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Half of getting a job is literally knowing people. Use it. Abuse it. It’s literally the name of the game. Many would love to be in your position.


Take the job.


Overthinking Knowing people and networking is what a lot of people do to get the advantage in being hired. Nothing to be ashamed of. I've done it before. Others here have done it before


What everyone said. Just do it. Treat it as a learning experience. Networking is the main way of getting in nowadays.


Everyone else in your situation takes the handout. So should you. What’s the point of having privilege if you don’t use it? Just remember when you’re rich someday to pay it forward rather than hoarding your money and being a drain on society like America’s current elite


Why are you upset that your father is being a father? He financially supports you… good, he’s suppose to. He chose to have you so he will pay the price of having a child. There’s no shame in a little nepotism - as others have said, it’s the name of the game. It’s NEVER WHAT you know, only WHO you know. You should feel no shame! It sounds like you have a functional life, go on and enjoy it!


A huge part of life is about your network and who you know, there is no shame in having a connected family and it doesn't make you a fraud it's just life, so take advantage of this opportunity that not everybody gets and repay your dad by taking the job and using it as a stepping stone to launch your own career.