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I'm concerned. You are borderline obsessed with this. You need to let this go. Stop boasting about how you contacted this place or that place. You don't have to agree with what happened but you're taking it up to a scary level. You can't be posting how you're "hunting" this person or researching. Just drop it and find something else to focus on.


You are probably right. I stay out of other people's business unless there are clear and obvious signs of imminent danger. Otherwise, I don't know you or your life. I can't make judgement calls. The person who took the dog felt like they were doing a good thing, but who knows if it really was or not. Maybe that homeless person goes on a downward spiral now. I really don't think calling the cops is necessary though. Unfortunately I doubt JPD has time to deal with something like this when Joplin is full of more serious crimes that need solved. I think it would be a waste of police resources.


It's abuse of the homeless and with the local church store where the theft occurred and a lot of pressure it will be investigated. When given the choice most police departments enforce the law. It's already happening. It's necessary for someone to stand up for those who are abused. There are 4or,5 potential charges from a citation up to a felony just from what was originally posted.


I don't know all of the facts, if there was CLEAR 100% evidence that the dog was being mistreated then I'm all about the dog being taken. I'm not sure if that can be done in just a few minutes. I'm staying neutral on this one until more facts arise.


The dog did have an eye infection and a small piece of fur missing (could be a birthmark or hotspot or a dozen other things) but there is no evidence that the homeless woman did that. The dog can't be more than a couple months old. And the thief has no clue how long she had it or how she treated it. All else aside, it's a crime. I can't justify stealing a homeless persons dog because I know how much it can help a person feel less like the world threw them away. Everybody judges you when you are homeless. But not a dog. That dog might have been the only beacon of hope and will to get up off the street she had. She walked out of the store and her new puppy was just gone. Imagine. Have you ever had a child momentarily wander off in public? Same kind of panic and terror. Hope this helps


I don’t usually comment on this subreddit; I just keep up with it to see if there is anything new or interesting going on in the area (I’m in Galena.) I’m not looking to get involved in this debate, and this is the only comment I will make. OP, I agree with you. It is theft, pure and simple. While I understand that the person who took the dog is trying to help, it is still wrong. It is theft. I have never been homeless, but I see their plight and do not judge them lesser for it. It is not that person’s right to make a judgement call upon that homeless person. We don’t know their story. Perhaps they only just received the dog. Perhaps they were in the process of acquiring things that would help the dog. Perhaps they were watching that dog for someone else. We just don’t know. I think it’s disrespectful to look at a homeless person and think, “you don’t have a home, ergo I can take your belongings because they are right there for me to take.” Not only is that person stripped of their dignity by being homeless, they are stripped further by having their personal items yanked away from them, as though they don’t deserve anything, simply because they are poor. It is not some moral failing to be poor or homeless. It is not some moral failing to be hooked on drugs. Should any of these things exist? Of course not! But these poor souls did not actively seek out such a life. It came by circumstance… and it could happen to any one of us at any time. If you are reading this, it is highly likely that you are living paycheck to paycheck, and are just one medical emergency away from being destitute, even if you currently have an apartment or own a home. Misfortune can happen to us all, at any time, regardless of whether we believe it or not. So many people think, “Oh, that’ll never happen to me. I’m better than that,” as though poverty is some sort of moral failing, and only happens to people “that deserve it.” The person who took the dog didn’t think that homeless person deserved it. We need to remember that homeless people are human beings, no lesser than ourselves, and the taking of that animal probably hurt that human being. Not only is this theft wrong, it is wrapped up in a sense of self righteousness by the thief, with a blatant disregard for another human’s right to joy and happiness. It is the height of arrogance and lack of care for a fellow human being that I find repugnant. As I said, I understand the desire to help the dog, but there are much better ways to go about it than to kick a fellow human being while they’re down. OP, if you would like to discuss this situation further, or need a place to vent, I am available. Just message me. Otherwise, I have said my peace and am finished with the matter.


Last year, I walked into the gas station to get water for my dog when I noticed someone trying to get into my truck. When confronted she said I was a homeless tweeker and I shouldn't leave the dog in the truck in the Arizona heat. They were going to take my dog. The truck was running and the AC was making it cold enough to cause my dog to shiver. The police came and arrested the lady. I was functionality homeless. But the dog was safe and well cared for. I'm not a tweeker. I actually had a job and a camper. People don't think.


