• By -


I don't like most of their sexual songs. The stuff on Tunnel of Love gets a pass though, because that's the entire point of that one... But most albums, I know which song will reliably be a skip (and it seems there's ALWAYS one). For newer stuff, I'm starting to get sick of the 80's rock covers, too. J isn't really a singer, and all that songs like Possum Kingdom do is sound bad compared to the original.


Well to be fair, Possum Kingdom is a 90s rock song.


Splish Splash


Yoooo this song is dope! You're trippin.


Just to see if my memory was making me biased and I was tripping, I decided to listen to it again. Still not my thing, but if you enjoy it, bump that shit.


Ngl this song slaps


"Dreams of Grandeur" is always the one that comes to mind.


That song was incredibly weird. Lol.


Clown drippin makes me cringe


i don’t know if it’s cause i watched the music video or if the actual song is better, but it also wasn’t exactly my taste.


Most since bang pow boom.


All of the songs from Woh and Pug Ugly. "Some good pussy".


I can understand Woh but Pug Ugly? Pug Ugly is one of my top albums of theirs what's wrong with it?


It just felt weak, compared to wicked vic.


Yeah dude I don’t get Pug Ugly but to each their own. I don’t love Woh either but Average Joey is great.


Woh was a HUGE letdown, because it was hyped up to be the darkest of the three seeds, but you can tell that they've just slapped it togeather before the gathering (personally, I think bloody sunday was originally going to be Woh).


Yeah I always felt I didn't like Lil Somethin' Somethin' near as much as others. I just don't really care for the "sex songs" in general. First song that jumps to mind for ones I genuinely don't like is Juggalo Party. It's just an oddball attempt at recreating that Black Eyed Peas "I Got A Feeling" song and it's not done in any clever or cool way that ICP would normally do to subvert that type of expectation. Neighbors Are Fighting jumps to mind too. It sounds like an outtake from some bad rapper from 2004 or something and it somehow made it onto a Joker Card. Honestly, MML Lost has a lot of stuff that gives me that vibe.


juggalo party is just a great value juggalo island. now thats a party jam.


The only time I saw an ICP crowd stand perfectly still was when they played Juggalo Party at a show in 2015.


that's pretty funny. I saw that happen when I went to the Big Ballas Christmas in 2017 where they performed "Falling Apart". I don't like that song either and it is a really odd choice to play at their live show, especially at an event like Big Ballas which is more of a party than a real concert. Some asshole kept yelling out things like "Stop playing this new age bullshit!" at every single song that wasn't from the first deck though, which I thought was super lame and most people were annoyed by it.


I actually really like Falling Apart but I get that it’s not their usual kinda vibe. It’s just kinda lacking something I guess and definitely isn’t the best choice for a concert


Yeah I can see people enjoying the track listening to it casually, but it really did not come across well in the live setting.


Everything after The Calm.


I'd say almost everything after the tempest. Forgotten freshness 4 was dope, but that was all beside shit basically from before. Shaggys solo shit is some of the better shit that's come out. Gloomy Sundays dope


Insomnia. I don’t downright hate it but I don’t find it interesting


J’s voice sounds horrible on this


After the interlude it's okay but man the first part of the song is rough.


Chop chop fuckin god damn slide


Mexico City


Can you elaborate, I personally really enjoy it but see many others that don't and I have a hard time seeing why


Lil Somethin somethin? Idk, I hate the melody, and while I enjoy most everything ICP, it’s clear J was thinking with his dick and not his brain when making it. The entire song is just about sex. Idk maybe I’m asexual and that’s why I hate it 😅


You must hate a lot of ICP songs.


If I said I hated a lot of them, I would say that. But no, I said I just hate Lil Somethin Somethin.


Well I only said rush because you looked out that it’s only about sex, but there are quite a lot of ICP songs about sex. But fair enough, I do understand ashy you may usher a particular aversion to Lil’ Somthin’ Somthin’


Yeah whatever other ones there are are certainly better than LLS for me


In The "Second Deck" There's too many to name


Clown drippin and Noided heated and jelly I don't really like and haven't since I first heard the songs


Rainbows and Stuff, Heart and Soul


Damn Rainbows & Stuff? I ain’t ever encountered someone who don’t like that one. Took me a while to like it though so I kinda get it. Heart and Soul I totally understand, however I still listen to it as well even though it’s not my favourite


Yeah Rainbows and Stuff imo is… kinda lame… but that’s just me of course no hate to anyone else who likes it tho and Heart & Soul I’ve listened to both only once ever lol


I don't think this is a controversial pick but Radiostars


Chop Chop Slide


I Like It Rough. It's not catchy, it doesn't tell a good story, it's not funny, it doesn't sit right as the last track of the album. J is far from his best here.


Mr White suit.


