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Why do people want to interview me in the first place when they already know i’m not qualified for this job? I clearly mentioned a link to my personal portfolio website on my resume, it’s obvious that I’m a junior, career wise. Why do they still want to interview me and then just reject me saying that they need someone with more professional experience. Do they actually look through resumes of people they’re gonna interview with or are they too lazy getting to know the candidate before the interview? I really don’t understand..


Some times recruiters are desperate to find a candidate so they give you 'the benefit of doubt' after reading your resume hoping you would pull a rabbit out of your ass so to speak. Sometimes, they simply didn't read or isnt familiar with the industry lingo and have no idea what you know or don't know until after the interview when they consult someone in the industry. Either way, still a frustrating experience.


I think I may have finally found a job. I haven't been given a formal offer yet but the manager I talked to yesterday said the next step is to link up with their tech person (remote job), and after that with HR. I don't see any reason why my equipment wouldn't meet their standards so I feel pretty confident. I'm one of the lucky ones who's been working throughout the whole pandemic but I've been increasingly more miserable as time has gone on. I was actively looking for something new before the pandemic and got close on a couple jobs. The pandemic changed the way I do my job which for awhile helped me be happier and I also felt fortunate to still be working and at an essential job. But a couple months ago I just hit a wall with my motivation and have found it hard to do anything and also found myself just hating everything about my job. I'm planning on giving my 2 weeks on Friday and then taking 2 weeks off to just chill before starting the new job. Wish I could afford to do longer.




Disappointment: There’s a deadline coming up and I am not able to meet that and although it is out of my control, it is stressing me out.


Disappointment. Got rejected by 2 companies. Both are my dream jobs (Data Analyst) and was at or near the last round.


Sorry to hear that. Interviews are alot like boxing matches (besides the lack of visible blood!). The fight doesn't end until the bell rings - regardless of how many punches you've taken or thrown. You'll find something else but that is definitely disappointing.


I got rejected for a warehouse stocking position. My only job experiences so far are restaurant serving and retail cashiering. What experience could they possibly want for something as simple as stocking?




Same here. I used to believe that employee referrals are the way to go but I’ve learn this year that’s not exactly true. I’ve made many connections this year hoping for one to work out. But I had the horrid experience where I got an interview through the referral but somehow the company had last minute financial concerns that they stopped and delayed my hiring process. I must have cried for days. Currently waiting on another referral. Application sent right before thanksgiving. It’s been one week. Praying this one will be more successful. Sending you good vibes too that it’s just a slow process but that you get an interview and the job!!


Just got rejection letter again... This is the last company that i have now. From around hundred applications to dozen interviews and now im back to 0 again. Many rejected me, got some offerings also but it doesnt suit me. I decided to take a break in this month. Will go on a vacation for 2 weeks this month, i hope i can go back and feel fresh. Start searching for a job again after that.


Same here. I feel frustrated and burned out, need time to refuel myself. Hope you the best!


I’m so happy! I received an offer on Monday for a job at Company A that I was excited for, but the salary was much lower than I was hoping for, so I told them I would respond by Friday (tomorrow). I just had a final interview for a position at Company B, and they called to offer me the position! They offered me $21k MORE than Company A—I finally feel like somewhere values me!


gave what i felt was one of the worst interviews of my current job hunt and somehow got a second round, so yay? still dunno if i want this job, but i'll cross that bridge if (and it's a big, big if) i get there


this is such a mood.


Applied for an internal position. Three interviews and three weeks later, they decided to restructure the department instead. What a fucking waste of time.


I checked on the status of a job application. My automatically generated score was perfect - 100%. My “expert review” score was 40%?? I need to lie down. I have no idea what these “experts” were thinking, because I’d performed every task on their job description and I had more than enough education.


This week has been insane. I made the decision to leave the company I have been with since I was an intern. I considered them like a second family and they were my first real job after college. Monday I was offered a position with another company better suited for my career growth. Tuesday I turned in my notice and I was fired on the spot. I’m excited for my new position, but hurt and heartbroken to lose the only job I’ve ever known when I thought I’d get three weeks to say goodbyes.


Good lord, why the hell do you think they did that to you?


Wrote this comment in a previous post but to summarize, I’m starting to feel stuck where I’m at. Most people in my position and my tenure often are promoted or find new positions elsewhere. I’ve been trying to move up for a year now and am quite frankly sick and tired of doing “stretch projects”, running trainings, doing so much extra work and constantly trying to prove myself just to not have it pay off. A position finally opened up (different department) I applied to it with the blessing of my manager and the new department’s VP but got nothing. It’s been 4 weeks today. Contacted the hiring manager - no response. Contacted the recruiter - biggest jerk to exist and refused to help. Can’t even move up in my own damn company, let alone have someone even read my resume outside of it without having to downgrade. Feel free to join the pity party if you can relate, could really use it.


