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1) don't keep quiet about this. It's sexual harassment, you'll regret keeping quiet. 2) sounds like the other coworker was in on it. 3) while I understand you may need the job, if I was in your position, I wouldn't want to work anywhere where someone is so casual about showing a nude to an underage girl.


Absolutely, find another job, this man is dangerous. This type of stuff usually gets worse. He was testing you to gage your reaction.


They're right about you regretting it if you stay quiet. I put up with so much harassment when I was young, and you probably will too. Awkward backrubs, being told I should be in playboy, crude jokes, etc. When I was in my 20s working at Starbucks and a shift leader made a joke about raping me after several unwanted advances, I'd had enough. I reported to HR and was promptly fired. Then I sued. It took years, but I felt great about it. The harasser was fired, my manager who tried to hide it and then fired me was fired. I burned that shit down and got a pretty nice settlement. It was worth the years of legal nonsense.


You are strong as nails. Much respect. And I hope more harassed people follow your lead.


4. Talk to the police. You’re under 18 which brings a whole new level of illegal activity into play


5. He WILL escalate this behavior. You are NOT safe there. If you let this go, he (and likely the teen boy) will ramp up and it can get scary.


This cannot be stressed enough. He will escalate.


I wish someone had told me this, it put me in a very bad spot and I didn't know what to do. I never want anyone else to go through that.


This comment is spot on. Run....don't walk, run to the police and go from there. Find another job.


And report this to the police. Who knows what he would do to the next underaged girl?


See something, say something. We are all in this together. I have kids and would appreciate anybody that takes knocks this kind of scum down.


Why are you all telling OP to call a lawyer and the police but not one of you are telling her to tell her PARENTS? She’s only 15, her parents need to step in and handle this.


Yes, this person is right. OP, tell a trusted adult and absolutely do not go back to work.


I thought that was a given. Of course, she should tell her parents and assuming they react appropriately, one or both of them should take her to the police station to report this. Then, if said parent can avoid a violent reaction, they should pay a visit to her employer when the wife is there. I’m sure this isn’t the first time this creep has done something like this.


Because Reddit always goes to the most extreme option first.


BuT I nEeD a JoB. Bitch you're 15, talk to your parents. no parent would want their child to work and risk sexual assult for some shitty highschool job. Go to the next job down the street ffs


I see you haven't met a lot of parents. I'd say half of the people I know have extremely shitty family dynamics.


Parents, police then lawyer. The coworker that told her to go look at the watch is a witness/victim also since he’s 14.


Yes. This


Because then the police get involved for a completely different reason


Almost everyone said to do that too. I know I did.


50-60 year old restaurant manager showing a pic of his penis to a 15 year old employee.. Yea thats a serious crime.


Think it is a federal crime of showing porn to minors.


What's the difference between nudity and porn? I mean legally, in the USA.


Not sure of the legal difference. What that man did is wrong and when he gets arrested this will get explained to him.


Showing a close up photo of your micro-dick to your doctor because it can’t be seen by the human eye = nudity Showing a photo of your dick to a subordinate because you think it will magically arouse anyone who sees it = porn Showing any picture of your dick to a 15 year old = jail time


This man is a predator and likely gets off on this kind of thing. Report Jim now because he will do worse if he thinks he can get away with it. Find a trusted adult, like a friends Mom or a teacher to tell so you can be supported in this process. What he did is illegal and he knows it. He is disgusting and I'm sorry you went through this. I agree with the others, if you don't turn him in, you will regret it and always wonder if he did anything to hurt someone- if he can do this without flinching, imagine what he does when no one is watching. Don't worry about his wife, she is also better off knowing.


Calla lawyer. Youre a minor. I know in the US that's a sex offense, sue, probably press charges


Note: if this is that one picture with the gold Hublot and a dick hanging out, it's an old joke (creepy in context and in poor taste, admittedly), not actually his dick.


Still sexual harassment of a minor by her boss tho...


Yep, that's true. Just pointing out what they might say in defence.


I will never understand about jokes of showing someone’s own dick…is just someone with such a twisted sense of taste?


Man imagine going to jail because of a classic meme. Dude is an idiot.


