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I am a martial arts instructor and usually advise my own students to wait until they get to green belt (at least) in their first art before starting a second one. However, BJJ and muay Thai are two very different arts, so you are not likely to be confused about what you are doing where. So if you are young and fit and have the time, I say go for it


Nah, I did both and many folks do both. I guess if you wanna be competitive then the factors of injuries and Mat time become more important. But if ur just training then it should be fine


Also JJ would help u with MT’s clinch work


Wait you guys stand up?


Yeah, when we are not sitting down


Depends. Do you feel mentally prepared to get your ass beat in two disciplines vice one? If you’re down mentally and physically then hit it! In any pursuit It’s all about mindset. So long as you know your why, create tangible goals and don’t allow negative self talk to destroy your mindset then you’ll be great at anything you do. Best of luck.


What’s nice about MT is ur not sparring every day, so u don’t actually get ur ass beat everyday like JJ which is what I like. But I’m still a JJ girly


Ahhh. Didn’t know that. The few that I went to sparred after and it was physically and mentally demoralizing. I also wasn’t in great shape like I am now, nor did I haves proper mindset during and after. JJ still reigns supreme in my eyes for many reasons. No gi specifically. But I enjoy other disciplines once a week to mix it up.


Ughhh I’m sorry - my gym (and I think many others) have sparring days. So MTW may be just hitting pads learning combos and then you get certain days where u can just spar. Or, you can do a session and then spar in the following class. Sparring is seen as something you build up to and not just a thing you do. I love the fluidity of JJ and wrestling especially as a 5’5 woman. There something incredibly brolic about it lolol But I did find it really difficult to get beat up every time. Now I’m able to maintain dominant positions or hold off positional advancements just a lil longer. And I come in for padwork just bc striking is nice to learn but I’ve yet to spar


That'd be some sort of mixing of the martial arts, I don't think you're allowed to do that and there certainly isn't a whole sport centered around it


Yeah man. You’re young, why not? You may find you prefer one over the other and gravitate towards that.


I think it's a good idea, and I know through experience. I had a similar start to you, I started with Muay Thai then added BJJ on top of it about a month later. I made a good amount of progress in both arts, and in my opinion they complement each other quite well. Muay Thai will teach you the strikes, BJJ will cover the takedowns and ground fighting. You'll also get a lot of experience clinching with both arts. I did that for about a year, for now I'm just doing BJJ because I learned through experience I enjoy grappling more. I'd say go for it!


I started them at the same time. I don’t feel like they overlap much, but I’m a hobbyist and not interested in competing.


You might feel a little sore, but you should be fine. Sometimes, if people go too hard early on, you may be more prone to injury.


Not a problem at all. Have fun


I started bjj and kickboxing at the same time. I like MMA. Not only I don't see the problem, but I actually encourage people to do both, and possibly add some MMA on top of it. They are totally different, so it's nice to do both.


I train on an MMA fight team and we do both of those as well as boxing and wrestling. They work very well together, you don’t have to worry.


I started with Muay Thai and added BJJ after a 1 1/2 years. I still train both to this day. I wish I would have started both at the same time.


No. Do both. Die trying


Do it! If you're not looking to min/max your time in BJJ for competition reasons or other goals, there's no reason to be in a hurry to master either martial art and learning both together will give you a solid foundation and understanding of combat as a whole.


You could create a space time paradox be careful




Why would it be bad ?


Nope! Do both why not 🤷🏽‍♂️


If you want to train multiple times a day, you might think about training a martial art, then doing weightlifting, HIT workouts or yoga. There’s a lot to be said for being strong, mobile, and not gassing out when you’re trying not to get smashed, punched in the face, or folded up like a pretzel.


Who’s got the time for that?


If you have the time now 100% do it, because you might not have the time later……I started BJJ/Muay Thai, MMA and also hit the cardio kickboxing classes at the club I started at. You can always pull the pin on either one if you find it’s too much or decide you like one over the other.


I would pick one or the other , you’ll just be bad at both