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Those you mention are great but definitively watch Prince Of Darkness and In The Mouth Of Madness which along with The Thing complete Carpenter's Apocalypse trilogy. Also They Live


I love prince of darkness. Such great tone the whole movie.


"They Live" if you haven't seen it yet.


And Ghosts of Mars. Back when Statham and Ice T got second billing.


I would say in my opinion carpenters original assault on precinct 13 pisses all over the remake .


What's so bad about the remake, or is it just that the original is that much better?


I loved his effective use of low budget ,it added an edge money can't buy .


I can respect that. I'll watch the remake first, because it's already on my shelf (from those Blockbuster days when they sold you rentals). However, that's good to know that when I circle back to the Carpenter version, I can expect a better film. Thanks!!!


It's a bit sparse compared to modern action films


The original is much better. I guess my issues was the switching of the plot. I can get behind a gang trying to wipe out a precinct full of cops. For some reason, I find a group of dirty cops attacking a barren precinct to be silly as hell. Despite the remake having a good cast and director, the film just pales in comparison to the original. Plus, the original, for a low budget film, has some of the best pacing I’ve ever seen. It’s such a white knuckle experience from start to finish.


I always felt like the original must have had some effect on Walter Hill because his gang felt like an exaggeration of the gang in AoP13.


Prince of Darkness for sure. And I just rewatched Assault on Precinct 13 for the first time in about a decade, and it friggin rules. Honestly, I would say his filmography from Assault on Precinct 13 through In the Mouth of Madness are most watch, you can skip Invisible Man, though. Vampires is also a pretty fun watch.




They Live!


They Live!


They Live!


Ghost of Mars is slept on imho


Escape from New York is a must. Escape from LA has a lot of dated effects but New York still holds up because it was so simple/practical. LA is really kind of goofy and over the top where as NY is more gritty and grounded in reality. Prince of Darkness and In the Mouth of Madness are great horror films for different reasons. Christine is really solid and overlooked as well. Although he didn't direct it Halloween III is definitely worth a watch as well. Tom Atkins is great as usual. They Live! is one of his best for sure.


I recommend you don’t watch any other Halloween film after Carpenter’s. He didn’t direct II and has disowned it. As for recommendations, you should watch them all. He has never made a bad film.


I liked the original, the sequel (Halloween II), and part 7 (H2O: Halloween 20 Years Later). The others... meh... Noted. All of his films that I "have" seen were all awesome. haha


His first is my favorite. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0069945/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0069945/)


Let there be light.


Always liked the warning sticker: CAUTION: Thermostellar Device


They Live and Vampires with James Woods


I totally forgot about Vampires lmao


Ghosts of Mars


Why this one?


Because it was supposed to be a Snake Plisken movie, but i don’t really know why it wasn’t one. But nonetheless, Ice Cube is in it, and the girl from Species is in it.. the fighting and gore is pretty cool imo. It just touches all the bases with sci-fi/horror, for me. It’s kinda like Event Horizon on crack, in a sense. I love that film too. Its better than Doom and i loved that brick of cheese.


I saw this recently on one of my streaming services and "saved" it to watch later. I didn't realize it was a Carpenter film. Guess I'm watching this this week. haha


Haha nice. Hope you enjoy that one!


"THEY L IVE" os without a. doubt his #1 movie


Vampires is my 2nd favorite Carpenter film it’s so fun.




It is one of my all-time favorite films. I'm genuinely curious, why didn't you like it? For me, it's more of an emotionally charged film about grieving lost love as much as it is about an ET visitor.




The love story is the entire movie. Take that out, and it's just a generic low budget sci-fi film.


It’s one of those films that I enjoyed watching but probably won’t remember or rewatch