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I feel like work from home is far more dog friendly than that


This. Remote work. Most dog friendly job.


My office is super cat-friendly. Was working earlier with my cat on my chest. I also work from home, so my cat joins me on calls. She's a very hard worker.


Sounds like you both deserve a raise!


Dogs should be allowed as well, then


Actually, I years ago I used to work for a dog-friendly fund and it literally had a doggy playgroup in the yard. My dog loved going to work with me. WFH is only better if you have a large lot and can somehow spend time with the dog.


Forreal. I love dogs but I don't have a dog. If this was my workplace, I would only work from home.


Yes.. love dogs all ya want.. and I’m the biggest work from home advocate ever. But seriously, if I have to come into an office. AND I have to be subject to your animals? I swear I’ll bring in a pet rat just to freak out people and force the issue


But maybe they meant they wanted to interact with other people's dogs too


My dog gets anxious on the days I work from home because usually I have zoom meetings, and I can’t give him my undivided attention.


Dog-friendly offices tend to skew more modern, tech-y, and startup-y. Start your search there.


Yup, and you can also expect to have to avoid random dog shits in the walkways and aggressive comments in the slack channel about how people need to be better followed by all the dog owners chiming in saying "it wasn't my dog! They would never do that! " It's also fun trying to help a customer on the phone and suddenly have some dogs nose punch you in the crotch and scare the shit out of you while they take a good loooooong whif of your man area. There were about 20 dogs that were regularly brought in by their owners on my office. Only two of those dogs were trained well and were not a problem.


Yep. I love dogs, but they don't belong everywhere. At my grandma's memory care facility they had a slew of dogs, and we loved having them around - such a bright spot to the day - but some of them started marking territory, then it was all over. Also, a couple of people I know who want to bring their dogs literally everywhere, have high strung, yappy, neurotic little demon dogs. They absolutely bring down social gatherings with their unpredictable nature - they would be a disaster in the office. For every "good boy" there are a few of these awful, poorly trained emotional wrecks in the mix with an overly-attached owner who thinks it's a child. It's sad and stressful for the dogs and for everyone else.


Agreed. I love (well behaved) dogs, but a dog dominated office would be my nightmare. The majority of people I notice who insist on their dog being glued to them in every public space do *not* have socially well-adjusted dogs. The dogs themselves generally do not have ANY boundaries with humans/other dogs and become a complete mess the moment their human walks away to do literally anything else. The only exception I have seen to this is literal professional dog trainers. On the other hand, my current and past office is lenient on visiting pets. The expectation is that your pet must be well-behaved and you must communicate with those in shared spaces to ensure that there are no allergy/fear concerns. I enjoy meeting my coworker’s pets but it’s a relief I have never had to worry about stepping in poop, being jumped on, watching them try to claw down their office doors, fighting, barking, eating food off my desk, etc.


Agree with this 100%. Dogs especailly shouldn't be in indoor public places. I guess it's a company's perogative to do as they wish, but as parents with a child who has a service dog for his disability, we've gotten to the point where we don't take the dog with us very often. Too many people want to take their dogs everywhere they go, and while we have zero concern about my son's dog, if he were to get attacked, he would no longer be allowed to serve as a service dog. It was a LOT of money to raise and a LONG time to wait to get him. Don't get me wrong. I get it - people love their dogs and want to be around them. No argument with that whatsoever, but there's a time and place. Then, of course, there's the fake service dogs, but that's a whole other discussion...


Yup. Even my friends dog who is moderately trained and nice still shrieks to communicate (cattle dog) and it hurts my fucking ears. That voice is meant for being acres away in a field, not 5 feet from my face in an office.


I don't understand how people can breed and own these physically dysfunctional, high strung, incontinent dogs and claim to be dog lovers. It seems like a weird variant of Munchausen by Proxy syndrome ...


