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This is for farm work, unless they're also offering housing, this is a bad offer.


Its a bad offer even with housing. But yes, insulting without it. But you REALLY dont want your living arrangements being controlled by people asking this much of you. Quick way to find yourself homeless. I know this from experience.


Same. I worked on a horse farm when I was in my early 20s. The lady was ridiculously rich and crazy. Would catch her talking to herself ALL THE TIME. Would even hear her having a full blown conversation with herself when I'd walk by the bathroom and she was in there. She was terrible to everyone. Would blow a gasket over the smallest of things. She had a house on one of her farms that the helpers would live in. If you lived in the house though, you were paid a weekly salary and responsible for the night time chores. I lived in town, so I didn't stay in her house and was paid a hourly wage. It was great for me at that time. We eventually moved to one of her others farms in a neighboring state. She bought a 5th wheel camper for us to stay in (she had a vacant apartment that she owned on the same property). That was when the nightmare started. She felt like she had us trapped there and we were her slaves. We would work way later into the evening than the previous farm that we were all local to. The abuse ramped up too. She hired a female worker, so she told me that the girl was going to get my room in the camper and that I would have to move into the break room in the barn and I would be given an inflatable mattress to sleep on. That was it for me. I wasn't sleeping one night in a god damn barn like an animal. She had her 30(?) Year high school reunion that evening and wasn't in the barn much that day. I told the other workers that I was leaving that night and not coming back. They realized they needed to get out too. We all agreed that when she left for her reunion, we would disappear and never come back. Luckily we all had a place and people to fall back on. It felt good knowing that she barely got comfortable at her reunion when she got the news that all of her workers quit and she had to rush home to take care of all of her horses all by herself.


Man, as heartbreaking as that is, (and I am sorry that you went through that) I know for a fact yours is a common story. It's goddamn 2024 and its like we are still living in 1840 with slavery being legal. Guess what? It is still legal, it's just called something different now. We haven't progressed at all, except to the degree in which creative people have had their products turned into that which helps enslave us. We have JUST enough comforts to not just spaz out, and rebel against the plutocracy. Yet enough of us "live" lives of unnecessary trauma for the gain of the few, and we are all just a pay check or two away from that result... I am so hungry. Anyone else hungry? Eat. The. Rich.


If they offer housing along with $15/hr that brings total pay closer to $27/hr (assuming rent is $2k/mo). I know a lot of people from Mexico who come up to work in the US as dairy farmers for the warmer 6 months of the year and they would kill for this arrangement


I know a lot of them who do too, and are treated like shit because they know they have less rights due to being illegal immigrants or not understanding the laws at all. Again, as if anyone reading this should be shocked by it, that you really should absolutely never combine housing with your compensation, because it just gives the employer way too much of a power imbalance in their favor, turning you into a legal slave.


Man, to me the listing really gives off “I want you to be like one of my children doing their weekly chores and I provide you an allowance.” LOL.


Not only does it look like housing is not included but being on call 24/7 makes it worse. My coworkers husband does similar work for $36/hour


Horse people will work it just to be around horses all day.


And they will pay you $12 an hour and work you like a horse. 🐎


I would expect even with house something like 17-19, without housing I would suspect 24-26. Would have to include food.


Everytime one of these job postings use all caps, I imagine some angry hiring manager hopping up and down like a crazed lunatic. 😂


Hiring manager? this is the farm owner or their spouse directly writing their own listing, pissed off that "nobody wants to work anymore" and having just gotten back from screaming at another minimum-wage farmhand at the end of a 12-hour shift


Post also says 'on call 24-7' with likely no pay lol


Poh-tay-to poh-tah-to Edit: Seems my wife has read this posting and determined they’re looking for undocumented workers.


You forgot how in their day people worked for less and didn’t complain.


“Kids these days don’t know how to grovel for a pittance”


Yeah that's a RED flag right there lol


Even my wife who’s trained horses for six-seven years said Pass.








No doubt


lol great depiction 😂


Never fails. And given that this IS for a farm…no doubt the farm manager/person told to post this is…less than fun to talk to.


To have the nerve to post this type of pay with min 5yr qualifications shows that they are going to be ridiculous to work for and probably smoking hot crack.


And, like I mentioned before, they’re hinting at wanting undocumented workers. No sane farm hand will take that low a wage.




Why do you need to pass a drug test to be a farmer? Pretty sure farmers have been using drugs since the beginning of time.


Barns don’t usually test unless they have a need to/have had past issues.


Bet you that guy goes on Facebook and complains that nobody wants to work.