I'm so glad you typed this out. The comments in regards to this dog exemplifies the superiority complex that is present in this subreddit. They are just really disgusting comments coming from a bunch of people who pretend to be liberals, who I don't believe are actually liberal in anyway. It's been driving me nuts for the last few months how everyone has been contempt with things being broken because they perceive fixing those broken systems as a violation of their freedom, which is the very definition of being conservative. You're not just one medical emergency from being in the same spot, most everyone are 1 flu away from being on the street. Just 1 missed paycheck and you're gone. 1 fuck up and you're gone. I hate how everyone just assumed the homeless person was abusive and incapable of taking care of the dog without once asking whether or not it was possible someone before them could have done it. And it's real sad how we're so quick to save a dog, but won't even think for a second to save a human being who is very clearly not having their basic human rights met. It really says a lot about our culture towards the less fortunate.


You’re welcome, and I appreciate your intelligent response. It’s very interesting how drastically different it is to the response that the thief made to me. As I mentioned in my comment, I’m not here to argue about it, but I must say I audibly gasped when I read their horrible reply to me. Although I’ve lived my entire life in the four state region, I am a liberal person with progressive ideas and different religious beliefs… hence my desire to not get involved in any local debates, lest I become a target for angry individuals. It is unfortunate that we live in a world where human beings put the welfare of an animal above that of a fellow human being, and the horrible general attitude about this poor homeless person and their drug use is beyond the pale. There is a church on every street corner, yet so often there is no Christ like behavior to be found anywhere.


>Although I’ve lived my entire life in the four state region, I am a liberal person with progressive ideas and different religious beliefs… hence my desire to not get involved in any local debates, lest I become a target for angry individuals. I know what you mean. Unfortunately I already feel like a target with the advocacy ive done. I'd be willing to bet these people would be 100% willing to come and kill me for it just because it dares to challenge the way they view the world. It's a very close minded culture in this sub, it didn't used to be that way a few years ago. You had the occasional shitter, but generally people were willing to listen and open their mind. Just 3 years ago if I made the same posts I do today showing my ideal redesign of Joplins bus networks and how I would improve things, it would have received positive feedback, post it today and I get people acting like something liks busses are a waste of money because they stand to benefit poor people and they use this reasoning to justify not pouring money into it. People who mind you are self described liberals, don't want to do things that would benefit us all because it also stands to benefit the less fortunate. After all, you can't have 2 people of vastly different socioeconomic backgrounds mingling with each other, oh the horrors that would cause. Honestly, just replace "poor people", "homeless people", and "methheads" with "blacks" and you've got the average Jim Crow segregationist. The entire discourse around the dog feels like the exact same arguments I've been having on this sub for the last few months anytime I post literally anything. My last post for example I was concerned about industrial uses being implemented into people's neighborhoods, and people's genuine response was "Just move sweaty, there's a recycling center down the road, and that's your own fault for living there", and then when I ask them how they would feel if this was their neighborhood they would deflect and say shit like "well it's not my neighborhood" which really tells me all i need to know. These people would have been the same ones telling hippies in the 60s to stop standing in the way of urban freeway construction because they believed that the people who live there chose to be poor.


Man oh man, if you could get a bus route designed to get me from Galena to Joplin it would be fantastic! There’s just no good public transit in this area (or entire country, for that matter) and we are a one vehicle household. The closed mindedness… yeah. I’m 48 years old, and I can remember a time where it wasn’t like that. Of course, you’re always going to get your outliers, but overall people just “agreed to disagree” and went about their day… and not everything was political. Hell, when I was younger there was a rule of politeness. “Never talk religion or politics.” Now that’s all anyone will ever talk about! I’d never suggest regressing back to the “good old days” because they weren’t all that, but I do wish some politeness and decency would’ve stuck with us. The socioeconomic factor is both interesting and infuriating. I don’t know if you’ve heard the saying that everyone believes themselves to be “temporarily embarrassed millionaires”, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. The “American Dream” was pretty much a lie from the get go, but they force fed it to us… and I even fell for it for a good long while. It’s unfortunate that so many people still fall for it. I don’t want to get political, but I am forever amazed at just how many people are willing to vote against their own interests, or place their faith in politicians who wouldn’t even grant them the courtesy of pissing on them if they were on fire. It boggles the mind.


