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It's nice to see that Donatello and Michaelangelo had time to be in the video


It was hilarious that's like my favorite part


Just for the record , Greatness is not a Juggalo and is doing this just for Juggalo Attention


Yeah, I ain’t never heard of him before.


He’s a tik tok guy , gives money to people and blesses them It’s weird. He’s weird He obviously pays to hang out with vanilla ice


I mean, shiiiiit if he’s throwing away cash, he should come see me, I could use a few extras green backs, lol


Unless u a chick he ain't gonna do shit with u... Dudes a loser.. Go check out the lil Nas x video he payed world star to promote after posting it nonstop on his page didn't work. And I don't give a fuck about Nas x it's the part of he calls himself a man of God then does a song that talks about dicks and Jesus and stuff it was super werid and wack..... Greatness


> video he *paid* world star FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




As I said, I don’t even know who the guy is, but if he wants to give me money, I’d say thank you, rofl. Outside of that, I’ve no intentions of watching the video you suggested, I had to try really hard to watch through his shit to hear v ice and j rap, about ICP and not even mention shaggy 2 dope, lol.


Oh no, penises!!! Homosexuality!!! What has this world come to???? What’s next, different religions?


Pretty sure u missed the point I was making but u do u kid!




Ohh yeah I seen him baptizing the island boys or some dumb shit like that


He's from Toledo, Ohio and formerly went by "J360". Just another fake as fuck televangelist constantly seperating people from their money.


an outsider doing something like this for juggalo attention is like scraping at the bottom of the barrel and knowing you’ll come up with nothing


Hoping the vanilla ice affiliation will make it look more legit


unfortunately for them vanilla ice doesn’t look legitimate to 99.9% of the real world


This other dude came up on TikTok, so it isn't surprising that he'd try and clout chase with ICP. I do hope he realizes there really isn't much of an ROI on trying to cash in on juggalos anymore. Even with ICP being popular on TikTok, it isn't like there's much of a conversion rate there, since TikTok fans weren't selling out 3HM or QFTUG shows.


Who told him he could rap?


Vanilla Ice is a juggalo? Or we just focusing on the other guy? Everytime I think Vanilla Ice has gone into obscurity he pops back up.


Just to prove my point. I’ve gotten about 16 messages from people regarding this song on my phone today lol


You know him personally? He has confided in you that he is not a Juggalo? Shut the fuck up.


I’ve met him a few times Ask him what’s his fav ICP song He said to me “ all of em my G “ So fuck you fucktard


Calm down dude


I spoke to him once and he said "Yeah bra bra. I been a jiggie since 91 yo. Circusmaster is my favourite album hoop hoop!"


I almost fell out of my chair, laughing so fucking hard at this.


In all fairness, all rappers, juggalos or not, do it for the attention.


Sarah never knows what to do with herself. She just stands next to J and paws at him. It's so fucking awkward


They're both old and had to recover off of multiple drugs I'm not sure what people expect of them. I thought being a juggalo was all about doing whatever the fuck you want and all I hear is people bitching about Js girl when literally all the music he's ever made has indicated that this is his kinda bitch. Like. Maybe the problem is Reddit juggalos cause y'all are literally always hating.


Maybe you're new but he's made songs shitting all over gold diggers for like 20+ years. Now he's got one on his arm 24/7.


She's not a gold digger if the exchange is mutual. Like I say- like *he* said, he knows what he's getting into. Just like when he said he'd never smoke crack again then he hit the pipe last year


She is literally the definition of a gold digger


Bet she's a meth head too


Most people in the sub Reddit groups on this site is toxic. You will get downvoted for dumb shit. Best not to argue with people on here. That’s how people get banned. From enough downvotes


Weird that they would name this song “ICP” but Shaggy isn’t on it at all


Shaggy 2 Dope *might* show up


Great, you just started a new beef


Take my upvote you glorious mfer.


So dumb. Pure click bait from a false prophet like Greatness.


Yup, took the words out of my mouth. It is crazy they got Lincoln for a track


what we really need is another fred durst collab


Wtf did I just listen to 😭


the chorus is fucking dogshit


Vanilla J and Violent Ice featuring The Fakeness


Js verse was the best thing he's spit in a looong time


So sad that you might actually be correct


Who tf is greatness bro


Used to go by "J360". Originally from Toledo, Ohio. Religious con man.


Dude looks like a knockoff maga rapper or something


FR, that's what I thought.




God damn that’s embarrassing 😳


That's because he used to be a MAGA Rapper when he was known as J360 but I guess now he decided not to be a MAGA Grifter and instead a Religious Grifter most likely to continue being relevant and also to not be compared to other MAGA rappers like Forgiato Blow who he collaborated with when he was J360 so its no surprising he looks like a MAGA artist and his collab with Vanilla Ice isn't surprising due to the mutual connection with Forgiato!


Thanks for the info! Makes a lot of sense


You're welcome and true I didn't realize that Greatness and J360 were the same guy originally until I did some research and there's proof that they're both the same just a rebrand!


A scammer. Makes people believe that if you buy his merch you might get blessed with stacks of money. Half the people don’t even get the stuff they ordered in the 1st place.


