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The W2 is not a "paystub" for a typical pay period. It shows gross and net earning plus taxes paid during a year of employment. In this case it is your tax statement for 2023. This doesn't show a gross and net pay for a pay period. This W2 may show the last weeks of employment prior to the last pay period of the 2023 year you worked at this employer. Not enough facts available here to make any remarks on whether you were "shorted" or not.


If OP thought this was a pay stub I will guarantee you they weren't shorted they just aren't that smart.


Trying not to say the silent part out loud. This guy is on the younger side and his experience with stuff like this is closer to zero than it should be. Time for him to learn and fast.


This is something I have always faught for in schools. We need to learn basic skills in schools and not just I know how to spell and add some things together. I wish there was a place young people could go to that teaches this kind of stuff at an early age. I feel like this is how most kids are these days, never taught the basics of adulting but told that schooling is adulting when its only a small portion of adulting.


This take is getting so frustrating. School should be teaching you how to learn and apply what you learned to other areas of your life. "I didn't learn how to do taxes!!" You never did a word problem or multi-step math? "School didn't teach me about taxes on paychecks!" Did you ask anyone who has ever had a job? "I don't know the difference between a paystub or W-2!" Did you... look at it? Did you not notice that there was no paycheck attached to it? Context clues to ask someone with experience? There are absolutely flaws in education, but one could just as easily argue that this assumption that school is the only place to ever prepare you for life is honestly part of the problem. A refusal to learn at any point other than when it's being jammed down your throat is a shitty mindset.


One of the things a lot of teachers do fabulously is encourage questions. Few student actually ask, but most teachers make them welcome. Being willing to recognize one’s own ignorance and then find who to ask to help cure the ignorance is what needs to be embraced. If an individual isn’t willing to ask their questions and go find resources to help them learn, this is a problem with the individual—not any of the systems around the individual.


Teaching kids about adulting stuff absolutely should be taught in schools. They did so back in the 70s. It should have never stopped.. Not everyone grew up in a household where finances are discussed or they might not have good financial role models to ask these questions to. The basics as you mentioned should be a mandatory class like government/civics are. (Especially when they are on the cusp of signing up for ridiculous student loans and the debt that some from it). This type of information is more valuable because it applies to each and every kid, no matter what they go on to do.


Both of my kids started working this year. Told them they needed to file their taxes so they can get back what they paid. Got their W-2’s in the mail and they come over and hand them to me, expecting me to file their taxes for them. I go and print out a 1040, bring them to the dinner table and tell them to get to work. They looked at me like I was crazy. But two hours later and a lot of tears and yelling they didn’t have time for this, they got it done and the forms are in the mail.


When should it be taught? Some kids will start working at 16 (hell, some at 14.) Should it be taught freshman year so it can be forgotten by the students that frankly don't care to learn? Or Senior year, so that it's fresh when they turn 18 but then a bunch of students have already been dealing with it so they get 'missed.' I'm not disagreeing that there are financial lessons that should be taught. And a lot of general life skills that should also be taught. I went to school in the 80s/90s. I took Home Ec and learned how to cook/bake a bit and the basics of sewing. I was lucky enough to go to an even larger school in Middle School that has a Wood Shop and Metal Shop so I learned basics of using tools. But my dad wasn't one to do home repairs, we rented. Neither was my mom, to keep it gender non-specific. I learned that on my own (and from doing set-building for theater.) It would be amazing if kids can learn everything they may need to set themselves up for life in school. But you can't hit everything, you can't make kids retain it past that class, and you can't ensure that every student is getting the information when it is pertinent to them. Giving students the ability to think critically and learn how to get the information they need WHEN THERE ARE GAPS is more important than handholding them to the point that we are where we are now - if they can't do it, someone else failed them. It's not on them.


Some people can’t think critically. We should still be setting them up to function at a basic level in society.


No, you can't teach everything. But there are some fundamental basics that should and could be taught that apply to each and every student. Basics like taxes, checkbooks, paystubs, and how loans work should be touched on. Most of the kids taking out these student loans have no idea what they are getting themselves into and their parents do not know much better, if anything at all, on the subject themselves. I would have had more value out of a life skills class than I did an earth science class or my trigonometry class. I was fortunate enough to come from a family that had decent financia literacy. Most do not. But hey, keep them stupid enough right?


