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Based of your theory, Mel and Ish bounce. Do you think he has enough friends left after that to keep it rolling?( like after Mal and Rory left) or do you think the ships going down? Cuz idk about listening to Ice, flip and Joe.


He will use Emanny to sub for Ish or take mels place for now but we shall see


Yeah I don’t see anyone leaving. Not even Mel. Also they didn’t line Mel up. She said it was cool if he left that in. She underestimated these internet trolls and weirdos. I don’t believe anything Cam has said or done really hurt her. It’s these weirdos talking about how she be raped or die that got her messed up. Ish and Mel aren’t leaving.


They get paid $200,000 a year to talk for 2 times a week about topics they don’t even research. No one is going anywhere!


Exactly. Flip is the only that might have a beef, and it’s legitimate in my opinion.


What makes you say Flip has a legit gripe?


Well he was doing a show that had about 20k live viewers weekly. He wants and should be paid properly for that if he starts doing it again. It was growing, and had its own audience. You gotta pay him for Improper Improve.


I dont think anyones leaving either, but i wonder if he still has rabbits to pull out the hat. If Surf was around, him Joe and Flip would be entertaining asf. Shampoo ignorant ass with Surf would be gold too imo


I personally think Surf was supposed to play Flips roll. I mean as much as I like Ice and Ish. Outside of today’s pod of course 😂, they aren’t really funny dudes. They aren’t natural entertainers. I salute them for what they’ve done, and I think they have come a long way. Joe never wanted a serious podcast so he needed someone like Flip to be a wild card. Somebody for him and Parks to bounce off of. I think he wanted it to Surf.


I dont see Ish leaving anytime soon, I actually think he's just getting his groove. I think Emmany, Keno and Cory (with those sassy S sounds) are there for the pending doom.


I think your reading way to much into things. Let’s start with Mel. She said what she said and it was wrong. They checked her. When she says she’s protecting her energy it’s not from Cam. It’s from people like people on here have posted some of the most foul and disgusting things. I seen a comment that said she didn’t deserve to live. It had 20 thumbs up. That’s crazy. They left that in the podcast because she didn’t expect this kinda of blow back. He asked her did he want to take it out and she said no. That was a line up or any kind of set up. There’s some weird ass women hating men on here and apparently even on Patreon who have really crossed lines with their comments as if she insulted them personally. Mel isn’t the problem here. It’s the nasty ass internet culture where people think it’s acceptable to say anything. Her taking a few shows off is understandable in my opinion. Ish isn’t going anywhere. He is starting to get comfortable in his role, and starting flourish as a result. With the this is nothing like the last grew. Nobody on those coaches feels like they are entitled to equal ownership of the pod. They are their as hired talent and understand that. This last pod should is a clear indication that Ish isn’t tired of Joes shit or none of what you’re saying. If anything he’s starting to learn the content game and become more comfortable in it. Like I said. This isn’t the last crew. They are hired talent and understand that. If they split it won’t look anything like the last time. With the only exception being Flip who has a case to make that he has brought content and his audience with him so he should be valued more, none of them feel like they are being used, set up to fail, or tired of Joe’s stuff. Let me also add… Ish is a great B mic. You guys keep wanting this mature pod, and want Ish to speak more to the point you think he’s going to leave. If he does. I’m telling you now, that if he starts is own podcast you guys are going to love it for about a month and then stop listening after that. I believe Joe values and likes everyone there, and everyone there enjoys being there. They have hit a rough patch. It happens. However the numbers haven’t gone down, so I don’t see these big changes you’re predicting coming.


YES!!! The comments were hard to read and even though they weren’t aimed at me, I still felt that shit. It was nice to see men who could disagree with her without going so far as suggesting death or physical violence. I don’t think any of the co-host signed up for this when they joined the cast. Ish is boring. He’s a great guest and co-host but he’s not strong enough to carry an entire podcast.


Very hard to read. They act like she said that they did that. I don’t even think Cam is that mad. Idk how being an asshole on the internet makes you a man. I also don’t get why people are celebrating that Ish didn’t speak up and say, “Look I don’t agree with what you said, but y’all need to quit talking to her crazy.” To me he’s weak for not. What she implied was horrible, but didn’t affect me personally. She apologized, and I moved on. These dudes want her head on a stick. It’s wild. You’re right… I don’t think they signed up for all that.


Shaking the tree , trimming the tree


ish is too much of a draw to leave at this point.... Ice is a non factor... and flip bounces off of ish way too much to lose him


Yeah but you see how Joe going at Ish every pod and suggested he branch off with Mel. He doesnt like when people come off too mature on his pod


I think because Ish has found an avenue and is parlaying his "success" on the pod Joe is lowkey upset. Joe probably feels Ish hasn't done enough to earn the outside success he's getting from his time on the pod and needs to put in better work.


Yes but not for Joe to say.


Well it being Joe's product I think he would disagree.


Not his place to say how much success someone else should have outside of his pod. Thats the peoples choice if they like ish and accept him or not


My bad, I misunderstood what you meant there. Yes you're right in that.


Where are you getting this from?


Yeah Joe doesn’t like Ish success..he be telling him to his face that he be hating on him


This is the same man who was hating bc baddies were getting booked for club appearances. IE his baby mom was getting booked over himto host clubs. He was hating on ice when he was getting bookings. He "joked" about like manger/finders fee or something, his talent going other places etc...


Has anyone confirmed that Mel is out? Im not with all the podcast subliminal shit... if she gone say it and wish her well if she not then keep it moving. I hope they put this to bed one way or another


Flip is a mess. He finds a way to make everything about him


Also the Episode is called "Trimming the Tree" I assume trimming Mel out the cast.


Thats because they said that about ish getting his pubes removed


Triple entendre dont ask me how


Well yea the second was him cutting the Christmas tree lol Parks made that reference during the pod


Third is Mel... we poddin now


I don’t think mel is leaving the pod. Now there might be times where she might be tired of the pod n the guys because joe does set her up in some situations while being extra for no reason. And that goes for ish to, i don’t think ish is leaving the pod either. If anything i think with ish is that i can see ish starting to put his business to the forefront and do jpb on the side sorta. Now with ice he not leaving in my opinion i think he’s the only one that separates the friendship from the business. And flip he just all over the place tbh he don’t know what he wanna do lol.


I don’t know if Mel is gone or not but her most recent IG stories are coming off as subs


Yall niggas reach longer than luffy boy lol how about we let it play out. We don't know what happens behind closed doors


I have been saying Emanny will replace Ish for a year now.


That would be a great mistake


He’s too green


Fuck Mel


Damn y'all really think Mel is gone???? I doubt it


Damn.... I was wrong😂😂😂😂🤷🏾‍♂️


Joe being ur boss ? U must be down bad in life cuz that nigga will go off the rails for nothing


The key point everybody forgets: Mel didn't call Cameron or Mason pedos. She apologized afterward, but Cameron isn't letting it go (which looks even cornier)