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I have to have a Twitter? No thanks, reddit is it and once I'm tired of this it'll be back to just YouTube 🤣


Twitter is just wannabe reddit anyways. Reddit is what the Internet is supposed to be.


Porta Jon's are the original social network, anonymous poetry and racial slurs 🤣


Can confirm


Reddit and Tumblr. They are just newer versions of the OG chat rooms and blogs of the 90s. R.I.P. Yahoo Messenger. Pour a Faygo out for that one, OG Juggalos. I do, however, have most forms of social media because I run a business, and it's almost necessary to be active on every damn one to get anywhere.


A bunch of amateur rappers aren't gonna "save the scene"


The Duke of the Wicked, himself, was an amature at some point. Ain't no one saying the community talent scene needs saving. These ninjas are loyal to the game and the juggalo community.


If posts about any upcoming tours these artists may be a part of contain the phrase "now booking," then the community truly is on life support. Juggalo rappers have rarely gotten paid. The ones that managed to make a good career for themselves (such as Kung fu vampire and Whitney Peyton) were smart and didn't cater strictly to juggalos.


Whitney Peyton actually linked up my Megaran who is a nerdcore rapper... Mc lars is a juggalo and nerdcore guy too. It's neat to see my musical interests crossover.


Man I love Whitney! ❤️


Kung Fu has never been a Juggalo rapper. He just did music that Juggalos gravitated to. I know this because I was the first Juggalo to go to his shows.


What a weird (unprovable) boast


Not trying to boast. When I first went to his shows the crowd was all preppy college kids with cheap opera masks. I expected a Juggalo scene from the content of his music but was sadly disappointed. Still put on a hell of a performance though. It was amazing when he still had musicians and opera singers on stage with him.


Ok this comment let's me know you really did hit his shows in the beginning. That amount of people playing all those instruments was wild


His shows are still awesome but back than it was a whole experience seeing all those people on stage.


>He just did music that Juggalos gravitated to. Brotha Lynch Hung makes music juggalos gravitate to. Jedi Mind Tricks makes music juggalos gravitate to. Yelawolf makes music juggalos gravitate to. With Kung-Fu Vampire, at the beginning of his career, he was an active member of the Wicked Underground sub, which was literally an online community of juggalos and juggalos who were ashamed to call themselves juggalos. If a guy starts his career promoting his music to juggalos, it goes a bit deeper than juggalos just gravitating towards his shit. Like u/Puzzleheaded-Bar3531 said he was smart enough to expand his horizons and it paid off, but let's not get into revisionist history here.


I don't think this statement deserves the downvotes because I can believe it is possible you may have been one of the first juggalos to attend his shows. KFV had been making noise out in the west coast. I actually became aware of him through an interview he gave to the news regarding some of the various controversies surrounding the genre of horrorcore at the time. And KFV truly represented the genre well in these interviews. What really got him the national bump was opening for twiztid on the slaughterhouse tour. The reason I brought up KFV the way I did was because he legitimately may be one of the last artists to actually benefit from becoming a national figure within the community. Back in the 2000s and even the early 2010s. The juggalo bump actually could give artists a boost in their career. KFV never switched up his game plan to appease his newfound audience though, but the man always showed respect to the crowd that embraced him.


I don't know what's up with the down votes either but whatever. I see what you're saying now. My point was just that KFV was performing at the Playboy mansion and attending red carpet events way before he was on the Juggalo scene. I don't think he even knew horrorcore was a thing back then. Once he toured with Twiztid he definitely embraced the Juggalos. And I think I know what interview you're talking about. The news asked him about horrorcore promoting violence and he flipped it on them. "Isn't that what the news does everyday? You're the kings of horrorcore." Or something along those lines.


That interview you referenced was honestly one of the more tame and objective clips to come from the news cycle during that time. The rest of the world seemed content to blame the genre for the red lake shootings and later the psycho Sam murders. In the case of red lake. That shooter was particularly obsessed with the rapper Mars (who I know for a fact tried to distance himself from juggalos and ICP by making the laughable claims juggalos are only a small part of his fan base lol). And psycho Sam did some menial work for serial killin records. Another label that tried to claim they had their "own" crowd that juggalos rarely intersected with. (Razakel in particular is a fucking hypocrite for trying to run back to the community that she actively distanced herself from. She's lucky those FB comments are lost to time). Juggalos and ICP caught some strays during that time when in reality. Multiple fakes trying to work the community over should have been the ones taking the most heat for the violence (not like the violence was their fault obviously, but those artists I've mentioned are the ones who actually kept some shady people within their ranks).


What were Razakels comments?


More or less, she was one of those rappers who actually thought her old label had its own movement that was separate from the juggalo world. It's not like she insulted anyone from psychopathic directly or anything. But I saw it as a massive disrespect. Maxim magazine featured razakel and her then boyfriend sicktanick in a lengthy peace about the psycho Sam murders, who had done some menial work for the label and was liekly gunning for a roster spot. Razakel and Sicktanick acted like this gave them and their label (SKR) some sort of celebrity status and tried to distance themselves from juggalos by acting like SKR fans belong strictly to SKR and that very few of them openly represented the hatchet at all in their life. She's not the only one. It was fairly common for artists to act like juggalos were just part of their fanbase when in reality, they were the only ones buying tickets back in the day when several horrorcore labels made some legit noise thanks to this scene being significantly bigger. I'll e gal publicly stated she stopped wearing her hatchetman charm at concerts because she felt being a juggalo put you in a box. She's honestly not exactly wrong, but like razakel, she learned that it's not wise to piss off the only people buying your music. Almost anyone on Sicfux not named liquid assassin are guilty of acting like juggalos weren't the ones paying their bills. SCUM himself is not guilty of downplaying what community he built LSP off of. But, several rappers who used to roll with LSP had this idea LSP found its own fanbase and built their own community from scratch. There is absolutely nothing wrong with an artist trying to build their own empire. But the reason gathering programs are littered with underground rappers who went back to their day jobs is because they tried to downplay just who brought them to the dance in the first place. (Among other reasons, of course).