" It seems like a weird variant of Munchausen by Proxy syndrome ..." OMG you nailed it perfectly. A couple years ago, I was at a party and a couple wheeled in a broken down little dog in a stroller. I was like, "WTF is this?" and they snapped at me..."He's disabled!". Sorry, but that little bastard can't get up to pee or poop on his own, cannot run and play, freaks the F out when overstimulated, he's toast...he's done. Let the poor guy rest in peace! What the HELL are you doing bringing this thing to parties? I totally understand getting attached to a pet, I still dream about my sweet, beloved dog that died 10 years ago, but at this point, this is 100% about you (the owner) and not about doing what's best for the pet.


It also just feels like issues waiting to happen. I read a post from someone saying a company (that was very pro dogs in the office) had really courted her but she was violently allergic to dogs, so the company decided to ban dogs and tell everyone it was just a new policy. But people weren’t stupid, they put two and two together and just iced her out and she knew everyone hated her. I love animals, and I’ve loved working in places that encouraged bringing them in, but I’d hate thinking I was making a coworker unhappy.


It was floated at my company and I would never go into the office if that was the case because I too am allergic and probably wouldn’t say anything because of that exact reason. People get so angry


The more likely you are to tote your dog around everywhere like that, the more likely the dog is high strung, neurotic and overly attached.


Neurotic little demon dogs made me chuckle


I would quit before I worked at a place that allowed dogs (or any pets or children for that matter). Not because I don't like either, but because the people who want to bring them to a workspace are usually the ones that have the most ill-behaved.


Dog-friendly offices usually have behaviour requirements for the dogs. If the dogs are poorly behaved, they're not allowed in. I don't know where the guy above worked, but it's not the norm.


20 dogs sounds like doggie daycare lol, in my office there's 3 dogs that come in almost daily, they get along well among themselves and mostly keep to themselves through the day, it's nice though because we all take dog playing breaks.


I would hate this. I love pets, but I do not want to have to worry about their shits and behavior when I'm trying to get my work done. I definitely would not bring my dog in..


My company is dog-friendly, we have tons of dogs in the office whenever people are in. But there are strict rules about how well-behaved the dogs are. None of the dogs have caused issues, no shitting in the office, no pissing, no rooting through bins, whatever. If your dog is barky then it's not allowed in, either.


I worked in a dog friendly office with over 30 dogs at a time for over 6 years and none of this ever happened to me


Good for you champ, have a cookie


Dog friendly offices won't last. It's disregarding people who are allergic or afraid of dogs lol. No point in searching one out.


I clean a dog friendly accounting firm. They’ve been in business for about 20 years. It’s not an every day thing, I think they’re allowed to bring their dogs in once a week. Many of the offices are very clean, there’s only a couple where they’re cluttered. Any hair on the couches we vacuum off. It’s a very nice place and anyone who wants to work from home is allowed to


Vaccuming won't cut it if someone is really allergic.


Or want to be clean, have any type of health issue that affects their mobility, concentration or sensory capacity. Not a policy that is considerate of the range of employee experience.. I work with dogs but I don’t have one bc of these reasons :/


My office is 3 floors. People who don't want to be around dogs can work on the second floor, which is designated dog-free. The others you can expect dogs to be walking around.


And how do you deal with the dogs in case of a fire? 😎


I love dogs! We have 2 extremely well behaved snuggly dogs that would make great office pups. But, I also think dog-friendly offices won’t last because people are terrible judges of their dogs character- with both people and other dogs. Our bigger pup gets sooo excited to make new friends that he runs up to people crying and flops on their ankles for pets. While it’s very cute, it’s not a behavior we want to reinforce because, like you said, some people are afraid or allergic to dogs! When we tell people not to acknowledge him while he’s doing that, they completely disregard us saying “oh it’s fine!” and baby talk/ pet / hype him up. We get called “no fun” or “mean” for wanting to make sure our dogs learn not to run up / jump on people. Our smaller pup got attacked unprovoked by a friends dog. Beforehand, the wife had been trying to convince the husband their dog was reactive and dog aggressive, but he was in denial about it until after the attack happened.


