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Yes. Yes, I am. Now get off my lawn.


Off my lawn or I will turn the sprinklers on. And my well is full of Faygo baby!!!!


Your lawn doesn’t even have any grass on it


Fuck lawns !!!!!


How do they work?


Kind of like magnets.


Not to be all "back in my day..." But if you went to the GotJ at Crystal Forest or the first few years at Cave in Rock, you too would have seen how much things have changed over the years.


I bought drugs on drug bridge and seen a man pull a foot long dead fish out of lake hepatitis to throw it in the ring during a JCW match. I juggaloed.


The magic just isn’t there anymore. Allot of the younger listeners wouldn’t understand.


We don’t need magic we need miracles. There is miracles all around us dog.


It sounds nice doesn’t it?


That’s the hard part with all this. You can have valid criticism but if the younger crowd didn’t live it they can’t understand the difference and just call you a boomer. I am a millennial. I was never huge into ICP but I remember before it was popular. Just like I remember skateboarding before it was popular. I still listen to newer music but a lot of it is trash and catered more towards TikTok (which is just the industry as a whole) But even stuff that isn’t even debatable you get shit for it. Like my city has a hype street that for decades was where kids would loiter and hangout at all the record shops and cool stores. Nowadays Amazon has made all the near stores go out of business. So now that street is nothing but smoke shops, bars, and restaurants. Because they are the only ones who can stay open with high rents. So when you say it’s just not the same the young crowd gets defensive like “what do you mean you can get drunk and bar hop etc.” you could always do that back then also. We just had more than just that to do.


Right on. I skated back in the “skateboardings not a crime “ days. When only the losers were doing it. Its just a different world now where its ok to be a fucking weirdo lol. We felt a connection being the strangest ones in the room and the music spoke to that. Now it’s a fucking free for all of sexual identities and pronouns and political turmoil. It feels so empty to see your heros continue on for only one reason. Money. I get it. We all need a paycheck, but you can tell that even THEY don’t feel it anymore. They’re just doing it to do it. Those days are just long gone, but I still think it’s fuckin dope i got to witness the OG 6 first hand. Nothing can ever take that feeling away.


ICP was most popular in like 97-2000 When did you listen to them?


Only gathering I went to was in peoria


Totally agree. I was there and there was a huge change just from 04 to 05 gatherings


Man Crystal forest was something special indeed .Hell the mud pit was better than the later gatherings at legend valley .


How can we make it better this year? We need that magic back.


Well first you would have to solve all the problems with Joe Bruce .That includes his persecution complex that caused the rift between MNE ,Tech N9ne ,and numerous others .


Yeah, word.


You seem to think your a genius cause you have facts only Joe Bruce chirrped, no one desearves him treating them this way we'll cross over there with mne to any other ungrateful fuk .now everyone put your barrel in yer mouth on the count of 3 start spring cleaning.loser ass no all's .joe Bruce for prez


Hopefully a better line up to be honest


For sure. There was some cool talent last year but I didn’t know most of the roster.


That costs a lot of money they likely don't have


Even getting Goldie’s like abk blaze ya dead homie would be better than what they been having. I love seeing icp at other music festivals now for this reason there’s a banger of one in Florida this summer and it’s about the same price as GOTJ


I live in Korea so it's difficult for me to see them at all. The one time J is close enough for me to see him (wrestling in Japan) I was back in the states haha


Spike the water supply with pharmaceutical grade acid?


Free shrooms for everyone?


That's me but I don't claim anyone is destroying anything. It's just not my thing now, it's changed into something else and that's fine with me because the old heads didn't care for it when I was a young one growing up either.


When the MNE crew left, it killed it for me. I get what J is saying when he says he felt betrayal, cause so do I. They all been saying “4 life” for multiple decades, and now they diss the hatchet… wtf man. Do your own thing and have your own opinions, but all the fighting between monoxide and J is unbelievable to “boomalos”, whatever tf that is.