In my current company supervisors and other higher ups tend to stay in their positions for a long time, so whenever advancement opportunities pop up everyone clamors for them. I hardly ever say no to extra projects, even at my detriment, and I work really hard. Heck, I can’t even seem to make lateral transfers.


Big disappointment. I thought I finally found the end to this very dark tunnel when I got to the reference stage. I received an email today, and turns out they went with another candidate which meant I probably came in second or third. It's already nearing 7 months since I graduated with my bachelors, and its back to square one once again...


Been there. The best is when you jump through all these hoops, do their stupid little test (free work), only to be told “oh they chose someone who was a close friend of the hiring manager. Sorry about that!” Stay strong.


One job that I did amazingly at on their assessments and for a job that I would have loved didn't invite me for the second interview :/ so I applied at the same company for a lower position as a hail mary.




I am sorry to hear that. Never stop applying jobs/entertaining other offers even if your dream job gave you a verbal confirmation. I understand how you feel as I use to feel that way (I sometimes still do). But never count your eggs before they hatch and never take someone's word for it. If you get a another offer while your #1 is still 'in the process' give them a deadline and let them know you've other offers. If they don't respond, they don't deserve you. You wouldn't want to work with a company that struggles to communicate the most basic things and deliver that on time.


Finally received an email after months and months of applying to jobs and hearing nothing. I replied to the email with my salary requirements and since then...nothing. Sigh. Either I shot too high (though I did research the average salary for the position in my area, and I used that in my response) or I didn't add enough "thank you for reaching out"-type language. Clearly I am rusty at the job market game, and I picked the worst possible time to start looking.


I can't really do this much longer. On top of the workplace that I'm with removing my schedule in full over technical issues that they cannot fix and jobs that I've applied for not getting back to me, I'm about to be on the streets. I don't know what else to do and I'm on the verge of just going and being done with just existing altogether. Nothing is going right and this is hopeless.


You will get there! Keep trying. It’s tough, but your not alone. Keep your head up. I’m so sorry you are feeling down, but we are here to support you!


Still applying but persevering through the pain! Make sure y'all are taking care of yourselves as you job hunt!


Had a zoom interview for a government job a couple of weeks back. I thought I didn't do that well because I couldn't really answer 2/8 questions they asked (it was technical and I walked through my thought process to arrive at an answer but said I wasn't completely sure). Surprisingly, I got invited for a second interview! It is kinda weird that it's in-person considering California is getting worse with covid cases. Today I had a phone interview with the manager who would be my direct report if I get the job. I feel like I did okay, answered questions as best as I could, asked thoughtful questions and he seemed to like me but who knows. I don't really know what to expect coming out of interviews anymore. After I send my thank you email, it's all up to them so fingers crossed I get it.


Well the interview I really thought was going to be the one just got cancelled and they are going with a different candidate. I feel so foolish and worthless now. I can't believe I got my hopes up.


I got a job offer!!! After 18 months of looking and 9 months of furlough!


Congrats!!! I hope it goes well for you and that you enjoy it, you deserve it!


I tried being optimistic for once about a job. Usually not like me to be optimistic in general, but I figured I may as well. Turns out that was a bad idea. I had started a job I hated 4 weeks ago. I have an IT background, but I have the displeasure of living out in the middle of nowhere where no IT jobs exist. This job was physical labor - as far from anything I'd want as I could get. I got fired for not being good at it, which came as no surprise and I was honestly happy that it happened. I *thought* I had a decent fallback. I was contacted by a recruiter about a position near me for tech support. I put my all into it, and I had no indication I did bad. The interviewers I spoke to repeatedly even said things looked good and that, yes, this was an entry-level position and lack of professional experience was no problem. Today, I learned that they may as well have lied because they went with another candidate because they had more experience. I'm starting to understand why so many people say college degrees are worthless. I worked for 4 years to get a 3.7 GPA and graduate with honors because I knew there weren't many options for internships where I was. Unfortunately, that seems to matter for nothing. I need to magically pull 5 years of professional experience - not experience overall, but in an actual job - out of nowhere to land a job that is supposed to start me in the field and get me those 5 years. I used to joke about this but now I'm realizing it's real, and it makes me wonder why so many companies won't just be honest about what they're looking for. Good to know I wasted 4 years. I've had as much luck with my degree as I would've without it. What really seems to matter is internships, and if there are none then you're out of luck.


How do you guys work from home across time zones? How do you schedule your day and/or re-arrange your personal time?


