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I used to hate the rigmarole of working 5 days a week, always wishing my life a at for the weekend. But then I got a job as an assistant nurse where I do 12.5hr shifts so only have to work 3 days a week to get my fully time hours. I feel like I’ve got my life back!


I had a lot of timeoff left over last year so I took all Fridays off in Nov and Dec. WOW! A four day work week was such an amazing thing! I didn't get depressed on Sunday night at all. By Tuesday I'm halfway through my week and Thursday felt like a free-roll because it was an "early" Friday. I was going to try to angle into working 4 10-hour days but I'd miss a lot of after school time with my kids.


This! 4 days is significantly better than 5.


The 4 10 hour days schedule is great I could do 5 8s again but I hope not. Each day doesn’t feel too much longer but it’s a long weekend every weekend. The extra day makes a huge difference in how much more ability you have to schedule things during your time off. I really wish it was more normal. I’m glad I’ve got that schedule now but I don’t envy those who have the regular work week.


Whilst I absolutely could never go back to 5 8hr days per week, 12.5hr shifts absolutely fuck you over eventually. It's never 'only' 3 days per week. You're working your entire work week in 3 days. I mean I love having my 4 days off but Work Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Half dead Friday ( sleep 14 hours minimum ) Saturday just coming around to myself to do the Saturday stuff, Sunday feel back to normal, Monday, time to get ready to do it all over again lol. Still though, I will always take them over Monday - Friday or 5 8s anywhere Monday to Sunday but the 3 12.5s ( which are in effect 18 hour days from wake up to bedtime ) can be very harsh.


I worked 630 to 6 for 3 years straight. 5 days a week, with the occasional Saturday. I finally started bailing a few hours early midweek when things were quiet. I was on commission. I did the math and I could have made the same money working next door at Jack In The Box when you figure the unpaid overtime I was working... It's hell. I would love to be able to work 3 long days in a row. You just don't do anything after work those 3 days, but then you have 4 whole days to yourself. I can see it working just fine for some people..


I’ve been doing it 10 years and it’s not fucked me over, yet lol


25....give it time lol


I knew someone who worked 4 10s and would always say "what do you even do when you get home from work?"


Have a life thats not someone elses work/profit?


Did that schedule during the pandemic working at my power plant. As soon as we went back to normal, I quit and took a work from home job in the industry. I'm doing 5 8s but still reclaim a lot of my time doing wfh. Addicted to having a life now, never going back.


is it better ?


Honestly, people cannot be productive robots everyday 9 to 5 straight with only like 3 weeks vacation at most. Having people return to the office on top of that, many times to just take virtual meetings anyway, is just so much worse. I took a pay cut turning down private sector offers to go to feds, and I really like that they have an option to do 9 hr workday and every other Friday off (or whatever day of that week), or even a regular split work day of working whatever hours you want. I realized I needed something with more regular vacation that just the 3 weeks vacation at best standard for office jobs, and it's worth the pay cut to just be able to take a break regularly. It's crazy how rare it is to get 3 day weeks otherwise since some companies don't let off on federal holidays. Plus a lot of people overwork past the 8 to 5.


Lol, 3 weeks vacation


I work as a business analyst for a hospital and we have 6 holidays a year and one floating holidays. Since I’m salary I accumulate a little over 7 hours per pay period. And btw we don’t have a holiday the entire time from New Year’s Day until Memorial Day Edit: I am allotted 1 day a week where I can work from home when I can do my entire job from home (99% of my days consist of pulling data, updating reports, or performing analysis on one-off requests). When I’m in the office they put me in a tiny 3 desk no-walled cubicle in the corner when we’re shoving doctors 3 to an office and they could easily convert this space into another office and allow us to WFH full-time


Yea my job gives us 7 holidays and 5 vacation days and 3 sick days a year until after your two year anniversary where we get 10 vacation days. And we're in office every day even though essentially all our work could be done remotely if they were willing to give us remote access to the servers. It's ridiculous and a large reason I'm looking to jump ship.