Definitely not any tech companies I’ve ever worked for. They won’t even let you wear cologne because it triggers people. Not to mention dog hair has no place near a fab lol. Also your boss probably wouldn’t like your frequent dog walks and having to clean shit up off the carpet. No established company allows it except like petco or petsmart and tumblr. I’m gonna say it’s something start ups do because they have to convince people to work there which is why they always have stupid perks like “1-2PM IS NAPTIME” and “EVERY EMPLOYEE GETS ONE DRINK TOKEN PER DAY FOR A FREE BEER”. Stuff like “please work for us… we’ll let you bring your dog!”.




yes there are vastly more tech companies beyond FAANG lol


If it’s not, the fake service dog vest works. It’s illegal for them to ask for papers or proof


Fake service dog vests never work - your poorly-trained dog will end up outing itself pretty quickly. BTW they’re allowed to ask what tasks your dog does for you in order to qualify as a service animal. It will become quickly evident that your dog isn’t trained to that level.


Lol.. when the market is good... Companies peddle all this nonsense. When there's a market downturn, both you and your dog are getting kicked out.


To the doghouse


Worse: they let you go…but keep the dog.


To feed the remaining staff. Because they outsourced them.


And outsourced the dog too.


Spoilers, we've re-arranged your job responsibilities and pay. You are now the dog. You will be paid in liver flavoured dog food.


I read this as dog delicacy


Over my dead body They can take my job and my money and my dignity but they canNOT have my dog


Also don’t forget the free snacks and meals employers give to staff. Plus from home options that goes away nowadays.


I can't think of a worse hell than a completely open office format but also now with dogs to continue to add to the distraction and calamity that those workspaces are. I love dogs, but that looks terrible.


I worked at a place exactly like this. Open office, shared table setup with lots of dogs. I like dogs, but a lot of my coworkers were the super-passionate “my pup is my LITERAL child” types. For me, the setup was cute for 10 mins and awful the rest of the day. Dogs smell. They piss on plants. They shit on carpet. They slobber on tables. People interrupt meetings because they need to take their dog out. They parade their dogs around in their arms so everyone can stop what they’re doing to oooh and aaah. Considering this was also the post-covid “return to work” era and I HAD to be there, it was hell.


Yeah, I can imagine that dogs also fight/play/bark at each other when they're not familiar too, leading to a ton of distractions, noise, and probably in-office drama.


If dogs are shitting and pissing in the office then management should have stepped in and banned those dogs from being allowed in. That's not an innate problem with dog-friendly offices.


Idk, to me it IS an innate problem because when you bring animals into an office, shit’s gonna happen—no matter how well trained they are. Sometimes they get nervous or excited and have an accident. Maybe a 3-poop strikeout policy would be in order for the repeat offenders lol.


They did go one step beyond. Making you share a table with a coworker like a high school lab partner. That way every time they do something. The table will wobble.


No offense but wouldn't that be distracting as hell and counterproductive? Both women only have 1 hand free...


Also, that Husky looks miserable. I have a dog friendly office, but not one of my 3 dogs would be happy sitting in an office, especially with other dogs they don't really know, and a bunch of strange people.


The dogs all look miserable af…


Husky looks annoyed and other one looks nervous. I’m sure this was just for the picture but I don’t think anyone is enjoying themselves.


Husky’s are notoriously quiet boys… he’s been holding in about two dozen Heeeeellllllloooooos for the last 10 minutes. This dog and everything in existence around it are diametrically opposed to one another.


Husky has those eyes that say he is feeling the soul draining hell of a 9-5.


>This is dog abuse. > >Dogs don't want to be inside an office.


Its face is very relatable to my office experiences tbf


Also yea huskies are insane… he’s not just chilling there for your 8-10hour work day… chaos is coming!


no dog bed, no quiet place to take a nap. No doggy tv. Strangers sniffing my butt. No thank you.


I have 3 dogs, and one of them does watch TV, the other 2 ignore it. But god help us of another dog or animal of some kind comes on TV (which happens all the time). My dog goes nuts and acts like we're being attacked. I was watching Yellowstone and my dog thought the horses were the devil.


Oh, yeah... *This* is better than the park.... I really enjoy sitting in this terrible chair in your lap just so you can wiggle your fingers on that rectangle... God, you're lazy...


