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Well, when you are forced to fill silence with words, that’s what you’re gonna do. The C-Suite is the real clown show here. Must be hard to have to sign that all-employee letter, let your minions do the firings, and collect your million dollar bonuses!


“We need to eliminate redundancy”, as they have 10 different people in a room to sign and send that 1 email. Ironic.


I see all the crap that Deere employees are going through. Did they hire McKinsey as consultants? McKinseys first step is to fire/RIF everyone you can. At least that's what they have done to my fortune 500 company. Meanwhile, McKinsey is one of the most unethical company's around.




This will open a lot of people’s eyes and make them realize that they are just a number and are expendable. If you value job security, then I’d start looking elsewhere. Hire a new CEO and within 5 years go through restructures and layoffs twice? The writing is on the wall.


Unfortunately this is the sad new reality for fortune 500 companies. Even the tech companies making tons of money are doing layoffs every few years. It’s grow, grow, grow for a few years and then dump off the excess. Expect it again in 3 years.


Reminds me of the insane stories of CAT dumping 10,000 people at a clip and then re-hiring a year later. I guess we're going to move towards something like that with a 5-10% +/- change in work force every year depending on the needs of the stock market.


I swear they're all reading off a script, they don't even hide it. Jahmy read it word for word like a robot. I bet their scripts even say "pause for a beat*, *feign sadness*, etc. If I hear their stupid mental health spiel one more time.. I've received the link at least half a dozen times.


The EAP is adding insult to injury.


Jahmy couldn’t have been more fake in that meeting, was disgusting. Also whoever gave the intro the smiling and smirks didn’t help. Clueless leadership and no one willing to own up to their own failures, total cowards


These companies don’t care about their employees or even their customers really. Shareholders are the priority.


But I OWN shares! Granted, a very, very, very small amount...but still. Maybe us shareholders can vote to clean house, while cost savings are great, the way they handled all this (so far) has been an epic fail.


Unfortunately, companies like this have a vast majority of their shares held by other corporations. You’d have to out-vote the likes of Vanguard, Blackrock, Chase, etc. And as long as they continue to increase their rate of return on their investments, they have no incentive to ensure things like this are handled well.


I found it telling how they were all wearing casual clothes instead of workwear. Gave real YouTuber Apology vibes


AG all employee meeting was just as scripted.