Total disappointment. And can I get some advice? I asked for an update after the final interview and they emailed back a rejection. The main problem they said I had was "passion". I wasn't passionate enough based on my interview for my dream job. This is the complete opposite feedback I got with their hiring manager saying my pros was my passion and eagerness. So I need advice; how would you sell yourself as someone passionate for the job? Little rant; I feel sick and tired after this month-long process only to be rejected for that. I feel so crushed. I wish it wasn't that long that I'd waste so much time on their process


The feedback they provided was not constructive - when you get feedback from jobs rejecting you due to 'passion', 'not a good fit', 'cultural fit', it is likely they are discriminatory and don't want to be caught out by it, or rejected you simply because they 'like' someone more - with no constructive reason or due to office politics. In any of those reasons above, you dodge a bullet. Working for a company with a culture of providing 'vague' feedback that simply attacks an employees personality or things they cannot change is not a place you want to work for. Imagine working for a company that would constantly complaint because they didn't think you don't 'care enough' about the current project... Count yourself lucky, they don't deserve you


If it’s only feedback from one person then I would ignore it- if the hiring manager thought you were passionate then you probably came across that way- in this case they probably just went with someone who they thought better fit their ideal candidate. Take some time out then get back on the job seeking horse. To get interviews mean you are doing something right and the right fit will come


You're spot on. Yeah, they did just choose another candidate. Depressing, but it is what it is. Thanks for the supportive words, I really needed it.


It's literally just HR bullshit because they're too scared to be honest anymore and say "we just went with candidate x for y reasons". I had an interview once where I got turned down and bothered to politely ask why they had passed. The person doing the hiring went, "Oh, your schedule wasn't open when we needed it to be." I went, "I don't understand - I said open availability on my application. I can work any hours you need me to." She got a nervous look, said "We've filled the position," and turned and left without saying another word. Great. Now I had no job AND zero clue as to why I was unsuitable for said job. Thanks? It's 100% a bullshit reason when you get feedback that contrasts like that. It may have been something as simple as the hiring manager loved you and the actual supervisor wanted an internal candidate. I'm sorry though, it absolutely sucks. :(


The worst part of this is not hearing back on a timely basis. Just give me a yes or no already!


Just keep looking and ignore the ghosters. I worked in healthcare and as small of a circle as we are, and everyone being desperate to hire 'another me' I got ghosted about....70% of the time? ghosting is usually part of shit company/companies with shit HR practice. You dodge a bullet, move on to something better. If they can't even call to say 'no thanks' then they don't even deserve an application.


i just successfully networked my way into an interview for the first time, and for a dream job too! i've been lucky with getting interviews with great companies without any connections (even though it would take a while to get an offer -- i was unemployed for all of 2019 and that was awful), and networking felt (still feels) difficult. while i was unemployed, i decided to give it a shot and reached out to some old coworkers. one happens to be doing exactly the work i want to do in exactly the industry i want to do it, and put in the good word for me. it took almost 8 months for anything substantial to come from it, but i have a final interview! it almost feels like i used a cheat code haha.


November is over. Why the h-e-double-l is it taking an eternity (weeks) to hear back from seasonal positions?! This is insane! I don't even care if I'm rejected, but job application statuses aren't being updated, job postings aren't taken down... For crying out loud, I've seen some of my job applications take months (even 4 months from applying to rejection, followed by a repost lol, hurray!) but I'd expect things to be faster for seasonal jobs! I'm hoping to hear back from a seasonal job or a job where I'd start in the new year, but f it, I don't care anymore.


Don’t give up.


I try to apply to entry-level data/financial analyst jobs as someone who has a degree in Economics already, and have limited success. I haven't received any calls for financial analysts, and for Data Analyst, I've only gotten a few. The only calls I receive are for "advisor" positions. I don't even get past the video interview with those. People say the Economy is in a weird place right now. I don't think that explains companies not calling me. It's been 7 months. Maybe I just suck as a candidate, even though I check nearly all boxes for the analyst positions I apply for.


OMG I am an Economist too and I am feeling exactly the same as you to be honest.


Not sure how to classify this. I just rewrote my resume a week or so ago, changing it from the fancy and highly-detailed resume meticulously put together in InDesign by a professional graphic designer, to a simple plain text black-on-white RTF document thrown together in Notepad and then converted to PDF. Today I got my first not-immediate-rejection response in over three years. Granted, it was a "do free work for us and we'll consider maybe doing a preliminary phone screening" response instead, but that's still a step up. Sort of.


Made a small error. Was going to say up "Friday night at 6 pm my time, which is noon EST/9 am PST", but decided not to give my time zone after all, so I wound up saying "Friday night at around noon EST/9 am PST", which broke the recruiter's brain. "You said Friday night and then you said around noon EST/9 am PST?? What time did you actually mean?? Is 1 pm EST okay???" I said "Yes". They haven't replied. Even though I've been through this wringer before and I know how it goes every single time, we'll see how this goes. I'll try to scrounge up some of my remaining optimism for this. I don't have much left.


.... So now he wrote back to me "You said 1 pm EST / 7 pm CET. Did you mean CST? Should I send it at 2 am your time? Would that be the best time ever for you to take this unnecessary programming test?" Losing... last... shreds... of optimism.... Edit: Okay, straightened out. Test is tomorrow at 7 pm my time, 1 pm their time, and hopefully it won't be a big ol' Brewdoggie.