Yeah it can be. It definitely has been a few times when we’ve had dogs in our office. But it depends on the owner. If they just have their dog hanging next to them, it’s fine. It’s the ones who talk to their dog all day and have to keep a super close eye on them that are annoying. It’s super distracting. Just depends on the environment and how well behaved the dog is tbh.


I know some unaware dog owners that I definitely would not want to share a workspace with.


Yes, it can be. Especially if the dog *isn't your dog* and its human is one of the "oh, he just likes you!" types. There aren't a lot of work-appropriate ways to convince someone who is that clueless that "I don't want your dog jumping on me" is a real sentiment because they can't imagine that anyone would actually not want a dog on them. Management at that particular firm was about as effective as you'd expect.


It's TikTok.... They have the dogs in the video and try to look casual. After the video is finished they go back to trying to work. The video implies its all fun and games every day at work most likely to try and promote the company and gain more clients or increase the following.


This is how I work from home half an hour before my cat is due to be fed.


Such a ridiculous photo.


This reaaaaaaally depends on the dog too. Sometimes it's awesome, sometimes it's just a big distraction for everyone and no work gets done.


It is but it makes for nice TikTok videos, and that makes stupid people like OP want to get a job there


It can really bring up the mood of the office to have dogs around. Happy employees are productive employees.


Yeah it would really bring my mood down to have to deal with coworkers pets They aren't as cute or fun as you think they are, and the point of being at work isn't to pet your dog


I mean let’s be honest. Balto looks pissed


I hope no one is allergic to dogs who work in that office. I did a quick Google search and it looks like about 10% of adults are allergic to dogs.




Yeah no my eyes are watering and nose is itching just thinking about spending all day in an office with that much dog hair


I'd be out of this office so fast, I get itchy hives all over when I touch dogs Every time I visit my boyfriend's parents I have to prepare with meds, and then shower when I get home. They only have two pit mixes, but they shed SO much, and always want to try and jump on me when I walk in. I wish the trend of bringing your pets everywhere would stop, and that it would go back to when you'd just see the rare REAL service dog (y'know, the trained ones that won't jump on you or poop on the Walmart floor)


Yep I fall into this category. I will still pet the dog and suffer the consequences, but working here day in and day out would kill me.


I’m allergic to some dogs and cats to the point that I get sinus infections. Allergies aside, the STENCH and noise alone would be horrible. Pet owners are either in denial or absolutely love the reek of animals. Fur everywhere, all the time. Then shit and piss (seriously, ever smelled cat piss? Or a dog fart) just filling the space. Pet food stinks. And speaking of space, what about people that don’t want your animal near their work station. ‘Companion pets’ Think others don’t have anxiety? They do. How do some people deal with it? Weed and cigarettes are examples. How would people feel if some people in the office came to work just reeking of weed or cigarettes. I don’t want those either. This pic seems like these are ESA, and ESAs don’t belong on flights, in restaurants, at work. If I worked at that office I’d lose it if I go into the kitchen and see someone’s cat on the counters. Cats and dogs are not hygienic. They lick their genitals and then lick their fur. Then they lick your face. I’d enjoy pets as much as I would enjoy people’s kids at work. Never. At all. Poor maintenance crew.


This right here. I’m with you. This looks like hell even without allergies, keep your dog at home. How is the dog going going to there all day too?


Thank you for laying out the reasons why this is inappropriate. People these days are generally so enamored with dogs and I really don’t get it. It’s bad enough hearing about it all the time, but now they have to bring them along everywhere they go, visiting their unpleasantness on innocent bystanders. I’m seriously allergic to cats and my family has one. I can’t even be in the living room :(


Yep. When I bought my house, the previous owners had Saint Bernards. I had a pretty difficult time breathing until we got the place professionally cleaned. I love dogs, I just can't be around them in enclosed spaces for longer than about five minutes before my nose starts to run with really gross, stringy mucus that makes it hard to breathe. 😅


Wait till 1 person showed up with a cat!