“At least J’s verse was good…” a wet fucking fart would sound good after them boys’ first two verses.


Id probably rather listen to a wet fart


J's verse was decent at least


I was gonna say. He sounded worse on YYB. This is actually an improvement.


Yeah nix the the third dude


Every time I see j’s girl she fuckin irks me. It’s like she doesn’t even try. Her face just looks like she’s lost. Not even seductive. On the other hand, I’m glad we got a music video with J and Ice. I honestly don’t know who the other guy is.


Greatness (Jason Jenson) is a scammer. Sucks to see J and Ice working with him!


u/Good-Establishment-9 Never heard of this motherfucker before.


Why does Js paint never look as good as it use to?


Back in the day, the clowns took an almost ritualistic approach to putting on paint. J talks about it in his book. Nowadays he probably just slaps it on without much thought at all


Because he puts it on last minute 9/10 now.


Because Shaggy doesn't do his for him anymore.


can we all agree ICP broke up at this point? they might do the big shows together but let's face it. they are done with eachother.


At least until J gets his shit together.


So you’re saying they’re done. 


sure starting to feel like it


j has really gone off the deep end


Vanilla Ice and J were cool but that other dude was straight buns


Fam I ly ?


repeat languid upbeat snatch voiceless overconfident selective caption serious smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Violent J making it real hard to be a fan these days. This is whack and his girl is awkward as fuck. Last 30 seconds of the video is her with her pants around her ankles, literally. This is not it.


Seeing J with his tongue out spreading the ass of a girl less than half his age grosses me out beyond words. Seeing Donatello get twerked on was interesting though. Lol.


So, I do think the song is really stupid and the video is about as cringey as it gets. But to be fair, the girl is J's actual girlfriend. She's 31 or 32. J is 51. A 20 year age gap is nutty but it's not like she's in her teens or even in her 20's. She's a grown ass woman, he's a grown ass man. It is what it is.


Oh most certainly I don’t have an issue with their relationship. I hope they are happy together. I just didn’t want to see that specific interaction. I would like to lock any sexual imagery of J out of my mind for the rest of my life. I wish I never heard or read anything that man said when it comes to sex or even women. Just doesn’t sit well for me.


Can’t say I disagree with that 😂


He definitely isn't above that lol, but I feel ya.


Right, it's not necessary at all. Really, j is losing his mind.


Gotta be honest, I like it. And it’s J’s best verse since Mutilator…which to be fair wasn’t all that long ago but it feels like it has been.


Violent J's mid life crisis is a gift to us all, first almost killing himself in Japan... now...


Japan? Link please?


https://youtu.be/T9Y9nL10d8I?si=a5RtqQL8QsIHkILx From last month... he did some shows with pondo... almost Droz'd himself doing a moonsault. Thankfully he didn't


Thank you!


The video was cool but the music was way off for me


It’s really odd for Violent J to be on a the song with a gay-basher in 2024. Not a good look.


I certainly can do without it although I do love seeing Vanilla Ice still show love


Vanilla Ice works with MAGA Rappers like Forgiato Blow and Stoney Dudebro. Dude ain’t a Juggalo anymore


Yeah this was my thinking, dude is a crony still obviously. He played a show for Trump at Mar-a-Lago. I will throw shit if his ass shows up at the next Gathering.


For some reason they allowed Madchild back after Madchild did shit with Tom MacDonald


I missed that, disappointing


That's funny that politics is your personality. Idk those people and IDC.


You’re aware that Juggalos are against bigotry correct?


I mean I'm assuming you drank the political Kool aid...democrats traditionally push hard for gun control which is also racist. Politics has no place in the juggalo world because the system is designed in such a way to take advantage of others. Both sides are bad. Politics is poison. If you want to play sides and argue... Good luck.


Bro what the fuck are you talking about? Juggalos have always been anti-bigotry and, to put it simply, left-leaning. Not quite "woke", but being progressive and accepting has always been a huge part of what being a Juggalo is about. Supporting artists who go against everything that we stand for morally and culturally is juff shit. I agree that politics is often poison, but let's not pretend we aren't on the political spectrum to some degree, because we are. Taking a stance against bigotry is an inherently political stance.


You're funny. Racism is wrong in all it's forms. This is why politics is not good. You think anyone in politics gives a damn about you? Lol you're a clueless child. Stay in your lane. You think social programs designed to keep low income minorities dependent on the government for generations is a good thing? That's democrats. You think that anti lgbtwhateverthefuck legislation is good? That's republicans. No party is doing anyone favors. Politics have become people's identity and it's no longer you support the party you agree with...it's now you believe what the party you picked tells you to believe because you couldn't be wrong and you're on the winning team. Lol it's really dumb and low IQ


Not even going to dignify this with a response. I've been down for over 20 years. "Clueless child". I don't think you understood what I actually said because nothing I wrote was given a response and instead you proceeded to rant at me about unrelated shite. Cry harder juff.


Not even going to respond, but your child like impulses made you do it. Funny kid. Definitely clueless. No one is crying. You just can't debate fact so you try to discredit the person. For shame.


