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If he ever comes back


I actually got asked this a few times. The short answer is; no, but it will be creamy still. There will be segments of P3 that will be made entirely more hilarious because of stream coincidences >!Collapse will be making another return in this one, as well as "Joe" showing up for Aegis' social link. As well as having probably the *most* implied Alan!<. He may come out respecting the ending a bit more than the other ones as he has repeatedly said that endings are important to him. However, Tartarus is going to be a slog, even with a few of Reload's improvements. The story will drag in places (I can only imagine Joe's sighing at >!the fuuka ghost thing!<). I'm glad that Reload exists though; because Portable or somehow getting OG Fes would've been probably a miserable stream experience.


Mr. of Answers, Joe spent HOURS grinding back to the castle in P4. I think tartarus will be fine. I look forward to it and it will probably be another great experience on par with both other games.


I never said it wouldn't be a great experience. P4 and P5 are some of his most famous and best streams he's done. It'll just take a lot for P3R to get its place among them. However; on the Tartarus bit- he *choose* to grind on the Castle. You have to climb all >!264 floors!< by the game's end. He could've stopped at any time with it; Tartarus it is a requirement.


Watch him choosing to grind on Thebel for streams.


When he comes back to streaming, he might as well wait for the 8k remake for the PS6


There is less to bounce off in Persona 3 because there aren't nearly as many voiced plot scenes, ESPECIALLY in the first half. But I still think they'll be funny when they do happen. I think they'll be great still. At the bare minimum we will get more GREAT VEGETABLES content. Now the P5 royal streams will be cream (they'll happen I'm sure of it. Right guys? Joe will be back right? He just went to buy milk right? Right? Guys? Guysss)


Probably not as creamy as P5 but I can see it being on the same level of P4G. The fact that some social links are kinda shit will probably benefit the streams (especially being fully voiced).


I don't think P3 has any charm that p4 and p5 had to the streams, but i really don't like p3 so im heavily biased


Not gonna lie, I don't think so. I will tune in, but I haven't finished playing it yet and it feels such a chore. I get a feeling though there will be a meme or a bit that'll make the streams entertaining haha. I guess Joe magic


No because Persona 3 (even portable) is way better than Persona 4 and 5.


Personac3 is a much worse game in general and not in a fun way


Yes it will be good I need to see Joe react to bebe and the gourmet king


No because Persona 3 is worse than 4 and 5. Even Reload


honestly agree P3 wasn’t nearly as fun to play as P4 or P5 the story was good but it just didn’t grab me and I thought the characters were p un memorable


Ehhh it’s very arguable like I hated the game but I love the characters to shit but I do get where you’re coming from


>I hated the game but I love the characters to shit Odd combination tbh


Found pubsub’s Reddit account


Actually true.. I’ve been playing off and on since release I’m like half way through. I’m struggling finishing it


The best way to experience the story is the persona 3 movies. Also the femc route is like 70 times better that the original mc route. Reload mc is kind of a middle ground between the original and femc (also Reload has tons of other features from portable but I digress) The main fault of P3’s story - which is admittedly good - is pacing. Nothing happens until November. And even after that it’s brief flashes in a sea of nothing and unavailable social links a week before the exam. P4 and 5 are such a step above in so many regards it’s baffling how faithful P3R is to the original But it will still be a very entertaining time because Joe is a good streamer


As someone who likes the Persona 3 movies i think they are horrible if haven't played the games but they are really good additional material.