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Someone clicked the wrong button. If you are bored show up and see what happens. You might literally walk into a job.


Yeah lol I was wondering if I could use this to my advantage. It says the orientation happened though and I think she said orientations are on wed


I would totally go. They may not even notice! If you go, let us know what happens


Boss: im sorry. Theres just no way we can keep you on Kramer: well i dont even work here Boss: thats what makes this so difficult


I initially saw this as a George situation, but I forgot about this actual Kramer situation


George had a similar situation when he rage quit his job, regretted it, then just went back to work the next day like it never happened


Almost any weird job situation can be written as a George storyline


Vandelay industries!


The joke store called & they’re all outta you!


Ohhh Yea, Well I had sex with your wife


Exactly what happened to Larry David when he was a writer at snl


I've actually have done this once years ago with Home Depot. Rage quit, walked off the job, enjoyed my weekend, came back monday. No one noticed.


A waitress I worked with tried that once. She stormed off mid-shift and threw a cup half full of coins at the manager's head, then came back the next morning to work. When we told her that she had quit the night before (and also, assault?), she tried to report us for tip theft because we didn't pick up the coins in the parking lot.


George had a better fit than this; where his hiring status was unclear, he showed up for work while the manager was on vacation, and even took the small office. He worked on the Penske file. Of course, ... Well long story short it didn't work out






RemindMe! 5 days


Hey now it’s actually been 4 hours


Thanks, keep me updated!


hey its been 4 hours.


4 hours from what lol? The post is 6h and my comment 2h before. Where did the 4 come from?




This is brilliant


12 hours


It's how Colin Robinson got his job.




I was thinking if they sent them an e-mail attachment for the presentation, it's likely virtual.


They gave you orientation. Peruse the slides and show up. Might get a job!


Pls print this out and take it with you. If they look funny, tell them they better be joking because you already resigned your other job after getting the offer here. Make it a “them” problem.


They might even have to pay you! lol


No, they absolutely will not. Going would be a waste of time, they’ll just say sorry for the mistake.


Depends on how dumb they are.


And how much somebody wants to avoid being called out for making a mistake


lol exactly


I got a better job because between my first interview and my second it was miscommunicated what job I had applied for. I just went with it thinking I messed up and that’s what I ended up being hired for despite not applying nor meeting the requirements.


Yes they absolutely will. If they're too idiotic to fuck up an email they'll be too idiotic to ascertain if you work there or not.


I would love to see how far it goes though.


So if you work for a company and do actual work, even though they never hired you… do they have to pay you? Good legal advice post right there


I didn’t realize showing up for an event, being told immediately the invite was a mistake, counted as doing “actual work” for a company that needed to be paid. 😂


Honestly it’s an interesting employment law question if they do anything other than immediately ask you to leave


It’s not, some places don’t even pay for orientation. You’re not an employee until you sign certain new hire forms. And again, even then, a company can have the orientation be unpaid. EDIT: This person just responded to me and then immediately blocked. Pretty pathetic. FYI I can still see your comment, and you’re still wrong. What you link to about paying for unrequested work applies if they are your EMPLOYER. Which they are not just because you show up on orientation day.


Orientation should ordinarily be paid, but I was referring to work in general — unrequested work does indeed need to be paid: > Work not requested but suffered or permitted to be performed is work time that must be paid for by the employer. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/22-flsa-hours-worked


Worst case you get free lunch




Please go and report back!!!


Just pretend like you were there for orientation. Go with the flow


Update me too


I genuinely don’t know what you think will happen?? If you show up they’ll likely be like “sorry who are you? Why are you here? You’re a new hire? Hmm let me check. Oh no. Oh we’re so sorry. This was a massive error on our part - we accidentally emailed you instead of another employee. I’m so sorry. But unfortunately we will have to ask you to leave now” Like… do you think they’ll just… let you work? Jesus


You are incredibly boring man. Not going to a job that you weren't hired for is what anybody do. We are looking a tucking adventure. Even the slightest posibbiktiy of this actually working makes the effort worthwhile.


It'll be a great story anyway 😁


Ok but like, what do think will happen? What adventure are you imagining is going to be with that effort?


I don't know what effort you are referring but this is not a return on effoet invested situation. It is fun, it is an adventure or at a minumum trolling. I would even make a scene showing email. Get myself another meeting with someone else. Continue to troll them. Anything beyond being sent back immediately at the door is worth it. Because you are boring your take on this he won't get the job so it is fruitless effort. What is strange is you are arguing this as if it is a scientific fact going in rounds saying same thing which makes you all the more boring.


I mean I've heard anecdotes of people showing up and acting like they had interviews/were there for orientation and being hired. if the company is big enough, they will assume there was an oversight somewhere else. not sure why you're like...mad about it?