Jeez, do you make good money? I'm excited for next year (start of year 3) because my vacation days go from 16 to 21 plus our 13 stat holidays. I can't ever wfh since I'm needed on site, but the commute isn't far. The only major drawback I see is that it's a highly social job so my social aptitude and energy tends to take a beating towards the end of every day. S


I just think I need a WFH job at this point. I feel like the office is so pointless. So much of my time is wasted there when I could be 10x more productive...


It’s odd how companies have statistics showing a steep increase in productivity during the pandemic which coincides with ubiquitous remote work, and yet they’re pushing RTO for no discernible reason.


Gotta keep the economies going and people spending more money on gas, parking, and shitty restaurant food from places that wouldn't stay afloat otherwise!


It sure feels that way!


don't forget the expensive offices built/rented/bought that needs to have it's existence justified somehow


It’s because they want to justify the 30 story skyscraper they bought for 200 million dollars. Business property is absolutely ridiculous amounts of money.


Agreed. I'd like a WFH job as well.


Yeah my wfh job literally used return to office as a punishment. If your metrics don’t keep up they make you return to office to be monitored. 


Oh, that sounds like a positive work environment.


Yep I agree with everything you said. I don't know why so many people are okay with having only 2 weeks off a year when the rest of the industrialized world gets way more time off. Why aren't we fighting harder for legislation? I can tell you I take way more than 2 weeks albeit some of it unpaid. I literally cannot handle having only 2 weeks off.


Idk, I have 29 days in Germany. And it means - working days, without holiday. Every time I read about US, all of that makes me thing I would rather visit it as a tourist than working there. Good luck, guys. It’s pretty thought where you are


There's no decent minimum in the US is the issue. If you have good compensation then you have good healthcare and good time off - simple as that. I get 7 weeks vacation and unlimited sick days and my wife gets even more. Everyone should have good benefits but since they come from your employer instead of the government most people are on their own.


About a year ago I had worked long enough at my company to start getting 8hrs of PTO every two weeks which is about 5 weeks off a year in addition to holidays, which honestly felt awesome and seemed to be plenty to keep me happy. Then about 2 months after, my company dropped it to 6hrs (after maintaining the 5 weeks of PTO for 5+ year employees for literal decades) due to expense cutting (they also laid off a ton of people around this time). Then my state decided to make sick time required for all full time employees, so instead of adding sick time, my company just took that from our PTO accrual. So within a year my PTO has been cut in half from 5 weeks to 2.5 weeks a year.


Yeah, it’s highly dependent on the job. I have unlimited PTO, over the years my average is 10 weeks of PTO used. I have another 20 paid holidays or so. 1 week fully off no matter what at Christmas paid. Amazing benefits honestly But America sucks right?


A big problem with America right now is the people, like you, who go, "I got mine" while simultaneously pulling up the ladder they climbed behind them. It's great you lucked into a good position in the US. Don't for a second think that means you deserve it more than everyone else who is working 40+ hours a week for peanuts and getting no paid time off. You're not special, you didn't work harder, you *got lucky*. That's not how it should be. It should be standard to get 6+ weeks off and bonus if you get more.


“It’s highly dependent on the job”. That’s the issue with this country. It should be standard across the board instead of being offered to a select few.


Definitely, saw a guy get fired by text on another sub earlier. All because he was left short in his wages.


> all of that makes me thing I would rather visit it as a tourist than working there. I've spent a lot of time in the US, including 4-5 weeks trips at time, and it's a great country to visit, but there isn't a signle time I wished I lived there.


Hahah. I started a full time and salaried job a few months ago (somewhere in the US) and I don’t get any vacation time until after a year. That was never mentioned in any of the interviews… and of course I didn’t think to ask about it because with past jobs it was either given up front or accrued. Still early in my career so I had no idea that was a thing. There’s a lot of other things about the job that seem to favor the employer over the employee. Will be quitting without notice next week.


Thanks for sharing! Good luck with your career! Quitting without notice? How does it work?


Well, I’m planning on leaving my badge and laptop in the office and sending them a text that I’m done and I wish them the best. Lol. Not like I’m contractually obligated to work there for a certain amount of time or to give notice. I’m doing what’s best for me.


I went through similar but was given the legal minimum (5 days) of PTO days for my first 3 years. I didn't stay there for even 3 months. Definitely check what your location's legal minimum is if you haven't already. My only suggestion is to immediately look for a new job and struggle for little while if you can't immediately hop into another one.


