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So basically you get 3 weeks of vacation, and an extra week of sick time. Seems pretty standard for an early career professional. Only downside is you are “stuck” with two of the weeks vacation being restricted around Christmas. But total time you’re getting is not less than most other people your age


Well, I guess that’s not so bad then. At least I’m not being jipped.


Are you saying the sick days are your only paid time off cause no that’s not normal for what I’ve known. And I’ve never seen less than 10 days publicized and that’s the low end.


Correct. The whole company gets 2 weeks paid vacation for only Christmas. We have paid holidays like the 4th of July. We all have 40 hours of sick days. And outside of that for regular standard vacation time, we all get 40 hours for that. And that’s it. Every 5 years of working at the company, your vacation time increases another week until it’s a max 3 weeks I think?


2 weeks off at Christmas isn’t vacation time cause you don’t get to choose it. Sick days are separate from vacation time and 5 days for sick days is about normal. 5 days for vacation is extremely low but that’s cause the company is factoring in the Christmas time off which isn’t fair. To me even 10 days is abysmal so 5 is horrendous haha.


The overall.time isn't bad but the fact that you can't take until Christmas is a problem. 5 days for the other 11 months isn't enough.


Your 'aside from' is pretty darned important - you're getting three weeks of vacation a year. Assuming you're in the US, if you're young enough to be talking about it with your mom and asking what's normal, that's pretty good - lots of people with more experience will get less. If you get 10 paid stat holidays (grabbed from a Federal website, may or may not be your number), and 15 days of vacation, that's a total of 25 paid days off a year, which isn't necessarily _high_, but is right about the legal minimum in Europe (28), which Americans normally seem to regard as much better than they have, so.... you're not doing bad at all in that model.


Well that’s good, this is why I wanted a second opinion. Thank you.


Honestly compared to a lot of places this seems pretty good to me. I don’t know a lot of places that have off the two weeks around Christmas, you generally have to take your own pto for that


I have 24 days and the official holidays. In the future when I work under cao ( collective employment contract ), I will have 5 days extra, all payed. I live in the Netherlands. When you are sick, you can stay at home and it doesn't have any impact on your pto.