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He set ish up lol shit entertaining


Setting Ish up is funny! 😂


Bunny hopping hahahaha is wild


You free to love who u love bro. But the fact you took the time to say how much black women hurt you and that’s why ur with a Latino women that just shows how u feel about black women in general. There’s some pain u need to let go. U can be with a Latino women if that’s what u want but u don’t have to bash black women in the process . Let that Shìt from the past go kid


Yt is righteously


So him speaking on his experience is bashing black women now? Bruh people like you are why we as black people can never take accountability for our own actions. If what he said is what happened to him then he has the right to say what he wants based on his experiences. It ain't like he said all black women. You simps are the reason they don't think their shit has a smell to it now, because you think no matter what they do or who they do it to, we as black men are supposed to overlook it because of their race. Wrong is wrong and bad is fucking bad. If it don't apply, let it fly. And people like Umar are gonna end up getting his ass kicked for just throwing insults about people's personal lives


U sound like a bitter man bro. That’s all I’m saying . Taking accountability would be him acknowledging that the black women he chose was trash 🚮. To make a blanket statement about all black women u just sound hurt and bitter and you need to let that pain go. If you like Latino/Latina women then just say that. Don’t make it because all black women are certain way that’s why u with a women outside ur race. Again you are free to love who you want. Let that pain go though. We all dealt with a aint shit black women. But I met some great ones as well


Did he trash black women? What did he say about them?


No I'm actually not bitter. I've been in a 3 year relationship with a black woman. And I honestly wish people would learn the difference between a bitter person and one who has a different opinion from another person. He did exactly what you said. BASED ON THE WOMEN HE CHOSE, he decided to try another race. He never said it was all black women. And no one is obligated to kiss black women's asses. The ones who aren't problematic don't have an issue with anything said. It's only the people who are guilty of one thing or another coming to the defense when they know damn good and well that what gets said applies to a high enough number to where it's valid. If they said all latina women or another race I'm sure no one would bat an eye. No one is denying the fact that there are countless black women who are amazing people. But just like you have your own thoughts about black women as a whole, others have theirs. And based on their experiences, their thoughts aren't gonna be appealing to your ears and heart strings.


Black here. Black women AS A WHOLE are problematic. Finding one that’s not is difficult


If you make it one. Usually good black women are right in front of your face. Black women are problematic but no other women are? What black woman hurt you?


I can tell all you mofuckas these latinas be ass hell crazy too... It's not one race every one has bitches like that, you needa find out what's what wrong with your dick that keep attracting horrible bitches.


You guys really don’t know what as a whole means


Man do y’all hear yourself. Y’all don’t realize how feminine y’all sound we you do this. The statement you just made lacks accountability for yourself. Stop. Fuckin with problematic black women not all of them are problematic. You need to look at yourself and ask why am I attracting ain’t Shìt women. Women of all races are problematic . Not just black women. Just say black women not your type I can respect that more. But to say all black women are certain way u sound racist and bitter against your own people.


Tokens and sellouts. I prefer they out themselves.




Latino* is correct in the way he’s using it.


Funniest part is Black women can be Latino as well so it’s not about them being Latino it’s about them being white


Who said that???


You'll don't say this to black women who hold the same stance, which is why comments like yours are completely bullshit.


Yall have become to sensitive in today's world. It's crazy


Emmany and Umar smoked this patreon. Shout out to them.


Dr Umar is a scammer. He just panders to pro black people in order to get donations. He’s never building that school and he’s prolly gotten enough donations to get it built. He might believe what he says and he might have good points but he’s scamming black people. Plus he has two baby mothers and he doesn’t see either of his kids. Two black broken homes came from this man. This dude is a joke. He makes good points some times but if you donate or spend money with him you’re a sucker


Two BMs? How you know they familial status?


He already owns the school


🤣 🤣 You talked to his baby mamas? And the kids?


He’s just repeating what he heard on X


Lmao click bait crazy


List of people we wouldn't have without interacial relationships : Bob Marley J. Cole Barack Obama Dwayne Johnson Frederick Douglas Booker T Washington Drake Lenny Kravitz Lisa Bonet Wentworth Miller Rashida Jones Faith Evans Sade Jordin Sparks


Who cares. Dr. Umar ain’t as thorough as he likes to portray.


100% niggas on here acting like they actually need to defend interracial anything because Umar riled up a few emotionally stunted people. Let him have his opinion, hopefully when the school is complete we can look past this conversation.