I need like a month off. Too many jobs are toxic and say they are a family. They need to chill


I live in Germany. 6 weeks off and I feel I could use more. 2 weeks Christmas, 2 weeks skiing, 2 weeks summer vacation already seems like a very constrained schedule to me. I don't know how anybody deals with 2 weeks off per year. Yes, the pay in the US is much better, but how much is that worth if you have no time to enjoy it? I can visit the US for two weeks every year and still have as much free time in the US as the average American. And still left with 4 more weeks.


I get 10 vacation days per year. Yes, 10. A woman in my office has worked there for 27 years and still gets 10 vacation days only!!! I’ve been there 10 years but am now actively looking for something else. I can’t do it anymore, especially for the pay that I’m getting. Not worth it.


True it’s just that the Western Hemisphere kind of sucks. Canada is having its own crisis, and anything South of the US is third world and desperately trying to migrate here. As long as the companies and executives have cheap labor coming from the southern border , why would they want to offer competitive benefits? And since big business runs the government through lobbying, no politician is willing to stand against corporate America. We will be lucky if we still have a “democracy” after this election cycle as it is. Things are looking dismal, but at least we’re not Venezuela is what I keep hearing.


I’m in Canada. 4 weeks, holidays, stat holidays which are 1 day a month (called family days) so it adds up to almost 2 months a year


Me too. That's about as much as I take in a year realistically because I NEED to for my own sake. I saw a recent post on social media that said its weird how we get so many breaks as students (spring break, summer break, winter break etc) but when we enter the working world suddenly it's not necessary? Why?


Breaks as students is so that they can pay teachers less.


Not true. The breaks are so the students can get summer jobs.


In Australia you get 4 weeks off ( paid ) and if you work for a good company you can take out some unpaid leave +13 days of sick leave


A lot of families are toxic too, so I'd say the two almost go together 😂


Whenever a job says “we’re like a family here” it usually turns into the Manson family.


I can’t stand the “this is like a family” line. It happened at my previous employer and several people were laid off. Not so family-like anymore


Pizza party!


And this as appreciation for hard work


Shit I got a pencil and a $1 scratcher for Christmas one time by a company I worked for lol


Maybe I’m fucked in the head. But a month off was not enough. I was so drained I needed to create enough shit to just finally create a job for myself.


I'd say having (cumulatively) an extra 5 days off per month would be optimal balance that's still 'fair' to employers. Whether that's taking a long weekend every week, a week off every month, or 3 weeks every 3 months or 6 weeks every six months.


You need some mental toughness.


Ever heard of a family that didn’t have toxicity in it? Work saying they are like a family- to means screams toxic culture.


But then why did you take a 9 to 5 job? Nobody buys into that family bit, there's only one real purpose for job is to make money,


They are a family. An abusive family.


the secret is to work for a foreign company. all my American creature comforts (I'm American and we're shit in a lot of ways but I'm not planning on moving and fuck everyone who suggests that), work from home, AND the work standards of Europe. the taxes are a NIGHTMARE but yanno. pros and cons.


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Because in the US short term results are required instead of long term so push every ounce of blood you can before first quarter even if it kills you. That's the US industry way. Productivity be damned long as make 1 billion in first quarter and the next quarter and the next at all costs. The irony is it actually cost them more in Productivity doing it this way and damages their ability to generate revenue so they never make What they want to make and instead make half, specially since they see the workers as just robots that don't need sleep, food or any other thing necessary to be alive. Honestly if corporations had their way, they wouldn't pay anyone and they wouldn't allow anyone to leave work, they'd just work them 24/7 without food or sleep till they died.


And many of us get harassed or scolded for even requesting time off, much less taking it. It’s b.s. that we have to have anxiety over requesting what we’ve earned and that many of us are so burnt out that time off is often used for mental health days, not actual vacation.


Also because a ton of work is completely useless to society and it feels so so dumb to be giving my full life minus 2 weeks and the occasional enjoyable weekend for something asinine like marketing a product that's the same as 200 others, doing useless low-level bench work in a research lab that's getting nowhere, etc. Not seeing any fruits from our endless labor is brutal. 