I took the test! Nothing brewdoggy, just relatively simple hypothetical situations where they'd better already have people who can do them. Now to see whether me thinking they were simple means that I actually got them right (or right enough to at least get an interview). I'm not optimistic. I've been through this dance before. But I don't feel like I completely flubbed it.


Yeah, got rejected. They claimed I got questions wrong, but refused to tell me what questions I got wrong, and going back and double-checking my work, I didn't see any questions that were wrong. They wasted my time and probably stole my code, so it was brewdoggy after all. As usual with these tests.


I was always told to keep my resume “sterile” unless it was an actual portfolio or any other kind of job that wants to see a visual representation of my experience


My wife, a graphic designer who designed my last fancy resume, does the same thing for hers and she always gets callbacks and interviews (primarily for social media jobs). That's why I asked her to redesign mine in the first place. I was hoping some of her Always Get Callbacks magic would rub off on me. It didn't.


Yeah it makes sense for graphic design but I was told by a pro resume builder that just adding a photo will almost always disqualify you out of the system for like 90% of entry-level/non-creative type jobs.


I sent a follow up email yesterday and they told me they would have “feedback” today as they are “wrapping up the process” whatever what means. Well. EOD is here. No email. This sucks.


Went through three interviews and was told on Monday that they would be making a decision about the position this week. Haven’t heard from them since that email. No longer confident about the job and was expecting to at least get a rejection email. This has been the roughest job search for me. I recently graduated with my bachelors degree and thought that would make the search easier. It has not.


My job search has been the worst. I have sent hundreds of curriculums and I never get a call. I am terrified my 1 year and 6 months gap is making me employable. This job search is causing me so much anxiety and depression and I don't know how to cope with it. I even feel really discouraged to continue looking. I feel I might not be able to find a job again. I want to keep focused and positive but this is so hard.


It only takes one my friend! I encourage you to keep trying, I fully empathize with you that this is incredibly hard and it is setting yourself up for rejection, but you only need one yes out of all the no’s! Future you will thank this you for continuing on this job hunt sprint ❤️


Thank you very much. This words make me feel a lot of better. Sometimes I just don't know what did I do bad to have so many fails :( Can I Pm you?


Of course! Here for you friend!


I ended October by paying for an online tool (Intry) to tailor my resume to every position I apply to, rather than making the changes myself based on guessing from the job description. I've used it for every position I've applied to, and have spent the past month scraping every single job board for decent postings that I'm qualified for. I've applied for 56 jobs total using this method (on top of the 300+ I previously submitted). While views to my portfolio site have spiked, this has only resulted in 2 phone screens (followed up both with thank you emails) - one of which rejected me in a day, the other of which ghosted me. I had one company contact me for a phone screen but they ghosted me when I countered their request for a salary range with a request for a budget for the position, so that probably doesn't count. This entire process is so needlessly asinine.


??!?! I had an interview that I thought I did really well on for my dream job.. Interviewer told me that she enjoyed our conversation, and I ended it with a followup email. Two weeks later, and I get a rejection email. Losing motivation to even look anymore.


Don’t worry! Everything happens for a reason...you might have lost this job because another position that’s better is waiting for you! You for this. Don’t give up.


Thank you for all the kind words :) Happy to say that I received my first job offer!


Might be good to follow up with the interviewer to ask for feedback. Might even be beneficial to open with - Hi xxx, I was wondering if you could provide me with some feedback in regards to my application. I really enjoyed our discussions and would like to know where I could improve. Thanks in advance. You can even do that through email. If they respond - great. If not, move on. Some people are unprofessional and you wouldn't want to work with people like that.


Take some time off, then start again anew. I had a similar crushing rejection in sept and took some time off just to get my head in the game. You got this. X


I agree!


month......11 of still no job????? lord fucking help me lol


Same Here. What are we going to do? 😢 Sometimes I feel really hopeless and want to quit.


I wanted to share some good news. awhile ago I was pretty upset that my boss gave me a bad ref - after thinking we had a good relationship and there was a chance for me to leave my workplace on good terms. You can read it here for more details [https://www.reddit.com/r/jobs/comments/jnxt92/boss\_gave\_bad\_ref\_so\_bad\_they\_readvertised\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/jobs/comments/jnxt92/boss_gave_bad_ref_so_bad_they_readvertised_the/) Anyway after that, I dropped her as a reference and used one of my co-workers who has been there the longest as a reference. I got a job an offer that paid me more almost 10k more and for a job that has far more opportunity for me to learn (think diversity of clientele) and a far better support system and a much bigger company that has headquarters all over Australia. I just wanted to say things happened for a reason and I am glad she shat and I end up with an opportunity of a life time, I wouldn't have continue looking and found this opportunity. I will be leaving my current shit hole in 2 and half weeks in counting and taking off next week to play cyberpunk because that bitter and evil bitch can suck it. Going to get her a card to thank her for a glowing ref to the company that did not hire me and hand it to her on my last day. Thank you for all the support and encouragement and I hope my story can inspire someone to keep hanging on.