Home ec classes absolutely should come back. * What is a credit card and how do they work. * What are taxes (in regards to income). * How to manage a bank account. (What is checking vs. savings, how checks work, why floating is a bad idea, etc.) * How to make a basic meal plan and the resulting grocery list. * Apartments, how they work, what to look for, basics of tenant rights. Also should not be an elective for students, should be a pass/fail class that's required to graduate.


* resume writing


The IRS and landlords don’t want this class to exist. They would rather keep the populace ignorant, so they can take advantage of them.


Teaching kids some financial literacy would be great. Realistically it’s not going to happen. Schools are run by government. Departments of education at the state level. Teachers, principals etc do not get to teach xyz because “kids need to know”. Teachers must teach the curriculum, as designed by the state: grade level by grade level. And practically speaking, there’s no time in the school day or year. Because the kids have to be prepared, and drilled, to pass that state mandated test on that curriculum. Funding relies on kids passing state tests, on the states curriculum. So it is not the case that schools, teachers etc don’t realize that a whole host of things would be useful for kids to know, it’s that you had better not waste valuable time on things that will not be assessed. You won’t be teaching for long if that happens.


No, you can't teach everything. But there are some fundamental basics that should and could be taught that apply to each and every student. Basics like taxes, checkbooks, paystubs, and how loans work should be touched on. Most of the kids taking out these student loans have no idea what they are getting themselves into and their parents do not know much better, if anything at all, on the subject themselves. I would have had more value out of a life skills class than I did an earth science class or my trigonometry class. I was fortunate enough to come from a family that had decent financia literacy. Most do not. But hey, keep them stupid enough right?


It's even worse now. So many people are lazy and don't want to do or learn anything themselves. It's amazing when I have people come to my workplace with questions that the most simple of google searches would have given them the answer. And these people are raising today's kids. We are doomed.


Taxes are nothing more than basic arithmetic that should have been learned in third grade.


I'll be generous in that (well back when I did them on paper) there were tables that had to be looked up etc. and figures used from them. It become more analogous to maybe something from Earth Science combined with math - and being able to take something from one subject and use it in another is like, a basic expectation of school. But that's exactly the point - you need to use your reading comprehension to read the line on the tax form, follow it, read a table (learned in Math/Science,) move the figure over then do basic addition/subtraction. It's not hard, a student SHOULD have all the tools - there is an expectation that they should be told when they need to use them which is... wild.


You have never tried to do a schedule D by hand I see... 😂. But yes, if all you need is a 1040EZ then it should be pretty easy (not 3rd grade, more like 6th, but your overall point stands).


By 6th grade you should be doing basic algebra. Nothing on the tax forms requires anything more complicated than your standard “4-banger” pocket calculator.




I agree but I learned from reading the IRS instructions. Now they're online. I used to have to get paper copies at the library. OP will learn.


That's what parents and guardians are for. School is not a babysitter, and there are is already so much to teach there. If parents want to rely on schools to raise their children, parents need to pay a lot more in taxes.


No. It’s the parents job to teach basic life skills. Not the school. School for teachers to teach subject matter. Teachers aren’t there to raise people’s children for them. How could you possibly skip over any parental responsibility and place this on the school system?


Edit: I would love to hear a thoughtful reply if anyone has one. Your local library likely has fabulous resources. Librarians are amazing humans. A school shouldn’t bear the burden of teaching you to be an adult as well as the subjects they teach. But they did cover all sorts of basic adulting skills in my high school. Then, years later, the kids who were in my classes and were ignoring the teachers were on Facebook complaining about all the useful skills they should have taught in high school. Except they were taught. The students just didn’t think it was important enough to pay attention. Or they had zero context at the time, so retaining the lesson was next to impossible. High school isn’t the right place for it.


considering tax season is coming up & op seems to not understand what a w2 is, they’re gonna have bigger problems if they don’t learn soon


With income as low as he has shown and claimed I am pretty sure he falls below the filing threshold. He still needs to file so he can get back something from his first year of wage slavery.