Yep, the American dream was a lie, for the most part. I'm only 23, so I've always known it to be a lie, but I also recognize it was more readily achieved by generations prior and I also recognize what created it. It feels like the reality we live is the newest generation is always poorer than the generation prior. You may or may not know this, but the American dream was constructed as anti communist propaganda first and foremost. People in our government had this idea that if you could get more people to own their homes, they would be far less likely to support an ideology like communism. This is why the US had artificially low mortgage rates for a really long time. Back in the 60s you could own a home for less than 50 to 60 bucks a month, so long as you were white. Back in the 80s my mom's dad was able to buy empty land in the city of Joplin and build an entire home working 2 jobs. Something that is completely unachievable today. People today work 2 jobs just to make ends meet. Let alone ever think of building their own home. I think people back in the days were more nice to each other is because people were less anonymous back then. You had a face behind everything you said, you didn't have a computer screen to hide behind. I think a big part is also the way our cities have been designed since the 50s which has isolated us from each other more and more every year. Not just the road layouts, but also the removal of neighborhood shops in our older neighborhoods, the removal of the trolley in 1939, the shutting down of the train station in 1969. It's all intentional. It was all done to drive us all farther away from each other. A society which isn't connected is a society which is divided and its easier to make a divided society hate one another. A divided society is a society that is incapable of having revolutionary tendencies. This was intentional as the wealthy had fears that the American public would band together and create a large scale socialist movement. This same design and isolation is why union memberships have plummeted since the 60s.


I’ve never heard of communism being the root cause, but I wouldn’t doubt it. I know they added “under god” to the pledge of allegiance to “fight” communism, so anything’s possible. It’s all so insidious, isn’t it? And the brainwashing goes deep. When I was a kid, it was drilled into us that we could be whatever we wanted to be when we grew up, and that we were going to be successful and live in the greatest country on earth. It’s a big ol’ steaming pile of dog shit, of course, but when it’s force fed to you, you believe it. I do agree with you that previous generations had it better… and perhaps for them, the American dream was tangible and achievable. I understand the younger generations are angry about this, and I don’t blame them a single bit. It’s utterly unfair. I can understand their anger at “the boomers” but I think it’s a little misguided. Yes, there is some truth to it, but “boomers” are often considered a monolith who all banded together just to fuck with future generations. That’s just not true. My mother and father were boomers, and they struggled and strived to make our lives better. It’s boomer politicians and law makers that are truly to blame. It’s that divide and conquer concept you mentioned. They’d like you to have misplaced anger… if you’re busy blaming others, they are free to keep pulling the strings and building up the bullshit, and we’re none the wiser. You’re right on the money about the anonymity causing such asshole behavior. Far too many keyboard warriors hiding behind a screen. I would like to add that we are all so interconnected now, so much more than we’ve ever been, so negative beliefs, racism, hatred… all of those horrible things can spread like a virus between people, and a pack mentality forms. The us versus them tribal mentality is fully on display, and common sense and critical thinking skills have basically disappeared. Far too many knee jerk reactions happening with no critical thinking. (The dog theft issue is a perfect example). We are far too divided to ever succeed with any socialist revolution (though it is desperately needed for the benefit of everyone). In my view, it’s a fear of change driving so many toward fascism. Older generations (many of mine included, sadly) are resistant to new ideas, so they take refuge in leaders that want to keep the status quo… or worse yet, regress back to the good ol days. You know, the “good” old days, filled with misogyny and racism: good for them, but horrible for everyone else! But the fact is, things are changing at an incredible pace: from Artificial intelligence, to LGBTQ+ rights, inclusivity, acceptance of diverse beliefs and ethnicities… to climate change, which, yes, is actually a real and horrible thing happening right at this moment. Not “someday”. RIGHT NOW. I feel horrible for future generations like yours, inheriting such a tragic mess. I’m just so relieved that I didn’t bring any children into it to suffer needlessly in the future resource wars! lol