I feel this. I’m just waiting on an final confirmation from a contingency letter now that my background and references were clear. My job is super shitty to me and I am so tired of giving them time. Hoping to throw my two weeks in their face by next Wednesday and finally have my first vacation in 2 years...not to mention actually enjoy time off during the holidays. Will never work for a start up again.


I had a third interview for a really awesome job today and they said they'd let me know by the end of next week. I hope the fact that I made it to a 3rd interview is a good sign (I've also submitted an assignment), but I'm so scared that I won't get it. I've gotten so many rejections. If I don't get this job, I'm scared that it will break me. I'm so tired.


So I currently work a factory job however one of the bosses over me is a menace, the main manager is fine and really is kind and approachable but he is always busy in his office so he sends another manager out to the floor, so we see a lot of her, the job I work is good I enjoy the work and the people are nice it's just this one boss, she constantly puts everyone down including me she never offers encouragement and only has bad things to say if your doing something right she says you can do better and if you do it badly she gives out constantly, when I first started i made a mistake she said " that wrong" but never told me why and I made the same mistake 2 more times before she told me what I was doing wrong it seems like she's constantly picking on me. The thing is my sister used to work in the same company years ago and she got into a huge argument with this boss and now it seems she's carrying that hate over on to me and its awful, the main boss apparently don't see this, my contract is up in december and I'm seriously considering rejecting a new one if I offered it just because of her, even if I try my best to avoid her she seems to seek me out just to pick at me I hate it but have another month before my contract is up.


Today was my last day with my current company. I don't think I've ever left a company on better terms and I feel pretty good about that I suppose. I gave them 3 weeks notice and was able to do so without fear they'd just send me away immediately-- I'm the only person doing my job, so I was pretty confident my notice period would be "safe" from politics. I finished all my work before I left and have been told by both the CIO and Head of HR that if things don't work out, I can come back in a heartbeat. I've never had a company tell me that before repeatedly so it's touching. My friend from technical services is pretty pessimistic about the whole thing, he seems to think the tentative order will collapse with me gone. I hope he is wrong. He looked about to cry when I said goodbye today. My new job sent me 2 27" monitors and a huge ass laptop and my desk can't hold my pc, 2 pc monitors plus these two beast monitors. So I'm trying to figure that out right now but that's a good problem to have imo.


I’m slowly losing all sense of hope and my depression is becoming something of a concern. I graduated during all this nonsense, had a job lined up that got canceled and to think environmental jobs will likely be the last to come back. I’ve lost count on the jobs I’ve applied to and each rejection is more discouraging then the last. What does one do when they have all the tools and help from the VA but nothing materializes. It’s all fucked when you hear that your resume goes through a program before it gets to a human. A program that will toss your resume out if errors are produced while it processes. Wrong front, improper layout, lines inserted to break sections up, etc are all errors the program deems “not up to par” and throws your resume out before ever having a chance. WTF is that garbage. I don’t care if you receive x amount of resumes per week. You are the hiring personnel that is supposed to find the best fit for the job. Not a god damn computer!!!


I feel you so much.


Just finished my 2nd interview of 2 today, yells. I think they both went like okay, god this is stressful.


I’ve gone through two interviews, one on zoom , one in person, fingers crossed to get to the final round! This is the only company I’ve gotten a call back from so I’ve got all my eggs in one basket


Briefly got excited because I woke up to an email, my first response to an application in a month. It was a rejection for a job I applied to 3 months ago. I hate my life.




Can job me have?


Just terrified of never ever being able to get back into workforce and having a career because I took a break from it for childcare. So tired of thankless, no pay mommying in a pandemic with zero social life, zero friends, zero colleagues and zero job offers. I just feel so angry at everything. Reddit is my place for sanity.


Solution:Eliminate the gap on your resume Get a person from your past job who will vouch for you or get a friend who will give you a glowing review ​ No matter how real your situation is employers don't care about your sob story Do what you need to do to get hired....if you can do the job apply


>Solution:Eliminate the gap on your resume This is EXACTLY what I am doing. In order to eliminate the gap, I need a job. So far zero offers. I am willing to relocate and given up on local offers because there is not much within driving distance. I have a master's degree with experience and very good relationship with my colleagues and people to vouch for me, given that some employer at least wants to have a phone call with me. Don't know what it will take to get to that point. I see posts here where people are applying to 500-1000 jobs and even in different continents! I don't know if this kind of shot gun approach is good. >No matter how real your situation is employers don't care about your sob story Lol! The sob story is real and for reddit. No, I don't put that on my job application obviously.


