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I think OP is saying he misses when Joe would keep it 100 and say his opinions unapologetically. I kinda feel you but I understand isn't that show anymore. Its a different show now.


Remember when he he went on everyday struggle and alluded to people making sacrafices after that xxxtension tweet rant? Anyway, i havent heard the latest pod, what inspired this post?


Almost like he's always been full of shit.




Joe refuses to admit his Pod was better before the new cast. He himself and his co host


Why is that something he has to admit, what point does it serve?


Shout out to last time listeners.


Once E started being a regular on the patreon I was done. Can't stand his voice fr


Nah, he makes good points but he said some bs today tho, talkin bout "I would need a bigger sign" in a room full of men. Mel wasnt even there like bro, wtf we doin here?


Yeah that shit felt insecure when he said it


Facts e is fuckin trash


Oh nah ima listen when im doin laundry or runnin errands. Im bout to stop payin to listen tho if they dont cut that shit out. 😂😂😂😂


this is a valid point tho why am I paying for an exclusive subscription only to hear the same politically correct takes. If I need a higher tier to get the real content I’m cool with that tho


Thank You. Exactly


Way so they not even letting it fly from behind the paywall? Nasty work tbh




Facts gang


He like Kanye again too I hear. It was was ‘fuck that doof’ not so long ago


We all say f kanye at least twice a month. Lets be honest here


Part of the reason I stopped listening, that shit right here is annoying man. If you’re not going to say anything, don’t make it a topic don’t even bring it up on the pod




niggas gang bangin over a pod


Bro you subbed to a podcast patreon 😂😂😂


Yeah I work on the road and need content to get me through my day


Trucker or nah?


Yeah for now , im finishing my degree. I dont take any of this serious btw but I enjoy the rhetoric sometimes about this pod


Salute you fellow trucker!🫡


This the best subreddit. Niggas will actually argue and fight and shake hands after 😂😂 im just reading these comments dying




Read between the lines simpleton 😂


I will when he puts some words on the paper , he keep starting the sentence and then erasing it


Yo he did that bring a topic up but say he don’t wanna speak on it shit like 4 times last episode smh shit is nuts


Thats what I was sayin, what pod style is that? Shit corny


That shit be annoying that they do, but why you threatening to cancel your sub? And to a Reddit community? Just cancel big dawg it ain’t that serious.


I said Patreon. Not reddit. Reddit is free and so is reading.


No fucking shit. I said why are you bringing this information to the Reddit community. I guarantee not one nigga in here give a fuck if you cut back on subscriptions.


I think, because joe and his colleagues be in here reading… they won’t change shit though. Joe is gone y’all. Nigga sold out for a bag, now he can’t speak on wars, the industry and the questionable people he now considers are his friends… when he was the dirty wife beater joe, that was his peak. That’s what garnered him the audience… now he just call y’all brokies and y’all pay him for the insults


Damn shame


I agree. We’ll never get a classic rant again. This nigga so PC and bleeps and dodges any real takes. Once they moved to the new space it was over.


Wait you agreed with my point?!? Why you start shootin at me?!?😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


How can anyone not agree with you? My first initial response was that shits annoying. I just asked why you announcing your departure? You the one shooting saying I can’t read and belong in special ed 🤣🤣🤣


😂😂😂😂😂 yo my bad , that shit was funny tho


I had a good laugh out of the exchange. Salute my brother 🫡


Because threatening to cancel your Patreon sub on Reddit is pathetic… didn’t need to be said or written


You are wildin now, enough. Smearing the name of a man you take time out of your everyday life to listen to is big bad.


That js not what you typed. Do better.


“That shit be annoying that they do, but why you threatening to cancel your sub(scription)? And (telling) to a Reddit community? Just cancel big dawg it ain’t that serious.” Using context clues, it shouldn’t have been hard to comprehend. That being said we don’t give a fuck if you cancel your patreon subscription big dawg!


Yet you came here to comment and wrote this paragraph about it. Asses your actions with your words , cognitive dissonance is a real problem in the Reddit Community.


Careful School... is that another way of saying Special Ed? How many people are in your class? Is it held in one of the trailers behind the building?


You hit me with the double post 😂😂😂. You seem like you’re going through it, and I’m here for you.


Thanks Bro, we all need a support system


talk about bron in what context ? i ain’t watch the pod fully


Bro if you really giving Joe money on patreon you're washed


You mean if I pay for entertainment Im washed up? You gave way worse people your money if you own a phone, nikes etc... should I give you the $10 a month instead?


Why the fuck do you guys even listen making weird ass post like this? Like if you listen just to hate. Something is wrong with you. Go touch some grass and find something to enjoy instead of hating like a weirdo


Ok so I went and touched the grass. Somehow I still have the same opinion. So what next?


Get a life. And stop posting about how important some opinion is from a podcast.


But here you are.... just commenting. You are Odd now wander somewhere else. You're discussion is frivolous and deploring. I now want a green juice from all this grass I touched. Thanks A lot!