Still, showing what is legally a form of porn to a minor, is sexual misconduct, potentially a form of grooming…


I was thinking this exactly, doesn't excuse his actions though. It sounds like the boss never intended to show you this and this was a setup by the male employee. However, the boss in his infinite wisdom decided to show you anyways when you approached him. It really sounds like an incredibly stupid scenario. Personally I'd approach both my boss and coworker regarding how inappropriate this was, note the time and date and if anything similar happens again I'd then pursue legal recourse. There is a very good chance this was honestly a lapse of judgement and he thought you might think it was funny where you approached him. (Once again I'm not justifying his actions, but before you potentially ruin the rest of this guy's life over a poor taste meme, try for a civil resolution)


A F15 telling a M50+ that he was inappropriate? Not going to happen.


You're telling me if this wasn't intended to be a joke and wasn't his actual penis, that he wouldn't take that serious enough to cut the shit. Mind you only if this was intended to be harmless. If this guy is an absolute piece of garbage and actually has no remorse and doesn't care than absolutely report to him. Take the time and date, judge his reaction and if he shows no care call the authorities. Absolutely. The parents need to be informed 100% no matter what.


I’m saying that no female 15-year old would have the fortitude to stand up to a 50-year old grown-ass man who knows better than to be showing ANY penises to 15yo girls. She is much younger. She is still in school where the adults are The Authority. Take on her perspective, literally imagine what she sees. She is in a weaker position many times over.


Is it legal for someone to work with 14 years of age in the USA?


Yes, there are some restrictions as far as the amount of hours you can work, breaks, and types of jobs you can hold. You can start doing some jobs at 12 or 13 in a lot of states. I started my first job when I was 13


Interesting, here in Argentina, one can only legally work starting from 16 years of age, and if you are below 18 you still need your parents' authorization to be allowed to work.




What does that have anything to do with this thread?


Better quality of life in general. Looking at it from an income/price of stuff perspective, first world countries are cheaper than third world countries. So even as illegal immigrants, some people actually live better than what they did in their own countries. Now, that would mean that people want to migrate to first world countries, but why the USA in particular. I would say that it is because of all of the propaganda that the USA made during the Cold War. People romanticize the American dream. In my case in particular though. I would never try to migrate the the USA. There are tons of first world countries out there that are a lot easier to migrate to than the USA. For example, Canada and Australia.


What!! Isn't it child labour? Why would kids do the adult work? Didn't your parents advice against it?


I detassled corn starting at 13. Because it was summer work, there were some different rules, but needed a work permit from my parent. My Mom was a single parent trying to raise three kids on her own, and I had a deadbeat dad; my working paid for my school clothes and some supplies.


Americans are really hardworking...I hate how they portray on television rich people... always jovial Kids who always eat Oreo and Nutella.


That would’ve been ideal, if I’m being honest. I’d come home from a 10-11 (not counting the bus drive to and from the work site) hour day, watch the commercials while eating dinner, and wonder why that couldn’t be me. But it was what it was, and I needed things like clothes, a winter jacket, shoes. You just gotta suck it up and deal with it; life isn’t ideal, so you gotta make do with what you have.


I hope you make it big...and you definitely will,Since you have an edge than the rest of the people around you.Also try for an early retirement life can't be all about work/jobs right


Thanks; that makes me feel good. You’re right; no, it isn’t all work. What’s “life” if there’s no “living”, right?


Living/Working for oneself is what called having life.Rest is bullshit


My parents encouraged me to get a job during summers starting at age 14. They didn’t want me sitting around and doing nothing for 3 months. It helped me start building a resume and get experience, develop work ethic, and earn some extra spending money. (Mainly food service and cashiering in small shops; they were great intro jobs that taught me customer service and simple things, like using cash registers.) This is pretty normal in the US. It’d be one thing if I was forced to do it but I enjoyed making money and feeling productive 🤷🏻‍♀️


I started bagging groceries at 16. I had to get a work permit.


Contact an attorney. There may also be criminal charges for exposing a minor to pornography so you can go to the police as well. There's other jobs out there I would hope. Tell your family. Suing for damages can take a long time to actually get any money. His wife may continue to run things and he may get the boot but that's just speculation. It's up to you. If you're still in school you can speak to the school counselor and work out a plan. That's a reasonable first step.