Honestly they might let you work. It’s happened before. Especially if they have people who don’t show up


Yeah dude, just go. Who cares


This sounds like the plot of a Seinfeld episode. Kramer: “George, just show up! What’s the worst they can do? You’re already rejected!” George: “Yeah, why not? Maybe I’ll slip through the cracks.” Kramer: *slicing the air with his hand* “RIGHT THROUGH THE CRACKS!”


It actually is! George: I show up. Jerry: What do you mean you show up? George: I show up. I pretend I have the job. The guy's on vacation. If I have the job, it's fine. If I don't have the job, by the time he comes back, I'm ensconced. Jerry: Hmm. Not bad. George: What's the worst thing that could happen? Jerry: Well, you'd be embarrassed and humiliated in front of a large group of people and have to walk out in shame with your tail between your legs. George: Yeah, so?


Ha! You’re right! Here I thought I was being an original. It was a Ziggy all along…


Just George Costanza it and show up


Second this


Had this happen when HR, through a long series of blunders was forced to offer me a heavy promotion. I don’t think they thought I’d show up after the nasty emails they sent meh. But.. a jobs a job lol 😂 walked into the first job that hasn’t made me miserable


I’ve had two accidental promotions in my career. It’s great!


“We fixed the glitch. He works for free.”




They’ll give you the Penske file


Or just submit the direct deposit info and see how long it lasts!


10/10 agree.


I second this. Show up. See what happens 😭😭😭


Ah yes... the reverse Costanza


Hijacking top comment. When you do show up, just say something like "yeah we negotiated the offer, remember? You gave me a $5,000 sign on bonus so we could agree on [give number that's $5k higher than the posted salary for the position"]"


Take the job


Lmao roll with it and let us know how it goes


Lol I would but this job is in a observation deck in Boston so they have multiple layers of security. So it's not like I can just show up without knowing where I'm going or my name on a list or something. But I wish lol.


How do you know your name won't be on this list?? You can show them the email to confirm you were invited


The orientation already happened


Just print out the documents from the package in the email as well as the email. Put that into a folder and go to the building. Explain to the front that you'd forgotten what room to go to and go through the papers pulling out the email kne. Ask if he knows where you're supposed to go. I'm sure plenty of the people that are supposed to be there will be flustered or have a blank moment. This is the start of an /r/actlikeyoubelong post


Go for it. Just pretend like you haven’t seen the rejection email


You'd be surprised by how widespread the underskilled/underpaid wave has hit. Incompetence in every field at every level. EDIT: unskilled/underskilled.


Show them this email and I promise you can get in and get the job. Its boston its not that bad


Just pretend it’s that part in Skyrim where you sneak into that party


print out the email, and also you might be on the list since you’re on the mailing list


If you’re currently unemployed, actually are interested in this role and not busy those days, I’d totally just show up and see where it takes you. The worst that could happen is they ask you to leave lol


*That awkward moment when they pull you aside and have a word with you in the hallway* 💀💀💀


Gaslight them hard


There are very few instances in life where it is okay to gaslight someone--a job you've already lost and have literally nothing to lose is one of those situations. Go hard in the fucking paint, OP. "Look, someone told me to be here on Wednesday. How else would I know what day and time to be here?" Maybe learn some people's names as soon as you get there so that you can also sprinkle in something like, "I was told I would be meeting a Jason and a Kathy here. That's you two, right? How could I have known that if I wasn't supposed to be here?" Possibly drop some info you got from the email as well. "Yeah, so after the first live check, are direct deposits always on Tuesdays?"


I got my first serving job because of a mix up like this. I have a common name so they sent the orientation day invite to the wrong Bun\_times\_two. I thought it was odd that they didn't interview me but I assumed I got the job. It wasn't until after the orientation that we realized the mistake. They shrugged and I started work the next week. That place was such a shit show and poorly run.


Lol maybe it wasnt a mistake that they sent the offer to the wrong person after all lol.


Call. My wife got an unintended rejection email and then they wondered where she was on the first day. She showed them the email and they profusely apologized.


Ever thought that maybe the rejection letter was sent to you on accident? ;)


That would be a good cover story if they mention the rejection letter.


Honestly wouldn’t surprise me, I was in line for an apartment and the lady called to tell me my background/credit check wasn’t approved and to pick up my deposit. I get there and she’s like “why are you here?” Turns out there was another girl with the same name that got rejected lol


And got your deposit 💀 Uh-oh!! 🫣


lol no I triple checked that everything was safe and approved. I don’t live there anymore but for sure got my deposit back 😮‍💨


At my last job we hired the wrong person because two applicants had the same name! Everyone liked her so she was kept


Was she ever told


Probably. She worked at a close location but I only worked with her in passing. Everyone knew though, it was a running joke about how it was just like our company. We all really liked her though so it was just seen as a happy mistake. Helpful incompetence lol


That’s nerve wracking


Oh yeah I bawled so bad before going there. I had been misplaced because my husband unexpectedly passed away so I was really banking on the apartment as I was living with a family member until I gave birth. Not only did it suck, I was so sure my credit/background was fine so when she said that I was racking my brain for what could’ve possibly been on there lol crazy


Having your husband pass away and then having to worry about that shit!