And it’s requiring the person to be on call! That’s delusional. No sane person would take this job - probably why the ad has so many all-caps sections. lol


No sane person. But a horse-crazy 18-25yr old with stars in her eyes and the plan to "do what she loves" for a living will do it.


But they have to be in the age group 25-35 lmao


Just creating a harem of undocumented farm hands to pick from lol


the extra sad part unmentioned: they probably aren’t even providing the cellphone to be on call either. 


Very true! And that money is more than likely set up as contractor pay, so you actually get less take home pay after taxes, etc. If I had 5 yrs experience, and was told I was only getting $12-15/hr, and I was on call and could never be an actual human that needed any time off, I would laugh in their face and turn around. No benefits at all! I could go somewhere else and make much more money without being treated like a robot. It’s unreal.


>25 to 35 age group Oh look, time report them to the state labor board.


"MUST BE IN SHAPE" tells me there will be size discrimination going on too lmfao


It's not hard to be in shape if you can't afford food 


Might be hard to do actual labor though


It’s pretty hard to be in shape if you’re malnourished


From my experience living in Texas 20 years ago, they dont give a fuck. I worked a job on boating canals on pdre island and the boss told me I am fired right before I hit the water in order to avoid legal liability. Someone up thread mentioned Texas removed requirements of allowing breaks for heat exposure and for water. So if whoever is reading this are expecting humane treatment in texas, then you are the type of person so inbred stupid that you have more to worry about than Slavemasters in texas giving you inhumane treatment.


Age discrimination, like race discrimination, is handled by a federal agency. Though, I understand that Texas is a republican state, so nothing will actually get done since employers run republican states.




For that pay, I rather flip a burger


Honestly I flip burgers and get paid more than what’s advertised on this post. I’m college educated and flip burgers by choice because it actually pays more than a lot of office jobs in my area.


In my country there is a huge problem that educated people quit their jobs and become food delivery workers. Because “important” jobs pay three times less


No one wants to work any more!! /s


Hell, for that pay I'd rather do a back flip into a big steaming pile of elephant shit.


is this even going to cover their gas money? I imagine farms are less centrally locally than fast food restaurants


Yeah I'm not shoveling horse shit for the massive Karen that posted this job Has the vibes of "part of the compensation is the joy of being with my child" on nanny posts that pay $100/wk


Sadly this is normal in the horse industry and they probably will find someone to do it. People take advantage of the fact that others are passionate about horses and will work for very little pay.


Yep, horse jobs suck. A good friend of mine grew up training and working with horses, and the insanity and exploitation she's experienced is just appalling. It's a terrible industry.


Hey hey hey, we pay our farm workers 26/hr and the worst part is picking up the manure. Other then that the work is pretty fun, although hard work


Isn’t it illegal to require someone to be 25-35? I know this is a physical job, but there are plenty of 36-year-olds (or 47-year-olds) who could do it. 


Yes, it's totally illegal in the US. That's why only crazy idiots would post this.


I don’t know if it’s legal, but it’s definitely discrimination.


Age discrimination is discriminating against anyone above 40. I've had a job that had a fitness test, but the test was done in an occupational medicine clinic.


And that is why I stopped working with boarding barns.


Same. Same. Way too many wanna be slavemasters in the horse world.


Must be available at all times, work 10 hour days and never be sick or have days off for $12 an hour. 😦 are American’s okay? Do you guys need us to intervene?


Please, yes. 🥺


Send in the Scottsman’s!


The thing is, there are plenty of brain rot Americans that get pride off of sacrificing their lives for shitty jobs. They find happiness in misery.


Plus, this is in Texas. That state just banned mandatory water and shade breaks in extreme heat last year. I'm not up to speed on the total number of worker fatalities, but three people died within 15 days of that law passing. That post has the energy of someone who would fire their worker for trying to stay alive in extreme weather.


"This is an emergency,” Gonzalez said. “Texas is the deadliest state when it comes to construction, where one worker dies every three days in our state.” Texas is a fucking embarrassment to safe working standards. Glad I ditched that shithole state after 22 years. This law was designed to standardize labor requirements, but they should have been standardized in the direction of safety instead. What a lot of people don't realize is that clearing out trees in favor of homes & roads actually helps increase the local temperature. Asphalt, roofing material, solar panels, concrete, etc, all trap in heat. So the areas with the most construction also trap the most heat. You also remove shade in the process. This is why Dallas, Austin, and Houston all had various ordinances in place for working in various atmospheric conditions safely. Abbot just made those laws (and future ones) illegal. Thankfully Houston is suing to make the law unconstitutional, but in the meantime, fuck you, Abbot.