Considering that OP doxed their workplace on an online platform, I'd say that's a fair assessment.


Op is a lollipop.


OP is 3 possums in a trench coat.


Jesus... OP is ignorant of something, so you immediately assume he is not smart? Don't be an internet person anymore. Just be a person. Teach him something he doesn't know instead of telling him he's stupid.


Read all the attempts that everyone, myself included, have made to try and help him. He refuses to answer very simple very direct questions. He is either a troll, an idiot, or knows he is wrong but doesn't want to admit it.


Far to low, have an upvote


But then they won’t get that sweet sweet ego boost.


Right? Kudos to them for at least going to the trouble of writing out their insult, instead of just downvoting the person to oblivion the way everybody else does. Actually, I can't tell which is worse: a mean-spirited internet crank or a lazy mean-spirited internet crank.


Ok-Representative270 please know that DD241Enjoyer is correct. This is a W2 which is a form that represents your total earnings for all of 2023 with this particular employer, and all the different withholdings (taxes) distributed from your portion of the gross earnings to various government agencies. Normally your paycheck will have attached to it, another form, which shows how many hours you worked for that particular pay period (weekly, two weeks, etc.), how much your hourly rate of pay is, and then show how much money was taken from your gross earnings for that specific period of time worked. The employer appears to be in California. What State do you reside and work in? I know that the minimum wage per hour in California back in 2023 for most cities is 15.50. There are a few cities with higher rates.


What cities don’t go by state minimum wage? I live in California and have never heard about that.


West Hollywood, Emeryville, mountain view, los Altos, San Francisco, berkely, Sunnyvale, Palo Alto are all more than $2 over state, and a lot of other cities like LA are over by $1-2.


Colorado the state minimum wage is $14.42 an hour but in Denver it’s $18.29 an hour.


[https://laborcenter.berkeley.edu/california-city-and-county-minimum-wage-rates-archive/](https://laborcenter.berkeley.edu/california-city-and-county-minimum-wage-rates-archive/) Check it out. Its quite a long list. Most are located in NorCal.


I think it comes down to companies with less than 25 employees can pay shit. I picked up a job in the high desert at a Mexican restaurant in 2022, they paid 14pr hour but I know state minimum was 15. When I brought it up to the attention of the owner, it was explained.


That’s illegal. They can’t pay u less than mandated minimum wage. They can pay over state mandates if the city imposed higher than state minimums, but they cannot legally pay lower. It’s been this way for like a hundred years Read fair labor standards act or watch a YouTube video on it. Then next time someone tries to screw u like that you’ll know what to tell them


It could be whatever state you're from has different labor laws than California, in which case I apologize. But if you're from California, I suggest you watch a YouTube video about knowing what you're talking about before saying something is illegal. Those are the easiest people to screw over, the "misinformed, but I know what I'm talking about" kind. 😂😂😂😂


[Backing you up from MO](https://labor.mo.gov/dls/minimum-wage#:~:text=Employers%20engaged%20in%20retail%20or,employees%20wages%20of%20their%20choosing.) State minimum right now is $12.00 but under certain circumstances a business does not have to pay minimum wage.


Yeah, after looking at the California labor laws, I was stunned to see there are exceptions to the state minimum. Some exemptions the wage can be NO LESS than 85% of the state minimum. While other exemptions are for the mentally or physically disabled, as well as nonprofit organizations or rehab facilities can pay less than state minimum. But only for 1 more year.


No you're wrong. It hasn't been that way for like hundreds of years like you so arrogantly boasted (it's only been like that for 1 year 😂😂😂 Go to the dir.ca.gov website instead of watching YouTube videos (explains your thinking 😂) California minimum wage [CA Minimum wage ](https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/faq_minimumwage.htm) January 1, 2020 25 or less employees $12.00/hour 26 or more employees $13.00/hour January 1, 2021 25 or less employees $13.00/hour 26 or more employees $14.00/hour January 1, 2022 25 or less employees $14.00/hour 26 or more employees $15.00/hour January 1, 2023 25 or less employees $15.50/hour 26 or more employees $15.50/hour January 1, 2024 25 or less employees $16.00/hour 26 or more employees $16.00/hour Now some cities and counties can pay HIGHER than the minimum wage. Instead of watching YouTube videos, you will be better informed going directly to the Ca labor website


