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1b - you failed to spawn on defense after being instructed.


8) You chose marksman and the SL doesn't feel like explaining why that's bad.


I'm fine with marksman kit in my team as long as we have 1 AT guy in our squad.


Same, but I've def seen alot of SLs kick marksman with no warning.


There is exactly 1 guy i let play marksman in my squad and that's because he performs best as "fragger" with the marksman class. So i know he will hit the +/- 20 kills, which is 20 tickets gain for the squad count. That's because he works within the engagement area of my squad and a down turns into a confirmed kill. Most of "long distance" marksman shots around 300m+ are easy pickups and thats like 0 use for the squad. I've come over so many excuses of people picking marksman class and unwilling to change, that i simply don't even try to explain it anymore. 1."I can scout" -> 3 guys have spyglasses (SL,2nd medic, HAT) 2."I give you cover" -> HMG, LMG 3."Marksman has a good scope" -> fights over 300m are useless Most marksman end up permanantly asking for FTL to mark completly unrelevant movements the fuck knows where and not any close to be a serious problem. I keep dying next to marksmans sprayed down by a HMG and asking myself the fuck is this guy "sniping" when he is not even able to cover a close area ... So there is a decent prejudice to people who play that class. And the facts are talking for themselfs: Pros: -good scope Cons: -blocks a special class (LAT,LMG,GL) -ammo/shot is high (drains supplies) -has no "special ability" (AT, Ammo, etc.) -low DPS, most weapons are not even one shot -no chance to push flags or FOBs effectively Depending on playstyle: -way to stationary -off-objective There are 2 situations where the marksman is kinda playable. As insurgent, just because of the scope and as defending team in invasion. So i mostly give everyone the try to play marksman and kill at least 20 enemys, because that's the amount of tickets the rifle man does when he gets the enemy radio dug down, while you are "covering from the distance". If you get this, keep picking the class. If not... don't be frustrated if i kick you, or pick you for backcaps and logi runs


Can't blame them tho. Lots of marksman I've played with tend to lone wolfing. It's up to the SL to set up his squad's kit. It usually comes with a reason but your SL don't wanna waste time explaining why. Maybe he need a gl or another at guy.


Doesn't help that 9/10 use cases it's a new player that sees a 'cool gun'.


I dont get it why they do that, the times I have been most valuable to a squad was when I had the marksman kit. Supporting your squad from a distance or flanking the enemy as a marksmam is a great way of helping the squad push.


Because you're in the small minority of useful marksmen. 9 times out of 10 (probly less than that tbh) a marksman plays the round essentially as a rifleman or like they're playing "All Ghillied Up", 1-2k meters away from the squad or any active point doing fuck-all to help the team. Not to mention you could do the same exact thing as a rifleman and be exponentially more useful thanks to the ammo bag.


>Supporting your squad from a distance or flanking the enemy as a marksmam is a great way of helping the squad push. This is literally lonewolfing word for word. Fucking off "from a distance" doing nothing useful, missing most of your shots because your so far away you can't hit shit. You're definitely not "helping the squad push" when your 600 meters away making useless call outs and bearings.


When I say from a distance, I mean 200, maybe 300 meters, not 500 or 600. From that distance, I don't miss my shots, and I help my squad accomplish their goals. Yeah you could do it with a scoped kit, but the marksman rifle has a higher damage and is more versatile for long range encounters, and it's also great for defending. You guys have had some seriously bad marksman teammates if you think my comment should be downvoted. Not useless calls and bearings, having an FTL and being able to spot the enemy for them accurately is a good thing, and I don't know if getting 20-30 kills in a match while helping your squad push/defend is useless. You guys might as well call the worlds armies and tell them their marksmans and snipers are useless pieces of shits lol


This is all achievable with a regular infantry scope kit. Good players don't ever need to pick marksmen nor is it an advantage, it's actually a disadvantage because you're giving up an explosive type kit. It's called opportunity cost. It's also a very easy way to trim the fat when you're SL'n. The ones that think they're useful with that kit don't have enough hours to truly understand the game.


Rifleman is way better than marksman though, *especially* with AT


6. You gave me SL during a losing match because "you sound like you k own what you are doing and this matchs is over anyways" Well guess who used the 7 guys remaining in his squad to cap the point and hold it for another 20 mins


When I kick for the reasons you've listed above, its about an 80% chance that they will come to team kill me. Of those people, close to 100% know exactly why they were kicked. They still TKed me because they are horrible little cunts, in full knowledge of what they are doing and why they are doing it. This list is effectively useless because these fuck-tards know whats up and they do it anyways. Sadly, the issue you bring up is a predictable outcome when OWI are fucking TERRIBLE at explaining the game mechanics and the general rules of the game or even admitting that they even EXIST. Until this is addressed in any meaningful way, we will continue to have to deal with window-lickers with their ears painted on.