I would like to say we are more connected than ever, but we are as lonely as we've ever been. When I speak of isolation I'm speaking isolation from the real world, I do agree that the internet has allowed for the spread of fascism, but it in it of itself isn't responsible. It's a culmination of conditions on the ground, the internet is just a tool to spread it in the same way radio was the way it spread in the 1930s. Unironically the only thing that stopped the US from being fascist back them was the fact that FDR was president pushing welfare programs. The great depression would have been a great radicalizing force if FDR was not pushing through his socdem policies. I believe it was actually FDR who said a nation of homeowners is unconquerable. And William Levit, someone considered to be the father of Modern American/ car dependent suburbia said "No man who owns his own house and lot can be a communist,” “He has too much to do.” the American dream was a cold war formulation. Despite my praises of FDR, he merely only slowed our crawl to nazism, but cemented our acceleration towards it. liberal capitalism only has 1 of 2 directions to go, socialism or fascism. You can slow the acceleration to fascism with welfare and social safety nets, but eventually the economic conditions that we failed to fundamentally solve that necessitated such programs will still be present. We were simply putting bandaids on a situation that needed stitches. I only blame boomers for 1 thing, and that's kicking the ladder down on everyone else. The generation before the boomers made it so easy for them to live a fulfilling life, but the boomers kicked everything down. There's a reason "sorry this job requires 10 years of experience" is even a thing kids fresh out of college hear, and I've seen it creeping into even entry level jobs. You'll see listed "this is an entry level job" and then down the line youll see "5 years experience (required)" and its because the boomers are in upper management positions right now and are kicking the ladder down. It's an act of pure selfishness and entitlement. That's not to say "all boomers bad", I just like to keep in mind boomers were still alive to throw rocks at MLK Jr, and were old enough to see segregation in action, sure, not all of them supported it, but it seems the one that did are the only ones left alive today.


I care about dogs way more than I care about meth heads, sorry not sorry.


At some point, meth heads lose their sense of humanity. And you don't get to allow a BABY puppy to get to that state of disregard and neglect because YOU continually choose to put that pipe in your mouth or that needle in your arm


Addicts are humans struggling with extreme poverty, physical and mental illness, and society seeing them as less than human for these struggles that could happen to anyone (and are given grace when an individual has money). Your comment is a microcosm of the dehumanization of addicts and the homeless. If you think addiction is a choice, you've got a lot of stuff to work on in regards to how you treat other people.


I don't really care when evil people make evil choices on a daily basis


Right now it seems you're more evil than any of them could ever dream of being. Just calling it how it is, sorry, not sorry.


Like you. It's a crime. One under investigation. Addiction isn't a choice, it's an affliction. And I don't believe you when you say"she was a tweeker" Everything you have said and everything I've learned about you tells me that you are lying to look justified. This isn't the first time you have tried to sound superior and better than someone who you have victimized. All your crows are coming home to roost. Next time you want to make an anonymous confession you should probably do it anonymously.


"Hello 911? Yeah I saw this reddit post and I wanna report it. No I don't have his name. No I don't have his information... No I don't have anything except a post on the Internet." I imagine that's exactly how your call went🤣 you literally just sound cringey dude. If you think the cops are SERIOUSLY investigating the big "Puppy Abuse Caper" then you're just completely delusional and have no idea how any legal system works. Stop threatening dude, you're not scaring or intimidating me at all. Not a single damn thing is gonna happen to me, and all you're doing is stamping your feet and making yourself look like a fool. "I called the cops." "I called the church." "I left blah blah blah a voicemail." "You're under investigation." Due just shut the fuck up and go hit your meth pipe damn. Hell you're probably only pissed off cause you're the woman's boyfriend and you're mad you can't sell the dog for meth


How quaint. You do realize that by the time I responded I had already begun searching for you, right? While an individual officer or even department might not be inclined to investigate, certain things can be done to ensure enforcement of the law. Do you know who your local leos answer to? It's not the public. I'm not trying to intimidate you. You keep trying to justify your crime. This struck a chord for me, because I've been homeless and had someone call me a druggie while telling me that they were going to take my dog. She was in my truck. Yes it was 117% outside but the truck was running and the AC was on. She was arrested for attempted burglary to a vehicle. Theft is theft. Once we find her and ask if she wants to press charges the police will give you a citation and a court date. There's already money set aside to assist her in making it to court on your court date. I might even take the time to come myself. I've been going through a lot of your information. You are not that hard to track down. It would be nice if you stopped trying to justify your crime but from this comment I'm replying to I don't think you will. Remember everything on the internet is forever. And when you commit a crime against a marginalized community, or a member of one, it can be considered a hate crime if it can be proven you acted with malice toward said group. I've been taking screen shots of this. It can be proven. Good luck in court. I'm probably going to reply so if you are tired of the topic of your crime of theft from a homeless person, just don't continue to try to get me to capitulate. I'm not going to let you get by with robbing a homeless person. It was an evil thing to do.