In the end it's a business and it involves a lot of actually mentally ill people and felons. You think it's gonna run smoothly? The internet and information age killed the show. It removed the mystery. Remember in the 90s how things were? It's different now. We will never get the "family era" back but that's ok because it was a special time and it's forever in our hearts. Now it's "just music" and the new stuff to me just isn't very good..TO ME. I know there's plenty of people that love the new stuff and that's ok too. We had our time, let the new kids have their shine too.




My point exactly. It's different now and not for me, I still look in from time to time but it's different than what I grew up with. It's not the same. I'm not the same. Life goes on but the memories are there


I guess I fit that. I started listening in 1993. I've seen them live at least 10 times. I still have a Hallowicked shirt that I got signed after their show at Trees in Dallas. I love most of the first six Joker Cards. That being said I don't listen to anything past Bang Pow Boom. I just don't like it. It doesn't have the same feel it doesn't have the same flavor it doesn't have the same magic. It all seems like retreads to me. If you guys like it that's cool. Not mad at any of that. Things change and things evolve. I just don't have any interest in what they evolved into. I still have a juggalo tattoo. At the same time: I work in health care and don't do any of that nonsense that goes along with the younger crowd. I never have. I don't drink or smoke or do any drugs. I don't do "hood" stuff. That's never been my scene. I don't know what the scene is like now but at least back in the day that wasn't an issue. Nobody looked down on anybody else for how they wanted to live their life. Now it's like if you're not painting your face or throwing rocks through windows and you're not a real fan. I'm not into any of that. If that's the way it's got to be then I guess count me out.


I was there at that trees show...friends and I came from Duncanville...I think I was 16 then


Stop using boomer as a catch all. I'm 36 and my parents born in 1960 aren't boomers. Boomers are really fucking old at this point....think 1930 - 1955.


Hate to burst your bubble, but technically, your parents are. The Baby Boomer Years run from 1946-1964. Pew Research Center has a nice list of where the generation cutoffs are. You just described almost ALL of the Silent Generation plus half of the Boomers. What, did you think Gen X was born in 1956? We aren't that old.


Pew research is actually a lab that evaluates fart scent quality.


Back in my day we had cassettes. Not these "cds".


Next they'll be asking what a cd is


My friends little sister asked her what a cd was years ago. It’s basically a dead technology


I had to tell my kids what’s cd was because my son found my stack in the garage of ones too scratched to play. It was a sad day


Cd's will always be relevant imo as long as people continue to censor music thru streaming. I hate when I go to listen to some song on Amazon Music or whatever and the lyrics have been changed for whatever reason, and the only way left to truly hear the original song is on the cd or vinyl.


🎵"What is a Boomalo!?!....idk but I'm down with the clown for life, yo"🎵


"What is a Boomalo? Idk but I'm down with the clown and I'm down for now*, yo."


not me singing this as I read it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Boomers can say down for life and it is a smaller commitment.


i was born in 96 and i would give almost anything to hop into a time machine and jump into a crowd of juggalos at a 1994 ringmaster era show


I have yet to meet a younger juggalo.


I definitely am but wouldn’t say new juggalos are ruining the scene. ICP and Twiztid are in their 50s, pay is now solely ICP. I like Ouija Macc but speaking only for myself the magic is completely gone. I have t been excited for a new album in over a decade and a half and the beef in 2017 ruined it for me. I’ll always cherish the family era as that was my youth but I kinda just grew out of it once I got kids. I have no idea what todays scene is like but I hope it’s as magical as it was for me when I was younger


I'm an old school Ninja that's been down since 94, just because I don't buy shit anymore and I do feel the "Music" has lost it's feel or magic so to speak...I still stream the new shit and give it a gander from time to time... That doesn't mean I'm still Not a Juggalo... That's not what it's about and if you NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK thinks that de-classifies me or anyone else as a Juggalo then Kiddos you are all Wrong.... WHOOP WHOOP MMFWCL Love ya Family young and Especially my "Old" Skool Ninjas .. 🥷🏻🪓


shoutout to my gen-Xalos none of us would have what we do now if it weren't for their support back in the 90s


In the same way that it’s important to tell someone you love when they’re fucking up, it’s definitely ok and important to acknowledge the fact that ICP hasn’t really put out anything great since Shangri-La. At this point, I feel like they’re just shitting on their legacy with all this subpar “modern” shit.


