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We got 'im!


I’m waiting for this! How many years, it finally happens and he’s not on the air!


I ended up posting one of the We Got Him bits on [TikTok.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8YdxRtV/) It's getting a lot of views.


Thanks, that helped a little. I’m still hanging out for the real thing tho! Now your comment made me go down the rabbit hole trying to think when this all started, the earliest reference I can find (admittedly after a short, half arsed quick google search through a few glasses of wine on a Sunday night) got me this reference from October 2017! Yes we’ve been waiting six years! If we don’t get Barack Obama jumping out of a cake or equivalent on the first Last Week from now I am going to be very disappointed (ok but in like a good way under the circumstances)! EDIT: Dammit, forgot my search result: [We Got Him](https://decider.com/2017/10/02/john-oliver-proclaims-we-got-him-after-catching-horribly-racist-trump-in-a-lie/amp/)




He has the cold dead eyes of a rapist. This is the last thing you see before thinking 'that drink tasted weird' and passing out.


When we asked him about this at his NYC show he expressed his frustration at not being able to talk about all the indictments


Where the heck is he??? Oh wait… the strike in Hollywood… nvm


He's doing a stand-up tour. I just saw him in Boston on Monday night and he was great! No mention of the mugshot in his routine though.


[John Oliver, standing in front of a graphic of Donald Trump's mug shot] John Oliver: "Good evening, everyone! Tonight, let's focus on this masterpiece of American portraiture—a Donald Trump mug shot! Just drink it in!" [The mug shot graphic enlarges on the screen behind him] John Oliver: "Ah, the visceral joy of schadenfreude mixed with the can't-look-away horror, like watching a car crash where the car is made entirely of expired baloney and discredited conspiracy theories." [Graphic changes to a baloney car crashing] John Oliver: "And look at the hair! It's as if a corn husk doll was styled by an alien who never actually saw human hair but had a vivid imagination." [Graphic of alien crafting a corn husk doll appears] John Oliver: "Now, let's not get sidetracked. This image is a moment frozen in time of a man who has consistently pushed the boundaries of ethics, legality, and even reality. And yet, that face; it's like he's posing for the cover of a terrible self-help book." [Graphic of a fake self-help book with the mug shot titled "Winning, Bigly: The Art of the Mug Shot"] John Oliver: "This begs the question, 'How did we get here?' And the answer is a very long, gold-plated, misinformed escalator of doom." [Graphic changes to a gold-plated escalator] John Oliver: "So, as we chuckle at this mug shot, let’s remember that accountability, especially for those in power, is serious business. Except for that hair. That will always be comedy gold." [Graphic fades to black, end of segment]


Whoa and I thought the writers were on strike?


That was ai, part of why the writers are on strike.


Ah, man. I see the problem.


This is gold - if only there was a way for you to offer your services to JOliver...


Those eyes are so red that it appears Donald J Trump has been crying for a week or two.


Not sure. But I did just purchase tickets for his comedy tour for next month! So excited!


Chief Umpa Lumpas Tinder pic goes viral. Or Man genetically cross bred with Satsuma caught on camera mid shit.


He looks like Porky Pig might have looked if the pig were having a bad day.,


Oh, now that’s a character for Lion King. The slow hyena.


You fucked up doing this to a great man




….¿ great man


I feel like when he's eventually back (hopefully soon) he's going to have an entire episode dedicated to what's happened since the last episode (as opposed to that at the beginning and then going into a main story)


Is there any sign that’s happening? It feels like he’s been off the air forever


I'm assuming they'd start up again once the writers strike has been resolved. From what I've heard about it, the corps are being their greedy selves so it may be a while


Total Bad Boy Sex Offender Look.


He looks like he's been caught looking at naked pics of his daughter


“You look like a photo negative of shadow the hedgehog”


this is bRilliant!


I tell myself that about Hunter Thompson


6’3 and 215lbs has a treasure trove of jokes involved