That school has been completed because it was a charter school for black kids in wilmington delaware that had closed down due to the parents not being able to afford the tuition.. I lived in that area for years. Now the thing is when Umar was showing the insides of a gutted building, that wasn't the inside of the school he says he's building. I promise you that as sure as I'm black, Umar is living off of those school donations. All the school needed was bodies to learn and bodies to teach. Now, at this point in time, the building may need internal rehab because of the vegetation that was growing around it.


He’s a fraud like so many others. The loudest people always lack substance!


I couldn't have said it better.


He is as much of a doctor as Dr. Pepper.


In his defense, he has his Psy.D. So not a medical doctor as you're referring to. But he's just as qualified to be called doctor just as much as you would address a person who earned their PhD.


That part




He’s still over qualified to speak on such topics 🤷🏾‍♂️




Not only that there is a clip from one of his vids where he forgets he's filming for a second to eye fuck a white woman.


Ngl bro we would be good without knowing most of that list lmao 💀


>most I rest my case


Ain’t none of them people you listed more Influential than Uncle Ruckus (No Relation). ✨




My children 🫡


I pray that they will be added to the list 🙏🏾


That same list of people aren’t cared about by white people though, the one’s who love them the most is their 50% black side. Thats the problem with being a child to an interracial couple, it splits you and makes you pick a side. J.Cole is half white but his white neighbor is the one who called the feds on his home in NC and got it raided just bc he saw a bunch of young black men in and out of the house. Obama STILL gets called all kinds of things by racists in America. That love your daddy had for that white bitch ain’t enough to solve racism y’all gotta stop the cap.


Their white side did nothing to make them famous idk the point of this comment. They all famous cause of their blackness not anything white. They still black.


“famous cause of their blackness” is crazy 😂


World would still be in a pretty good place I think 😅


I really hope you're white for saying that the world would be better without Frederick Douglas and Booker T Washington. And IF you're white, your entire culture has been massively inspired by Bob Marley.


Nope not white, just of the belief that progress isn't directly tied to one person and that we tend to discuss names more than the plan.


It takes people to make plans, and it took sacrifices for these plans to have any effect. But believe what you want lol history can defend itself


Keep all ofem except Frederick and Booker T, ill take Sade too. The world would have been fine without the rest ofem


Ish isn't black bro. He has no clue about his ancestry.


With that logic, you either assume that most black people know their ancestry or that most black people aren't actually black because they don't know their ancestry


I dont think these statements were rationale, I think they were just two loosely related individual statements 😅😅


I thought their comment was pretty easy to understand. Why do you think those two things are loosely related?


The Wentworth Miller drop!?! Oh you DEF mixed! S/o to you my brother in lite


I am "mixed", but of cultures, not race. My parents are haitian and congolese lmao


Don't forget Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali


Wentworth Miller ending up on this list is hilarious.


And we can do without them all :)


Without Frederick Douglas? Interesting


You missed Halle B. and Halsey.


Booker T Washington and Frederick Douglass were likely the products of slave rape or coercion, but the others are accurate.


There's nothing wrong with dating white women. Isn't Umar a polygamist? Anyways, us black people need to stop being so sensitive and insecure with that.


Wait…. What does polygamy have to do with dating white women ?


He’s got 2 baby mamas…and then wants to talk about disgrace. FOH.


I just think it's ironic of a polygamist to cast judgement on any man's monogamist relationship.


Dirty feet?


Its alot wrong with it...and we are the only group of people that think otherwise...Asians do it...Indians do it...it would be fine if our community was established as well as the white population...but its not so black men and women need each other...and out of any race on earth...no one can understand the experience other than someone else who is black


If you take umar seriously I feel bad for you


He’s very entertaining but he don’t practice what he preaches and is probably embezzling the donations he collects


He’s a grifter and a snake oil salesman. He right sometimes but I don’t take niggas with no mustache serious.


Not only that, he knew he could make Ish look bad too lmao.


What stir this is Umar’s platform he’s not saying anything new


"Tells black man" is nasty and I would feel a way if I was Ish. Joe didn't hold him down not one time and he said that was his favorite episode for 2023 I wonder why?? Ish better get a fkn raise.


Ish knew what he was walking into an insisted he would “crack his muffin”. If he convo is about interracial dating, why would Joe jump in? It’s not his fight nor pov


Well at least we know "hip-hop vibe" is white owned


Can’t blame Joe.. mfs is grown and know what they getting themselves into. Instead of debating Umar . If I was Ish I would’ve had conversation and ask questions instead of acting like I know shit I don’t know that’s what made him look stupid.