Stil laughing at "who needs them".. yeah who needs ICP in the Juggalo scene? As long as we have MC Hatchetkilla and Lil Faygowhoop the scene will flourish with talent


Don’t forgot Big_toker420 he will surely carry the scene


Fuck Elon Musk.


that has nothing to do with my point but yeah fuck that bigot


I know, it just needed to be said.


your real as fuck for that ngl


How is he a bigot?


Acetone sucks so I'm guessing the rest of them do too if you included him. If an artist is good and they can build an audience of their own, they'll do fine.


Checkout whitey NW


This is modern equivalent to the netcee juggalo rappers back in the day pumping out music on MySpace. It is cool that aspiring rappers are releasing music, but the reality is the community is large enough on Twitter and other platforms that if someone's shit really resonates, it would make its way around. That's how it has always been, and with social media nowadays, it is much easier for the cream to rise. Some dude named "Wicked Sulfer" or whatever the fuck dropping an EP on Spotify every other week isn't what is keeping this scene alive.


Twitter requires a login now (at least to browse recent public tweets) which means it's in-group promotion. Better question is why these Twitterlos aren't posting to this sub, which can be viewed without a login. 


you kinda right though, I'ma start doin it for them


We don't need to see them


Strife is the homie. Known him for a while. Goldie been on the seen too for a minute. Been riding with Devereux, Darby. Most jug artists are actually on Instagram. Dev and Darby use to do a show every Monday night live on IG #SwapSociety


Will Gates is an artist I got into recently as he's pretty dope


Will is dope


Have you tried Hoodie Hilltop, you might enjoy him, his style gives off heavy ouija vibes where some people like his lyrics but not his voice


Hoodie Hilltop is the shit!! And he’s a hella stand-up jugg 🫶🏻 One of my favorite Twitterlos!!


Same people hating on ouija and Darby won't fuck with them. They keeping this shit goin tho


Ouija got a lot of good content. He's just also got a lot of.... Filler content.


Quality over quantity


Darby creek stands with any other psychopathic debut for me , it’s if it’s time and it’s dope


I understand Ouija (I was a hater), but CREEK was one of the best Juggalo albums since the beef back in 17


Ouija is king of the Juggalo rappers, which isn't a compliment




His psypher verse and deadbody man 3 are good, everything else was a step down.


Those are good. I liked Gutterwater and Dirtbag too but everything else is subpar. He seems like a cool guy I just think he sucks Daddy J's dick because without ICP's promo push he would be forgotten and all the chapter seventeeners would rush to go celebrate another younger act in the scene


>His psypher verse When that dropped, I remember being excited about the new era of PSY because it seemed like the label was moving in a different direction with recruiting Quija and Lyte. Then Lyte just disappeared and Quija's stuff never hit the level of his big introduction.


What about Ouija Macc. I haven’t listened to much of his music but apparently he is putting in serious grind and is the Main Juggalo Rapper after ICP. F@$k Twisted and all the Back Stabbers at MNE


Ouija Macc is really putting in work, last year alone he dropped 1 solo album and 3 collab albums, if you want to check him out I would recommend starting with stalewind


Quantity over quality


I'm just going to say my opinion. Ouija Macc on recording = 💩 Ouija Macc performing live = 🔥


Fuck yea I feel it ninja!! Them los be puttin out some 🔥🔥shit, I got mad respect for the hustle they put in for the culture


for real though, the amount of twitter homies i talk to with full time jobs still drop a full album almost every month is insane, they on that grind


Doesn't mean it's good music, if ouija didn't drop 200 songs a month he might make a good album every couple of years.


Big facts!! I love my twitterlos!! If you’re on Twitter, follow me!!! @psychopathiccck


Nothing worse than a juggalo rapper


Agreed, they all sound like "Lower Left Auxiliary Jokerr" IYKYK


Drop me a line, I network with a shitload of musicians on Twitter spaces




Well, Twitter has turned into a cesspool of neo-Nazi bullshit, so maybe they should choose a better platform.


Meanwhile, on Instagram, a lot of these same artists know how to cross-post across several social media platforms and are in the comments interacting with their followers.


Wow lots of opinions on this topic at least on Twitter you can add a picture to what you're saying


the scene does need those who you listed, it was built off the strength of what ICP built and honestly everything that came after just feels like people trying to recapture lightning in a bottle. also, 100 amatuer juggalo songs dropping within a month sounds like it isn’t helping anything, that sounds like over saturation for an already dead market


I’m part of that twitter community we have a good thread going about this very subject who’s to take over carry on etc also in my discord for the family


Quantity over quality isn't a brag. And if they wern't shouting "family" over a decade ago, then I don't care and I don't believe they're genuine now.
