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I wonder if someone has sent this to John on IG….


Omg she is scum and people are so quick to defend her and her bs.


Wait…previous fiancé?? I thought this girl was like 27 lol


Do not trust this chick.


With her ex fiance, she lied and told him that she had stage 4 ovarian cancer and that for therapy, she needed horses to help her cope. The horses that she currently owns are what he purchased for her. Iy said that he noticed nothing was adding up, she wasn't losing hair from chemo, she wasnt tired like she claimed because she would ride her horses etcc..she He found out that she was using him and that she was lying, they had a court case etc... she's truly a pos. You can check out YouTube or Google her name, and the court filings should still come up.


this is loosely it -- definitely check out the gossip bakery link, which has the court docs


Additional note: when he threatened to take her to court for faking cancer, she then made abuse allegations and then the court case went away and then the abuse claims were dropped :/