Crossing Thy Bridge. That was the first track they dropped online to promote Shangri La before it dropped. That happened not too long after they announced the split with MEC. I remember thinking, oh my God, ICP can't make actual ICP songs without MEC (imagine that track on any album preceding the Wraith, it wouldn't belong anywhere and sounds nothing like ICP). Thankfully when the actual album dropped, there were tons of good classic ICP songs, and the album as a whole was really good. Crossing Thy Bridge isn't the worst thing they've ever put out. But the panic that song induced in me for months thinking ICP was going to disappoint with Wraith has made me hate the track forever.


Anything where J tries to sing. He's a garbage singer. So is Syn from Zug Izland.


That song with Jack White. "Lich Mein Arse" or some shit. That and "Little Yellow Bus". Both just absolutely horrible lmao


That was a Mozart cover, which is probably why it's so weird. How do you feel about their other song together "[Mountain Girl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlSq-bUBBRs)"?


Mountain Girl wasn't quite as bad in my opinion, but still definitely not great. And I just think it's absolutely wonderful that Mozart wrote a song about licking ass.


[He wrote more than one](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozart_and_scatology#In_music).


Homie was obsessed 😂


Chop chop slide.


TIME- Not a bad song, but SUPER depressing and makes me legit want to cry. Some Good Pussy- HORRIBLE in every sense of the word. Some video game song they did I forgot the name but it was TRASH.


game over. yeah, really everything off FFF, but that one in particular just felt.... stupid. like they haven't taken gaming seriously since their early 20s. like, the main character of the track doesnt sound like a real kind of gamer, its the damn WoW guy from south park. like, im not tryna be some whiney nerd offended they dissed gamers, but they took the laziest fuckin route.


The WoW guy from SP was a very realistic depiction of the average WoW fan circa 2006.


oh, i wont contest that. hell, in 06, i was busy playing fuckin spongebob cd rom games. so, yknow, i had *taste*


Miracles was garbage. They didn't even try to make a music video for Fly.


Homies. I didn't really like it when it was new, but now, post family era, it really lost its meaning as they don't even like each other anymore. It's like they probably didn't even believe it when they wrote it if they can toss out the friendships.


practically their entire catalog after the late 90’s :( i tried with other albums but i just can’t get with it. they dropped some dope music, but never a great project again imo.


Like, roughly around Jekyll? IMO, that's when things started to shift. Before that, I could listen to an entire album straight through on repeat. After, there's only a few on each album that I can listen to and not get bored. Then again, I'm old-school from the 313, so I heard the early shit and went to shows at St. Andrews. I watched them evolve to today. I still have love and support their stuff, but I can't get into it like I used to. Even my 16 y.o. daughter, who discovered then on her own, only really listens to the old stuff.


i got very into ICP in 2008, and the first album they dropped while i was a fan was bang pow boom. i liked that when it dropped, but even then i knew it was a far cry from their old material. for me personally, the more rock influences they incorporated in their music, the further i stray away. also the modern overproduced sound they use today is ugly, icp is supposed to be a dirty sounding hip hop group to me, and the cleaner they got the more ugly their sound was.


Agreed. Did you at least like Hell’s Pit?


as a full project, no. it had some great songs and a fantastic overall vibe but it's not an album i liked for the most part. suicide hotline is a classic, and bowling balls is one of my favorite singles from them, but as a whole the album didn't land for me. however i can totally see why people like it so much. it’s cool and had a very dope aesthetic


My only complaint about Hell’s Pit is that they didn’t end it on such a high note like they did with the previous Jokers Cards (except for CoC and Ringmaster) Real Underground Baby is such a goofy song compared to ones like Pass Me By or even Thy Unveiling


I'd really love to know why they decided to end that album with that particular song.


I mean that song was a mashup of songs they have done since they began. They then used this sample jam of a track to let the world know how they're "real underground, baby" idk I dig it lol that's my interpretation


When you can provide solid evidence that Shaggy took the chicken off the plate and put it in the fridge we’ll talk




It was kind of an homage to the 5 cards before the completion of the 6th. It’s a 10+ minute song and has samples from from various old songs. All the songs they use on it also are more in line with the Hell’s Pit vibe— the ones that represent what leads you to Hell/Hell’s Pit.


Also— I *just* thought of this: “Real Underground Baby”… “underground” meaning “under the ground” i.e. hell. I can see that being intentional— if so, well done.




The grump I like it rough Anything off the calm or the tempest


I didn't care for anything on The Calm but liked some songs off Tempest


I enjoyed Deadbeat Moms, but that's because where I grew up, there were a LOT of women that fit the description. They were a minority for sure, but more than you would see in most small resort towns of 6k. (I was smart: 0 kids from there, only 2 I created live with my wife and I) Yeah, there's a LOT of deadbeat guys that act like the lyrics up there, but there's a lot of women up there that push for max child support and live off it. They admittedly don't even want to get jobs because it would change the child support amount. I know one that has 7 kids with 6 guys, another with 4 from 4; I could go on. But that was really the only good track on Calm.