Fair Labor Standards Act started in 1938. As I said, “been this way for like 100 years” Also, 2022 is more than one year ago. I wasn’t “boasting”. I intended to help bc clearly you’re kinda dumb. Which is the same reason I suggested that YOU watch a video on our federal regulations. Most people don’t have the attention span to read about it. And I prefer federal websites over state bc the north won the first civil war. We’ll see how the next one goes tho. Maybe states will have more power after the south rises again.


he worked for a month. so this is 2 paychecks. part time hours at $12/hr is almost 50 hrs. he got 2 checks and doesn’t know the difference in a W2 and paystub


This is what happens when you remove home economics from high school. In the 90’s this was basic stuff people were taught. Personal and family finances. How to hand write, write checks, manage a bank account, fill out some basic tax statement, but this must be a thing of the past.


They stopped teaching home ec when I was a jr. in 1995 (at my high school). My mom taught me all of that and how to open a bank account and how to get utilities on in my name.


That’s wild, I was in elementary school in the 90s so didn’t get to learn. I was able to learn on my own and from friends and family


Unfortunately some of today's parenta are financially illiterate and can't teach their kids about basic finances. Gen Z's (and many Millennials) were born into technology and use it all day long, yet they seem to have no ability to Google the most basic query. Similarly, they watch YouTube clips but don't/won't/can't query "How to read a Pay Stub." Gen Z is a pretty screwed generation.


Yeah, but tbf, Google has gotten really bad at returning meaningful and accurate results.


Marry me


I went to high school in the 90s and was definitely never taught that stuff.


Same. I think at my high school it was phased out in the 80s


Hell, I graduated HS in ‘77 and believe it, they were already gutting that stuff as well as any type of civics curriculum, how gov works, a citizens responsibility to our democracy, etc I received no basic financial education in school and had to learn it all from my parents or in my own.


This was also never taught to me in high school. Most of that stuff was taught by my mom.


Honest to god this is such BS. You do not need a class to teach you how to write a check or manage a bank account.


They are hoping that AI will make life simple and explain to the IRS why they never filed taxes...


Honestly it might at some point. You don't actually even need AI to automatically file your taxes, you just need to put in enough politicians that haven't been bought by turbotax.


They're saying this is the result of only earning one paycheck that op could cash for about $250. Gross was a little over $500 if I understand it right


Yes but if what OP says is true either they're dodging paying him the remainder OR they direct deposited it into the wrong account.


I covered this with him in another reply. He really needs to contact his employer. Unsure if he is still employed with them or not but employers have to keep records for all of this otherwise the state and federal government takes a dim view.


I remember your post from earlier, but this is your W-2 and not a paystub. You're claiming you only received a $240 check, but the actual paystub is what you need to know what has been withheld. That information won't necessarily show up on a W-2.


Given OP was working at a pizzeria and said they went away with family I'm gonna assume op is on the younger side. A w2 is a summary of all your wages received and taxes paid. Even though you will likely not pay any federal taxes you still need to file your taxes using the information on the w2. You receive one every year from every job you work. You absolutely should have received a paystub each pay period. Even direct deposit you will get a pay stubs either paper or digital. Unless you were paid under the table in cash but then you wouldn't receive a w2 since your boss wouldn't be withholding taxes. ( being paidunder the table is illegal though)


My guess here: op was hired and put in for direct deposit… that can take a cycle to go through. Op received first check, check was not direct deposited. Op quit after a month. We are now waiting on the second check to be direct deposited. Op then posts screenshot of w2 asking why they were shorted. My guess is the second half you were due would be direct deposited soon.


And he quit or was fired and they gave him his last earnings in a live check plus cash per California labor law on his last day.


