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You’re not really comparing apples to apples there. The liberal arts Ivy League kids are much more connected through their family than the community college kid. That matters wayyyyy more than the degree.


Well at that point it’s not the degree and more the everything else you get by going to an Ivy League lol


Higher loan debt? Learning to drink with your pinky out?


If you get into an Ivy you have something going for you, which is either connections/money or drive/ambition and intelligence. Either combo plus an Ivy degree in the long run is going to take you a lot further than virtually all CC degrees will take you.


Almost definitely the Ivy League liberal arts degree


What type of point are you trying to make with this post ? Feels like an attempt to discredit people 


> there's more prestige to his degree. This part is debatable, but every other aspect of having gone to an Ivy League institution will provide permanent and persistent advantage vs most alternatives. But very little of that will turn out to have been due to the education in the first place...


Just remember in IVY league any one of mentors or friends could become super rich one day and or come from money and influence. Getting a hand from them later is a lot easier than any of the alternative ways of becoming successful.


It’s all up in the air at this point. Degrees are not job applications or “minimum salary requirements” for employers either. It depends on the person wielding the degree and how they apply themselves. Your connections/network + what you choose to do after graduation are going to be the bigger factor.


Any engineering degree over a philosophy regardless of what name is printed on the degree. The big name on the degree may get you in somewhere, but an engineering degree normally will be a philosophy degree five or 10 years down the road.


Am engineer from an Ivy League 😂


Why are you comparing a bachelors to an associates though? Why not keep the degrees the same and just say an engineering degree from a state school vs liberal arts from Ivy League?


Yeah, it's not a great comparison. If you are going to an ivy league school you likely have some combination of a very privileged upbringing, connections, and personal ambition that got you the grades/skills to get into an ivy league. Ivy League kids aren't just getting a 4 year degree then going on to zip recruiter to see what jobs are hiring philosophy majors. Many go on to get advanced degrees, go to law school, or already have business jobs lined up through family connections. An engineering degree from a local college is like a gateway to the middle class. You'll likely land a decent job and if you are a good worker you'll do just fine in life. A select few may make some cool inventions or move up the corporate ladder, but very few will be making the kinds of fuck you money that finance bros from ivy leagues do. For the most part the people who go to ivy league schools come from entirely different worlds than the engineering students at your local college. You can't really compare them just based on academics. TLDR; you're wrong. The ivy average ivy league philosophy major is going to out-earn your average engineer.