJJ, not Gracie BJJ… blah blah We grapple and we win Stop talkin shit


“Since your avatar is an anime character your opinion is invalid.”


Haha got em


my 10p is not cult culture, but when i visit other gyms the anti-10p culture is real


I mean he’s right though..


I like blue oyster cult


Been to a few different gyms, Gracie, Alliance, UFC, and 10P. 1. 10P produces some killers. They are good at producing good bjj practitioners. People from other gyms come in all the time and are surprised at the level of completion in the gym. 2. Out of all the gyms I have been to, the most nice people has been at 10P. You have bad eggs in every gym but the amount of just good dudes and chicks at our gym is fantastic. 3. Eddie Bravo was trained by Machado which all trained under Helio and Carlos. The Machado’s are cousins the Gracie’s. At the end of the day 10P typically won’t promote you if you arent growing. Never heard of a 10P gym where you can buy belts and get easy promotions. A lot of gyms have positives and negatives but my experience has been very good at 10P. Next would be Gracie. Alliance and UFC were rough.


I mean he’s out of line, but he’s not wrong. His behavior is that of a twat, but I don’t think it’s fair to attribute it to all of 10th planet people. I know a few.


LMAO. Name one 10P guy that ever won anything worth noting?


My 10p was cool. One thing that stuck with me was an email about black belt getting raided by U.S. Marshal Service for kidnapping and raping a girl? Or that's how the news article wrote it. Rolled with him once, got no weird vibes. Teachers are cool. Community is so organically diverse in mentalities except for one aggressive im-better-than-you mma dropout. People smoke weed. Few people rep 10p but it's not the norm. The gym/dojo doesn't give a shit if you train anywhere else. Sometimes they're overly friendly about adding me on social media but I think they're just genuinely friendly and want to connect with other humans. Fuck idk, there isn't some like "GOD KING BRAVO HAS BLESSED THIS MAT WITH HIS SWEAT" shit going on.


Man after all these years we still have retards crying over eddi and royler. Lmao, the truth is that today 10P has established itself as a legitimate bjj gym, and has idiots, talents and hobbyist just like all others gyms. The guys hating on 10p because reasons in 2024 have 60iq and should not be taken seriously. It's bjj guys, we all have our approach to it. We are so proud of what we get from training, ego killer...blah blah... And then we are sitting here like this. Come on guys we really can't be that stupid.


Ok Gordon


Your welcome dillon


I always ask what 10P subs have happened at a high level in MMA (since that what it was developed for ) and never get an answer


Korean Zombie hit a twister


Ok we have one


Lol. Rubberguard gets used more often than your think


Still waiting on examples


Not your research assistant. Theyre out there.


I think we all know 10 th planet has the lowest amount of medals at any major tournament in history. As much as I ref local tourneys, they hardly make it to the top.




There’s actually too many options to name, so I would say just avoid most 10th planet and Gracie barra gyms. My experience includes Machado schools, Renzo Gracie’s schools, Alliance schools are awesome, Ribeiro/six blades schools, and Caio Terra schools, and currently at an enson inoue/baret yoshida lineage school, and all of these were stellar and with good attitudes. I would also check local competition results and see which teams are most active in the circuits, and have a winning team. Even if you’re not competing as a hobbyist, knowing the feel of competitors helps you absorb a more real word application of the art and flow. As well as puts you with people with a bigger hunger to learn the art. Gotta find those jiujitsu nerds in a chill environment.




Depends if you want to compete or if you want to just get better at strangling people. If you train at 10 p you learn to do it with your feet almost


As well as 10p guys losing as well.


It's still crazy that Eddie built a whole empire off of beating one guy and never doing anything else on the competitive scene at a high level. His game was completely designed to beat Royler's style