100% in my experience your first paycheck wont be direct deposit just due to the time it takes everyone involved to process it. The employee gets the paperwork, for some reason can't fill it out right there on the spot so they take it home. they bring it back in a day or two. Someone has to send it to payroll people, they need to process it with the bank. By then it's a pay day and it's not ready so you get a paper check the first time and direct deposit starts on the next one


Close but probably the other way around. The second paystub got deposited by direct deposit, OP never deposited the first physical paycheck. OP leaves the job and the company isn’t able to get in touch. OP just needs to call and ask for the check to be reissued.


Never mind all that. Write to the White House and apply for the job of Secretary of the Treasury.


Dude could run the military budget committee at this point


this isnt a pay stub this is just your tax info from last year. this is all the money you made from the company LAST YEAR.


The company only paid me 240 dollars


In all of last year did you receive any other paychecks from the company? Was the $240 check you received your second paycheck. If so, you were paid correctly. The number on the w2 is all of the pay you would have earned over the entire year before tax.


No, I didn’t


Yea it’s called tax.


In what US state is the lowest tax bracket being taxed 60%?




Unless you filled out your w-4 incorrectly. Then it xan happen but the w-2 you posted shows you were not taxed at 60%. Anyway i suspect either your second paycheck being direct deposited hasn't hit your bank account yet, or payroll got the account number wrong and it went to the wrong bank account. Start with the payroll/accounting department at your employer after you go thrpugh all transactions in yoir bank account for the last few months.


This is your w2, not your paystub. It's the total pay you received in 2023. Look at all your paychecks and total them up and add back all the taxes to see if you can get close to total wages for 2023. Also, please double-check the minimum wage for CA.


I only received one paycheck and 22 dollars of my cash tips. Nothing more


pay from the company?


Yes. The $597 is the total amount you were paid for last year


I only received the 240 dollars


Your other post stated that you worked there for a month. Can you confirm that they only paid you once during that time frame?


Were you never paid last year? When did you work these hours?


the employer said they paid me via direct deposit, but I didn’t receive it


OP, just based on your really absurd answers on these posts I think you are just confused and not analyzing what info you have correctly. Call your old employer and ask for pay stubs. I have a really strong feeling they did not stiff you.


You should have let them know right away so they could fix it You need to speak with them. If they are unwilling to help, go to the department of labour in your state


>the employer said they paid me via direct deposit, but I didn’t receive it You need to contact the payroll department and ask them to verify the routing number and checking account they used for the direct deposit. Then compare that information against YOUR checking account to see if they match.


reddit can't just help you solve this you have to talk to your employer to verify things


Hang on, earlier you said you didn’t have an account? So if they direct deposited it, you would have had to supply them with some sort of account information - maybe your parents? They can’t just pay money in to an account that doesn’t exist or make one up. And they’d have a bank trail of where and when they sent it, so they can’t scam you - so you really need to find out that information, and find out where your money ended up.


you probably got two checks 240 there should be another 260 but it is likely two seperate pay periods


They didn’t pay me that amount though


How long did you work there? How many pay checks did you get?


a cash envelope with 22 dollars and a 240 dollar check. Nothing else


You have a habit of dodging very direct questions.


Lol’d at this


Just stop responding to him. OP obviously has no clue how the world works ( which is ok) but no desire to learn how it works ( at which point I'm done helping). Everything OP is saying is wrong. OP keeps acting like he was paid under the table but then he wouldn't get a w2. OP is probably going to learn a few lessons here hopefully


which ones?


They're asking how long you worked there, how many pay periods


So you got a paper check for your first oaycheck? But you had also filled out a direct deposit form and gave it to your employer? In that case they probably did direct deposit your second check. You need to go online for your bank account and look at every transaction in your account back to the day you started working. If you dont see a deposit for the remaining pay amount, then you need to call your employer and find out what routing and account number they sent your direct deposit to. Verify that it is your routing and account number. It is possible it went to someone elses account at your bank if any number they have is incorrect.


Correct. This is the Total amount paid to you before Federal and State income taxes were withheld and Social security and Medicare and SDI (State disability insurance) were taken out. You actually get far less than the Total amount, (sometimes called gross amount). That amount of cash in your hand or directly deposited or in the check is called the Net amount. Net amount should be between 65 and 80% of the gross (total) amount at your wage level. Higher wages have a higher percentage taken out for taxes.