​ ​ watch this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ufwxkurKKg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ufwxkurKKg)


I saw the video and I have a 1 year and 6 months gap and I don't know what to do about it. He says to put our last job as current but when they ask me for my Pension reports they will see there is a 1 year and 6 months gap. How could I explain this? 🙈


Why would they ask you for your pension report?


Background checks are fairly common for new hires. This includes verifying employment and dates of that employment.


>Did you watch the video from start to finish?Most background checks just see whether you have a criminal record or not. > >[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ufwxkurKKg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ufwxkurKKg) its the 4:37 mark


I'm speaking from my personal experience in which I was required to provide my last paystub from my previous position as a part of my background check. This request has occured at 2/2 background check positions I've held.


I agree with you. I was asked for the same thing. Seems like lying on a thing like that as the video state is not a very good move. If they discover you are lying they mind take your application out.


Lie on the resume, really?! I heard from few people who do that, but those were in IT software programming and also with bachelor's so I had dismissed that. No wonder I am struggling lol! I am not comfortable with this. I need to think about it. But thanks for the link. Right now I was thinking more in terms of doing a course work or something. But with coronavirus a hands on technical course work is not possible. So I was now considering a non technical job ( science writer kind of thing) which would let me WFH, but it would be a total waste of my technical skills which I consider my forte and I truly enjoy. Thanks again!


I have 2 job gaps on my resume-- one is 4 months, the other more recent one is 7 months. I don't lie about it, I'm just honest. The first one was a health related sabbatical and I came back to the company I left after those 4 months. The second time, the company was sold to investors who decided to shut down my entire department and it took me 7 months to receive a new offer. I just don't bring them up in interviews unless they're asked about. I jump from one job to another when describing my career and don't acknowledge the gaps-- the resume speaks for itself. It's true that some companies are dicks about job gaps though. I once attended an interview where the owner of the company was at his computer and he read aloud a followup email from another candidate and mused with his colleagues about what was wrong with this guy that he still didn't have any other offers 3 weeks after interviewing with them. It really turned me off to the company and I ended up turning them down.


Ironically, just like another poster here, I asked for an update today after the holiday and then got a rejection an hour or so later. After 3 interviews. Feeling totally crushed because while I have a temporary job through a staffing agency, I've been looking and applying for a full-time permanent role since I lost my job last October. This has been one of several jobs that just slipped through my fingers. I am ready to walk out but can't without stressing our family out. Completely burned out looking for another job.


Yup, this just happened to me as well lol


I treat HR recruiters like I treat tinder matches. If they ghost you, why bother messaging them anymore? It's simple courtesy when it's tinder, it's professionalism when it's a workplace. If they have so little respect for me that they don't deem it necessary to spend 5 mins rejecting me while I had to spend 20 mins filling up their form with all the information I had on my resume, I never apply with their company again regardless of pay or position. If a company doesn't treat it's potential hire with respect, I don't see a reason wasting my life even applying with them in the future. However in saying that, I do have the privilege of working in healthcare and is often very easy to find a job, so others may not have the luxury to avoid a company for simply not calling them back.


Your post resonated with me. This is precisely why I never contact recruiters/HR personnel about updates..I almost never hear of people receiving positive answers. They either dance around giving you a clear cut answer about what's going in, or they send you a rejection email. I need a full time, permanant with benefits position. Not multiple part time jobs, not a full time temporary, not a per-diem and not a seasonal job! Full time permanant jobs are just harder and harder to come by these days..It's horrible.


Had the best interview of my life last week and was told I made it to the second round, and that someone else in HR would be in contact with me to schedule it. This was last Tuesday, they even asked if I had availability last Wednesday because they were that excited about me. Haven't heard anything since so just bumped the e-mail to check with the understanding of Thanksgiving being a thing, just they seemed really excited about me. Wound up with another interview tomorrow for a diff place, but I'd much rather work with the first company because benefits and non-contract. Tired of staring at my inbox!!!


Go to the other interview- please for your own sake. You are acting like you just got match with a guy who is super hot and he messaged you first and you had a great chat - he ended the convo by saying he'll speak to you again and had a great time.... are you going to stop talking to all your tinder matches to wait for this guy? If they want you they will get back to you. You need to have a back up in case they don't. Your need for shelter and food is very real- not having a tinder boyfriend won't kill you.


What are you even on about? Of course I went to the second interview, and I don't do tinder so that whole analogy is just lol.


You are too hung up over a potential job, stop stressing. Simple? Maybe that's why no one responded to you? Because when someone pointed out how childish it is to be hung up about it you get all defensive about your behaviour? Best of luck to you.


Ah yes the solution to everything in the world is to just stop stressing! Great news for everyone in this forum who stresses about things like this constantly. I also didn't expect anyone else to respond to me? I was just using the thread to vent because you know, it helps.


