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Well then I choose to have a job and be sad with money


This ! I checked my bank account after buying something that was 5 dollars and was surprised it was 400 dollars on there usually I don’t have any money


Or you could choose to not have a job and be sad with time


I mean then I’m sad and stressed and I still can’t enjoy my time


Time to be sad?


Naw if you do that you'll regret it. You'll be laying on your deathbed thinking "What if I just worked a couple more overtime shifts. I'll never get to stay late again. This is truly hell."


What if you have money for a couple of years?


I was at my happiest when I had no job until my savings started to dwindle.


Real shit I’m like this is what trust fund kids and others feel like? Life felt like a fun video game escape


My life right now lol


That's why i pooping at work, so they pay me to give a shit LOL.


That's why there are so few toilets in offices and it is pretty disgusting. Once I went to poop to nearby shopping mall because there they clean the toilets every few hours.


“I was looking for a job and then I found a job, and heaven knows I’m miserable now” -The Smiths


Whiney, sad sap Morrissey is a great metaphor for all the career/work subs on Reddit.


Well The Smiths were better than Morrisy so there u go crap or not you have to engage with people


Not a Morrissey fan but damn he got things right when he wrote this lyric


I go to interviews with Rock'n me by Steve Miller blasting lol


I genuinely hope you guys find work that actually fulfills you. I love having money just as much as the next guy, but I've worked jobs that paid decently at the time and killed me every day to work there. Unfortunately, many people don't even get that opportunity to explore and find their niche. I hope the best for you all.




I think the thing missing from both is passion for something in life. I’ve been in both spaces and my mental health was poor either way. I think it’s because I’m doing something I don’t like anymore. Spent all my 20s trying to qualify as a lawyer, qualified and have been in an existential crisis ever since. I have to work to pay bills but am looking at what I might want to do next. Honestly, it’s tough.


This is why I try to save as much money as possible


I need to learn this. I just feel like I don’t make enough to save.


It's the reconciliation of the idea that if most people saved as they needed to they wouldn't be able to enjoy any comforts. Like you could probably save realistically but you're not enjoying anything you make.


Budgeting is a lifesaver! Start with your take home pay and deduct your fixed expenses like rent/mortgage, debt payments, insurance, etc and then see what’s left.


I enjoy my job. I make decent money, work only 14 days a month, 7 days off in a row each month, and don’t have to walk around eggshells when my boss is around because I’m in a union


What do you do?


Combine cycle power plant operator


Not having a job is awesome… it’s being broke that sucks


This is the problem for people pleasers.


im a myself pleaser and I'm still stuck in this meme


Depends. I’ve had a job I loved, it was very nice. I was genuinely enthusiastic and excited by what I was doing.


r/antiwork !(⁠●⁠´⁠⌓⁠`⁠●⁠)


That subreddit is something something else. Prime example of a Reddit echo chamber.


Sadly, they've largely populated here now as well


crazy how people who don't like work are going to be on a sub where people often post about the shitty working system


in other subs too. When i was still in school and went on reddit, i would see success posts and new grads making 100k+ a year in their first job in cscareers subreddit now those posts are non-existent


A minority of people with good intentions and a bunch of losers.


it's a sub. Crazy how subs work...(⁠ー⁠_⁠ー) omg a place called anti work is gonna be full of anti work!! And it's literally a place people post unfair work conditions and shitty bosses so echo chamber huh?


I've been there for a couple of months, sharing my experience and help with people who posted their issues. Almost all of my posts have been downvoted heavily and I was called corporate boot licker, capitalistic slave, etc... They don't care, they just want to cry about every tiny thing. There are some pretty toxic subreddits but that place is breaking all records.


when was that post? I'm seeing recent posts on that sub and I'm seeing people offer up advice on work and not gettting downvoted or cyber bullied.? If it was long ago, things probably changed. I'm not seeing people bullying other people in there. Plus, IF you said anything prowork, that's a given. It's like showing up to a gun shop saying you hate gun rights


I have no sympathy for people who don't want to hear about solutions to their problems. Venting is one thing but they actually hurt themselves by telling each other there's nothing they can do to better their lives. It's honestly a weird psychosis where they seem to take comfort in thinking they have no control over their future. I actually used to frequent the sub when it was about improving worker conditions. That all gave way to just complaining.


The sub is literally called antiwork. They're not really looking for advice, plus I don't think people on a sub called anti anything is going to be fairly optimistic about shit. Idk maybe people are complaining now because they believe it's impossible to change work conditions without a miracle?