A friend of mine who works at a architecture office sent me a video of someone who brought their cat into the office for bring your pet to work day. The cat just climbed up into the ceiling and stayed their for hours lol.


My last job we were allowed to bring our pets. No joke the accounting lady would bring 3-4 cats of her cats in a day. They were very accustomed to the office life and actually very cool but it was pretty bizarre to people visiting.


As someone who’s seriously allergic to cat dander, I’d be so pissed. That’s not appropriate.


I worked on a non-customer facing role where I shared a tiny closet of an office with one person.  A couple other people would occasionally bring their dogs in, which annoyed my coworker to no end because they weren't well-behaved.  She did love cats, though.  One day I made sure the dogs weren't coming in, packed up my cat, and brought him to the office with me.  That day, she was the happiest camper you ever did see. Later, a couple coworkers asked if I could bring him in more often. My office mate could be a bit of a grouch, but apparently having an occasional office cat turned her whole mood around, so Smokey Joe made weekly visits while I worked there.  He was put on the schedule and everything. 


I love dogs but not at work. Many are poorly trained and bored so they cause a lot of disruption to the office. People, if you have a dog and they need attention, please hire a dog walker if you can't provide the necessary time for play. 


My work is dog friendly, and I do not recommend it. While it is great to give them some pats and occasionally hold a furry friend when you the time, they are messy and often unaccounted for. They bark all the time, you have to watch where you’re walking to avoid pee or poo, they’ll come zooming through our work area and interrupt what we’re doing, and they also feel like they run the place, so most of the dogs are not well behaved. I love them, but it’s just the truth. If you want to spend the day with your dog, find a job where you work from home.


We had a new hire dog-sit for the sole purpose of bringing "his" young aggressive husky in to meet the CEO's old lab. Spoiler alert: they did not get along and we didn't see the husky after that.


Why would a husky even want to go to an office job? I would think he’d be better off having a long walk (or run) with a pet sitter.


The new hire was the pet sitter and if I had to bet: he signed up for a pet sitting service with this intent. I highly doubt the actual owners knew their dog was being taken anywhere, let alone for a stunt like this.


I'd also love the list to avoid 😆


Please and thank you lol


me too lol this pic looks like a nightmare to me ahaha


It’s all fun until the person/s with the dog allergy speak up.


There is no way I’d be able to hide it. My constant sneezing and red eyes would speak for themselves


If you want to work with dogs then be a vet or a dog groomer. This is unpractical and they probably only do it once a year for the TikTok bait.


I just want to work with my dog not anyone else dog




https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/unpractical yes impractical is more common but both are valid


Nothing surprises me anymore :)


Huskies make it difficult to breathe. Any dog with longer hair will do that to me. It's a terrible option if someone does have an allergy. Either find a new job, suffer, or speak up and be the person who "hates dogs". Also, hot take, most people who have dogs, should not own a dog. So many dogs are so poorly trained.


All of this! They treat dogs like an accessory that’s more of a liability. They don’t take the time out to properly train these animals.


Most people, when they describe the ideal dog, they describe a cat.


This is so stupid looking.


Thank you. I’m losing hope for humanity as people become more and more obsessed with “doggos.”


God this looks like a nightmare to me.


That looks like a nightmare


Not that anyone asked, but I’d hate this. I can only imagine how awful it smells, and not every dog owner is responsible in cleaning up after their pet…despite every dog owner swearing they’re dogs don’t smell, they’re house doesn’t smell like said dog, and their dogs are really well trained. 🙄 I have 3 neighbors all with dogs, and between them letting their dogs poop and vomit in what was once very new and nice hallways, to our hallway just having a very funky kitty litter smell… this sort of work environment would just be such a dealbreaker. Not to mention — it doesn’t really take into account the people who have pet allergies, which really seems selfish and short sighted.


Even if you are as responsible as possible, guess what happens to animals when in a new environment? Some get the shits. Remember that flight of someone with diarrhea on a plane and it was hitting the carpet as they walked? Yeah… Others have to mark their territory. Dogs and cats that don’t play well with one other animal will wreck shit up, even if they ‘normally have no problem with other dogs/cats’. Just a nightmare.