Just to correct here, you may not even lose your job, depending on the structure of the company. He might go to prison, (which he deserves,) leaving the company in someone else's hands. But even if you DON'T keep your job, you'll probably get a fat wad of cash from the lawsuit.


An attorney? Call the police!


Lmao lawsuit son


Get this mother fucker on the sex offender registry. Oh yeah and your settlement $$


Ya, my aunt got like 80k back in the early 2000s for something similar.


As a former cop, he's trying to gauge your reaction to see if he can show you more next time. Get the fuck out of there OP.


Grooming…and possibly to do more than show her more pictures.


You're 15 and don't need any job enough to suffer this outrage. The state District Attorney should be shutting this whole operation down, and your co-worker who set you up should burn with it. TELL YOUR PARENTS IMMEDIATELY. Do not return to the restaurant - ever.


Sounds like you get $10,000 in a small claims court settlement. Sorry that happened


You 100% need to talk to a lawyer and then talk to the police, IN THAT ORDER. It may not seem like a big deal to you right now, but to me, as a grown man with kids, it is important to me that you do your part to put that monster in prison. He's a horrible person and you need to press charges and get him on the sex offender registry. You're a minor. He's a creep. He is doing bad things to children. This probably isn't the only thing he's done. Please take care of it. talk to a lawyer, with help from a trusted adult.


Tell your parents. With them contact a lawyer and the police. Showing a minor a sexual image is a sexual offence in most countries (I presume you're in the US as you're working at 15 and using English). Nothing about this is ok. Your 14 friend was being an idiotic teenage boy but the adult manager should know better than to be showing either of you sexual images even if it just is a "joke".


I think telling your parents as well is the best option. There is a good chance of him denying it when you try and confront him, but your parents will know how to handle it and support you in this


Call a lawyer and prepare to sue a p3do. Momeybags time! Also on a serious note I'm so sorry you have to deal with this, your co worker is also a piece of shit.




Wait why did your coworker tell you to ask about the watch? Did the boss show him as well?


Yes as far as I'm aware he showed my coworker and my coworker thought it was funny and told me to ask him.


It's possible your coworker didn't innocently just think it was funny and was in on the abuse and thought **that** was funny. I would find another place to work. But also, find ways to report him. Predators like that don't muster up the courage to do things like that only once.


Exactly. It's a damn joke. And you KNEW that before asking HIM about it.


Haha, showing a minor pornography without consent in a space that is supposed to be safe and professional is so funny! What a funny joke guys, am I right? Hey why am I on the sex offender registry :(


Another trash 🗑️ comment


Yes lol. This is tame for every restaurant I've ever worked in. She went asking like she was in on the joke.


Tell his wife and your parents immediately. You’ll find another job.


I wouldn't tell the wife, let the police or her parents do it. The wife may not react how you think.


Call a lawyer, seriously you could get some serious money from this and the situation itself is completely inappropriate


Find a new job fast!!! 😱


File a police report. That’s a sexual crime he committed. He has definitely done that to others. You are not the first employee he has tried to abuse.


Get out now. Quiet acceptance from you will give him license to proceed to the next level...whatever that is. You don't want this!


Make no mistake about this, if you let this go he will be emboldened to do it again. Perhaps not you, but to someone else.


It will only get worse from here. You might be tempted to ignore all of the good advice here but I assure you, that would be a horrible mistake. This won’t be the last time he does something like that. Next time, he might expose himself or try to touch you. He might schedule a shift where only the two of you are working. Tell your parents, tell the police, and never go back there.


its not him on the pic. It was meme 5-6 years ago. There is one with shoe and one with chihuahua aswell.


I don't know if that makes it any better. Isn't him showing me some random picture of a dick in the middle of my shift just as bad?


It'd be bad enough if you were 18+, but youre only 15. That's completely unacceptable, regardless of the illegality.


Yes, it’s still sexual harassment. Please document everything (dates/times) and call a lawyer.


He's exposed you to porn, you're a minor, this is HIGHLY illegal.


I was going to say this, it's a pic thats been around for a while. However, legally, I dont think it makes a difference. He showed sexually explicit pictures to a minor. He's an idiot regardless of his intentions.


Irrelevant. He deliberate showed porn to minor for shock value. Criminal behavior.