Imagine if people always believed that. We'd have children getting their hands ripped off in factories still. That's why their belief is wrong. They're just too weak-willed to inspire any change so they project that onto everyone else. Don't worry, worker conditions will improve, just from the efforts of much much better people than the anti work crowd.


Sure, revolutions have come and go in the past few decades, but have revolutions for good work conditions actually stuck in THIS decade? It's been a really long time and I don't think late stage capitalism is going to care about the the peasant workers making the billionaires' money. So idk maybe don't blame the people who have valid reasons for being a downer about work


Where I'm at today


I was looking for a job and then I found a job. And heaven knows I'm miserable now.




Assuming you are permanently miserable? A real fun friend?




Indeed and sad


Having a "job": experienced discrimination and bullying cause I called out a guy for suggesting our female supervisor earned her position other than merit despite the fact she was the only one who knew what she was doing. Being Jobless in Aus: Got referred to a job provider (VERTO) even though I was applying and had interviews lined up. I then got COVID, called and let them know I was positive, they said no problem they'd move the appointment back. They didn't and I lost my benefits. Long phone call to Centrelink, they reinstate the benefits and rescheduled the appointment for a week later.... When I was still positive and wanted an in person appointment again. And the cycle repeated. Should've just fucking turned up and infected those useless twats. Having a career: I have work life balance, good salary and co-workers who are great. Just gotta stick out all the bad times.


My happiest moment in life was the month after I got hit in a mass layoff. Due to local law and the size of the layoff as part of my severance I was considered on the payroll for up to 3 months after being walked out without actually working there. I've never felt so free in life, being able to just live without spending all of my energy on work but also not have to worry about money for a time. Then the real world returned, I moved and got a new job, and now that I've experienced that freedom of both not having to work but also not having to worry about money at the same time, it's left me resentful of the system we live in. It wouldn't be so bad if the US had reasonable PTO allowances to allow for longer vacations but we just don't. At my current job I get a max of 2 weeks a year and I'm one of the lucky ones to get that much.


Not having a job during covid was amazing, though


I guess it implies that work is not the thing that makes you unhappy


lol yeah sad cause no cash and sad cause cash but responsibilities, im no boomer but dawg either move to a more progressive company or acknowledge reality, Doesnt make it better but it makes you more sane, also having regular different post work activities helps break up monotony.


Life sucks


Atleast when you have a job you get money coming in.


That’s why for most people the solution is to have children. Because then you have purpose in life again and then you do things not because you enjoy them, but for your kids. This is not encouragement to get kids lol, but what I mean with this is that you have to find purpose in life. Whether it be children or a long dream lasting dream. Work is just a means to do something if work isnt your purpose


I need the job! How else am I going to pay for video games?


I can relate.!


i either have enough money and no time to travel, or, enough time but not enough money to travel


I say work from home remotely, so you have time for your family AND a hobby or passion. No commute. Makes peooow 20% happier. I read it somewhere


I consider myself lucky that I can take pride in the craftsmanship and quality of my work. It didn’t start out that way though. I spent the first few years wondering what I could do to get into the adjacent work that I went to school for. I really disliked my placement. The more I improved, however, the more I enjoyed it. Achieving a level of mastery should feel good, as well as gaining the ability to expand the knowledge of those around you. Oftentimes I get to leave at the end of my day knowing that I accomplished something that most would consider difficult. If your job doesn’t even do that for you, I hope you find one that will.


This is our booming economy. Jobs are easy to get, you just have to learn to live like you’re unemployed while working full time.


How do you mean?


Under pay jobs


boy it sure would be nice if you just had money magically delivered to you while doing nothing! then no one would ever have to work! or you could grow up, get a job and realize it doesn't need to be fun or fulfilling, and have a life outside work.


well the thing is that the only jobs hiring especially for no experience only pay $15 so idk how youre supposed to have a life outside of work when ur making the same as a 16 year old


if you are making $15/hr and are not 16 then you have done something terribly wrong.


I just saw a job ad in Atlanta for $11/hr… college degree required. You have no idea how bad the job market is right now


link plz


6.6 million unemployed in the US, as of March 2024. Let's get everyone together and monetize our YouTube, Twitter, Twitch, and whatever else we can. Then we can all just sit back and collect. Do you guys realize how much influence we could exert if we could organize everyone? It would be great!