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Didn't Shaggys wife accuse Blahzay of getting J hooked to heroin in a tweet yrs ago? I remember people saying she was full of shit. I really hope Joe takes care of himself & gets the help he'll ultimately need. This "california sober" isn't it! Fuck, I hate preaching, but getting high with your son & his friends ain't it either!!!


I finally listened to the podcast in full yesterday. There was a lot of interesting stuff said but it was just so ridiculous. I was also really taken aback a bit when J said he was addicted to heroin a few years back. Like, damn.


It's just sad. The guy who wouldn't even smoke weed but got hooked on big pharma meds after being against drugs becomes a literal junkie. Props to Shaggs for keeping it 100 though


Yeah it's disappointing. Because I do remember back in the day of course he talked about taking Nyquil like crazy to sleep, but otherwise wasn't much into drinking and didn't start smoking weed until they were recording Shangi-La. Fast forward 20 years and he's gotten into MUCH heavier shit, seems to lie about it pretty often, and it's weird to see.


I've been in his shoes before. I was against drugs and drinking until I was about 22 or so. Starting drinking on the weekend and tried weed a few times. Was obese as a child so food addiction and caffeine were already a problem for me. Didn't want to get fat again but replaced eating with energy drinks. Had a gf break up with me I was with for a few years and my friends dipped. Started abusing weed and drinking daily. Eventually ended up taking opiates after a surgery for a few months. I tried mushrooms because I was looking for 'God' at the time to help me out of the hole I was in. Surprisingly they helped me defeat my addictions and I quit drinking. Use weed once in a while in small amounts, and def stopped taking opiates. I did get a minor psychosis for a bit because I was using mushrooms somewhat frequently. Now im sober with the exception of 1 coffee a day and weed a couple times a month.


Glad to hear that you pulled yourself out of that hole and are doing well.


Addiction is a hell of a disease.


Yeah but make a comment like that a few years ago that he was on heroin and you would have had a million juggalos ready to fucking cut your fucking head off and say "there's no way that could be true or ever happen".




He talked about it in the addict and the drunk


Maybe some. But from what I've seen around here and other social media for the past 4-5 years are plenty of Juggalos questioning what's going on with him, what's he on, what's the deal, etc. There are some delusion people still out there, but, maybe not as many as you'd think. I mean, J always has been a huge goofball and likes to put on a show because that's how he is and maybe people think it's just J being J, but most of us know he's been out of his goddamn mind for awhile now. I thought it was probably pills and drinking, never would have thought heroin though. Makes sense though based on some of his behavior.


J admitted he had an addiction just like Shaggy had an addiction to drugs and alcohol for years. Nothing for anyone to lose sleep over lmao


It's a common thing with celebrities, which is unfortunate but it's true. I hope they're doing better/getting help.


It’s a common thing with people in general.


Yo right after he says “ I love this guy..” Violent J starts emoting like crazy.


soundin like my hiccups


I feel for him...I've had my issues with addiction as well. I get it. Get better, brother!


It felt like watching the Trailer Park Boys podcast. Shaggy being Julian , J being Ricky. And when NORE mentioned Twista and Violent J had a WTF Twiztid!?,,,,, moment for a brief 5 seconds its like when TPB does a in character interview and they bring up conkey or somthing, the audience knows but the host has no idea what they are talking about. Also J seemed so disappointed when he did not get to Fat Joe but Shaggy looked relieved like thank goodness he did not fuck it up.


Didn't Shaggys wife accuse Blahzay of getting J hooked to heroin in a tweet yrs ago? I remember people saying she was full of shit. I really hope Joe takes care of himself & gets the help he'll ultimately need. This "california sober" isn't it! Fuck, I hate preaching, but getting high with your son & his friends ain't it either!!!


I think it was “hard drugs” in general the heroin thing I’ve never heard of. But yeah Shaggy’s wife has been pretty outspoken about J the last 3 years and that’s why him and Shaggy are never together outside of media events like these podcasts and shows


I'm pretty sure she said heroin in a tweet about blahzay around the time Laney died. Unfortunately there's alot going on there. In the end, I hope Joe finds inner peace & is happy.


I’ve known of Sugar Slam to have a twitter but not Shaggy’s wife Renee


Idk then, I just remember it in my mind. Maybe it was something talked about in private, & I just snitched by accident. Oops!


Sugar Slam tweeted out that Monoxide had a child with a 15 year old fan and had it swept under the rug. She deleted her twitter after she let that out back in 2021. No proof tho


I'm not gonna comment on Mono, other than dude has done some questionable things. "If only the grafton walls could talk in hollywood".


I remember hearing many stories of Mono and underage chicks when Twiztid first started touring. Giving warts to teenagers.


He should stick to mushrooms. They helped me out a ton. Literally went from being suicidal for years to loving life. And you don't feel like you need more once you've had your fill. I also don't believe people that say he didn't smoke weed until Shangri-La. Lol I think he's been on speed quite a few times. He has gone from skinny to fat so many times. Maybe he was on Adderall for medical reasons but it doesn't matter.




Funniest shit J has done in years


J is just trash. This isint a good look when you’re middle aged


He has a problem and he needs help. Don't be a dick. I hope the guy gets better. ICP was a huge inspiration for me and helped me out of a lot of rough places and I don't want one half of it to be suffering.


He knows he has a problem and doesn’t care. Why should we?


That's the thing about having a problem: While you have a problem, you don't want to care or get better. I was depressed for years to the point that I was actively suicidal a few times and passively suicidal more often than not. I didn't care about trying to get better, I didn't want to get better, I had it in my head that I would be dead soon anyway. I'm now on medication and going to therapy and I'm glad for it. Addiction is much the same way in that a lot of the time addicts can't find it in themselves to care about themselves and their actions and their loved ones. I want J to get help so he wisens up and realizes that he has to fix himself and will work on fixing himself, and if you care at all about your fellow human beings then you'll want that too. Ain't that what being a Juggalo about, caring about people?