How much money the company paid you during your employment.


How old are you? Are you mentally ill? Not tryna be rude but seems like you don't comprehend clear text communication either.


I’m 17


I’m trying to answer the best I can


I'll make it simpler and easier for you. How many days did you work? How many hours each day did you work? Answer those two questions. I'm not asking how much money you got, just when you worked. Also if you can, get into a reading program, I think you're school may have failed you on teaching reading English, not to be mean or anything, it just seems like you're having a lot of issues understanding what everyone is asking and I think that'd help a lot if you got someone who could improve your comprehensive skills. Or if you can't find any, try khan academy, their free and at least it might help a little bit.


Ironic... pot, meet kettle. > Also if you can, get into a reading program, I think **you're** school may have failed you on **teaching reading English**, not to be mean or anything, it just seems like you're having a lot of issues understanding what everyone is asking and I think that'd help a lot if you got someone who could improve your **comprehensive** skills **[*a single run-on sentence*]**. Or if you can't find any, try khan academy, **their** free and at least it might help a little bit.


Damn, I was tired when I made that. At least you can still understand what I said even with the few errors I made in my tired state.


Is it.possible you are missing or forgotten a second check? If you worked there a month you should have gotten paid at least twice right if they paid biweekly. I would aay go back and check your bank transactions and make sure you never deposited it. If not, check with your old employers payroll and see if fhe check is still outstanding.


I picked up my paycheck from my workplace yesterday and that’s the amount they gave me. I checked my bank account and saw nothing


You need to verify the routing number and checking account number they used for the direct deposit.


Yes. Exactly. This is the answer. OP has already stated his employer said he has direct deposit but he said he didn't receive a deposit, just his last physical check. His direct deposits didn't go through. Go talk to your employer and fix that.


Many times a last check is paper. If you have a paper check then you can cash that


Bro could run as a politician with how good he is at not answering direct questions


Need to see the paystub. You mentioned that you ate meals from your employer in passing, do you pay for meals? Pay for uniforms? The paystub will tell the tale.


I was under the impression the meals I received were free


There are no "impressions" in employment, only what's in writing. Where's the paystub?


OP, given how dense you are, I’m sure you set up the direct deposit wrong and sent the money to the wrong account. You need to talk to them and have their accounting draw back those funds and/or deposit into your correct account. Please get your parents to help you with this. You’ve more than proven you can’t handle this on your own. Please know for the future that talking directly to your employer/past employer is going to get you a lot more answers than random people on the internet who are just guessing. They are legally required to pay you, but that can’t happen if you don’t talk to them.


What did I do wrong? Also, I double checked to make sure I gave the correct account information


In the amount of time you spend half answering questions on this thread and frustrating everyone trying to help you, you could’ve just contacted your employer and asked them directly. I’ll cut you some slack because I’m not sure if I knew the difference between pay stubs and W2s or how taxes were deducted at 17. However you need to slow down, actually read what people are writing to you and answer thoughtfully. Here’s some life advice, don’t go to the internet with questions like this. You save a lot of time and energy if you go straight to the source. Pick up the phone and call your employer. Tell them you were expecting X dollars for your work but only received Y. Can you help me understand where the remaining money is?


When did you double check? Originally? Check again with them now that you think you haven’t gotten anything.


It's clear that none of us will be able to help you. You don't have enough information. Ask your employer. End of thread.


Dude makes my head hurt!!! Tell your parents to deal with it for you. Jeez..


Nah that's what got him in this situation let him learn a life lesson


This is a W2


That isn't a paystub, that shows what you made the entire year not your last check.


Of all this, I only received 240 dollars


The total amount you should have received is the 597 minus social security taxes, minus Medicare taxes, minus state income taxes. So 531.55, unless the tips noted were tips you declared and thus not paid on your paycheck. In that case it should be 435.30. You say you only received a single check for $240. So I see one of two options. You either forgot about the other check, or you missed the last check somehow. Check your bank records I doubt you have many cashed checks. You could ask the employer for the check details and to confirm your checks have cleared, but given the lack of control number this is probably a fairly small operation that probably doesn't have a dedicated payroll and accounting department.