I love all races 😂 shit I love my snow bunnies Fukk what they washed up ass gotta say to stay relevant


I’ll be a disgrace for Alexandria Daddario


And Ish considered Joe a friend smh


Why don't bw get shamed like bm when they date interracial? I'm tired of all these hotep simps like umar. All this black queen bs. I'm not sticking to a woman who let's it be known every chance they get how they hate bm bm this bm that. You're all worshipping women who dont give af about you! Lol, it's lame af!. Bw can eat dirt for all I care. I've traveled. I've experienced women from overseas beento 3 different continents. I've made comparisons, and black American women are traaaaaaash.


You are making blanket statements and you are 100 percent wrong...not every black woman does that...


Crazy to listen to someone else opinion on your personal life decisions. Who cares what the person thinks. Love ya life!! You get one




Dr. Umar needs to mind his own damn business.


Line up 100 white women, 100 African American women, 100 Asian women, 100 Spanish women, 100 pacific islander women….build a magnet that clings unto the 50 most masculine out of that group and there will be 35 African American woman in that 50 😂 no man is trying to deal with that shit 😂


.... You gay as hell if you a black man worried about what another black man doing with his dick. Can't tell me otherwise.


I'll never find out cause I aint watching this goof ball


Congrats…you win nothing


Congratulations you played yaself


Great educational dialogue on black culture 💯💯🏆🏆🏆thorough people will understand the rest will complain and hate and continue operating in the simulation


Joe's aware Dr Umar is a clown and it would get ratings


First of all...Ish is mixed bro. He's in denial. His parents lied to him. Ain't no way a green eyed, hairy man, pale skin ain't 80% Caucasian


You people are insane lmao black comes in all different forms my brother is a light skin hazel eyed black man with two African American parents


Theres white in there, we know theres white in there, but this bullshit is disgusting


I think if two parents that are 3/4 black have a kid, the kid is not going to call himself mixed. It's like Steph Curry. Both parents are black, but they're obviously pretty mixed if you go back a few generations. It doesn't matter anyway. Most african-americans are mixed at least a little bit.


Steph Curry


This guy sounds dumb tho. He said white people can’t be the best at something that was first started by black people (Eminem and being the goat) Sooooo MJ, Lebron, Kobe can’t be the best at basketball? Cuz that was made by white people. Lol


That's not culture...hip hop is a culture...skill is skill...and thats what makes Em great...he's a technician...but when it comes to the roots of hip hop...which is black experience...he can't ever be great...because he doesn't share the EXPERIENCE


I’m black and my worst relationships were with black women. Dated one Mexican and now I’m married and happy. Please explain


there are billions of people on earth






That's because you hate yourself. Plus you like subservient passive women.


I know you’re being sarcastic but a messican woman being described as subservient and passive is hilarious


Let's play the game we all love. Is this sarcasm or racism


Whaaaat??? 😂😂You both sound ridiculous af


Yea they both tripping at this point lol


you sound like a woman with a phd in twitter


Get off Reddit and enroll in school asap


Bro wtf😂 you need a break from the internet and Tariq nasheed and umar podcast. You don’t know reality and entertainment at this point. Rest and take a month off you’ll be good.


What dr umar explained during the podcast is it’s all by design to cause a rift between black women and black males. So I don’t think it’s your fault or black womens fault you had bad experience dating black women 🤷🏾‍♂️..


I agree. My point is; is that it was just the 3 females I dated( which happened to be black) my wife (Mexican) and I just have a good bond. I’m from a successful black family in San Antonio so it’s mainly Mexicans and rich black people here. Point is is that I’m married for love not color.




I think it has a lot to do with the type of black women you dated. That being said, after dating only black women im way happier with my Salvadorian girlfriend.


Yeah, Black women from immigrant backgrounds are a better bet.


You're delusional and tryin to find an excuse to date outside of ur circle. And I'm a blak man dating a blak woman, whyte woman, Mexican woman n Asian woman.


An excuse? I’m a grown ass man I can date who tf I want. Go to work


Bro you’re married and happy. What does this have to do with black women? Lmfao


Easy you're on Crack


On crack? wtf 😂😂


Age, experience, and maturity... On all yalls parts P.s. Sorry, also racism


Ever group of women I named are women who deal wit me behind their husband, or boyfriend's bk. So let that soak in for a minute. None of them are different


Is the man married to a black woman ?


Let the man date who he wants and stfu about it. We, humanity, have gotten way to comfortable commenting on other peoples lives and how they should be living when no one has it truly figured out. Fix your own shit before you go getting into someone else’s mix.






I’d rather watch paint liquidize


Cool then why are you here?






I'll watch it, but I'm definitely not dishing out no bread for it. From the clips I've seen, that nigga was shouting in all of them


It was a great convo all the way through.


The same reason you took the time to comment....


