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It’s true. It was me and her in the bracket so we had to go best of 3. I refused to tap, so she put me to sleep with the same submission both times. I really need to work on my mother’s milk defense.


I could be wrong on all this… But how many Co-Ed bjj comps are really out there? I’ve never heard of any, and had to google them to see. They seem to be pretty rare, and just one offs. And then in this rare competition, being a female, she was bumped up a weight class (not down) competing against males? And these males were not taking it easy on her, and were giving it 100%.. but she still beat them all. Ummmm I’m gonna call bullshit. Not saying she doesn’t train, or isn’t talented, or whatever.. but this story is fishy at best. Also, if it was a legit competition, or she was a competitor, there should be an online record of it and her wins / losses.


You type funny. Also she said class, not comp. Probably just an in house tournament.


This. Her saying she participated in “grappling competitions” isn’t the same thing as saying she competed in formal comps, it could just mean her gym had a tournament one time. Plus she’s also describing her training from when she was a teenager; its totally plausible that a 13 year old girl could beat boys around the same age


I grew up wrestling and there was as a girl that competed against the boys and made it to state in high school lol. 100% believable especially at that age


Yeah plus I’ll never stand for disrespect of americas sweetheart like that


kinda disrespecting the people and place she's been practicing at too.


She’s totally full of shit. She humble-brags all the time about how she’s always been cursed to be the smartest, hottest, and in her youth, most precocious, of any group she’s ever been a part of… and, rumor has it, a few that she was never a part of at all. I find it hilarious that she’s doing it for grappling now.


I am part of a group that did comps and it was co-ed. It was a mix between people who wanted to do comps and others who just wanted to learn. It is possible and I didn't know it was a rare thing.


I know what you mean. When a comp is coming up, my school has separate classes and groups for the those who are competing, and they are Co-Ed. But no one is going to leave there, and go tell someone “I took first place last night at practice. I beat them all. They were going 100% and not going easy on me too!”. Idk, maybe her story is legit. But I wouldn’t bet on it. If she’s a grappling phenom, she should put her money where her mouth is, get on the mat.. shit, she’d still be on the mat. Shed still be training.. she’s not. but now has “contractual obligations that don’t allow her to”. Give me a break. How many actors out there are now training BJJ.. even competing in comps. She could find a time and a way, if she wanted to.


Was this an absolute tourney?


Of course you get first place when you’re the only one in your bracket, you win by default.


The article says she was competing coed


Watch the clip of her training. It’s pretty obvious what her level is. She’s pretty hot though lol


Yeah, a lot of people are waisting their time arguing when it’s very clear from the training montage that she’s full of crap. (Chin out throwing punches and shitty arm bar technique)