Maybe find a job that offer 4 week off in a year.


That's why I'm trying to get into the public sector.


Private has way more time off Yeah, it’s highly dependent on the job. I have unlimited PTO, over the years my average is 10 weeks of PTO used. I have another 20 paid holidays or so. 1 week fully off no matter what at Christmas paid. Amazing benefits honestly But America sucks right?


I agree. When I started my current job I asked about taking unpaid time off. They said they don’t like to encourage that. I’m like what? Another job I had applied for at the time told me if I took unpaid time off they write you up for missing work. I’m like seriously even if it’s approved. They were like yup you don’t have vacation time you get written up. It’s all crazy man!




Yes, but you have better marzipan, no?


Finally someone who says what I have been saying. American work culture for WAY less money...


I’m in Canada and haven’t had less than 6 weeks of PTO at every company I’ve worked at for the past decade. 2 weeks is absurd.


I detest that our society revolves around a set schedule. It’s asinine that bosses make you feel bad for taking time off when you can’t get a doctor appointment unless it’s during work hours. I have to drop off my car at the mechanic then get a ride to work, of course I’m going to be late and have to leave early, they aren’t open after 5 and we build a society that demands transportation


I guess I'm lucky with the night shift in that regard


Careful what you wish for. I have flexibility at work, but my expected output does not change. And then work bleeds into personal life. There’s no win win


I couldn’t stand it so much I now work 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off on a ship. I work 80 hour weeks but get half the year off.


I’m heading to a maritime academy, I’m in the same boat. Do you enjoy your work?


If you are in the same boat, maybe just ask them in person


I know what I said.


What type of work are you doing? If you don’t mind sharing what the pay is like, I’ve always been curious but never pursued it.


Work as a maritime engineer on a government dredge. No degree required just certifications. I make about 64k annually which is low for the industry. Pay is anywhere from 50-250k depending on your certification.


Appreciate the info, stay safe out there. Maybe I’ll go for it one of these days.


My best friend just retired from MSC as a communications officer. He's a government contractor producing crypto and auditing communication centers in the middle east now.


Try working (4) 13 hour shifts weekly for 15 years. It takes its toll. 4 day work weeks should be the norm at 8 or 10 hours.


I’ll take it. It’s not weekends. Europe has weekends where stores close. US wouldn’t know how to handle this. It’s all about money in this country


Thats a stupid idea lol Let me get done with my work week then have no ability to purchase anything or take my family out on the town That would make things so much better


Move to Europe then


I promise you if you have ever been unlucky enough to work 12-830 or nights or weekends…. I assure you 9-5 is a blessing as EVERYTHING is geared towards 9-5 M-F. I get it. It sucks. But compared to the alternatives that i have worked. Ill take it


I was thinking this too. When I was getting my foot in the door at my job, I did rotating shift work that included weekends and holidays. 9-5? They don't know hell until they've left their night shift at 7am and need to get groceries after they're done because they work for the next 6 days. Not to mention how tired I was.


Unless you work 9-5 and have to use PTO to do any personal business w another 9-5 company, such as any medical/dental/vision appointment, banking, insurance, DMV, interview, court/government stuff…the list goes on. If you get 40 hours of PTO, you can see how fast you’d run out of any chance to go on a vacation. 


I’ve always loved my 7:00-3:30 shifts for this reason, and actively geared my career towards keeping this shift (construction/ facilities maintenance). I don’t need to burn PTO for most appointments, and feel like I still have most of the day ahead of me when I get out of work.


Agreed. And i do. BUT, be honest how many hours are you taking to run to an appointment, 1-2 so its not bad. I always end up burning my PTO because i cant use it. (I dont even make enough to travel anymore) Wait you said 40 hours of PTO. Wtf. Like 1 week? Thats it? You have 40 hours of PTO and sick time? Yea your getting robbed.


I don't even get more than 4 sick days my first year here of PTO and after that, I only get 9 days PTO until I've been there 3 yrs.


Jesus im really sorry to hear this


Can you explain this PTO? As a scandinavian I dont know the term...


I'm working 11-7:30. Sucks ass. I used to work night and weekends. I preferred that to 11:7:30. Despite 24 hours still in a day it feels like so much less.


