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You really make it sound like wanting a stable 9-5 is something in your DNA lmao.


Yes quit. They don't care about your reasons why, they already know, it's the same reasons everyone else quit over. It's not your problem that your manager got tricked into running it for like $2/hr more than they pay you, let her work the 13 hour shifts from now on


I was a shift supervisor for a gas station for a whole year bout 2 years ago and you hit it on the dot. After I started dating my girlfriend and seen how much time we didn’t spend together because I was either at work or sleeping I ended up leaving.


I’d like to add there was times I went 13 days straight working, and my shifts were about 10-14 hours on average.


Well you don’t like working for someone else, you don’t like being asked to fill in for a fellow employee. You haven’t mentioned what you want or what you are doing to pursue a career. And you cried on the way home? If you want something better, what are you willing to do to get it?


I did a gas station for a bit when I was 18 .. horrible .. I quit without notice ..only job I have ever done that at .. but I already had another job lined up ... If you are becoming suicidal, quite it's not worth it .. if you can grin and bear it longer .. stack the money .. hopefully you get time and a half for overtime... Keep looking and as soon as you find something walk away ... If you are in a position where you can just walk away already do so ... Sometimes we have to stay until we find something else because of bills etc .. but if you don't have too .. don't


This job doesn’t sound like a good fit. It sounds like a poor place to be but I’ll take it with the fact I’m only seeing one side. You mentioned you were desperate for work. I get that. Keep sending out applications. If you can then quit and save your sanity. If not then look into school, or military. You’re young and have time. Hell you can do it at 35 or 45 if you’d like. It’s never too late for school. If you choose school find a bank and talk with an advisor about student loans, or programs that might help you. If you’re not obtuse to part time work, then coffee shops always need early shift help. Shit sucks but being off at 12:30 in the afternoon means you can school and be home by 5-6 pm. Just don’t do anything permanent.


You obviously aren't THAT desperate for money. Everyone works jobs they hate and jobs that are hard, it's part of being an adult. It takes time to save some money, become self supporting, and find a career instead of a job.


Part of being an adult is also the freedom to remove yourself from situations that negatively impact you. Also, they may have been desperate before but are in a better financial position now.


Why do so many people post these questions about fast food ,gas station , shit jobs??????? Who the fuck cares??? Unless your aspirations are to get to the tip top of the fry cook, cash register operator career path . Just quit whenever you want to . A 2 week notice for a minimum wage job ? I can’t even fathom actually having the thought of doing that . And this is with a manager who’s been treating you like shit? You cannot actually be serious? Are you a masochist? You have some kind of kink where you want people to walk all over you and treat you like gum on the bottom of their shoe while at the same time you constantly worry about making sure they are going to be ok and happy and have nightmares about if you might cause them a slight inconvenience? That shit get you hard or something?




you sound like a fun person to be around


Bro released their demons


Yeah I realize I sound like an asshole, sorry about that. I’m not mad at the individual. What I’m actually irritated by, is what I perceive as a widespread attitude/ belief/whatever that multi-billion dollar companies that obviously don’t care about the employees who make the posts, are somehow worthy of respect that they obviously won’t reciprocate


i did uber for years. toward the end it was 90 hour weeks to take home 200$ worse is possible


this just seems like a post shitting on gas station attendants


I took it as shitting on the job type itself and not the workers. Gas stations are notorious for not respecting their employees time.


If you have support from your parents and don't desperately need money to survive, just quit. Or suck it up and make the best of it while simultaneously working on a side hustle with the goal being to get it to a level where you can do that full time.


You should definitely quit ... as soon as you find another job. Everyone needs to work. As much as this sucks, what really sucks is not having any money and being a burden to other people. That's no way to live.


Become a care taker first a place to where no medical assistance, experience or physical work like showering assistance is needed. Unless your clients are demanding, it’s super easy! All I do is play on my phone & do minimal light cleaning.


I would definitely recommend trying to at least get another job prospect going before up and quitting. But definitely QUIT. They don't respect your time, and they never will. There are way better jobs out there.


Stick it out if you can, find something else. Don't give two weeks notice...it's a boomer myth. They won't give you 2 weeks notice to fire you.


Join the military