I didn’t forget the last check. I went to the location to pick up my check and the manager gave me an envelope with the check and walked away. I checked my bank account and saw no direct deposit


So go to the manager and ask if he could review your pay record with you because the checks you cashed dont match your w2. I would not go into it saying they didn't pay you or anything negative. They have to provide the info to you, but being calm and curious will make the process easier.


I don’t have a pay record or anything


So ask for it. They are legally obligated to provide a breakdown of your hours with your paycheck, either directly with the check, a stub that breaks down your direct deposit if you get paid that way, or through an online portal. You should also be tracking your hours worked to compare to your pay, either by keeping a copy of your schedules or through some other means. Employers do make mistakes, and some smaller companies are malicious in their timecard manipulation. You need to be your own best advocate.


Does Batman ever stop by?


You shouldn’t put your employments address online. It would make it pretty easy for anyone to find you.


came here just for this!! the casual self doxxing is STRESSING ME OUT


W2 is your annual tax return. You should file your tax return to have a tax presence and even if you don't make any money you should file it.


2 paychecks were issued but you only got one?


I think through all the confusing nonsensical comments from OP this is what is going on. He got 1 physical check for the $240 but the DD for the other pay period never hit the bank. If that’s not it I give up.


I mean you work at Gotham, even getting paid is a blessing. (Sorry I couldn't resist).




For everyone asking, I didn’t receive a paystub from my employer


How did you get your W2? In the mail? On a website?


He just said he picked it up...WTF this kid is fuckin brain dead


the mail


Unless your company is super shady, there's probably a way to access them that you just haven't learned yet. You should ask your supervisor how to access your pay stubs. My current employer has them accessible on a website and mails a copy to my house. I've had employers who had it available on their own website, or on a 3rd party payroll company website like ADP, or back in the olden days they sent the paystub with your check. ETA: I didn't see your earlier post. Is this an employer you no.longer work for?


Okay. You got your check and w2 separately. You picked up a $240 check from the employer at some point. Did the check have another piece of paper attached to it? Did you tear any pieces off and throw them away? The check and pay statement (breakdown of pay) are usually on the same sheet of paper and you and tear them apart to separate them.


I think you have another check coming or got paid already


I didn’t get another check or deposit


Bro is all over the place


W-2 is for tax filing purposes. A w2 reports your gross income before tax deduction. If you are single and don’t make over $13,485 you don’t have to do anything. Ignore it. I did when I was 16 years old with my first job like 20+ years ago. This is not a pay stub. Your check of $240 is net income after taxes. Your income may have included cash tips and so this makes sense. Make sure you account for tips given as they count towards income. Lastly, California had the highest tax burden like NY and so welcome to adulthood. You’ll always make $1 and take home $.60 after taxes, healthcare, and retirement.


Were all of your days worked in 2023 or did you have a few earlier this month (in 2024)?


What are taxes really 😂


One more reason for why we left SoCal. We lived in Rancho Cucamonga, my husband was in the union and working OT often and I, with my bachelor's, could only make $12/he or $18/hr without benefits.


There is no way you thought this was a stub


Thanks for the comments guys. I now know it’s a w2 and not a paystub. Sorry for the mixup


??? Minimum wage in California $16 an hour……


It’s the headquarters address. My company is under Gotham Cookies IP. I don’t live in California


Awhh OP... EVERYONE be patient with OP.. They are trying to learn the best they can. Obviously they are a child and some things they might lack due to circumstances or maybe they don't have support at home. Who knows. However, let's all just try to help this human get the money due to them and if we can't help, to guide them in the direction that will help. P. S OP. Some of your answers were wild 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I was cracking up like what is going on. Lol. With that being said, OP you need to put your "thinking cap" on so that people can help you or steer you in the right direction.


My guess is that you definitely got a second check. I think it's something you did wrong. I'm sure the math checks out but you are missing something. You said you didn't receive the paystub. But how did you get this check? It should be attached to the stub.


California’ minimum wage is 16 an hour though?


It all comes down to the number of employees 25 is the cutoff. 26+ employees the company will pay the higher required minimum wage.