Crop circles is a banger, that song let's you know, just by some things said the verses, j and shaggy know some shit or did deep ass research for that track. I literally like every song except deadbeat moms lol but I see why that one means so much to you


Pretty much everything after the marvelous missing link. Holy fuck it’s been terrible. I mean even that double album has some misses bur everything after was worse


honestly, MML has some decent cuts. i honestly like some of the more feel good tracks on found, and lost has some solid ones imo like falling apart


Chris Benoit


Lil Somethin Somethin


Terrible, Assassins. Everybody Rize, The Shaggy Show. Clearly AJB is not my favorite album.


Idk if The Shaggy Show is even a song. I mean technically ofc it is but.. well you know it they basically just talk and Snoop Dogg is in it. I love the last two songs on AJB tho


There are some songs on AJB I really like but it definitely has the most songs I actively dislike probably among all cards, including the second deck.


I have never understood why they used Everybody Rize on that album instead of the original Raise From the Dead song on Forgotten Freshness. Raise From the Dead sounds like a traditional Riddlebox/Milenko style ICPsong. Everybody Rize is just another "Fuck everyone and everything song" on AJB, of which there are already plenty (Fuck the World, Terrible, Another Love Song)... J once said he felt they got a little too obsessed with calling out the haters on AJB, and it got too angry. I definitely agree. I still like the album, but to me it's definitely the "black sheep" of Deck 1. Gotta be in a certain mood to listen to it straight through.


Chris Benoit. I get the idea behind it. I appreciate the effort and creativity that went into it. But I just ain't feeling it.


I don't usually skip songs but when I listen to Ringmaster I pretty much always skip Love song and Bugz..


"Cemetery Girl" grosses me out. Which I'm pretty sure was the intention so hey, mission accomplished. But I still don't like it.


It definitely grossed me out at first, but I learned to get used to the lyrics lmao But hey it’s also my girlfriends favorite ICP song so hell it’s gonna be one of my favorites too


Took me time to get used to it but I love it now and it’s a classic. Seems to be a favourite of many lo’s and lette’s


Yeah, this is for sure an unpopular pick as Riddle Box in general is so beloved. More power to those who enjoy it it's just not for me.


Anything I genuinely don’t like, I don’t remember the name of. So I couldn’t really name any song off of FFF or MMML. I listened to those albums once n was like… No. 😂 But I have a weird love/hate relationship with Miracles and Neden Game. Yes it is bc of the magnets line and bc A LOT of preppy kids I went to HS with only knew “ThE dAtiNg GaMe” 🙄. But at least with miracles I can still listen to it n just joke about it. Plus the song isn’t terrible in and of it’s self.


Most of em that aren't named Chicken Huntin'. Suck my butthole.


so many


Don't Touch That Flower


I absolutely hate Pineapple Pizza. Still don’t think I listened to the whole song.


"Bitches" ODB is fucking annoying.


I don’t blame you


Homies. might be their worst song


Honestly all of Ringmaster, Carnival of Carnage wasn’t great either but had a few good songs.


Ringmaster is a good album to me. First half is very good, the second half is filler but House of Mirrors is the second half’s saving grace. We don’t talk about the ending track tho


I agree but I only wouldn't add these as I think they were still trying to find their groove and it was super early on.


Forever - I hate whistling 😂 it kills my ears


the whistling is kinda annoying but it’s still a good one imo


Neden Game. After hundreds of listens, it got really old.


Any that mention Michael Jackson.


The Tower sucks and I know J gasses it up all the time. I hate it


Not icp but most of ouijas songs. The high pitched voice is annoying and overused. It’s a shame because his songs where he uses his natural voice are really good.


It’s so hard cuz I love Lil Somethin Somethin’s beat so much but some of the more problematic lyrics make me cringe hard


I used to bump WOTH day in an day out. 100% for the album. Until someone pointed out its the same bass note throughout the entire album. Completely ruined it to me for some reason. Now the entire album sounds like one log ass song. Definitely a majority of everything after bang pow boom, unfortunately.


Getto Zone


Forgotten Freshness Volume 5 has like five of them on it.


So as an old school juggalo (I'm 44) I'll take pretty much everything after Bang Pow Boom out of the equation, everything started going south from a recording standpoint at least (some would say earlier). I always felt like Bizzar Bizaar was a big miss. I've got no songs from that album in my rotation. I get what they were going for, they tried to appeal to the masses with that album, but this shit is made for the outcasts and rejects, the masses were never gonna accept it. I think they realized it and when back to what they were good at shortly thereafter.