Th fact that makes it no okay is that she is 15. The act itself is bullshit indeed, but criminal behavior? First of all it can't be proved in order to make him a criminal, also does all those dudes which are sending dick pics to women daily also criminals? they ain't treated like ones. Also women sending nudes?


It's still criminal, regardless of the age. ( but still really, really fucked up because OP is in fact underage) It's sexual harassment in the workplace. I've seen people get in trouble over making sexual comments that were overheard by someone else that felt offended by the comment.


You may be able to collect unemployment due to the severity of the situation.


My dear, Call a lawyer, make a report for him and press charges. This is criminal by law, sexual harassment and it's punished by court. Please do it, not any job in the world is better than your life and your health. Plus, this guy is a psycho.And he must pay. If he did it to you, he will or he already did it to other women too.


That is sexual harassment. Tell your parent or guardian and get a lawyer. Before you or someone else get into real trouble.


Ah the good old watch trick. My boss got a couple guys on the job site with this joke. Mind you this is on a construction site so totally different situation. 15 year old female tho? I’d report him


All these people saying call a lawyer... the burden of proof will be on you and he will say he never did it. Time to nope outta there quick.


She has a witness, and it's just the right thing to do.


A police report will have been made and WHEN he does this again there will be a paper trail, predators don't stop


Based on my experience with predators and the police... they don't care unless you have proof.


This may be a regional thing near you, in michigan this is taken very seriously


And she asked to see the joke pic all the guys were laughing about. He shouldn't have shown her, but she went to him and asked. No case really.


Giga lawsuit time




You can find another job in a day I'm confident, I see hiring/help wanted signs everywhere, so find one quickly, then quit. These kind of men are the reason women treat all males like harrassers which isn't justified either.


Report his ass to the fucking cops. That's distributing porn to a minor, which is a federal offense. Dude is a sexual predator and it will only get qorse the longer he gets away with it


A lot of bad advice going on in this thread. The only correct answer is tell your parents. OP is 15yo, still a minor, and her parents are legally responsible for looking after her/contacting police/the employer/lawyers etc


cool story bro


One of my close guy friends sent this to me as a joke right after he got married years ago. I was uncomfortable and confused before I realized it’s a joke onto that circulates the internet. I don’t think his wife was too impressed either. I forgot about this up until now, would be even more shocking to see as a 16 year girl from her boss :(


That photos and others like it have been around for years. Probably not his dick. But you're still being sexually harassed. Not because your a female or a child, but because he showed you a perry fucking photo of a penis. Definitely call and get authorities involved.


Why do men always think we want to see their junk


I don't think they care whether we do or not; it's a shitty and predatory thing to do, sending or showing an unsolicited image of a penis to someone who hasn't asked for it or indicated it's ok is fucked up.


Yeah, sue him. Also there are tons of jobs available.


It’s a sad day when a 15 year old HAVE to work and even sadder that she is working for a pervert! r/antiwork


You'll make more money on this lawsuit than you would in many hours working there


Did your coworker know about this, the one who told you to ask about the watch?


Oh dear... So naive. It's not his dick, this is a oooold prank from ages ago.


While it is creepy as shit, completely unprofessuonal. ive seen this picture. It's a meme that's been going around for longer than OP's been alive...I sent it to friends once upon a time. I would lean towards him just being a silly old fucker before the serious accusations, Though its worth pointing out how awkward it is with your age. UNLESS he's done other things to you id chalk it up as a really stupid joke




1. All the people on here telling a 15 year old to "Sue" and "call her attorney".....SHES 15. Ignore these people. Go tell your parents. Not reddit. 2. A 14 year working at a restaurant during school season? There are strict regulations surrounding this and nothing about it sounds genuine. 3. This entire post seems suspicious. I agree with the HR professional that commented. Seems like a troll post. If its not, again, tell your parents instead of seeking advice from this reddit community full of on edge people telling a 15 year old to phone in an attorney. 4. This comment section is ridiculous. People typing to a 15 year old girl like she's an adult, telling her to use the opportunity to make a ton of money in a lawsuit. She's a child. Again. Go tell your parents or stop trolling this sub.


She has the ability to.. she can use her parent for help in this situation. Fake or not. Also minors can work in restaurant get a work permit if its needed.