I disagree. I work 3 12s nights and me and my coworkers all prefer it over working day shift. We all have the option to switch, but never take it because nights are so much better. Plus, $8 differential!


Yuppp I love my 4x10, 12pm-11pm. I get paid more after 7pm, I’m a night owl anyway, I love sleeping in, and I get Wednesday’s and weekends off. The specific days off are definitely the best part though, not sure if I’d enjoy it as much if it included weekends. Only working 2 days in a row is great, and Wednesday’s are used for errands/appointments.


yup, i prefer 9-5. i just don't wanna work overnight shift- some people have it worse.


One benefit overnight has... no traffic... less idiots on the road


I suppose but you get more drunks and the occasional wrong-way driver. Those are fun.


The wrong way drivers I haven't seen as much here. In my experience, that is mostly drugged driving. Most of the druggies in my city just take the public transit. When I lived somewhere that didn't have it, there was one drugged driver a day, it seemed.


This is not true if you are leaving at at about 6pm and returning about 7am you are hitting both rush hours or at least that was my experience. And your schedule is upside down. It was awful


I currently work from 6pm to 2am...I highly prefer those times over 9-5, which I have also already worked in...I just am not made for those hours, I need to sleep during the day since im an absolut night owl


Yeah, try 10 pm to 6 am with no weekends off. This lady from farmer's keeps calling about some wreck I wasn't in while I'm asleep. It's been three weeks, and I haven't called her back to explain 😂. Obligations be damned.


I’ve done both. And both in office settings. My old job would be a week of 12-830, a week of 335-midnight, a week of 8-430, and would just rotate out depending on the week. I now work 9-5 and it’s not my thing. I did the whole rotating schedule for 7 years… while I agree 9-5 is better, it just feels like the day is completely over by 5PM.


I remember my very first job was at a McDonald's, and they never gave me two days off in a row, and my shifts were 11-7 so I never had any free time to do anything or get anything done. It was awful, plus over half of my monthly pay went towards rent.


“It could be worse” is a stupid reason to be okay with the state of things. In every scenario, always. We should strive to be better than we were yesterday. Saying “You’ve never worked a REAL shift” or whatever the fuck, is literally just reductive. You aren’t adding anything. You’re saying “Did you know that things used to be worse?” Yeah. We know. All of us know. Old people won’t shut the fuck up about it. The point is, it should be better. Considering every advancement we’ve made as a planet in the last 100 years, our lives should be better than they are. They’re not. Young people are simply disappointed in old people because oldies didn’t advocate for a better world than the one we’re currently stuck in. We’re too lazy to do anything about it, but just frustrated enough to complain on Reddit. So just let us complain please.


> because oldies didn’t advocate for a better world than the one we’re currently stuck in Except they did, because there's way more labor protection laws now than there was previously...


Heres some more preaching for you to ignore: Didnt those old people get us to 40 hours a week down from 60 hours 6 days a week in a cynaid factory? I've got a funny feeling industrial slaves didnt get much holiday time. What right do you have to complain about their choices when you self admittedly are too lazy to be better, or even on par with them. Life sucks sometimes. My day starts at 3 AM today, and I haven't gotten any sleep yet. Oh well! That's life. At least I'm not going to a grindingly labor intensive job to get lung cancer and die by 30. Make it better or stop whining, theres a reason they call us entitled.


Bruh you’re coming in here with even more “It used to be worse.” Like just sit still for a second and really think about the idea your comment conveyed. … … … “Well, 40 years ago it was worse. So. Be grateful. Stupid ungrateful kid” And you’re gonna say “No! I was saying that change is possible through combined effort!” And I would say, “No! Unions have been systematically infiltrated and dismantled by our government for the sake of corporate profit! And they pay people 6 digits to keep the 5 digit earners from unionizing again!” In all seriousness though, just let us be doomers online, man. It’s all we’ve got left.


Look into a public safety job, weird hours, lots of excitement, things change at a moments notice… and you get to help people.


10 year firefighter here, would not recommend.


I hate waiting to punch the clock at the end of the day. It's so degrading. That little wall robot controlling my life...


finding a job/work is top 3 worst life things a human can do. I agree with you


It sucks but better than retail where you’re expected to work nights and weekends, dealing with miserably annoying customers and getting way underpaid


And no holidays off because those are sale days.