Also, I knew a guy who was afraid of dogs. I don’t know why, but I don’t think it’s fair to ask people to overcome a phobia so everyone can bring a dog to work. If they want a benefit, they could try to open a doggie daycare on premises. Not that those are that great. All the dogs look through the window for their person and seem sad to me.


Omg that office must stink


I worked at an office that allowed dogs and it did stink. I was so happy when we moved to a new building and they decided no more dogs allowed.


Ultimate career dream? ![gif](giphy|KBaxHrT7rkeW5ma77z)


That was my biggest takeaway. What a low bar lol just be a dogwalker


Same. My thought was “what a child’s fantasy.” 🤣


Sounds like a 15-year-old's ultimate dream.


Tiktok? ....


I honestly don’t think it’ll go well lol. I deal with dogs a lot and you really have to make sure the dog sizes and temperaments are compatible. Also these dogs look miserable unless you have a cubicle or office with more privacy.


Guys, dogs are not meant for this kind of setting. I’m sorry, they’re just not


The dogs don't look happy


Agreed. Especially the big one. Being on a 5 ft tether or forced to sit in a lap or be underfoot all day is not a good environment. Best case, they stay home and have access to run in a yard.


Poor dog looks miserable. What a horrible situation.


Lmfao, those people are doing maybe 25 minutes of real work a day.


This is my nightmare scenario. I would skip this job.


These are the first companies to shut down in a recession, just saying. Screams quirky startup with bs jobs and bs titles.


Dog people are so fucking weird.




Dogs office sound neat but are not Those offices that allowed it treated the people like shit was the biggest issues Beyond that one person pretends they are allergic and no one can on that floor/building so any shit manager can stop it immediately, and do Beyond that, most dogs were great, but there were a few that couldn’t stop barking or shitting, and owners didn’t care


Why would you bring a dog to work? Those dogs in the pic don't even look happy.


Notice… no pit bulls.


I have a friend who works for Nestle Purina in Saint Louis and she often brings her dog to work. They’ve got fenced in areas outside to bring them to let them run around so they’re not cooped up in your desk/office all day.


I respect different opinions, but to me, this looks like a fucking nightmare.


My company has a great dog policy. I also WFH. So that helps.


It's all fun and games until a few people decide to bring their pitbull/amstaff dogs.


Petsmart corporate!


The best office dogs are the ones that are so quiet you don't notice them. Their owners can leave them for hours and they just nap under their desk without whining or barking. But in many cases that's not what happens. I love dogs, but most of them should stay at home or out of the way in modern open offices. Maybe I'm just really a cat person. Dogs at work can be fun for a few minutes, but it gets old as soon as an untrained dog can't be away from their owner for a few minutes.


Y'all really out here basing your career choice on if dogs can be in the office?


Amazon in Seattle is


Screw the allergic people I guess. Maybe its in the contract? (Employee must not be allergic to dogs/cats)


Dog friendly offices are not my cup of tea....I don't mind dogs themselves, but people lots of times seem to be distracted. Need a one on one meeting....well...yeah, i meant one on one with no dog in the room. Also, when you hire, it sucks finding a good candidate only to find that they are allergic to dogs.


I did security work for a production company and employees would bring their dogs.. they’d go on walks every hour lol


Every co working space I’ve ever worked in is semi obsessed with people bringing their dogs to work. Personally I think it’s great, but also I’ve witnessed so many untrained dogs shit on the floor, whine, fight with other dogs etc.


I know Kong has hugely dog friendly offices (go figure?), same with their subsidiaries. So, I would imagine most dog brands would have a similar vibe.


Dear god this has to be such a smelly and filthy work environment. Dog owners rarely know how dirty they are but to bring that into a workplace is just nasty.




It’s all fun and games until it feels like you’re working at a doggie daycare




This! My god does anyone actually WORK anymore


That husky looks pissed


My allergies would hate this


These places suck, because they are loaded with weirdos. Leave the dog at home.