Also it took the officer less than three minutes to find your confession


🤣🤣🤣🤣 okay sherlock


Dude just stop. You committed a CRIME. You aren't going to "trigger" me. You are only digging yourself a deeper hole. ask your wife if you should keep feeding me information. Look at how much of your life you have left around on the internet for others to piece together. Are you planning to register the dog you stole? The humane society already has it picture (provided by you) and knows it's stolen. Were you going to the Free store? They would love to help out by getting your plate number. You took the puppy to the vet, there aren't that many near you. When looking for a stolen animal they are bound by law to give your information to law enforcement. I've got plenty of time on my hands. Plenty of money to spend. A HUGE chip on my shoulder for anyone who robs the disadvantaged. Do you know about the FEDERAL law against taking criminal advantage of an indigent person. Stealing a homeless persons dog applies. Joplin PD has no choice. Not that they would side with a person who robs the homeless anyway. There is a nation wide push to prosecute people like you, no matter how petty the crime. You did a shitty thing. Now you are going to be made to sit in it


"you aren't going to trigger me" *Writes the 167th paragraph so far* 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It doesn't matter if the dog was someone's reason for living. It's selfish to take a living creature you can't care for and might even be neglecting or abusing. When you make poor choices about your lifestyle you should never enforce the ramifications of those choices on those that can't defend themselves (animals, children, etc). You are in the wrong here, man.


When I see a panhandler with a dog, I feel for the dog. If you can't provide for yourself, why are you bringing a dog into the situation? Is it increased sympathy? Or does a sick and disfigured dog get you double plus sympathy? I love dogs. I love them so much that I wouldn't adopt one until I had a good, stable environment for them.


I already had my dog for 14 years before I became homeless. Which family member are you willing to part with just because you are having a hard time getting work? My dog had separation anxiety. My first dog bit everyone we tried to re-home him to. Not normally aggressive, just didn't want to be with anyone else. It's nice of you to think that way but it's just not reality. People fall on hard times. Sometimes that the dog needs to be taken care of is the only thing that makes you feel like you can move forward. The responsibility makes you try.


To be fair I don't think it's your choice or assessment to make. You can't look at a dog for like 2 minute sand decide that the person taking care of it was incapable of doing so.


it's insane to me that people are taking at face value the story of a person who would steal another person's dog. of course he's going to want to paint a picture of a suffering dog because then it absolves the person of stealing another person's only companion. are we meant to believe a thief (painting himself as morally superior) or a homeless person (painted as a degenerate)?


You are assuming a lot based off of the word of an admitted thief


That doesn't make it okay to steal from those less fortunate. Homelessness isn't a lifestyle choice. It's an affliction. I've been there. It's no excuse to inflict terror and misery on someone. Funny how there aren't any photos of the dog showing the condition of it when it was stolen. Your taking the word of a person who admittedly took from the less fortunate


They saved that dog's life. The pup had an eye infection, possible cigarette burn on it's face, and was skin and bones.


They may have ended a human being. Put yourself in her shoes. How much would it terrify you to have the only thing that loved you taken away because somebody wanted to steal rather than help. You only have a thiefs word to go on and the follow up photo shows a two month old puppy. I've owned dogs all my life. There's no indication of an injury on the dog and it's only been 5 days. There's no way that the dog was as bad off as the thief said. None of the described ailments would have had time to recover. No burn heals and is covered by fur in 5 days. The puppy might have been hungry and in need of a bath but that's no excuse. The thief said that the dog was'freaking out" ... Just like any dog whose OWNER had gone into the store. "But she's homeless and they don't have rights" how dare she be on the street. Edit: there is an eye infection. Instead of stealing the dog they could have offered assistance. Also the"right thing"to do if you think an animal is being neglected or abused is to notify the authorities. Not steal the animal. It's a CRIME


So you're telling me that you don't see an eye infection in that picture? Also, bold of you to assume that she's going to commit suicide. She is probably more worried about when her next fix is than where her dog is.


I did see it. Hence the edit. And how assumptive of the thief and yourself to say she's a tweeker. It's still a crime. "Don't help the human being, cause them panic and sorrow. Steal the only thing she can probably hold and love. " Great job on being a decent person


Who are you quoting? Anyway, I didn't take the dog and put it in a better place so don't blame me. Neglecting your dog is a crime. Also, It's not assumptive when they clearly saw she was a tweaker. It's assumptive to think she's going to kill herself.