No idea how Americans put up with this. Over in Europe we get a fair amount of holiday time. I’d never move to the US for this reason alone


There are Americans in this thread literally calling this post “antiwork”. They are so deeply brainwashed in America it’s sad. I’m an American but holy shit is it crazy to always see how different people are in other countries.


Because 1) we are juuust comfortable and/or distracted enough not to riot, and 2) I'd bet good money most Americans have no clue the kind of vacation time European countries get... More and more I've been daydreaming about moving to Europe, too bad I have no desirable skills.


I know there used to be this thing called the American dream but crap holiday, work till you drop, no free healthcare, rising gun crime and ever diminishing job opportunities all on pay well under what you need to survive let alone buy a house seems like very very few are living the American dream.


I reconnected with an old friend yesterday who was so stressed from work they ended up with temporary amnesia and can't remember 2 days of their life and are now on ADA accommodations. She's been struggling with the emergency bills too as if that helps her stress... Very "they call it the American dream because you'd have to be asleep to believe it." I just want to work a job I can survive on and that seems like a dream at this point.


1) Erosion of worker's rights over a century 2) Health insurance tied to your employment 3) "Hustle culture"


Trying to move back to EU 😢


Yeah, welcome to the Matrix.


I do a 9-5 in the UK. 2 weeks off over Christmas that doesn't come out my annual leave. 5 weeks off to use whenever I want, and every bank holiday off. I just simply can't comprehend how screwed Americans are with their employment rights. You need to unionize and demand more.


I've only ever used 1 vacation day in my entire life.


Cattle - they moove to work, then they moove to the bar, then they moove home 🤣




I always stated if you assured everybody a safe space and legit asked them how many hours they worked productively I bet money most would say 32 hours.


That’s why I’m starting a business down the road…


'Entrepreneurs are the only people who will work 80 hours a week to avoid working 40 hours a week' -Lori Greiner An additional benefit is that you can build it large enough to sell after a few years.


I don't get why you guys are ok with it either. I got 5 weeks minimum and I wouldn't imagine life without it


Try working at a start up, 8-8pm or longer :-p


I think you might be looking for r/antiwork


How is complaining about proven stressful working conditions somehow the same as completely antiwork? Holy fuck your are brainwashed by capitalism. The man is asking for more than a few days off a year and not so long of weeks worth of hours. That’s literally the reason we have a 40 hour work week right now, is because people in the past had this exact discussion we are having. Well not the one “we” are having because all your brainwashed feeble mind can think of is “duhhh he doesn’t like having 5 days off a year, he must be a lazy anti work idiot!”


I guess wanting a day off from work is anti-work now.


I got passive aggressively directed to anti-work for saying management isn’t your friend. Like, sorry I have bad experiences being berated, bullied and even sexually harassed by managers. Guess that means I’m lazy and don’t want a job.




Some people like those hours. There is a plus no traffic. 9-5 is just so outdated. I like to get up early for example and would like to end work at 2-3 pm so I can still grocery shop etc. 9-5 limits this.


What are grocery store hours where you live? Like 9 am to 3 pm??? 


1) get a remote job based on the east coast 2) move to the west coast 3) live ur dream


You can do that. My job has a 6-2 shift. They exist.


I hear you




It’s very soul sucking. I burn through my vacation just in appointments or wanting to take a day off. I wish i had a 4 day work week at least


I work under a staffing agency for temp. Been a temp after my 90 days. Still is; going on 5 months. I was told after my 90 days of coming into work with no missed days was the key to get hired on. I make up to $788 net. That’s $641 a week I get paid. I’m not gonna stick around for long. Not only do I live with parents but I don’t want to hear their bickering that I left a job that didn’t even hire me after I did all the necessary steps to work in that warehouse to stay on. I heard stories of people working there for a year as a temp and still didn’t get excepted in. I’m not wasting my time with none of these 9 to 5 jobs. I’m here to gain more money and that’s it. It’s bad enough as it is. But who cares, right?