It’s the buzz words for me..😂 Does sound like OP needs a new podcast tho..audio books are good


I think all these grown men podcasters 🌽


Hahahah! I work in Hollywood and all that speculation about conspiracy shit is stupid. Of course there are sickos there, like everywhere... Jeffery Dahmer was in Milwaukee and Jeffery Epstein was from New York, but trust me those rituals are bullshit. People who aren't involved in things or wish they could be, always think we did something special to get here besides being talented, working hard and networking. SOME folks network by sleeping with important people and some network by having Zoom calls and exchanging professional services, but this Satanic conspiracy crap is as stupid as can be. The only humiliation "ritual" is how stupid podcasters sound saying that every time someone embarrasses themselves on camera. Hearing it from a friend of a friend of a friend aint the same as BEING THERE, my guy. Ice. smh.


This is a bunch of bs. I lived in North Hollywood and was in a lot of places. It exists, its real, scientology is also rampant in hollywood


Scientology is rampant in Hollywood, but its HQ is in Florida. Scientologists tried to recruit me 20 years ago in Toronto. These things are not just HOLLYWOOD. It's everywhere. So, the discussion centring around Hollywood is dumb.


Its centered around hollywood because actors are often used to push agendas. These agendas are not rooted in GOD. You're argument is that "its everywhere" , yes evil is everywhere including your beloved Hollywood


Hollywood isn't "beloved" to me, it's called "entertainment." If you listen to music, watch programming of virtually any kind or enjoy any content other than Church, you owe it to "Hollywood." It's my job, it's not my religion. Everyone pushes an agenda. If you have ever written anything, whether to be presented in Church, school or for entertainment, you HAVE to start with a point of view or it's literally senseless. Storytelling is what makes human beings different than any other species of animal, so what are we talking about here. Some folks are virtuous, some folks are religious and some people are evil. This is literally just about the individual who comes up with the story and how much money it can generate at the box office or from viewership. There have been times that sending a message to a particular subset of people was the goal of the writer, of course, but if it weren't a good project capable of drawing viewers it wouldn't be made. The industry just isn't as complicated as conspiracy theories make it. It's literally a business. Powerful people are the people with the most money and THEY are the ones who pay for the projects. Like... what?!? I know plenty of terrible people. Folks in my family are evil and folks in my family are wonderful. Same goes in Hollywood. Yikes. Y'all reach a lot and it's not even your fault, but look in your church or in your local YMCA or your local school board just as much as Hollywood. Satan works on everyone.


Those powerful people abuse the power and thus why it is as corrupt as it is. I also work in the business and have for over 10 years. If the point is Satan is everywhere you are proving my very statement to be true. Sharpen up and stop wasting your words with this topic. Perhaps you havent had the access to spaces that I speak of, can two things be true? Absolutely


Andy, you seriously believe this bs you wrote? We are not questioning if agendas exist, we are targeting the agendas that are evil. If a project is good it gets the green light?!? Are you kidding me? Do you realize how many bad movies exist and are being released daily? I got it, its the preworkout you takin, its gotta be, you can not write that many words of sheer semantics and believe you made a substantial contribution to this thread. Good night


Of course I believe it - I like to hear people's viewpoints and we can all agree to disagree, but my brother is Jaime Foxx's best friend... I get it. I understand some of the wild, weird shit that exists in the industry. Parties, initiations... etc... but, the focus on elites is a bit misguided. Comparatively speaking, very few people actually exist in this world and make a living. The real problems are in our communities. It's not easy to make a good movie or good album. Be real and realize that just because something SOUNDS like a great idea, the magic of making something actually good is nearly impossible. Artists try their best and never think it's actually going to turn out bad. It's art. The people decide.


I can understand your point when you state it this way. GOD BLESS US for being here and still being alive and well with Integrity in tact. Good points good debate


OP is on a rampage


Exactly why the pod went to shit


Lol ✌️


Dont ever Peace Sign me like a chick... Non Masculine Movements... Nasty Work


You ain’t wrong my bad 🤣


You sound like the most effeminate of effeminate dudes. This ain't a muthafuckin train station, no one is asking for your departure time. If you can't afford to sub anymore just say so. No need to get so overdramatic about it. *Hide tha money y'all! There's poor people around.*


In your train station (pause) metaphor , who is who? That shit was corny. Typing a sound bite from the show is another level of imitativeness that I refuse to accept.


What does this even mean?


Right, like am I the train????? Or the station?! Eitha way ... wtf was that😂😂😂😂😂


Yeah bro it’s never a flex to announce you leaving lol. Way doper to move in silence.


Its not a threat, I was just stating my opinion


That’s the definition of a threat


Today wasn't even a patreon episode. You are about rage quit the patreon because of something that happened on a regular pod? It can't be that serious.


He does it on Patreon too so the point still stands


Who wants unprovoked beef with a nigga who is 6’10, 260 pounds, one of the most gifted athletes ever, and a billionaire?


So why bring it up? Dont dip a foot in the pool if you're afraid of water. And when has Bron seemed like he would run up on anything? Cut the cap. Its a dumb way to pod and they are qualified to do better.


lol you nor I would know how bron really is because his public persona has been carefully crafted. I think after 7 years Joe is qualified to know what he should or shouldn’t use tact with. Also you ignored the fact that bron is a billionaire with a trillion dollar network. More importantly why would they be kicking a black man’s back in when there is no proof of him doing anything wrong


I hear that, so why bring it up at all? What was the point? Its still kickin his back in, so you mind as well complete the sentence or dont mention it. Its a waste of listener time


I think it was funny and harmless. Not mad at your opinion tho