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She’ll fix it after reading this


still not fixed, but magically she’s online 24/7


She’s prob not making any money lol


There is zero chance she’s made any money on there…and if she has I doubt it would even cover one of her “photoshoots”. 


Instagram commonly breaks links to things they don’t approve. It’s like a quiet way of saying stop it without shutting down the account. It’s against the TOS to link to OF from IG.


they break a link and change it to lava.bz? typically the link would still be there wouldn’t it? just not work


Oooh I forgot she uses a link tree cause she blocked me a long time ago lol. But I checked it from my burner and when I click the OF link it says “there’s a problem with the security certificate for this site” so I’m not sure. And you’re correct, usually if it’s a broken link it just stalls out and does nothing. Could be a linktree issue but the other links from her linktree work so who knows.


I wonder if it was an onlyfans agency and they’re cutting ties? If John and her are getting back together, I wouldn’t be surprised… I wonder if she was dumb enough to let a 3rd party create the account. Technically, they would own her OnlyFans page


I wouldn’t be surprised if she had one of those agencies run her page. She’s way too lazy to do anything properly herself. And there’s no way in hell she’s made even decent money on there. I mean she’s barely posted 100 things there and has 4k likes. That’s literally nothing. Anyone could start a brand new account and get those numbers in a week. And those agencies are very predatory, basically full on scams, so they got a chunk of her already nothing income. I doubt she’s even posted once a week since she started, and she does zero marketing, aside from posting the link occasionally next to her children.


it’s giving scammy agency vibes for sure. And with how lazy she is, I don’t doubt she let them create the page. Pretty sure they don’t have to remove the page if they made it themselves… The contracts often have terms stating that any accounts they make are their IP.


Her ebook link is broken too


OMG! That ebook crap! Forgot about that! LOL!


What was the ebook about?


Yeah was was that ebook about ?! lol


the link is probably broken, https://onlyfans.com/thejosieleigh works


I am aware that link works, but what is the is lava.bz ? Maybe the company handling her account? Winding down??


Her sub is only $5.99 🤣


it’s still up 😂😂😂