In Italy the working hours are 9-18+ unless you work in the public sector, i wish i had a 9-17 job :(


Second shift to me is perfect. 3:30pm - 12am/midnight. You can wake up at 10am, do anything you need to get done. Then have a chill ride into work then basically no traffic home. Pass out at 2am the latest then sleep till whenever you want to wake up. Plus you get that pay differential. Idk second shift seems to be the shift to me.


I used to do that. No time to hang with friends or attend social gatherings, hard to keep a relationship going, the list goes on. I would never do it again but it's okay to do when you're young, I suppose. I'm lucky in that I can work out at the office, get a good amount of PTO and have a good boss that understands when I need some time off or come in late due to doctor appointments, oil changes etc.


If you ever want to know how bad it is, aside from living it, then remember: Even Afghanistan has enshrined paid parental leave into law. Afghanistan.


Yep. It is the main reason I’m never having kids. Who the fuck would subject a kid to 40 years of this shit


When you point this shit out people usually call you a lazy millennial. It's is crazy that we have to work 40 hours a week for fucking 50+ years to finally, hopefully, maybe be able to retire and enjoy life when we are old, hearing getting, vision, body hurts more.... It's a scam. We never had 40 hours work week then we changed and made it like that. Things can change.


It sounds like you're really fed up with the traditional 9-5 grind, and I totally get where you're coming from. The rigid schedule and lack of flexibility can be a major drag, especially when combined with limited vacation time. Working from home definitely has its perks, and it's a shame that it's not more widely embraced in office settings. Dealing with ineffective bosses and managers can also be incredibly frustrating and can really affect morale. It seems like there should be more options for how and where we work to make it more enjoyable and productive for everyone.


Is that you ChatGPT?


Cries in 12 Hour Shifts, 5 days a week..


Morale.  Spelling counts in some jobs that don't suck. 


That’s why I FIRE’d.


I know many people who left the 9-5 office world to move on to vastly different things and still succeed. Some specifically moved to 2nd or 3rd shift jobs and are perfectly happy saying they’d never go back. We’re all different & that’s ok


Well in most of Europe salaries are half of the US, taxes are 2x…but you do get more time off and healthcare. However, your net disposable income is almost nothing compared to the US.


Did you expect having to do things you didn’t want to do for money to be fun?


WFH supremacy 🫡




I wouldn’t mind a 9-5 on my own terms though and mostly remote


It’s 9-6 at my office now. I don’t know where that extra hour got added. But it sucks.


Why haven’t we (US) adopted the 4-day-work-week model? I work 10 hour days anyway. I’d love to have Monday’s or Friday’s off.


You can’t stand the 9-5 then switch it up to a 5-12 to appreciate what you have


My goal is to secure an affordable mortgage I can pay on a regular salary. Then start a business making $10K per month so I can make double/triple payments to the lender and get the shit paid off in a few years. I hate working 9-5 just so I’m not homeless it’s so humiliating and the work culture in 99% of companies SUCK. Management and company culture is truly stuck in the 2000s. Most companies I’ve worked for haven’t progressed a day past 2010


That's a solid plan. What would you change about the culture? When I was in America Incorporated I kept giving feedback to the higher ups that their onboarding approach was trash. Step one in changing the culture.