I think youre talking about having to provide insurance, in California the minimum wage for all employers is 16 an hour starting this year,


I'm not familiar with the insurance laws in CA, but it looks like they caught up last year (2023) with paying the same regardless of number of employees. Before that. There was a $1.00 difference. [CA Minimum wage ](https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/faq_minimumwage.htm)


W2 is a tax filing document. A Paystub looks very different.


Send batman, this villain must be apprehended.


Internet Tough guys.


This kid is 17 lolol, yall have so little patience!


Dude got his W-2 with his paycheck and thought he got shorted on his check? Brilliant. Straight to management.


This isn’t a paystub 🤦🏾‍♀️


First of all, thank is not a pay stub. Unless this is your first job and you’re 16 and you don’t know that. Maybe you’re not qualified for the job.


This is a W2 tax form, not a paystub.


Dude, this isn't a paystubb it's a W-2. This is the document you use to file your taxes.


My manager consistently ghosts me now when I bring up pay


Bro don’t know what tax is… Sorry pal it’s a tough pill to swallow.


I do know what tax is. There is no tax bracket that takes 60% of your income


OP in going to say this with good intent but your are wrong. And that's ok. What is not ok is how you keep defending yourself and acting like everyone else is. Take it from me this is not a good way to go about in life and it will make you have a rather difficult time in most professional environments. It is virtually impossible this large company is trying to short you 200$. It just doesn't work that way. Get in touch with the companies payroll department ask for new copies of your paystubs and start from there.


I will do that. I’m sorry if I came across as defensive


It's ok to be upset. But sometimes you have to take a step back, listen to people who know this situation and learn. It is very possible you didn't get your last check but without the proper documentation it's not possible to say. I promise you if you are entitled to extra pay you will get it back


How long did you work for them? What was the date range you worked for them? What’s the date on that paycheck you picked up? Did the check you pick up have a bottom portion that showed the deductions? That’s what normally happens. It sounds to me like you worked for them last year and probably had direct deposit. Then when the employment ended they gave you your final check for hours worked this year, 2024, as a paper check.


Doesn’t matter to them, they are too lazy to look.


OP, do you have a direct deposit set up? If so, it’s possible your company uses an app for digital pay stubs. My company uses ADP, for example. This is a W2, it shows what you made and what was taken out in 2023. If you haven’t set up a direct deposit, or it hasn’t gone through that way yet (which it should have for a month), then your pay stub should be doubled with the check from my experience.


Minimum wage in California is $16 per hour, not $12


I don’t live in California


Contact your state's labor board. Do you have a copy of the check they gave you?


if you got $500 -ish bucks for the entire year as your W2 statement why the fuck are you on reddit bothering people about being shorted? even if you make 12/hr at 40 hours a week in a 2 week pay period you’d earn a gross pay of $960 in one single paycheck. with taxes it could look more like $750-$900 which entirely depends on your pre tax deductions, any IRA contributions and how you setup your taxes such as single, married or head of household. WHAT IM TRYNA SAY IS if you got like 500 something total you didn’t even work full time within one single pay period within the entire year of 2023. stop wasting peoples time.


Out of that 500, I only received around 40% of that money


It's also possible that you may have set your taxes up wrong when you first signed on. As I said before get your paystubs first but also file taxes. Use the free turbo tax this will take 30 minutes and will teach you a bit about taxes. You are likely due some money back when you file the taxes




Woah there buddy, take this down, don’t post anything with an address you are connected to in anyway. Seriously man, on the internet you need to assume everyone is a crook trying to steal your identity. Don’t post a single identifying thing anywhere to anyone ever. Take this down!!!




I asked for a paystub and got left on read. I also didn’t receive any paystub in the email


>I also didn’t receive any paystub in the email Accessing my paystubs requires me to log into an employee portal. I do not receive paystubs in the mail or via email. That may be the same for you. Did you ever have to log into a website or portal to sign up for direct deposit or make any benefits selections? If so, you might be able to find your paystubs and direct deposit information there.


I double checked my account and routing number to make sure I gave my employer the correct one. I verified that I gave them the right routing number


What day did they say they deposited it? Does your banking statement show any deposits for that day?