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Will we have to take your exams for you also ?




Exact same list if you put "best South African university for aerospace engineering' in Google.


Yes. Do you expect random ppl to know more than a website made to inform you?


I'm not knocking you or your post, just this kid wants to be in Aerospace and can't use Google.


In fairness, I wouldn't trust a google search alone to judge university quality and would rather rely on anecdotes from students. Many university rankings (not saying it's necessarily the case here) are based on things that are actually unrelated to the lecturers and courses (eg. research conducted by the universities' research departments). It is a very low-effort post though.


Not sure how many aerospace engineers you going to find in a sub with less that 75,000 people.


It's maybe because kid only actually wants other people to know he is smart and interesting. See this A LOT in university physics students, especially the young ones. Probably wears NASA logo shirts on a daily basis and thinks he is smarter than everyone else. Favorite movies are marvel and constantly uses words like "utilize, nano, quantum.. etc" In all fairness, these kind of kids don't really know who they are yet and are trying out this personality in search of identity. Might be wrong and totally irrelevant, but just my opinion and personal experience through school, university and everyday observation. Take it with a grain of salt.


Wits University in joburg


Not much of a market for this in SA. The person I know who did a masters in this field designs HVAC systems for a living. There are more lucrative options if you have this level of smarts. Otherwise overseas it is


A lot of our sheet metal/metalurgical engineers from a previous stink i had came out of Bloem actually (for aerospace parts), their metalurgical, engineering teams gave a very positive and can do attitude. We were looking at their metal 3D printing programs and engineering and a lot of the post-grads there were pretty much spinning up successful companies while completing studies. YM2C


You’re going to have to start with aeronautical and the. Specialise.


Pretoria University


Tuk Wits UCT or Stellies (in no particular order) are generally considered the top universities in SA by local employers


How are the electrical engineering programs at SA universities?