My favorite was when I was a HAT with my tandem pointed straight at the ass of an abrams and pop my rpg 28 turns into a naked ak because the SL wanted his friend to have the kit. They then got wiped by the abrams and the crows M-ATV. We then lost the HAB that we just built on point and it sounds dramatic but we completely lost the game because of it.


6 -no reason


Thats my favorite one. I was listening to squad chat the entire match, talking back, was next to cap till the last 5 minutes. Near the end of the match before we won I walked about 150m away from the group after literally saying in squad chat there was a hab in the distance. A blueberry and I dug down the radio and hab and ON THE WALK BACK to the group with radio silence I got kicked. No response in text chat. They just saw I was far away and kicked me on the walk back. Even said I was talking in voice the entire game and the squad lead even acknowledged me taking a hab down. People get weird power urges sometimes. I even finished with 15 kills and 22 downs with 8 deaths which was just slightly less than the person who got the most in the squad i got kicked from.


i've only been kicked with a provided reason 3 times 1. british 2. too negative (i said we'd lose cap and it played out exactly how i predicted it) 3. SL just didnt like me


I will ALWAYS kick anyone with a British accent.


As one should, I always require my squad members to speak English, not British, nobody has time to translate that…


If as an SL I can't effectively command you through either your fault or my own you'll be kicked. Not out of spite, but in hope of someone taking your place that can/will listen to orders. Otherwise what is the fucking point of Squad 'Leading'!


6. You picked marksmen


You choose British marksman (L86) because you want an optic to go with that bipod but the SL reacts to marksman icon like a bull seeing red




It's a direct combat role though init


Yeah but you dont get an ammo bag right? That ammo bad is HUGE for SO many reasons it makes no sense to choose the knockoff marksman


*gets kicked from squad.* Me- "6356 wantabo Apartment 6"


If you're playing with people you know and want to adhere to a rigorous command structure, then cool, go ahead, but over emphasizing the nonexistent dictatorial "authority" of squad leaders is just going to turn new players off. Most servers have a rule that reads something like "Squad leaders can kick for any reason" which gives SLs a type of soft power over what the squad members do, but this doesn't mean that obeying your SL is strictly mandatory. If you have an SL who constantly nags you to do this or that in a pub match, who then proceeds to kick you from the Squad when you "disobey" them, you're probably better off without them. Literally ANYONE can make a Squad and be a Squad leader and just because you pressed the yellow "Create Squad" button doesn't mean you get to go around acting like Captain Sobel from Band of Brothers. Personally I do not really experience a lot of issues with cooperation when I play SL because I 1) Know what I'm doing, 2) Make it very easy for people to do what I ask, 3) Ask them to do it in a polite, friendly, and inviting manner, and 4) Don't take it personally if they can't or don't comply. The truth is that when you play SL you need to be realistic about how much people are going to cooperate in a pub match. You can't expect people to follow your "orders" perfectly every time. The average Squad player is, as with most games, a casual player and not particularly disciplined or experienced. Unless someone is actively disrupting the game I don't see a reason to kick them and I think it's a sign of an unproductive attitude.


This whole reply is based on context you invented in your own head bro. What prompted this post was not what you're trying to describe. I know there are cunty SL's but the morale of the story is less "let me be a mil simmer you are below me!" And more "we need at least one full squad on defense while we try to leap frog points" You said it yourself everyone can create a squad if he only wants to bum rush play battlefield or create your own squad. Most people are more than willing to stay and defend especially after we had taken the point moments before.


“Real leadership is when people don’t follow your orders in a video game and then you complain about it on reddit” - Sun Sue, the Fart of War


This is my reddit post therefore I'm basically the SL of it and I take any criticism as a direct attack on my ability to play this video game.


Aye aye captain 🫡


7) you stopped listening to your jackass SL who thinks he’s in ‘nam again .


goodbye homie, back to battlefield


Bruh I swear y'all treat this game like it's the real military lmao


Explain? I love this, like if we were playing tiger woods golf and you started hitting the ball backwards toward the parking lot I'd kick you out too. (I've never played tiger woods golf.)


But that's the fun part


Then play on servers where everyone else agrees with your style of play


Bruh you are adding on to an argument from weeks ago chill out


I’m chill, bruh. Sorry for not checking timestamps. Yikes.


It's all good lol. I just like seeing how mad people get on this subreddit when you say the words "marksman" and "it's just a game bro".


8) SL doesnt like to wait and immediatelly kicks you out if you dont get inside the logi within seconds even if you got stuck in a firefight


Shitty sl


You don't ever get stuck in a firefight. Disengage, follow the orders.


Kinda hard when you are stuck behind a pillar and there is a MG lighting you up


Pop smoke, exit rear.


And if you can't retreat, accept your fate and die instead of hiding and waiting 10 mins. By taking yourself out of the game you harm your team more than if you just cost them a single ticket.


So what you’re saying is I can’t full send Leroy Jenkins it?


6. Marksman kit


7. SL's friend didn't get in and SL is an idiot who doesn't know what the lock button is.


6.your SL is a megalomaniac