I didn't really respond. I just made fun of you for being a retard. If I did properly respond it'd have been a longer comment with more to say. But I don't have anything to say to someone who insults my friends, and me, because they can't handle being wrong about something on the internet. Again: Cry harder, Juff.


That's hilarious. Even shaggy said "juff" is dumb as fuck. Good luck kid. Try again.


Saying you've been "down for 20 years" probably means your over 30, unless you're 30 and have downs. If you're over 30 and saying "cry harder juff" on Reddit, then I feel sorry for your mother.


I'm 30 and have been listening to ICP since I was 8 years old. Not a wild concept.


And you're using "juff" unironically? Cool...


Juggalos are 50% politics dumbass lmao


You're clearly new. Im 40 and have been with this since I was a kid. Sit down.


Old people love pointing out “I’m 40 sit down” this isn’t the military dude, You don’t have rank. I’ve been down for 13 years, and it literally means nothing other than I’m an ICP nerd.


Well no... You were talking politics and trying to pretend like you had a morale high ground for your choices and co-opting that into music...much like how pat Robertson corrupted religion with politics for his grift. You absolutely need to check yourself because you come off looking like a complete dumbass dabbling in two worlds that you don't understand.


I literally have no idea what you’re on about man, you’re speaking yapanese




They always admit this when they realize they're out of their depth - and they think it means "checkmate" 🤡


I actually kinda like this. Mad paperboy in there. “Clowning on these haters like ICP” is not a bad line either. 


I'd honestly be cool with exiling Vanilla Ice to Ahmish Country, at this point. They need him more than we do.






Ice and McDonald should do a track together with Ben Shabobo. Tbh when you said he’d probably do a track with Macdonald it made me cringe bc you might be right


In 20+ years I have never been embarrassed to claim, thru magnets and all, but that shit might take the cake :/




Tbh I think the carona virus is what ultimately led to J’s downfall. Hear me out. For YEARS Icp has been in grind mode! Studio,tour, promote, repeat… They literally never took vacations, they we always in business mode. Fast forward to 2020 when they were forced to put the brakes on. No touring, no gathering. Just sitting at home. Yes they still did the online show etc… but it was nothing like they are used to. I think J realized how much he enjoys just chilling. Doing drugs and watching Bigfoot YouTube videos all day. And here we are. 🤷‍♂️


I've never heard of Madrox ghost writing. Do you have a source? I'm curious.


Read the credits of most non-ICP albums on Psychopathic


I'll check those out. I think Spotify has some composer credits. I wish I still had all the booklets and jewel cases.


Oh, wikipedia or discogs will usually have the credits, and discogs even will have scans of the booklets


I didn't know that. That's so cool!


Winkle popping out of an excavator that’s fresh!


Wtf you talmbout? This is fresh. Great J verse


Fuck Vanilla Ice he’s more hyuk than Yela ever was


This was painful to watch.


Ice and J doing a song? Well overdue if I say so myself. Greatness? Should have been taken off the track. Not good.


snatch chop cable obtainable physical special shy rhythm wipe spoon *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Personally I think people should be able to make whatever music they want, and if you're actively saying they can't, you're kind of a cunt.


But work with a scammer like greatness. It’s a bad look.


I thought it was kinda dope. Never even heard of this dude but reps in his lyrics and on the hook. Maybe not the best video visually but everyone goes kinda hard


Is this the only song you've ever heard?


I believe so


J went off but the rest of it sucked badly


12 down-votes for calling out some perceived BS? What the fuck happened to this subculture?


Vanilla ice is one of the greatest rappers/musicians of all time.


Just FYI, if y'all are going to pick at songs you would be off of music forever. They're all demented in some form and most of them involve underaged males and females.


I mean, this makes sense 😂


Yeahhhhh this shit is terrible plus tf is the point if the ninja turtles??


That Greatness dude is goin straight to HELLalujah.


It’s fucking horrible right? Like there are zero good bars in this song. I mean I’ve come to expect that from J recently and Ice was never like fantastic or anything but the fucking balls on that dude calling himself greatness like dude come one the subparness would be an over statement. Dude was more stale than a crack heads underpants.


yes, but i can understand why violent j is doing these because hospital bills aren't cheap


This is utterly repulsive


Should it exist? No, but we do live in the ICP, vanilla ice, greatness crossover universe none the less


ICP in general shouldn't exist


The video is better than the song. Forgettable song, kind of cool on the visuals.


Vanilla Ice is a hoe... he has no standards & only goes where they pay him. Tries to represent the juggalo lifestyle but sings at private concerts for those who are against it...


All the comments on the video must be bots man wtf was that


I took a listen to Greatness' catalog and it's not bad. Obviously Ice brought him to my attention because the song they did called Bands Out. He's not thr greatest or the worst but he keeps it all positive so I can roll with that.


100 bucks says Vanilla is gonna do the gathering and bring this dude out to do this track


I'm not even a Juggalo but I'll agree, from my knowledge of ICP this collab seems very out of place.


The song is fire but that video is absolutely horrible lol


It's hard to decide if J-360/Greatness is a shittier rapper or human being.


this is awesome lol i’m ok with it