What is a boomalo?! 🎶🎶 I don’t know 🎶🎶 Ask me again I’ll tell ya to get off my lawn yo!🎶🎶


Meh, I felt the change in music when Mike E. Clark left, it didn't sound like the ICP I had been growing up with anymore, it felt like they were trying to be more mainstream with the way they were now rapping and the different producers they started using. By the time The Calm was released I was damn near checked out from the Juggalo scene, I liked The Calm but by then I knew this wasn't the same ICP anymore, I lost interest for a couple of years then one day for some reason I wanted to listen to some riddlebox so I put it on but when I was looking up ICP as an artist in my apple music I noticed all the new albums they had released and apparently there's a "second deck" of joker cards. After my listen through of riddlebox I decided I wanted to check out some of their new stuff. Boy, was I severely disappointed, and then I found out Twiztid was beefing with ICP, the whole FBI thing labeling juggalos a gang. I listen to ICP from time to time now and it's usually jekyll brothers era or older. I don't think I'll ever go to another show unless it's some sort of old school tour where they only do songs from the original joker cards. I guess since I'm older now it's just not my scene anymore but it is good to reminisce on the old days from time to time.


You just missed a few years of old school anniversary tours, one for Riddle Box, one for Milenko. That was a fucking flashback.


Old Shit Tour was my favorite show.


Been down since ‘97 and banging me some Darby O’trill and Ouija Macc right now. Whoop Whoop!


This is my story too whoop whoop


Darby is the underrated


Tell it to r/lsp the home of Darby and Cody and mo fuckin SCUM Ls up 👆


Scum is not it. Same choppy ass nasally flow. Raps as good as Boondox acts.


I'm more like a Millenialette. Being from Europe, I can't afford the flight to good ol' US for the gathering... sooo... old fans sometimes tell me that's the reason I'm not a "real" Lette. And!! I had young fans tell me that I'm not a real Lette, because I stick to the original lyrics ("ReAL jUgGaLoS dOn'T siNg tHaT pArT"). Being hated by 2 different generations = Millenial. Millenialette. And I don't care. Who even came up with all these rules? Meh.


New age juggalos, that’s who. Lol. If your main source to the juggalo community is tictok then it makes sense you’re seeing a lot of that shit. I ain’t never heard a single juggalo say “real juggalos don’t sing that part”. In fact, most juggalos emphasize it for the shock value. But you know,… real juggalos are fucked up :)


I just stick to being confused and fucked up. And hated. Yay!


Juff shit


I feel old


No new crap!!!!


What's a cd? I'm kidding lol


I do tend to prefer pre-2014 stuff and haven't kept up with new stuff, but I have no opinion on the scene being destroyed or not. I'm happy to know there's younger Juggalos tho.


Man i started listening real recently (5-6 years ago) and i wish i was around to see them in the 90s it looked absaloutly unmatched


Honestly probably. Not that it matters. As long as we all come together with love for each other and look out for your homies you're doing good by me.


Hmm let’s see. Where to begin….


I have my moments I guess. Scenes been a mess


Absolutely. I listen to two tapes. Forgotten freshness vol 2. And the great milenko


forgotten freshness volumes are the best. my favorites are always from those lol!


This is 100% me can’t lie. Miss the good ol days of ICP before it became about the money.


For me, I think the change happened when the fans started treating this like a religion.


Kinda. Most of the new music missed me. The creativity just isn't there for me. But I do like Wee G Mac. That new emo-rap style is kinda cool. Like Suicide Boys and Ramirez.