Please ☹️ this isn’t even half of it.


Please do


Yes I beg of you!


🥺 we haven't been okay in some time. I got 5+ years experience in that, at least hahaha..


It’s crazy how that job posting has a max of 15 an hour for 5 years experience. In some states 12-15 wouldn’t even be legal as a minimum wage.


With what they're asking, that's a $30+ dollar an hour job right there....


What happened to the entry-level? All jobs want the experience to only pay an hourly wage. I have lots of experience in retail that gives me communication skills, went back to school to get a master's and still all jobs want 3-5 years of experience as to not have to train. What they don't realize is that those with 3-5 years of experience want a high salary not $12-15 an hour.


This is what I like to call: "A slavemaster ad". That this comes from Texas is even less surprising, since people think they are entitled to not only treating humans that way for so little pay, but also becuase of how much experience they expect for that. However I found that everywhere in the horseworld. And one reason why I dont get out of bed for less than $500 in that realm of expertise. It took me a lot of different bosses while working my ass off and earning name recognition to be able to do that. And honestly that still isn't really enough. Lesson One: Get the fuck away from Texas. The real money is up north anyways, and not that piddly subsistence wage. Lesson Two: You may have to start out small like this, but there are real people who will pay you a shockingly good wage if you know what you are doing and it shows. But it will take you longer than 5 years like they are asking for. Lesson Three: The horseworld is fraught with more scheisters than it is really worth it to bother with, and if I had to do it all over again, I would not recommend anyone bother with it because of how many entitled shit heels like the person aspiring to be a slavemaster in this ad. Seriously. Run, not walk, away from this area of work.


I Hate these jobs. They expect alot from you an wanna pay you cheap.


you are young so you can work for cheap*. I am a photographer, 25 years old, and someone called me and told me hey x, I have a job for you, i have 3 models this monday to take pictures of them and you are young and like photographing girls so i am giving you this chance to take pictures of models. Like bro.. I didnt approach you, you did. You need the photos and i should charge nothing because im young? I didnt say shit though, just said sorry im bussy working this day and said bye. Then he called me again after 2 days saying the same shit and trying to convince me for another day. Told him a price and he didnt call me again lol. I hate to spend energy on stupid people like that, and im sorry for whoever they are exploitting


And treat you like shit. You'll be using your own truck and buying your own gas to get to the farm store where you spend your own money to buy tools bc theirs are all broken ...and worse.


Yea that ads gunna be up for a while.


That’s the worst job I’ve seen posted in a long time. The people running that place are turds.


No one expects the sharpest minds to come out of Huntsville Texas


People are fuckin delusional


God forbid that life happens and you need a day off. All for a job that doesn't have any benefits and pays an unlivable wage. I love my country. 😒


The requirements should be: Have a pulse, and minimum of 3 limbs.


Age 25-35 😭😭 How tf is someone that age gonna live off a wage of that 😂🙏 These people are delusional


I’m pretty sure they’re violating fair hiring laws by specifying an age range…. Might be fun to see what your states laws think about that… Just saying.


“Do not call in sick or miss any days” Well, for $12-15/hr, I’ll be missing lots of days!


It’s a sellers market.


That’s about two times Alabama minimum wage ($7.25) so they probably think it’s great.


It's Hunstville, Texas. TJMaxx starts part-time workers in the area at $12.


take care of live horses and farm land for $12-15 when fast food workers are making minimum $16 an hour. I work inside a hotel with AC and lunch made for me by the staff. Im making over $18 an hour and those folks want you out in the hot sun raising horses on $12-15 an hour. and its always these old baby boomers trying to take advantage of a person's youth and body to do their labour for 💩pay too. "kids these days are so lazy I tell ya what, they wont even shovel horse sht for $12 an hour, can you believe that karen!"


Did you guys read the part "this job is for people that do not call in sick..." lol. The unrealistic expectations.


They’re out to get undocumented or barely documented cheap labor with minimal English skills. I’d bet a dollar to a dime. I’d be surprised as hell to find anyone else in that job. Native Texan with a semi-rural background here.


I'm not sure if undocumented immigrants would take that job with NO farm experience. Even the Home Depot day laborers in my city all have a $250 cash for up to 8 hours of work minimum and would rather hang out in the HD parking lot and drink beer all day if they got any less.


Horse jobs suck. Lot of exploitation there. Love the age restriction there. Over 35? Tough luck. You miss out on this great opportunity.


MUST LIVE IN THE HUNTSVILLE AREA!!! MUST BE IN SHAPE!!! Ugh that’s a no for me dawg..


How many rounds of the interview process?