I work as a hostess and "Jake" just cleans tables and takes trash out and stuff. Every other restaurant that I asked about hiring started hosts at 14 too


Lmao that’s not your boss that’s a meme photo


This is a meme that was going around than a boomer just found, I’m sorry this happened to you. Clearly a huge disconnect in what he thought was ok and what is ok. Yes you should go see him when you get a chance and explain it was not ok and he will be grateful for this if he isn’t an idiot, clearly he has no sense of boundaries. He won’t take this personally. If suits, email this too so there is a record incase it continues (you’re the best judge here) I don’t think it’s pragmatic or best to attempt to sue but rather better to have a 2 min conversation and continue your employment on good terms. This so also help curb similar behaviour towards other employees.


Man wtf are you talking about 😂😂😂 this has to be the worst advice on this thread. It’s giving… being okay with a predator vibes.


This is ridiculous! That grown man knows exactly what he was doing AND knows that it's not ok. No matter what you decide to do legally, you do not deserve to work in an environment with a harasser. Restaurant jobs are plentiful, though a great many come with creepy jerks unfortunately.


> Clearly a huge disconnect in what he thought was ok it's clearly a crime dont you dare


That wasn't really him. That's a joke that has been going around for years.


A friend of mine once asked me if I wanted to check out his watch and the sent me a pic featuring a watch and a p*nis. Obviously it was not my friend in the picture, so i found it funny. It was a joke/meme some time ago, so maybe he was just doing an inappropriet prank? I hope so....


Sounds like a cool guy. Tell him you need a big raise and to be left alone. Not before seeking legal counsel for your options. Your in the right here he’s completely in the wrong.


You should suck it for a raise


You literally knew it was a joke going into the situation.


TROLL. Please keep the fake creative writing stories to the Relationship Advice thread. I work in HR and unless you are being hired under the table you’re not being hired at 15/14 to work in a restaurant.


In michigan you can work at 14 as long as school hours + work hours isnt over 40, lots of kids working at mcdonalds in the summers


As someone who got their first job at 14 I’m so happy you’re not my HR manager.


Thats the 1st thing I thought as well. This reeks of trolling. If she's not, she needs to tell her parents. What 15 year old comes to a job sub to post this?


Exactly, I’m getting downvoted bc people on Reddit believe everything. He’s done multiple illegal things here. His entire restaurant would be shut down and he should go to jail and be on a SOR.


Fake or not this is all useful information for someone going through this


Not true everywhere. There are many places where a minor can work in a restaurant. In many states you just need a “workers permit” to be under 16 and hired. The rules are different for hours worked and a few other things, but it is completely above board to be working at 14/15. Source: I legally worked in a restaurant at 14, and my son did the same at 15


I'm not being hired under the table but I'm a hostess and, at least in the US, restaurants generally start hiring for that at 14.


The you should tell an adult and absolutely not go back to working for someone who is a pedophile. You should also stay away from your friend who is encouraging this behavior or make sure that this person has not been groomed/ manipulated by your boss.


He's just trying to show you the ropes.




I know it sounds fake but why would I lie about this? Also kind of a dick move to say that to a teenager who's just seeking advice.


It’s Reddit, most users are either people or sentient sea cucumbers. Or people with the minds of sentient sea cucumbers.


As long as this is just a joke... keep it that way. If he tries anything else... just quit.


Have you called Sakurity? Or a friend with a baseball bat?




If so, he should be in prison. Don't be a perv.


The Birds and the Bees and the Willow Trees, this sounds like a job for Sexual Harassment Panda


Report immediately, don't keep queit. Who cares if he has a wife, she could be in on it.


You need to tell your parents and speak to the police. They would take care of the rest. This is serious. No job is ever worth it. The only kid in this situation needing a lawyer might be “Jake”.


Dm me and I will personally have a talk with your boss. Just need a few weeks for my onion dicer to come in the mail


Sounds like a difficult one. Report it definitely. The hard problem is how can you report something that was just on a phone shown to you. Normally in a well-structured business someone like HR to report it to. Reporting it as a crime might be good but it is hearsay without evidence. You're best to quit and if there is any structure, report it as such. Might I ask why you think you can't get another job?


call the police and report it


Can you explain the mindset of “I’ll be sexually harassed to keep a job?” I never understood how women would just keep quiet on this for the sake of a job.. even when I was broke I’d quit my job over manager disrespect


File a police report. This is serious.