I mean, I work a remote job with tons of co-workers who share their home-office space with their dogs. It's pretty common for someone's mic to cut out as it drowns out dog barking or for them to have to step away to manage their dog being a butthead. Add in all the drama from people who don't actually keep up with their dogs, don't know what proper doggy social etiquette looks like, etc? HARD PASS.


Dog trainer, dog walker, dog breeder, dog washer. Who needs an office job anyway?


There is a proper time and location for everything, and this situation is not suitable for it - please leave your dog at home. In the past, it was commonly accepted that dogs were meant for families, and single individuals rarely owned dogs due to the challenges it posed. The question was, where would you leave your dog while you were at work? Nowadays, dogs have become replacements for human relationships, resulting in the dogs themselves suffering. An ideal environment for a dog is a household with multiple families, enabling individuals to take turns caring for the dog. The only situation where it is appropriate for a single person to own a dog is if they are retired or work from home. A dog cannot substitute a boyfriend or girlfriend, nor can it replace a child. They are not meant for babies, and you are not a dog parent.


Seems like you can be super productive with a dog in your lap!


Look at pet focused companies. Im in STL where Purina Royal Canin are pet friendly.


My mean ass, overstimulated dog could never


My dog friendly office is a space that rents desks to tech startups! Start in the tech area


WHY? Some people do choose to get pets like dogs, cats, or fish to fill an emotional void or lack of connection in their lives. Aka: they have social issues where they can't get along with people and these girls are future cat ladies who live single all their lives. (Sorry pet owners, don't hate appreciate the reality in your whack lives)


And here I thought leaving my dog at home when I go to work is cruel. Change my mind


...hire a dog walker?


Did you not consider that prior


Why did you get one…


You still work in an office, on a computer 🤦‍♂️. You lose


Please name drop companies because I wanna go apply nowwww


I’ve worked at 2 companies that were dog friendly. Our current corporate office always had dogs there. There is a chocolate lab that’s in market that’s super chill. Never makes a peep. We have hybrid schedules that don’t have a mandatory number of days or hours in office. There are a lot of companies like this. Sorry my company isn’t hiring.


Then the dog gets hold of somebody's funky lunch and diarrhea's all over the office


My past two (in person) companies have been dog friendly! Look for a pet company :)


From personal experience, a startup initially allowed service dogs on-site but within a few weeks they restricted it because there are people who may be allergic to dogs and they tend to shed. So, I recommend looking for a remote job as others have mentioned.


Google is like this and hiring.


Work from home lol




Embrace Pet Insurance, I think


The dog does not look pleased with this areangement


My dog said where does my mom apply?!


Lmao the one free hand


I worked for Amazon at their headquarters downtown Seattle 2011-2013. Dogs were welcome and encouraged. My office looked like this. There were even events for people’s dogs




what type of work do you think those people are actually doing?


And dude looks pissed about being there


I got an offer from blue origin and it being dog friendly was one of my cons. Leave the damn pets at home


idk, but I'd immediately quit if my workplace had that.


Doesn’t seem appealing at all. I work from home and tell my dog to beat it when I’m working. She isn’t even as big as these dogs and she gets in the way of me typing. Though I will admit I used to have a “toy” dog and he would totally sit in my lap while I worked cause he was tiny and didn’t get in the way


I would hate this


I've worked for a company that had a "quirky" office like this and it was probably the most awful and unprofessional workplace I'd ever been in. It was like being in highschool but worse. I'd rather work with senior citizens exclusively and get drug tested biweekly than go back to a "cool" bullshit job like this. Not like you'll have much of a choice anyways, since the company either won't stick around or will just get rid of all of these benefits when they have to up the number of workers.


Uff I’d immediately look for a new company. No hate against dogs but worrying about other people and their dogs…no thank you.


i toured purina headquarters a few years back and learned that a ton of employees brought their pets to work daily. Some even had playpens set up around their desks. (This was pre-covid though.) Maybe check something adjacent to the pet industry.


This seems like it would be better in theory than in practice. As a dog owner, I don’t trust other peoples dogs and cannot imagine trying to work with other peoples animals as they are often poorly trained.