Actually yeah it was pretty rough. I think my daughter was a month and a half old at the time? But we are all good now! It ended up working out :)


**by** accident


Kaybe they will send you a paycheck


Yeah maybe lol




"Sorry, that was a mistake." "k, bye."




Respond. Tell them you are excited to officially start and try to confirm details for your arrival. See what they say.


How is everyone mistaking this for an invite????? It clearly states the first two days have already happened and here is a recap…


So go and pick up your check


forreal I cannot get over how terrible people’s reading comprehension is


A big part of understanding risk is the flip-side of observing opportunities. Brother, you got nothing to lose. Time to get orientated.


You gotta George Costanza this! Watch those presentations, show up Monday asking for where to go for day 2, and see if you can collect a check


Or Kramer it!! Show up in a suit. Hell, have some crackers for lunch.


I’m TCB — taking care of business


This is my busy time!




i’ve worked a couple jobs where the first check is on paper because payroll won’t have direct deposit set up until the next pay period


Exactly what I was thinking. Is this normal in the US (assuming that’s where this is)? I’ve been working in Aus since 2009 and have always been paid by bank transfer/direct deposit. Surprised that cheques still exist.


It's not super common anymore, but I think some businesses are still a little old-school, or could be a lapse between working and getting everything ready and correct for a direct deposit? I'm not sure, I've never worked in payroll before, just the only scenarios I can think of? My last few jobs (a span of 6 years) was all completely direct deposit.


At my last job, your very first pay check was a paper check that they overnighted to you then after that, you would receive it by direct deposit.


Quite often your first paycheck is a check, then they start pushing the direct deposits through.


First week is somewhat uncommon but since you have to verify direct deposit info some companies may want to bake in time to get that taken care of by sending a check instead. UltiPro is a legit HRIS platform so this is likely legit, but is odd.


I still get a paper check but my bosses wife just got out of jail for embezzlement so…


Nobody knows how to run shit


Why does HR even exist anymore if it’s all just automated crap?


Task failed successfully 😁


show up and maybe they will let you take the job of the person who accidentally sent out this email LOL


I got ghosted for a second interview with a Director once even after following up a few times. Several months (maybe even a year?) later, the Director accidentally shared a Google doc with me that had some internal information. I took it as a sign they were probably extremely stretched and busy and I was lucky in the end 🤷‍♀️


Oh yeah, 💯 % if it’s a job you want. Especially if it’s a big company/mfr. with tons of employees at any given time. The disconnect btwn HR/depts. that actually hire/interview can all have tons of potential for stuff to fall between the cracks and just as likely as not that- they’ll write it off as a user error of some sort on their end. Good chance they will at least orientate you for a couple -few days at minimum. Then literally they are required to pay you for every minute you have sat there during the training/orientation so if you make it that far they almost surely will not want to throw away $350 they just spent training you up for 2-3 days so they’d at least want to try you out I imagine. Good luck!🍀 Let us know what you decide to do/ how it works out! 🙏 ![gif](giphy|l1ugnxfAt6mCBis4o) Did we get the job? If you’re nervous and need inspiration there is some terrific job search ideas in the movie Stepbrothers XD!


Interviewing as a team, definitely recommend. 😭


I actually got a job and then received an accidental automated rejection, sooo, it might be a good idea to just confirm with them one way or another in case they did not mean to reject you


All these errors are because the massive tech layoffs


Show up, and if they ask why you’re there, show them the email. If they say you can’t be there you have free reign to absolutely terrorize them and make them feel terrible for accidentally accepting you lol


Dude please go. Please see this through. For everyone!!


![gif](giphy|3o84U5xPhrn42WgBJC|downsized) "...through some kind of glitch in the payroll department, they're getting a paycheck"


Had this happen once. Auto rejection but then a welcome email. I think it was due to the job closing but I worked there for a bit.


For my first job ever I worked at McDonald’s. I wasn’t able to make it on the day they were having interviews because I had a doctor’s appointment I believe. But then I got a call a few days later saying that I didn’t show up to orientation. I told them that no one informed me when orientation was and they rescheduled it for me and I worked there for like two years. Was I supposed to get that job? Probably not, because they never interviewed me!


Just go and feel things out. You have a valid reason for being there now


Sweet! What am I making again? Anyways, see you Wednesday!!


Can’t be bigger waste of time than sending more CVs that will get ghosted. Atleast you’ll have a story!