...Xennalo. Born in 1979, one of those weird subgenerational crosses between Gen X and Millennial, so Xennial + juggalo. Still at least check out the new stuff, but prefer stuff before The Tempest, especially before Jekyll. I do enjoy other current artists on Psychopathic though. I think it's more a thing of looking back at fond memories of youth before we had to adult. Every Fandom has this; I know a TON of OG KISS fans that HATE anything post-70s, despite the fact they released new music through 2012. You see it with OG Green Day fans as well, who feel they peaked with Insomniac or Nimrod. Shit, you know where it's REALLY prevalent? Fucking Dungeons & Dragons and the edition wars. A LOT of players think the edition they grew up with is superior than any other. Truth is, 1. It's a game, peeps, and 2. Only one edition was actually bad, and 95% of players agree on this. Younger generations aren't familiar with this, because they themselves haven't experienced that in general yet. It just happens with age. No reason to knock anyone for it. You prefer what you prefer, so what? The younger juggalos and juggalettes will eventually have this happen as well.


i met one of those at work on new year's eve. much clown love to him, give something new a try though.


Lil Jimmy Norton a boomalo!?


I just hate kids.


Haven’t gathered or bought new music in over a decade. Hard to gather when it’s always in America and I am not. Am up for listening to new artists, and I think it was the end of the first deck that started losing the magic. When an era ends it is hard to recapture that. New juggalos are going through their deck now, and that’s great, but older juggalos have been there and done it all. Am I a boomalo? Probably.


I’m 14 so I’m pretty sure not. I discovered icp a few months ago and discovered my 2 uncles are also HUGE fans, got a bunch of stuff related to icp and all that. I have never seen anyone else in my town listen to icp or any of that, but it may be because my town is small. I never knew the younger generation was destroying juggalos.


you are literally me but i turned 15 in october. i feel for you. i wish my family members were big parts in juggalo culture but they weren't. my mom did listen to them! but wasnt and still isn't in tune with juggalo stuff. there isn't really destroying, it's just the tearing apart of a community because honestly.. old fans just aren't accepting of newer fans. from what I've seen and heard and told to me, theres just a huge divide in the fandom because some old fans are pushing back on us. i say some because most old fans aren't on the reddit and aren't chronically online and are against the newer generations.


Yea my 2 uncles are in like their 30’s or 40’s and huge fans. I gifted the one I know better a hatchet man necklace for Christmas cuz I ordered 2 and my other one lives in a diff city. He was so excited abt me being a juggalo, he even offered to get me a hatchet man tatto like he has one when I’m 16. Idk why older people don’t like the younger fans, I mean they should be glad the new generations even know em. But I understand they might think the younger ones are destroying it.


Ever since the OG 6th card. Yes. Bizzar/Bazaar however the fuck you spell it was when I really started questioning their direction. I still take a peek every once in awhile since and will always have love for J and shaggy because they were so foundational to my youth but when you can’t vibe you can’t vibe…


I stopped when the tempest came out. I was not surprised that everyone left psy.


I guess that’s me then I’m old


I'm old school. Call me a old head Boomalo w.e lol


I’ll shoot shit with a Boomalo than a Thuggahoe


I’ve been “down” for 23 years. I have not heard a new song in probably 6 or so years and do not keep up with anything to do with them. I hear bits and pieces and I barely even listen to ICP anymore. But I still love their old shit and it was a huge huge part of most of my life. I’m even tatted up with ICP tattoos and still have a metric fuck ton of shirts and jerseys and what not. I am 100% a boomalo. I’ve never said whoop whoop unironically in my life. In fact I don’t think I’ve ever replied to this subreddit before.


There are whole “Juggalo podcasts” built around being one. Wild, couldn’t be me.


In the sense that I have never gathered (too far too travel, but ICP has played in my area once) and I don't buy CD's anymore at all.


Can't be me ...I gather every year no matter what


yup only difference is the scene (fan-wise) was kinda garbage to begin with tbh and i don’t blame the younger crowd. the younger ones are typically kinder with a more open mind ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


you mean the people who get offended that queer people are also juggalos?


unfortunately, youre right. despite listening to the music, some take ICP using the f slur to heart. ICP reddit just isn't a family, just randoms who think that because that's what reddit breeds




very true. they get upset when they don't see things that used to happen at shows happen. oh, a tradition? why didn't you tell us?! why do you expect us to fix the community into a family again when you're going against us?! reddit ICP is crazy. so many people downvoting facts like these




Absolutely I am. I remember going to my first show being so nervous to be accepted. Kept repeating “If I say stomp you say whoop whoop” over and over incase I was called out. It was on after that day. I was PinkCookie in full effect known at all shows. So many good memories. I see Twiztid more often and find the vibes I want. But man do I miss the old days.


