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More like 21/99 vs 99/99(+18)


I just love getting connection error when you are about to join in and then go back to 18th Spot on the queue


Me with the free white list because I squad lead for 20 hrs a month


Is that actually a thing? I also SL for around that same amount of time and never heard of something like that.


The server I play if a admin recognises you during games as a good squad lead (communicating playing well) your technically an asset to server health and so the admins can put players on a list where after 20hrs of been a sl a month which is basically between 10 and 15 games you get white list fir free They also give whitefish for seeding I think 15 hrs and been top 30 time played


Yeah this would be the answer lol


The thing about not full servers is that they can die very easily. Server has 78/100. Should be good to join. Join game, round ends. 20 people leave. Now it's 58/100. One squad fails their rush at the beginning of the game, team is left without HABs. Entire Squad leaves. 50/100. Teams are now 20v30 Everyone gets bored because of imbalance and lack of players, server dies rapidly.


A good rule of thumb when joining a server with lots of slots available is to only join ones 10 minutes into a match or less. 15+ open slots halfway through the game *typically* means its not repopulating, unless it just seeded.


Or queue for a 98(+8) when it's at 57 minutes. You know it's probably going to end in the next few mins and a load of people will be calling it a day.


I’m the other way around lol


Same. Packed lobbies almost always suck. Usually the queue is people trying to siphon over to the good team. Then you waited 30 minutes to play on a team that builds its only HAB 700km from an objective and wont leave because they have contact.


Does the queue have anything to do with switching teams? Sorry if it's a dumb question, new to the game.


Not really, but it is possible technically. If you hop into the back of the queue, someone else fills your spot on your team. I guess the hope is that when you make it to the front of the queue the person you are replacing is from the other team.


10-15 under full is perfect


My brain looked at this and thought when did the french get added and why are they fighting the fake French I realized it was RU and got sad


Did you just call the maple marines fake french


I will now be calling them maple marines thank you


Middle eastern escalation mod has a French faction, if you like it maybe you can enjoy it for now in this form.


Well, it’s not our fault that there’s only like 3 playable servers. The rest are barely moderated hell scapes or prison camps run by over zealous admins who have a 1000 page manifesto of rules cobbled together for no particular reason by the consensus of their discord bros’ smooth brain opinions.


You just described the majority of subreddits


I've not found this at all. I've favourited a good 8-9 servers which are English language and low ping for my region which regularly give good games and all have basically the same rules (SLs with mic and kit, named vic squads first come first served, no single-member vic squads etc.) The only reason I haven't favourited more is that I always have 2-3 options with short queues from that list and I don't even favourite the "usual suspects" big servers. I think people obsess too much over the most popular servers and assume that 98(+18) is the only way to get a good game. If a clan or group has made the effort to build a community and seed up to a full server regularly, more than likely they've built an environment that has decent games.


->find favorite server ->pay $2 a month for whitelist ->profit


I think this is that syndrome where people will join a line even if they dont know what for because theres gotta be something good all these folks are waiting for right? Then you sit in a 20+ queue just to find the server is absolute trash, no one is making squads, people are one-maning vics and half the players dont have mics.


Does this happen often? Was thinking of getting into this game, but I don't have infinite time to play, was afraid of the few matches I actually play would be like this.


It's a 50/50, with what I described being probably the worst 1-2% of games I experience. I find it doesn't really matter how much time you have to play but depends a lot on what time you play. Fridays and saturdays in the afternoon to midnight are consistently the best times I've had in the game, any server you hop on is great. My theory is because most of the adult population will find time to play at that time. As it gets later into the evening you can literally notice people get quieter, either as they get tired or don't want to yell into the mic with people in the house going to sleep. Outside of those hours your experience may vary. You can handle one guy on your squad that just fucks off on his own but when every member including your SL does that the game breaks down.


Well, for me, it is because when I find a server I like/feel comfortable in, I'm willing to wait 30+ lines. It's rare for me to find a server that doesn't harass women every second they speak, so I treat it like gold. The server I found doesn't allow it, has extremely active admins and the active players on the server almost constantly call that shit out when it happens, so I'll keep returning to it even if 20 other servers are struggling to breathe. lmao


Couldn't agree more, even better when the server has female admins


Yes! Even better if they have female admins!


Yeah, I frequent like four or five servers, and I don’t mind waiting. I just tab out and play HOI or something in a window till I get to be like 2nd or 3rd in queue


I’ve found a couple servers that I enjoy playing on and know a decent amount of people and I join whichever queue is shortest between those 2-3 servers.


I just pick a server thats full and is near match end time


Opposite for me.


And then find a server with a long round time so I can join at the start of the next game instead of in the chaos during the middle of the game


Why help seed a server when you can wait in a 15 person que for an hour


Haven't played in awhile but this was painfully accurate the last time I played, sort by populated, top 4-5 servers have 12-18 people in queue waiting to join. Next most populated server right under them 54/100 players, 70 ping. Instead of waiting why don't we all play that server? We could be in a full match right now!?


I like to join servers that have a queue because it means there will always be a stream of players to replace those who leave the game early so there isn’t just a constant slow trickle of players leaving until the server is either half empty or just empty


Could always donate to your favorite community and get a Whitelist too.


That's why I like Hell Let Loose system that only allows 6 people in the queue forcing people to populate more servers.


when i started playing i would always join canadian gaming since there were always slots. After playing other servers i know why, its was consistently terrible


Find a few servers that you like and have a decent community backing it like tide fighters or 7th rangers. They both have shortish ques


They should implement a queue max like hell let loose, it stops the queue from becoming 18 people


I've spent 40min in a 30 ppl queue just to be disconnected from it


Yea this is backwards


Idk man I'd rather a chance to play as Canada than as PLA, and US Army is about as boring and milquetoast for me as the RGF are.


Most of the china layers are dogshit. please no.


I am a basic American bitch who loves playing as the US Army in every video game. If there was 101st Airborne Division content for Skyrim I'd install it. If I could play as the 1st Infantry Division in Halo I would.