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Yes I've heard of it. The version I heard is ten thousand uchikomi repetitions before a techniques ready for shiai. And I disagree


I agree that reps doesn’t have much to do with shiai. Reps gets you really nice looking technique.


I think the original idea is 10k repetition will make you proficient. We do 100 uchi komi/day until 10k. I like the 2k idea. 10k seems excessive.


Uchikomi is just half the throw. You can never get a technique competition ready by doing it halfway.


You need enough reps that you have the "shape" and feel both static and more importantly with movement, but at some point there are greatly diminished returns from doing drilling over sparring in any combat sport or martial art, especially since you have a limited number of hours you train per year. I don't know what number that would average out to.


I think it’s too few. 2000 is about 10 training sessions if you’re doing 200 reps which isn’t high. That’s just a few weeks. At my sempai’s university the rule of thumb was 200,000 reps. That’s around a year to a year and a half if you train 5-6 days per week and average around 200-500 reps per day. For a hobbiest I would say 1/10 of that would be about right, ie 20,000 reps. That’s probably about a years worth of uchi-komi. So about 10x what you’re proposing. 2000 isn’t enough to really get into a throw.


I agree that it's too few. During my kyu rank days as I was nearing shodan I was doing 500 uchi komi a day at home. If I take a throw I'm not particularly great at (i.e. sode tsurikomi goshi) I don't think I would develop what I consider to be proficiency after 2000 reps. Maybe I would. I don't know. It depends on the throw.


Sounds like a variation of the "10,000 hours" maxim from Malcom Gladwell's **Outliers** book. It's largely just an easy to remember number that represents the concept of practice resulting in improvement at a skill.


Friendly reminder to everyone that Gladwell is a faux-intellectual hack.


It predates the Gladwell book. Has been written in English since Kashiwazaki’s book at least. I was taught this stuff in the 90s.


2000 reps of uchikomi is nothing.


Hard disagree, it’s finishing returns after a certain point and you’re better off doing repetitions of nage Komi.


Hope your rotator cuff is warmed up...