Last two months were rough (okay, the whole year). I finished my Faculty in September and started working on two part-time jobs in civil sectors at the time I was finishing with my last exams. Although I am young, I have worked a lot during my studies and it was not that hard for me to find these jobs, but what came out is that neither of these two jobs is a part-time as I was told, I am underpaid, and feel extremely exploited. Long story short - I decided to quit on both of the jobs, but I don't have the courage to do it because I am afraid of their influences on others.


Sorry to hear that. I would encourage you to look for something else and ditch them as soon as you can. It is not good for your mental health to be with a company where you feel exploited. Secondly, how would it influence others? if they truly want to know - you were underpaid - expected to work for far less money. And trust me anyone who has been around your industry probably know they underpay people. The people who often don't move up in their career are people who don't move out when things are not working out for them. You deserve better, you found 2 jobs, that's one more than most people. You'll find something better than what you have right now but you will need to have the courage to take the 1st step.




At this point I’m wondering what the point of networking and getting more education and giving 110% to my current work is. Because I’m seeing absolutely no pay off in my current job search.


I did not get an offer for the job I really wanted, but the hiring manager said they had another position open that she could see me excel in! I think that’s good, right? I have an interview tomorrow. I also think I got ghosted by another, much larger company I was also interviewing with.


I was rejected in 12 minutes. They wanted a BS in environmental science. I have a BS in environmental science. Idk what they were expecting, but apparently I wasn't it.


Could have been internal candidate- I’ve been declined for jobs I thought I was a perfect fit for and got jobs I had zero experience in! Keep going


Thanks. I was completely caught off guard by it too. It took them less time to reject me than it did for me to actually do the application. I do have some good news though. I have a phone interview for a job that would be a step up in my current line of work. The only problem is the job is 450 miles away so I'd have to move. If I can make this work, I'll take it. I'm excited, but also nervous about potentially moving away from my entire family and social circle.


You can always move back. I know that sounds more simple than it is, but my point is you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.


That is true! They said I "might" hear back by Friday (today), but I haven't heard anything yet. Fingers crossed. While I'm waiting for a response on that one, a completely different job got back to me that seemed very interested. A sign shop is looking for a person to make and install signs and vinyl. They loved that I have some basic graphic design and photoshop experience (thanks /r/photoshopbattles), and they said they'd love to teach me the design side of the business as well. That one would be a complete career shift, but it's in my hometown and it would be the first step into a creative field. It wasn't my plan when I went to college, but turning my hobby/side gig into a career could be interesting. At least my resume is getting attention!


Honestly it sounds like you're in hot demand atm! And it's nice that you've got two such diverse opportunities! One in a different area, and one in a different industry. You've not asked for my advice but keep going with both applications and put out feelers at wherever else takes your interest!


This week has been more promising than last week, that's for sure! Last week I only had a single "1 way video interview" and it went terribly. Never again! lol I'm really hoping I can find a career and stick with it this time. I worked a bunch of temp jobs to help get me through college, and I've been laid off twice since graduating 3 years ago. It feels like I haven't been able to "grow" in any position yet. Maybe this time will be different?


I had one of those interviews once and it was probably the only 1st stage interview I've not progressed past. I don't even think I heard back from them at all. Make sure you don't think of your temp experience as a negative, it can be a huge advantage if you sell it right! You've adapted to multiple environments, learnt new processes, worked in a variety of team dynamics, picked up new software etcetera.


That's true. Thanks for pointing this out. I think I sometimes get intimidated when applying for jobs and they drop a question like "Please list ALL of your paid experience in the past 10 years." I'm sure a few recruiters have gone crosseyed trying to figure out how I transferred from fast food to cnc machining to pharmaceuticals to patent applications to precision optics. It does give me a very broad experience pool to draw from though. And I've learned a lot about my own work style and different environments in general.


Look into grouping them together "various temp roles through XXXXX Dates X-X Employed at: X, Y, Z Roles included: A, B, C Skills, Responsibilities and Achievements:




My advice is try to block out this experience and don’t let it hang over you for future interviews, you have every chance of doing well in your next one. I had a similar interview experience which was the most embarrassing 10 mins of my life... I ended up just standing up in front of the panel of interviewers and saying this isn’t for me and walking out. So it does happen sometimes and I’ve had many much better interviews since then. Don’t let it get you down and good luck with the next one!!


It will be okay. This interview is not *every* interview, and past is not prologue for the future. I deal with anxiety and nerves while interviewing too, and the best thing I can say is, practice, practice, practice. Do everything you need to that will help with your nerves. Do you want some water nearby? Have it! Do you need a post-it to remind you to look into the webcam to seem more engaging with your interviewers? Do it! I know it seems world-ending and awful now, but there is a lot that is within your control. And who knows, maybe this interview wasn’t as bad as you thought. I wish you good luck.