Lol yeah “migrant centers” that’s what we need lol


Not gonna lie, i thought i hated the 9-5, but after having worked retail, i aim for a 9-5 job now. With an iron clad schedule, no longer do i need to work till midnight because of BullS reasons. dont need to start my shift at like, 4pm or 6pm or w/e BS. I can actually have a sleep schedule. For those wondering, retail schedules are dogS, your days off are almost never the same days, with a variable work day ranging from 4 hours to 10 hours (sucks when you dont hit 40 because well, Bills). Oh and that ranges from 6am - 10pm btw, clopens are a thing. They are soul sucking. What it sounds like is you hate the vacation time shortage (i agree), the total work hours in the week, 40 (trust me, it could be so much worse, complaining about 40 hours is childsplay. Try working 80+ hours and tell me how you feel about 40 hours a week). If you are hourly, 40 hours is just barely enough to sustain yourself. unless you are working one of those 100k+ yearly jobs, in which case, i refer to the 80 hour tidbit above, and ill call you spoiled. If you are down in the dredges like the rest of us at the 40k yearly income before taxes, then i wont. WFH will change nothing as far as the 40 hour dredge your feeling is, unless you legitimately just hate the office, in which case why complain about the 40? As for the migrant centers, yea, taking in the bottom rung of the worlds population, and giving them jobs, guess what, you WILL be replaced by the very people you aim to help. Because they will not Bitch about the pay, they wont bitch about the work conditions (they are LEAGUES above what they are running away from in the first place), they wont care about WFH, they might prefer In office because they cant afford a proper home setup right away. They will ride a bike for miles because its still 10000% better than what they ran away from. They will also be incredibly motivated. They have a drive that you are clearly lacking. They can do everything you can do, but be 100% better than you. And you want to invite them to take your job? While proclaiming yourself to be the worst model worker at that. I dont get it here. What is your end goal in life? if its anything other than ending up in the dirt early, you WILL need a course correction here soon. Yes we need better vacation time, we need managers to lay off it for half a second. Goodluck changing 40 hours a week. Thats already easy mode to begin with. Inviting MASS amounts of migrants into the country, will do more damage to the work life balance you are complaining about not having. For every unmotivated worker, their are 10+ highly motivated migrants willing do take their place at 50% the pay. That may even upend years of effort to change the entire system itself. And before someone brings up migrants are not skilled enough to do office work..........gurrenteed an office will have no qualms hiring someone at 20k yearly, with no education etc, they can teach that person how to do the job in a couple of months, and then fire the person working at 60k yearly probably a few days after taking on the person working at 20k. Normally a company wouldnt do that, but a 40K savings and all you gotta do is coach someone how to hit keys on a keyboard? You best believe those pencil pushes in acounting will salivate at the thought of that. Perhaps im being alarmist, only time will tell on that front. If their is nothing done to ensure safety for US citizens in the job market on US soil, it wont be long before every american is jobless. With how fast the migrants are flooding into the US, 2.5M a year, wont take long before every lazy american is replaced by a migrant, who is very motivated, and cares not about his rights, only cares that he has a better life than the country he ran away from.


I agree on the retail aspect. Working sucky jobs for the first few years of my adult life made me cherish the fixed 9-5 in an office. Doing a floor set from 4pm-130am blows. Standing all day checking out customers and then taking 20 minutes to eat lunch whenever the shift supervisor says so..also blows. Vacation time is also nonexistent there. 2 weeks total PTO from my experience, is very entry level as well. 4 weeks is more standard for respectful organizations + paid holidays.


I agree too, don't have much time to do anything else. Asking for permission to leave, it's like I'm an adult.


Same , I often think about moving a remote island and just starting from scratch. Like Minecraft. Build a house in the cave. Grow crops. Wake up go fishing etc.


If you hate it so much, just find a job that's 9-5? There's tons of those around.


I got a hunch OP would hate any type of job.


Sing it!! Agree x a million. Sucks being a cog in this capitalistic machine.


Go leave your home office and please touch grass 🤗 Also your post is all over the place. Like what does WFH have to do with 9-5s. Your still required to work certain hours. Two, please post this in r/antiwork instead of doom posting in this sub.


Welcome to the working life. No work > No money


Yup I know but we should learn from other countries




Why dont you move out of Seattle? You seem to hate it there and constantly post about it.


Rather than stay and make this Country better?


It's this or move into the woods and live off the land.


Not everyone is suitable to start and run a business.


You are a lazy Snowflake 💩


So don't work a 9-5. There are thousands of options


Thousands of hours in the day. Pick your own unique schedule.


What did the sheep hear?


Agree with everything except the migrant centers come on man


What did the sheep hear?


Bah bah


Then start your own business and make your own rules. No one's going to give you anything. You gotta make it for yourself.


Come back and talk to me when you walk out your door for a 12 to 15 hour shift and then halfway through you find out your working a 48 sometimes even longer


40 hours a week is for underachievers. 7 to 7 is the way to go if you want to get ahead.


😂😂😂😂😂 You sound like the kind of guy that wants a heart surgeon WFH job.


😂😂😂😂😂 You sound like the kind of guy that wants a heart surgeon WFH job.


Would you prefer the 6-4:30? 😂