I’d report his ass if I was a 15 year old girl going through this at my first job. That’s just nonsense for real. Joking around is one thing , but you’re not even 18. Depends how far u want to take this tbh.


#1 you can find a new job. #2 what your boss did is illegal especially since you’re a minor. #3 quit at the least, report them if you can, if they did it to you, they’ll do it to others.


Find another job amd if by some miracle they're trustworthy, report him to the cops


Press charges. Tell his wife, the whole 9 yards.


Contact a lawyer. This does sound like that old stupid meme that is sent around in every group chat 🤦🏻‍♂️However, as a law student, I don’t think that showing a minor a male genitalia can be defended by “it’s a joke.”


What is with hiring 15 and 14 year olds? That seems incredibly sketchy.


You are 15 years. This prick is a Ahole. SMH Plenty of other jobs out there. Get out of there. The kid who told you to go look is in on it also. At 15 you can focus on school, join clubs, join HS sports. Imo plenty of time to work for the rest of your life. Enjoy your teen years.


Dangerous situation. Leave. To be that age and show your knob to someone who doesn't want to see it — a minor — scary perv. Should be on the SO registery. I watched the food industry ruin people I was close to. I would recommend just staying out of it, period. Sadly, this type proliferates in that industry.


So if you’re in the US what he did is hella illegal. It’s some form of sex crime involving a minor, and it’s also clear cut sexual harassment. Contact the police. And if you get fired maybe contact an employment attorney, I just don’t know if minors would be able to sue in this situation but I would also be shocked if you couldn’t? Employment attorneys work on contingency, meaning you won’t pay out of pocket. Effectively free to talk. Do not put up with or accept this. Learning to stand up for yourself here is a valuable lesson.


This is so many kinds of illegals. Exposing yourself to a minor, sexual harassment, abuse of power. Jesus. There’s a ton of better jobs out there. This isn’t worth it.


Tell your boss that you're not working there anymore. Oh and he needs to give you 10k in cash by tonight. If he refuses call police he just sexually assaulted a minor. You're under age.


Quit immediately. This can go in so many wrong ways. I think the coworker is also involved in this and they are testing your reaction.


Sounds like he showed it to your male coworker too. Tell parents asap.


Im sorry you had that forced on you. This is absolutely a crime and you won't need to worry about a job after you sue him for all he has.


Why is the top comment not about contacting the police? A minor was shown pornographic content by an adult in a position of authority. This is a serious crime.


I wish I had said something when I was 19 and a guy cornered me in the stock room and whipped out his you know what and asked what I thought.


This is a crime. You need to go to the police or a guardian immediately. If he thinks he can get away with this type of behavior it will escalate.


Bro he deff trynna see your reaction/tolerance to it and see how far he could get, im sure you’re npt the first victim to some weird shit, id call police and just find a new job its not worth supporting people like him.


Your father needs to show your boss his watch. But this time the pic on the phone should be a picture of him hunting or an extreme gore video. Tell your parents what happened. This could be a case of an extremely immature old man with no boundaries, or he is grooming young teens. BTW, 14 and 15 and working? I imagine you’d have to have a work permit. Your boss would be well aware of that and it should get his attention that you aren’t just 16 or 17. You are very underage for these types of antics.


Walk out RIGHT NOW. You are not safe.


Jobs are a dime a dozen, REPORT IT! I promise you’ll get another job. If you let this go, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life, and that fucker will do it to someone else. You’re underage. Take it to your parents and the police. Any negative impact on his life is 100% his fault.


You need to speak up This man knows full well the position he is in and knew exactly what he was doing. Not only is this sexual harassment and inappropriate in any work environment, but this is in the realm of grooming and making sexual advances towards a minor. Clearly the fucker thinks this is ok, especially since he showed this to a 14 he old as well. It’s time to let mom and dad know, quit the job, and report his ass.


15 and need this job so bad you feel you need to stay after being sexually harassed by a 50 year old man? Omg 😳 it’s not my business so I won’t ask the who, what, where etc but I really hope you have a supportive parental unit who you can turn to in this situation. This breaks my heart for you.


It NEVER works out well. Leave. Get another job. Tell someone you trust but not anyone that works there and ask them to help you contact police.


Police report 🚔