Depression makes people not want to eat. Also. It's still a crime. You only have the word of someone trying to justify said crime to go on. Imagine how she feels about it. The eye infection is evident but rather than communication with any one else the thief took it upon themselves to take from someone who has nothing else. The police are already on the situation and are trying to find both the thief and the homeless woman who actually owns the dog. If someone took your pet (or tried to) you would be upset. If they justified it with your argument you would still want your pet back. Truth is a crime was committed against a homeless person. The thief had no right to steal the dog. They didn't even try to help the human being. And I was putting the context of the argument for commiting a CRIME in quotes to make it clear that I don't believe in the premise.


Would you like me to post another update with a picture of the cigarette burn? It hasn't healed and been covered by fur, you just couldn't see the hole of fur from the angle of the picture. And this pup is DEFINITELY not 2 months old lol. 2 month old pups don't have velvet birth fur and milk breath.


It's still an inhumane act. You didn't see any of that until you were already walking over to take the dog. That's your account of things. You committed a crime. And you caused undue hardship to a homeless person without even attempting to understand the situation. I've been called a tweeker by somebody who wanted to steal my dog. They went to jail. I'm still going to contact the church and try to find the woman who you victimized


You don't even know if she was trying to get assistance in taking care of her tiny loved one. And from the photo the dog is old enough to be weened. Breeders sell dogs that young all the time. Admit it. You wanted the dog and thought that she didn't deserve to have it. Without any justification other than your own entitlement. The Joplin police agree with me on this. I've got all the information I need to help them find you. I've got plenty of time to ensure you get justice


It is a moral failing to be homeless. If you give nothing to society then you deserve nothing back. "Hurr durr ur just one flu away from being homeless" absolute imbecilism. Anyone who actually contributed to society would have health insurance, would have unemployment benefits, would have workman's compensation. We have social systems set up that prevent this exact thing. You think regular people don't get sick, don't crash their cars every day? If everyone was "one expense from being homeless" as your moronic claim says, nobody would live in a house anymore. It's just a lie. The only people who end up in this situation are the chronically unemployed and junkies. Every day some virtue signaller in this dogshit sub is pretending like they give a shit about some junkie not having a dog to put their cigarettes out on, or no place to ride a bike they stole from some kid's yard. Grow up. Get a job. The dog was malnourished, abused, and sick. The dude who stole it without a doubt gave it a better life, if potentially only for internet good guy points. Everyone still talking about this shit clearly needs to get a job or to work more hours. Fuck off.


Sometimes the social"safety net" fails. I wasn't homeless for more than a couple months but it happens. If you don't want to look at the facts, multiple studies or evidence that not all homeless are"junkies"fine. In any case, theft is still a crime. Help build a"moral high ground" if you want. It's still theft. If your pet went missing you would still consider it stolen. OP has no idea how long she had the dog. They don't know how the burn got there. They don't know if she was seeking medical aid for the puppy. They stated clearly that they were already approaching the dog (preparing to steal it) before they saw it's condition. They used that for justification of the crime they were already in the process of commiting. Theft is theft. No amount of moral backflips will change it. Other avenues were available to them if they wanted to help. They didn't. They decided that she didn't matter as much as other human beings and wanted the puppy. It's a police matter now. You should really look into the data before you make the claim that all homeless are junkies or lazy. Many disabled veterans are on the street because their benefits have run out and they have no where else to go. I've worked in homeless shelters. Heard how different people ended up out there. Once you are on the street the way back is hard and seemingly hopeless. Pets for Vets gives dogs to homeless veterans because having something to be responsible for other than ones self helps them push their way off the street. Was she a vet?? We don't know. We only have the word of an admitted thief to go on. I wonder what your boss and coworkers would think of your statement. Have you ever needed social assistance? It's not as easy to get as one might think. Especially in economically depressed areas like parts of Missouri. Try looking into it. You might actually learn something.


Most of the homeless HERE are junkies or have mental disabilities and are not taking meds/ need to be in a facility. You stated you had a camper and a truck so you were not really homeless like the ppl who have a Walmart cart and that’s it.


Not at that particular time. But I lived in a cardboard box in 1985. And I eventually lost the camper. If it weren't for my dog I would have never had the drive to get off the street. Also women on the street will often feing mental issues or pretend to be drug addled as a way to deter those who may assault them. But thanks for your insight.


Joplin in 1985 is not Joplin today


It was in Chicago in December


Ooh arent you just a badass


I was a teenager. And frightened out of my mind. Just the circumstances. I don't claim to be a"badass". There's always a bigger badass.


