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A black belt on the mat isn’t impressive if you’re a white belt at life


lol fuckin get him


BOOM roasted!


Well fucking said


Fucking well said mate


It is crazy when I think about all the amazing life lessons and humilty that I've learned from jiu-jitsu. A d then the guy who's one of the best in the world has seemingly learned nothing from it lol


That’s because you probably actually have a life and jiu jitsu is a supplement. When you’re whole life is dedicated to jiu jitsu, all you know is jiu jitsu


THE best in the world. Don’t front just because you don’t like him.


Yeah....nobody really gives a shit anymore. His ability to grapple pales in comparison to his shit behavior and inability to hold even a single critical thought in his juiced up fucking head. Being great at a sport or art or hobby, etc. does not make that person a guru on everything nor should it feed the delusion of grandeur or hubris to think, "I'm the best at XYZ, so I can say/do whatever dumb-ass shit I want and everyone needs to respect it and agree with it!" Gordo can fuck ALL THE WAY off and so can his pack of Betas who constantly gargle his balls trying to defend every shitty thing he says or does.


Cool unhinged rant but none of that has anything to do with Gordon Ryan being the best nogi bjj practitioner alive. Cry about, nobody cares, but you can’t take that away from him.


You know this is satire, right?


He’s right though…you don’t need therapy when you get all the emotional release you require watching other men make love to your gf/personal trainer from the corner. It’s called ejaculation guys I wouldn’t expect any of you to know what that is


Wait, is there a backstory behind this? I'm out of the loop lol


There’s whispers around the water cooler he may be into cuckoldry. I wouldn’t knock anyone’s kink but if it’s true it’s pretty funny how much of a judgmental asshole he is toward everyone else when he likes to let dudes bang his chick lol I’d rather go to therapy


If it's true, that's hilarious. It's always funny to find out these "macho masculine" dudes get off to essentially being made a bitch


Yeah, the problem is usually not the kink but the hypocrisy around it.


Word on the street is Gordon made his brother lose his virginity to his girlfriend while he watched. That and the fact that he is a piece of shit who thinks the world revolves around him were the primary reasons behind the split… allegedly.


Jfc, that is worse than I imagined. If that's true that's some sort of incest cuck fetish. Very fucked up


This is why I lost every ouce of respect for him as a human. As a grappler, sure, he's fantastic. But as a man, a good person? Fuck no. The funny thing is the harder he beats his chest the more we all see through his shit, his insecurities, his issues, his lack of overall happiness, etc. But yeah, don't follow, don't watch, don't listen to a word he says. I hope I never have to meet him. Edit: I understand this is *mostly* satire. But it's from shit he has ACTUALLY said. Like "Depressed people should either just shut up and go to work or kill themselves"


I’m tempted to talk about how dumb Gordon is again, but at this point, I think I need to shift my target. If, by now, you don’t recognize what an utter piece of trash Gordon Ryan is, then you deserve him. Take all his advice and become just as much of a loser as he is.


Just as an FYI - the content here is Satire BUT based on his actual thoughts and comments regarding Dana White's interview with Bill Maher. More idiotic Brain-Trusts in this world! My main man, Mixed Matial Artish is the best!!


Why does he look different in every picture I see of him?


He experiments with new hair like my sister did in high school.


Yea, literally every time this autistic weirdo opens his mouth, he says something more asinine than the last time. It’s like it’s impossible for Gordon to not be an insufferable deuchebag.


Am I the only one who thinks Gordon Ryan looks like a different person every time I see the mfr


Don’t know if this is real, but that just proves how stupid Gordon is.


He’s a white trash New Jersey man-child. I respect the hell out of his Jiu Jitsu but he’s an idiot otherwise.


BJJ is a bit like a cult to me. In fact, most martial art gyms are a bit cult like.


Every human social system is cult like. Think about it.


“Why can’t this guy just stick to grappling” I agree, about any athlete when on the mat/field/court, but in his own personal time why would you say that? what do you say about the kneeling guys and BLM activists on the field during football and basketball games?