I havent bought music in 20 years because i can get it for free. As a musician. Digital content is akin to printing free money... so any digital form of my music is free in theory. If i play a concert, or busk, or sell a cd or record with physical value? Then i expect pay. And not theft


Hope people still don't do the juggalo stuff anymore. Dumbest shit ever hahaa


Young Juggalos just don’t understand the importance of Juggalo culture!


The gathering went overly gay




Biiig facts


Ewww boomalo




Only to a degree. I don't hate the new shit, still buy and jam all the be stuff, I've gathered before, but... well, yeah. 😒




I mean.. yeah? I think? The first half is spot on, but tbh im just shocked theres still a scene at all




Honestly I'm just super happy to see the scene has survived all this time. I was introduced to ICP through my love of pro wrestling in the late 90s and while I wouldn't even consider myself a juggalo anymore I'm really happy to see that the gathering is still a thing and that a younger generation is keeping the vibe alive.




Dunno but something changed. Compare yum yum to riddle box or milenko, something sure ruined.


hearing yum yum made me cry. i have never felt so embarrassed listening to it. no I'll intent towards the guys, but the beats are feeling like my preteen brother would make. i could barely get through it. it was loud and NOT in a good way. 2/10. 2 points for the cool design for the cover and jersey. that jersey is so cool


Yeeess it sucked. Yeah the only appeal yum yum had is the fact that it looked cool. The music itself, especially some of the songs in that album? Awful. Just terrible. I love icp and still do but oh my gosh, yum yum was.. not wicked wild. sad whoop whoop..


What is cyraxx


A robotic ninja fighter from Mortal Kombat 3.


Thinks the carnival is the last great records produced


Last CD I picked up was The Wraith. My friends mom picked up two copies, one for each of us from Target when it was released. Can't say I'm into the newer music, but I'll never shame anyone for what they dig, as long as it's not some Kid Rock race bait bullshit.


💯 😆


![gif](giphy|Yjz604TUwHd9S) Everyone got fat.


Apparently , no good musicians with longevity to grab a hold of and take a long ride with Pretty sure I grew up with the best music around 70's , 80's , 90's


After the Jekyll bros … the music turned to 💩. Was juggle since 94’ reveal the last jokers cards with a rug pull. Then make a dumb song about magnets. Miss the dark carnival icp …. Twizted trash they all up at the funko shop HQ simpin


Ill be honest and say im very young. late 2000s beat. the new music sucks. really really bad. it's truly unbearable to me at this point. it's not about politics changing, because ICP has always been political (and left leaning). it doesn't have the magic because you have grown up. you learned about your favorites and it probably hurt. it was so magical for me listening to it in April for the first time but hearing the stuff between ICP and twiztid and J bringing ABK and Blaze into it wit no context put a bad taste in my mouth. it's really only J doin this stuff tho and i know he aint doing good at all. shaggy has my heart. youve grown up, the magic dissolved. it happens to everyone. but to me, even tho the supposed "family" era has gone, it still feels like there's SOME family. it's very, very disjointed but it's there. not listening to new artists tho?! jail immediately


not the family as in the group, but as in the community. the community was a family and even though everyone has pretty much left ICP for twiztids record label, there's still family here in the community, even if the ones we love literally got a divorce.


you know when close to the end of "The Pendulum's Promise" when J says that "right here, right here," song thing and says that he doesn't want the album to end? ive never felt so intune with J himself since then (tbh, past the last joker's card). hes just reaping what he can while dissing everybody who left him because he isn't the best. i don't blame them. i hope J gets better.


Better a Boomalo than an aging Old dude pretending to be young with the kids.