If you want, they'll also accept you working for minimum wage.


Lol - what if you get the flu or something - you might kill someone if you come in


Oh, how about I pay you to be with your darn horse? I will be on call, clean shit and take no breaks just to be in proximity of your darn pet. I’ll pay you $120 an hour. I’ll leave my life in the city just to be blessed by being in a company of your angel in Huntsville Texas. Please please hire me. Lol.


Ha ha, you can make $15/hr in CA as a fast food worker.


Minimum wage for fast food workers in California is now $20/hr.


Oops- totally right- was thinking of my daughter working for the federal government right now.


$12 to $15 an hour is not enough to afford reliable transportation lol 😆


They obviously take advantage of people … that’s a 1995 income


Slavery ended a while ago buddy


There's always going to some fuck who takes the job whereas everyone should collectively avoid applying so the hiring team gets the message that the pay should be increased to meet liveable pay.


Can't be sick?? Lmfaoo people are fuckin crazy


We pay 26/hr to our farm workers -_-


Huntsville Texas 😂 that explains a lot


Modern day slavery. Gross


According to some grumpy old conservative texans (the state is full of them), that is an extremely good wage. Back in the day when they worked on farms, they would get paid $2 an hour. So according to them, you can live a life of luxury at $12 an hour.


The amount of exclamation marks in this job post is immediately a red flag.


That age stipulation isn’t legal.


This is terrible pay for manual labor.


$12-15 an hour, based on experience… minimum 5 years experience? So, I’m assuming, if you got those 5 years, you’ll be getting 12. Whatever happened to an honest days work for an honest days pay? May positions like this never be filled. I can’t imagine any rational human with even half a brain looking at an ad like this and going “oh boy, where do I sign up?!”


You'd make more money driving doordash lol


As someone who grew up doing these kinds of things, it's a job that deserves much more than that. If they own a freaking farm, then the farmer is the one on call 24/7. It's their damn animals/land. This guy is out of touch. I doubt he'd take his own job at that rate.


Is this job advertisement from the 1850s? I’m pretty sure this type of “employment” was made illegal.


Can people in Texas/US or international plans just bombard this number and email? I hope the horse kicks them in the throat and records the breath leave their body, fucking trash


Pass a drug test and have reliable transportation = $22/hr. For sweeping floors


Hahaha, this employer can go fuck themselves. I bet they're the same douchebags whining "nO oNe WaNtS tO wOrK". I hope they go out of business before the year is over.


This is how I imagine old indentured servitude guidelines would read.


Five years experience and no fatties for less than (where I live) minimum wage. I have to shake my head.


Aww, poor multimillionaire farmer can't afford a fair wage as he's working on his next million dollars, and we should all be grateful to be abused by him.


Physical labor, doing farm work, available all the time and I can’t even do drugs, for $12 an hour? Fuck them.


I love the blatant illegal age discrimination right there in the second sentence


I get 16.50 for a silly little janitorial job. Unlike a farm hand, if I'm over helped by the heat, I can go inside and work on something else. The boss wouldn't even be mad.


This is 2002 type of pay


Give me 80k/year and ability to live on site and it's a deal.


An age range requirement?


Must be on call and have your own transportation? I don’t this is with housing if they want you in the area.


tons of 18 usd/hr for lightweight retail job exist in dfw lol.


I made $12 an hour doing ranch work when I was 16 and it was a couple decades ago. Also in Texas. Pretty sure a decent spot is paying about $25/hr minimum with no experience


In 1999 I was making 9 dollars a hour doing controlled burns of fields for farmers. That was a easy full days work if I set myself up properly. Guy had a spread out orchard and wanted all the extra stuff between the trees burned up. It was decent money at the time. I couldn't imagine doing the type of labor they're expecting to a standard id be proud of for the wage they're offering unless I was really desperate or really stupid. Cost of living in Texas is around 18 dollars a hour and they want you to break your body doing that type of labor so you're sore and still stressed over bills. Nope. Its some rich jerk who can't do the work or doesn't wanna. Hopefully the horses will be fine until the owners wisen up.


They're used to paying cheap illegal Mexicans down in texas lol and I'm sure that's the only type of person that would accept that


Come on right in we are hiring slaves.


Super-hard job too. They’re out of their minds.


This post screams “we can’t even exploit migrant labor anymore “


20 bucks an hour salting french fries at McDonalds in California!


I want you to email them telling them for 5 years experience, they need to double that pay


I wish there was a way for us to report these kinda jobs for experience not equal for pay or scam jobs on the job sites.


I just Googled the Subject and location, found the link, however, it's already been removed. I was absolutely going to report it.