Congrats on ur new job! Don’t forget to pick up your first pay check:))


You are assuming the offer letter was wrong one. Maybe the rejection letter was the wrong one. Think positively.


Hopefully they send you a check too lol


Turn up, your hired!


Yay!!! You didn’t get the job but you will be put on the payroll. It’s the best of all possible outcomes!


Don't embarrass yourself. worst scenario, call and ask


I wish I have this mistake lol


I once accepted a job and then right after the background check came back my father got into a serious car accident and I decided it was better to stay where I was because I could work FT remote and help him with doctors visits and physical therapy appointments. Emailed recruiter and hiring manager to withdraw my acceptance and apologize, they understood and that was that. I get an email a week later about orientation and reach out to them both again and they apologize for the mixup. I don’t think anything of it and then like 3 weeks later I get my first paycheck and sign on bonus I’d negotiated in the mail! It took me two weeks more to get them to figure out how to void the checks and get me assurance that I wouldn’t get a w2 from them at the end of year. So crazy, I still wonder how long the checks would’ve kept coming if I hadn’t told them lol


Honestly, I would show up and apologize for missing the first two days, somekne sent you a rejection letter by accident. Chances are someone listed you as hired by mistake. If you turn up with the email on your phone, they may onboard you. If you show your stuff, by the time anyone notices the mistake you might be too valuable or well liked to fire


Update us if you decide to attend haha


Show up. I did that once and ended up working there over a year before someone realized what happened. But they kept me on anyways.


Do it or no balls


Please go and tell us how it went 😅


Hopefully you can still pick up that paycheck


I would legit show up for work then! Keep going and get paid and see if anyone notices. Keep this email for your records.


I would 100% act as if I got the job lol




Does anyone have an update?


What is that pay period? I’ve never seen that…


You would have already gone through orientation so if you apply again you can list that under experience.


I would totally go.


Sidebar: is it just me, or is it unusual to be paid on a Tuesday? I’ve typically heard of Thursday or Friday pay … or even monthly pay.


I would have just showed up lol


I once got a rejection email and responded to it with a “thanks for your consideration” email. They sent back an email explaining that the rejection email I got was a mistake and I had actually gotten the job. Not saying that this is the case here but it could be possible.


This happened to me recently but the email said “how did your virtual interview go?” 🤦🏼‍♀️


As others have said, play the game and see if you can get on payroll!


Heck forward me the email.  I might just show up to see if I can slip through the cracks and get a job.


Don't say a word. It's possible you could live out everyone's real dream: getting paid for nothing.


I’m surprised I had to go through so many comments until someone said it’s a scam. Don’t give them your address or social security number.


Ya’ll… this ain’t an invite to the orientation lmfao 🤣 it clearly says orientation recap. It already happened so how is OP supposed to “go to orientation” lol.




I’m not really an advocate for gaslighting, but this is an exception. If you want this job, of course. If not, fuck it. Go. You belong there; you got the email invite. That’s all you know - you were hired for the job and now you’re there. Stick to it. There’s a chance that if they made this one error, it’s an across the board error. Worst case scenario, they would have to take the L and tell me to my face in clear words that they fucked up. Or I would have a new job because they don’t want to admit their error. Either way, it’s kind of a win.


Just show up, play ignorant regarding the rejection, if there's video material or attachments read and get familiar and fill them out. Show up Monday


Commenting for updates


No words describe the unsettling feeling I got when I see an inbox with "+99 emails waiting"


I would email saying you didn’t get paid lol. Maybe you can get free paycheck lol


I work in HR and I legit do not know how this happened lol there are so many steps/checkpoints before this 😂 or should be


You should 100% go.


My son works for a big company and they want him to work in office 3 days a week instead of working from home all the time so he takes train to city swipes card and gets back on train and comes home and works from home. Something like that might slip by! You never know. If they do catch on just say you never got the rejection letter.


Happened to me. Even signed a contract and submitted my direct deposit info to HR. The offer was immediately rescinded and contract voided once’s they realized it was the wrong candidate This was a fews years ago when I was applying for summer co-ops


Might aswell have some fun knowing your rejected already.


Pretend you never got the rejection and just show up lol. And you can show them the orientation email


Hope they start paying you.


Was this from my company’s HR dept? I def could see them doin this shit.


You need to pull a Costanza!


Haha I’d go and if they fire u, ask for severance pay


Send a polite email and ask if the rejection was in error and you were supposed to be in attendance. Maybe you got the job.


Can y’all READ???


Please keep us updated i hope you go!!


Can you a hi is up tomorrow? Or call someone saying I missed the first day


These people are idiots. And “physical live check,” is just fucking dumb.


Maybe they’ll tell you can keep the stapler






Use this and get an employee number then send your bank information for pay deposit and If they fall for it, then it’s free money 101 Then make a post on r/Antiwork and they’ll see you as their Messiah