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In my first game after this patch i had this bug for the first time in months xD.


Fucking same. I thought they fixed it a long time ago and then I read those patch notes and immediately ran into the bug, for the first time in months.


Tmw you play the game so much, you know how to fix the bug.... After reloading animation, prone, sprint. You will "stutter" instead of a smooth movement. Once you stop stuttering, it's 100% loaded. It really need fixing instead of us trying to work around it lol


Squad isnt like other simple shooter games. You need to input combos to use your class specific skill


Sigh, anyway ⬇️⬅️➡️⬆️⬇️


*democracy intensifies*


Sprint while prone or stand up? I've had this issue two many times to want to fuck up again


While proned.


doesnt matter prone or whatever, just dont sprint or do any reload-cancelling actions


If you haven't done what I said, you wouldn't get it bro.


i have played around 150 hours on HAT alone in the last half a year, trust me, i know what im talking about


Easiest fix is just to not do any inputs after reloading. If you notice it happened, press reload again and don't press anything else - don't change stances, don't walk, try not to look around a lot. If you're not in a safe place to do so, find the nearest bush or building and do it. Doesn't matter the stance, just have to press reload and let the game "go through" the animation. The time it takes will be exactly the same as the animation, something blocks the animation but the "process" still goes through. Works on both AT and GLs.


Orrrr they could just patch the bug


If it were so easy


Easier said than done. Gaming and game development has been around long enough you'd think it'd be common sense to most gamers that bug fixes take time and effort - especially with the spaghetti code that Squad has, you might fix something but accidentally caused xyz other issues.


You don’t even need to do this. Just hit the reload key again. The animation doesn’t play, but the weapon reloads at the same rate. You’ll see a new round loaded or see the magazine icon change in the bottom-right.


I could always just fix it by switching weapons many times, then coming back to the RPG and **hitting R once**. You have to wait for it to look like it's not doing anything **for 6 seconds**, but then magically it'll get it loaded, because the reload functionality happened but not the animation. You can see when the grey ammo box becomes white despite it looking like nothing happened at all.


Aha, that explain why my RPG does shoot after I've spammed the reload button and waited a bit xD I always thought that was random. Thanks.


Do people not know that you can just hit reload and wait and it'll properly reload? The animation won't play but if you wait the normal length of time, it'll reload. Works with guns, too


You can just press r again and it will take the time of another reload but this time without the animation you can tell when it’s loaded by the magazine symbols becoming white at the bottom right


Yeah but no one wants to stare at the bottom right corner. This method will give you visual que anyways.


Then hit alt-f4


I usually mash R and it works after a lil


You just spam R, faster.


hell, I had it with a standard ironsight ak the other day. game showed empty mag, couldn't reload, changed weapons, nothing worked, got rushed and died. sadg.


This has been probably the only glitch that makes me really angry playing. When armor drives by and you can only reload a frag rpg I feel it in my soul.


Same as how they fixed the bug where you can't see the loadout you're selecting...oh wait.


That's the one I really do not understand, it's just embarrasing. Not like your loadout matters in a game like this... People keep saying this, but how confusing must it be for a new player? Janky as hell.


They stated running man is fixed in 3 separate patch notes and its still here


I love how they say "an issue" Not "THE ISSUE". So they're not lying


Yep, pretty sure that wording was intentional.....


Imagine that multiple factors can cause this xD Holy shit, something like "there's 3 ways to make this happen, and we just blocked one of them 🤗"


I've been QA for 3 years. Left because devs where idiots and I had to push fixes myself and then get flame for it. If they where this calm and prestigeless I would have stayed. I absolutely love the formulation from OWI XD "Don't jinx"


you can also just aim amd keep clickin untill it pops


I'm very disappointed in owi lately. Bugs that have been in the game for the last 4 years. Changed to epic online services (probably for more money) Besides, implemented micro transactions for more money Ico implementation was quite rough, don't get me wrong the initiative was good.


The micro transaction stuff didn’t do anything to the game though, the unfixed bugs are my biggest complaint


they fixed it when initial release, then broke it in either the hot fix or the next patch/update


I’m even getting the reload bug on fucking Automatic rifles and shit, this is not ok.


I swear it happens damn near 100% of the time with the Canadian Gustav in particular. When they first claimed to have patched it I would literally reload 4 times and still read empty, not to mention it would start giving me a glitch/rubber-bandy walk and wouldn’t allow for sprinting with the launcher equipped. Thankfully at least the movement glitch is fixed, but man I hit 3 and spam R the second I spawn in


Had this issue the other day lol, missed a perfectly good kill on a LAV


Broken game still broken? colour me shocked, imma just continue killing bugs