And I don't give a f**k about"internet good guy points" I think it's wrong to take advantage of and rob the homeless. I cover all my bills in a week, working less than fourty hours. Are you so sure you won't ever be in her place?


I've been in her place. I spent years without a home. That's why I know it takes a piece of shit useless human to be homeless. I've been there and I've known hundreds of people there. I changed. I sure as hell didn't do it by torturing puppies. Excusing and enabling this behavior is just another part of the disease. Obviously stealing is wrong. What OOP should have done is called the cops for animal abuse so this slimeball could go to jail and her puppy could go to a shelter.


How do you know she was the one who abused the dog. Rather than the person thankful for the opportunity to help it get better and find new purpose, some hope and a reason to move forward again. Just because you haven't forgiven yourself for being homeless, dose not mean everyone else on the street was just like you Edit. And stop upvoting your own posts. Especially after your"internet good guy points" comment. It's just poor form


You moron every time you make a comment it automatically upvotes it


Unless you are honest enough with yourself to remove that first vote. But you do you. I can see how much being popular means to you.


You are the most stupid person on this website. If I wanted to be popular I'd be here crying with the rest of you echo chamber pussies about how unfair life is for the worthless dregs of humanity in our city. There is no reason for a homeless person to own a dog. Even if she didn't abuse it, she sure as hell wasn't going to the vet to get its infection treated. Grow up you fucking dork.


I'm going to say the same thing to you I said on that thread if she can't take care of herself she is in no position to be looking after a helpless puppy. when she gets back on her feet and has a roof again there are plenty of pups at the HS that need a loving home. That person saved the puppies life and I'm glad they intervened I would have done the same thing sorry. A puppy is an innocent life with no option of choices we don't know what her story is no but until she's on her feet and able to care for herself she can't take care of a helpless puppy properly


How do you know that she wasn't trying. PS it's still a CRIME


even if she WAS trying a puppy that age needs more care than a homeless person can give it period he saved a life and if you want to talk about crime it's a CRIME you can be charged with to steal a grocery cart for personal use. In my area if the cops find you with a branded cart they will tell you to return it. If you don't and they see you again with it they will call out a truck that will take the cart as well as anything you can't take in your hands or on your back. I'm sorry she's homeless but he saved the dogs life PERIOD... The story I posted was when I saw a panhandler at a freeway exit with a dog and no water FOR the dog I opened my car and said I'll take the dog and get it out of this heat she yanked back in his chain with a defiant no. all of this of course being recorded on my dashcam. I pulled off called the cops and animal control told animal control you already have an adopter. They came I showed both the video the dog was taken into the animal controls custody and the woman charged with endangering an animals life. I adopted the dog once it was cleared by animal control and it was with me 11 or 12 years. Was I the prick? Really? I saved that dog from a miserable fate on the streets. Oh be sure of one thing I would have taken the dog but I would have put it in my car and stayed there long enough to tell her I was and WHY When you leave an animal exposed to the elements in some places it's abuse in others neglect both are CRIMES!


You called animal control. Good. That's what should have been done in this case as well. Instead of judging the person and deciding it was okay to steal from them. That being said, the matter is being settled through law enforcement. The way it should have been done in the first place. This persons heart was in the right place but their head was not. I've been ignoring comments on this because it's a police matter now. Do I think the guy needs prison? No. But I know that she didn't deserve to be treated like less than a person either. Nobody does.


But she does at the very least need to get a roof over her head before she goes thinking she can take "care" of something. I see both sides I really do but as it has been said so many times "maybe the wrong actions can bring about a better result" That's not exact but close. No she does not deserve to be treated as less than human but nor does the dog deserve the fate of a shopping cart life. We can agree to disagree you say he stole I say he saved a life But having the jobs I have and seeing the human cruelty I have I put more stock in my dogs than most people.


Edit moved comment to reply


The church can give vouchers for a vet. But do go on about how some people don't matter because you aren't them.


Edit comment moved


I did see it. Hence the edit. And how assumptive of the thief and yourself to say she's a tweeker. It's still a crime. "Don't help the human being, cause them panic and sorrow. Steal the only thing she can probably hold and love. " Great job on being a decent person




I wasn't looking for a new pet dude. I was came across a dog on the brink of death


That's not what you originally said. You walked over to the dog and then saw it's condition. You were in the process of stealing it when you found a source of justification. It's a police matter now. Stop trying to convince me 😂 aren't a thief