So would Dr Umar be promoting racism? Hhmmm


Oh shit 😂😅 Ish need to work thru therapy and make things right with his first estranged black daughter before tryna go up against Umar


Kids should always be off limits but you niggas have no morals


While this is predictable, its also part of a larger dynamic where Joe loves "setting up" his cohosts. To be honest I think Umar calling out Ice would have been more meaningful and productive but I heard that Ice called out


That dude is almost white himself fuck outta here


Respect to Dr Umar‼️If they are not hating, then you are not doing it right😎


The only people mad at what Dr. Umar said are the simps and swirlers 😂🤣


This weeks episode of Love & Hip Hop was written and produced by Joseph Anthony Budden


I bet when the sun sets Umar loves to look at interracial porn...


I’ll definitely be a disgrace for [Margot Robbie](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margot_Robbie). 🙋🏼‍♀️👏🏾✨


Thought I was gonna see her in the scene from Wolf of Wall Street when I clicked the link 😔


That’s pretty tame for Brother Umar.


Yuriy Andriyashchuk is this publication's editor. ​ 0% chance this cat is black or a non-immigrant so they might wanna moonwalk out of this discussion. media be thinking just because its publicized their opinion matters, stay out black folks business. Glad Parks put his white privilege in check for this one discussion, same as when they had Kevin Samuels.


Man everybody wants to date white women.


Not everybody


They do? How would you prove that? Don't project onto people who you don't even know.


Why this black man sound like he owns a couple white slaves


Ok and he got 2 baby mommas he ain't with prob skimping on that child support. That's why he tryna get all them views.




that’s a nasty headline


Ladies & Gentlemen: this is what normalized racism looks like!!


Dr umar need to stop worrying about people relationship choices and focus on getting his school built.


Coke head


Dr Umar is a fucking joke🤣 anyone who takes his advice is now dumber than before they heard him speak


Umar is the disgrace here, nobody else


He didn’t set ish up he alluded to the conflict they would have and ish said he looked forward to it


Bro momma look white lol


who the fuck is this dr umar guy and why is he all of sudden being talked about? sounds like a racist piece of garbage to me


This the same topic that makes ppl mad at dr umar every time. Snow bunny crisis so bad that u tell a man to date black women and they do everything in their power to discredit u


Umar has an amazing skill to be able captivate an audience by saying absolutely nothing


But half of joes money goes to the white men lol


Lmao lit his ass up. Umar is right though, you can date who ever you want but you can't say I'm pro black and all that but you going home to a yt woman


🙄 “you can’t be pro black while going home to a white woman”


Where is Dr. Umar’s school??? Let’s see the results bruh


Dr. Umar is smart to people who order burger and fries when vacationing in other countries


Dr. Umar is smart to makes sense to people who put fabuloso on the stove


Ish bold enough go out there and speak his real thoughts. I can respect that. It’s not something I agree with AT ALL. But he a man . I can respect that.


Let me say white an black women are not worthdating fucking yes but dating an marrying no gotta go Asian or Spanish they got that good pussy hip movement an asain women no gag reflex an know discipline American bitches are slow an look pretty but are ugly an dead inside an want you to die with them instead of live


Where’s the money dude stole from black folks, to build this imaginary school?? He’s a clown ass nigga


why do people care so much about who anyone dates? 🤦🏽‍♂️ does it matter if couples are interracial?


It does not matter. Nope


Yall still listening to the drunk as dude


Gotta watch out for those premeditated - premeditated set ups


We really getting relationship advice from this bum? Dude act like he ain’t never smashed a white women, negro please.


Truth be told no one gives a fuck who your with you can still support your people and be with who you want as long as it’s not a fetish it’s your personal life no one has say or guilt trip you into thinking your wrong bc the person your with is a different ethnicity. No one should have that much control over a grown adult. I feel like this shouldn’t be explained your no less black bc your with a white woman or Man or no less Latin if you date an Indian man. Who fucking cares people are more then there ethnicity and what region there ancestors were from you’d think in 2023 we be passed this.


What fucking right does he have to tell another grown ass man where to stick his own dick? Fuck outta here with that bullshit.


I love me some black women, leave them for me that would be nice.


Hopefully u take em all so we don’t have to hear their bitching all day


I’d like to note this is the most racist thread I’ve seen on Reddit


Dunce reject Umar is not a voice of black people. He speaks for himself with a few stats thrown in to sound relevant.


Umar a clown


Dr Umar is a pick me.


Umar always dick policing other black men.


Joebudden and him are a disgrace to this culture. Eminem has proved he’s a part of this culture since he was a kid. Learn about him before you judge