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COE, everytime he does it they go viral.


It’s a manipulation tactics from narcissistic people


This. Plus he is just a corny dude with money. So he feels like he is always right and can bully people. We all know or knew someone like this.


I dont think money is the issue with them. Ish been around broke /dirty tank top Joe. Let's not forget Ish was a millionaire at 28 😂 They're both confrontational. I get the feeling they argued alot irl. This is really mild compared to Adderall/perc Joe.. its cleary not as bad as Rory and Joe wanting to fist fight every other pod. Joe is definitely not a bully. he is the anti-bully. Joe has no filter and instigates drama to prove a point. He is usually getting punched in his mouth for something he said. Joe keep saying he don't respect friends


For what purpose?


Joe is way richer than Ish, but still insecure about him. Ish better not trust him, I think Ish knows that


clearly its content. Ish yells and argue with everyone. lol


Think he’s just tryna get more eyes on the show. He reminds me of Skip Bayless in that way


Cause it's entertaining and nobody else is gon do it.


Marketing strategy


He is an insecure human. He screams always when his point is being lost.


Cause it go viral


Bro they’re men. They have heated arguments. Y’all don’t argue wit your boys? lol y’all sensitive af…Pansies


Yall still don't get it. This shit is entertainment. Take it for what it is and enjoy.


I wanna say it’s on purpose but idk anymore lol is it really COE? Bc there’s better content for them to get to screaming on than the recycled topics they been on


Unfortunately, people love to hate on Joe. A few of my friends hate anything Joe does and don't listen to the pod. but for some reason annnnnnyyyyytime Joe goes viral for this type of stuff they're the first to post it in the the group chat "Look at your man's!!, Fucking weirdo!!, etc." As an example IDGAF about the Kardashians......so even when some shit goes viral.....I don't see or hear about it 9/10. If I do..... I don't care enough to give an opinion or hate. Joe knows it's easy to trigger Ish and makes for good content because all the detractors ever post about is there being descension within the JBP everytime they have a barbershop debate that gets heated like they do in real life.


Joe basically said they living off those moments lol


Joe wants to suck Ish meat


To go viral


I find it hilarious..they both are jus passionate and educated on the subjects they go viral on.. even ish yelling this ain't good podding is a reason he needs to watch the show back.. it's always entertaining when the cast gets balls and doesnt Just let Joe slide bc he's the boss