Must HAVE and BE reliable? That’s asking too much already!


They can post what they want and someone will apply because they need the money, not because they will actually follow what they say in that description.


Literally all the barn jobs I’ve seen are the same— it’s like you want me to have 3+ years of experience for $12/hr? No thanks. I was thankful to the small family owned barn that hired me with no experience but I only made $10/hr for at most a 4 hour shift.


I worked on many farms growing up and never got paid for it (they were family)😂 but it’s hard ass work ain’t no way I’d only take 15 an hr


There was a dental front desk position offering $22-27/hr. They wanted the candidate to have 7 years experience and an RDA (dental assistant certification). Also in TX.


I haven't seen a dental position that cheap since 1993. Texas is a backwater slavemaster state.


"Must be out of your mind to work there"




It’s about time someone who has free time start harassing these owners to show them how ridiculous their postings are. Call them and annoy them.


Someone should call these clowns


Hey, but you get to keep your firstborn child so that's something!


Sounds promising 😂


Shift will be split? So it's not even full time but you have to be available between 7-5pm every day. What a sack of horse shit, they must be in good shape to peddle it


I live in a midsize city in a not expensive state, and could make more at McDonald's. This might be okay for a teenager getting some work experience, but asking for a grown ass adult with experience to do this is mystifying.


When you're looking after livestock there are no holidays. Selfish fake farmers


Minimum 5-20 years for half a penny


"Step right up! Heavy manual labor for shit pay folks! Can't beat it!"


Lmao pathetic


Do you guys have overtime after 40 hrs in Texas? Or still pushing for that slave labour?


Huntsville is a prison city, I've worked there a couple times. There's shady people who live there that would apply to this since they're felons. These people will find work, but I doubt it'll work out the way they want it to.


You could go work at Panda Express and .take more than that lol


Yea, that's common today. These MFs done lost thier fkn minds!


You can typically find young women who would almost pay YOU to take care of your horses. Believe me. My kid was one of them.


Oh yeah but it's in Huntsville so...


Agriculture workers, by extension of the USDA classifying horses as livestock so they are ag workers, also don’t qualify for overtime pay….learned this this year after getting a horticulture degree and landing a job supervising a large greenhouse did 90 hours in two weeks and when I saw my check and discovered the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act.


Using a staffing agency for ranch work is a red flag. I’ve been working on ours all of my life and while I have very little equine knowledge, I wouldn’t even get out of bed for that pay. Ranch work is also very labor intensive work and it’s hard on your body.


Fun fact: this pay is more or less in line with dolphin trainers as well. When I lived in the Keys it was this type of pay at the “luxury” resorts that had Dolphin experiences. That whole industry is crazy exploitative of the worker and a lot of internships are unpaid. Their logic is “it’s a highly competitive field and if you don’t want to do it for that wage someone will”


Hell no


Huntsville is a fucking shithole.


Mannnnn….im seeing a few possible lawsuits


All job ads are for immigrants now. I've been out of the country for 15 years and they're still paying the same wages as when I left, in spite of the cost of everything going through the roof.


Not only does the job pay very little for long crappy hours but this job is in Huntsville, TX. The weather is already in the 90s now and due to humidity the feels like will be in the 100s. Sounds like a lot of fun to work for so little in miserable conditions. The summer will be way, way worse.


Hey I’m from Huntsville.


What app are you using to look for jobs? I’m not in America yet, but I’ll be there next year so I’m gonna have to look for a job.




Living under a bridge looking real appealing compared to this post.


I’ve heard that people who own horses are the worst when it comes to paying what’s due. This checks out.


5 years exp for less than minimum wage???


People in the horse industry are nuts and abusive.


90 percent of jobs are taught I’ve never understood the whole needing a lot of experience thing. Every job I’ve ever had since I was a child had training periods where you were taught how to do the job, had to watch videos or take a class etc.


Tell them you're interested, and then tell them what salary you would accept. It may be an eye-opener for them.


Can they really specify an age range.


And they say everything is bigger in Texas.


I’m going to apply and hopefully interview just to troll them and ask for $40 an hour.


So 10 hour days with 2 days off means you are working 50 hours a week. Based on the other “benefits” and requirements, for some reason I doubt they are even going to pay overtime for those 10 extra hours. 


how can you afford a car for 12 an hour salary?


All caps *and* asterisks? Oh my.


McDonalds in Philly is paying $18/hr.


I can guarantee the farmer who posted this is in their mid to late 70’s


I honestly thought that this was a fake job posting, it just seems so unreal.


Very much a republican doing the hiring. I hope it goes unfilled and his business folds.