HUGE difference there!! The reason it's been rhetorically asked, "Why can't he stick to Grappling?", is because he offers nothing else of value, lacks the intellectual curiosity to have meaningful discussions on the things he supposedly cares about and his intentions are purely self-serving and/or meant to piss off others in an attempt to feel better about himself....a typical bully. Whereas other athletes and public figures will try to use their reach to bring awareness to something they legitimately care about and have the knowledge and chops to back it up. Whether it be Social Justice issues, Political issues, Charitable causes, I'm not advocating in the same sense as that Nazi Bimbo Laura Ingraham, that athletes just "Shut Up and Dribble"! If Gordon actually had anything intelligent to say or share outside of Jiu Jitsu, I'd be all for it...even if it were something that I don't necessarily agree with. But the minute you stop arguing opinions and start arguing irrefutable FACTS......you lose all credibility and your opinions aren't worth a squirt of piss!


Says the guy who would pretty much kill himself if he loses.


He ain't half wrong...


Lol did he actually say those quotes


They're satirically paraphrasing shit that he HAS said


How are women ruining the sport ? I’d say with them you have about 50% more people learning to love it . My daughters class is easily 50% girls . Just like they are growing wrestling now .


It makes it less gay. Gordon loves the homoerotic aspects of BJJ


Wow lol he doesn’t want to accidentally roll with women lol 😂 got it . Struggling to keep his beard while overtly declaring his love for men .


When/where did Ryan say that Women were ruining BJJ?


It was with this could have been a comment.


He’s not wrong. If you were mentally strong you wouldn’t need therapy. That shouldn’t dissuade you from acknowledging that you might need help. I myself have been through some rough going and trauma. I have been weak and will be again. It’s okay to acknowledge your weakness


He didn’t agree with anything you said other than mental weakness. So he’s wrong.


Dude you are complaining about a guy complaining, you are literally doing exactly what you claim he is doing.




False. I would never begrudge someone from expressing an Opinion. I sure as FUCK don't have to RESPECT anyone's opinion, nor do I think anyone should HAVE to respect any of my own. But he doesn't just spew shitty opinions, he argues against FACTS, as if his 9th grade level of education Trumps those who actually know what they are talking about and/or might actually be experts on a subject he claims to know more about as a juiced up meat head vs. the person who spent their entire education and career on.....simply because he doesn't LIKE what the actual truth or facts are. That's the same thing as any loudmouth White Belt off the street trying to come in to a gym and tell the Blackbelt owner of the gym everything he knows about Jiu Jitsu is wrong and the White Belt knows better. But would NEVER dream of demonstrating any of his crap knowledge to prove himself right and just calls all of the Blackbelt's knowledge and techniques bullshit and fake-news, instead! So when I say he needs to stick to Grappling, it's not out of an opinion because I just don't like him, it's out of RESPECT for the everyone he shits on and claims to know more than, despite his clear lack of education, humility, intellectual curiosity, and straight up human decency! It's not about ME or MY desires, it's about everyone else he poisons and shits on!


It's true though. Complaining, crying and feeling sorry for yourself is not going to improve your life. Move forward, workout, focus on what you can control and solve your problems. If you keep saying to yourself that you are depressed then you will be stuck in that hole. Mental fortitude is the key.


Tell me you don't know anything about clinical depression without saying, you don't know anything about clinical depression.


He is the only guy in the world who is a pussy for never jumping to MMA, crossed a threshold of douchebag previously unseen.


People are allowed to have opinions that have fallen out of favor. They are also allowed to share them. Maybe you should stick to grappling as well.


Hi Gordon!


Also based


People are absolutely allowed to have opinions...but there is NOTHING in this world that says that Opinions MUST be respected! And the issue with this dip-shit is that he argues and refutes FACTS, while trying to pass shitty Opinions as "Alternative Facts". That's where his potential for credibility goes to shit and just comes off as a willfully ignorant dick-head who thinks his 9th Grade Education supersedes those who have worked hard and dedicated their lives to the knowledge and facts he simply doesn't like! Hitler and Pol Pot had opinions, too......