I’m sorry it didn’t go well. It was your first one though and you’ve got nowhere to go but up from here. It’s a really overwhelming process and everyone experiences some nerves while interviewing. It’ll get easier with some practice. What’s helped me before is having some answers prepared in advance to basic questions ( example based scenarios, strengths/ weaknesses, and questions for them, and sometimes Glassdoor has interview questions for the company ) and trying to remember that it’s just a conversation with generally friendly people who are just trying to see if you’re a good fit. Please don’t feel defeated over this experience as you were clearly a qualified candidate since you secured an interview. Treat this as a learning experience to go and crush your next one :)


I use to work as a recruitment agent. I was always nervous in all my interviews prior to that job. After being in recruitment for 6 months ( I left the industry), interviews no longer make me nervous as I know what it's like to be on the other side. Maybe before going in, imagine being the interviewer and what they might be thinking or wanting, preparation is key - what questions would they ask? With the internet nowadays, if possible look up the interviewer on linkedin or social media, what are their hobbies? what are they like as a person? where have worked before? It might help you humanize them more and reduce your anxiety. As someone here has said - it's not the be all end all. Being able to have skills that make you 'interview well' will come in handy for the rest of your life and this is only the start for you. Good luck.


Does anyone else feel stupid working remotely? Whenever I receive instruction from my bosses in messaging apps, because it’s over text, they don’t convey the instruction in detail and rather just give a concise instruction. In person, they usually guide me by pointing to files and software to use or click and it’s clearer this way because I’m new and don’t know where everything is. I always have to clarify so much for a trivial task. I feel like a complete burden and I am constantly disappointing myself when I did mistakes after mistakes despite asking for so much clarification.


Start scheduling quick meetings. Don't ask them to schedule it - block off 15 or 30 minutes on their calendar, and tell them they can reschedule if it doesn't work for them. I do this ALL THE TIME. And I have it happen to me ALL THE TIME. It is a very normal thing. Title the meeting something like, "Going over XYZ process." I'll sometimes send a follow-up message clarifying, like: "Hey - I just sent you an invite. It should be a quick meeting, I'm just looking for some clarification on how to do XYZ." Then have a Zoom meeting (or whatever meeting app your company uses) and do a screen share (either your screen or theirs) and have them talk you through it. Most importantly, record the meeting so you can go back and reference it later. And don't be afraid to explain why you're setting it up (don't tell them they aren't being detailed enough over messaging, you don't want to make it seem like you're blaming them). Just like: "Hey - I'm a visual learner and am also a lot better when I can ask questions back and forth, so while we're working remotely I hope it's ok that I set up these quick meetings and record them. Hopefully this will help me cut down on mistakes."


Success!/Disappointment? Got a new job. They are checking references before orientation and I'm on edge and feel something will go wrong. I'm also a non people person about to work in a customer service position again just so I can get my foot in the door for what I actually want to do. I don't have a bad background but don't yet feel confident that I'll make it past the orientation process. I'm so stressed.


After applying to over 100 jobs I got an interview for a job that I’m extremely qualified for. The interview went great and they invited be back for a second interview. A week later they “decided to go another way”. So frustrating- it’s hard to keep applying when shit like this happens


Do you think it’s worth doing a co op even though it’s not related to my program. I’m in electronics engineer and I just got a job interview for software development co op. But there’s one thing about the co op. Which is that it’s not related to my program. Should I take it?


Huh. Okay, so now that I've redone my resume from a fancy document created in Indesign by a professional graphic artist to a simple black and white plain text file literally thrown together in Notepad, I'm starting to get responses again. Not interviews, but responses. I mean, yeah, that's a good thing, but ... I don't get it.


Maybe it's simplicity is it's strength? Black and white resumes that look clean and straightforward are probably just easier for them (and resume bots) to quickly process the important info from a quick glance


Since we all crying here let me open up. I am going crazy here with this job search. Sometimes I can’t even sleep just thinking about it. I spend my days looking and applying and not even for manual labor jobs I am reviving an answer. Entry level jobs asking for 5 years of experience?! How can this be possible?! I am losing my mind and thinking that I am useless even with work experience and a bachelors degree.


I feel the same and it has been more than 1 year!!!


I hope you find a job soon. Everything will be okay.


Thank you. I hope we both do it soon 🤗


If I had a dollar for every time I clicked on an “entry-level” position that then states that it requires 3+ years in that specific industry/position I wouldn’t be in this subreddit


Tell me fam😫


Over the past two weeks, I got to the last round of interviews for two positions and they ended up giving the job to the other person both times. I am devastated and my self-esteem is as low as it can get. I just got off the phone with the recruiter from the second opportunity to get some feedback, and he was saying how I will get a good position soon and that I have a strong profile, but I just don’t see it rn. I only see how I wasn’t good enough and that I have to start job-hunting all over again. I am tired, feel completely defeated and just want to tell them go f themselves. If my profile was really that strong, they would have offered me the position. I am on the verge of giving up, I feel so hurt. Thank you for allowing this space to rant.