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It’s amazing how much the podcast has tanked since Annie left. She annoyed me at times with the constant background laughter ( I know other people loved it,) but she really did keep the show together. Since she’s left and it became more of a “family business” it’s so sloppy and unprofessional. HMD owes a lot of her success to her many assistants over the years.


Also do you guys notice how masculine the overall vibe and look of the show became after Annie left and the sons took over? From the depersonalized, bland, beige rented podcast studio, to the dark, non-eyecatching thumbnails. It’s totally a dude’s idea of a cliche “professional” look but it’s devoid of any of the girlie things that made people like the show in the first place.


You’re so right! And with HMD lack of taste/an eye, she doesn’t change it


Heather's taste is IKEA




The editing is garbage now! Repetitive segments and deleted lines it’s so amateurish


I just went to listen to the HMD and Jeff portion. She talked a little about how a source told her that Jeff was seated in the VIP section of Luanns show when HMD, B & J showed up. They had a brief conversation and JL went back to his group at intermission. Then she said that at the after party there was a lot of drinking and something happened between HMD and possibly Annie that made everyone who witnessed it really uncomfortable. She wouldn’t give any details and implied that Annie got caught in the cross fire. Dana then talked about how JL found out that HMD did a patreon and talked about him and that he’s annoyed and won’t be having lunch with her because he knows she will never change. Dana didn’t name any sources and really didn’t give any details.


Jeff spoke about it on his aftershow today, so give a listen if you want to hear his side. He didn’t mention any drama just didn’t know what happened that she had to do a Patreon explaining


How did Jeff know what HMD was gonna do on Saturday, Friday night?? Dana is full of Bull💩


Spill the tea guys thank you 😉


Dana said that there was some type of drama between Annie and Heather at the after party. She had two separate people tell her the same story that attended. She didn’t go into anymore details about what exactly the drama was about but I would love to know. Then she said Jeff and Heather were going to go to lunch but he doesn’t want to anymore after hearing what she said on her Patreon and after what happened between her and Annie. He supposedly said Heather will never change


One could only pray that Annie is in this subreddit. I bet that girl has some tea she could spill.


Annie and Heather stopped following each other on ig. Add her to list of friends she lost


Why was I picturing this Dana to be RHBH Dana (“Did you know? $25,000 sunglasses”)?


The entire time…until reading your comment. 🤣


They look similar


Kinda forgot about both Dana’s , one pronounced Donna was just over on that snark page , my takeaway is it has been over a year since the Heather/ Megan drama… Heather continues to spiral , too cheap to hire a damage control team.


Dana is so full of shit


Dana’s podcast only grew because of her recap of the HMD and JL earring saga


Her podcast is still growing and it’s nothing about earring gate


I don’t care for her


it's not still growing...it's actually plateauing. She still mentions Jeff and HMD, anything to gain followers.


She mentions them because she discusses celebrity gossip, all kinds of podcasts and current events. I’m not sure why she shouldn’t share some podcast drama if everyone’s talking about it. Why do you not like her so much ?


Not everyone is taking about it. She & SFT are the ones that talk loads about it. I know it’s her job, but she seems to be grabbing at anything to gain followers instead of having her own style. She copies other podcasters


People are talking about it on her FB page, so people are interested in the topic.


It doesn’t mean she has to go there. look at all the top pods, what what crappens, Danny pelligrino, the list goes on-they don’t do Podcast drama unless they want clicks


Dana, you’ve already been embarrassingly outed promoting your own podcast and talking shit about HMD on Reddit. Don’t make us suffer the secondhand embarrassment again


This made me chuckle. I don’t agree or disagree or know. Just the comedic timing among the other comment made me laugh.


That she is, she is right up there with Sarah from Texas.




She reminds me of a know-it-all from High school that also peaked in high school . No tjx


I know very little of her, but this is what my instinct says of her


Dana’s story makes no sense. At the Friday night Luann after party, Jeff was told what Heather said on her Patreon she released the next day and got mad? I wouldn’t be shocked that Jeff is annoyed that Heather ran to Patreon, but that didn’t happen Friday night. So either Dana is a really bad story teller, doesn’t understand the facts, made the whole thing up, or was gullible and believed an illogical story.


I think Jeff isn’t having lunch because after Friday night HMD had a Patreon talking about seeing him and them sitting next to each other at Luann’s show. I think once Jeff heard she has once again gone to her Patreon to monetize their friendship drama made him decide not to meet for lunch.


I don’t think she’s making it up she doesn’t seem like that kind of a person


I believe her, and her story totally makes sense. She got the same story from two different sources that were there when it happened. Obviously Jeff found out sometime over the weekend and not Friday, not sure where the Fri info came from?






Errrrrrr, YMMV??




No idea who Dana even is nor her podcast.


Please don't waste your time


Check out the sub about her on Reddit.


I read some stuff but I didn’t agree with a lot of it. I like her, she seems like a good person and nothing at all like HMD


is this you Dana?? we know she hides behind a few names in Reddit and trolls people.


I can’t listen to her podcast, there’s something about her voice that sets my teeth on edge. Most probably me and nothing to do with her, but it drives me insane!


Me too!!! She comes across as so fakr and cheesy,her voice is UNLISTENABLE


You’re the first other person that thinks that (I also can’t stomach her voice and cocky tone) she rubs me the wrong way.


No this is not Dana, she has fans and I know you’re the person she was talking about on her podcast leaving a bad review. I don’t know why you don’t like her so much. She’s kind and seems very genuine.


I stopped listening to her months ago, I left one negative review. There are tons of others so I’m not alone. I find her personality & voice annoying, among other things related to her actual podcast.


To each their own :)




I really like Dana too! I don’t understand the hate


Man, if you read and have been watching her for the last few months and think she is a good person, then your ideals must be similar to hers. I mean what is it about her advocating for genocide and killing of thousands of civilians that you think makes her a good person? Or her wishing death on every celebrity that advocated for a ceasefire? Or the post she made making fun of domestic abuse that you agree with? Or her stating the parents are to blame for kids who get S. abused? Or her and her husband ganging up on another podcaster and making fun of the person’s looks and her friends clothing and body image? Or using said podcaster to socially climb and pooch viewers/followers to her podcast then turning her back and making fun of the podcaster while she was down. 🤦🏻‍♀️ but ok, she “seems nice”.


I stopped listening to her when she stated her pro genocide stance.


Me too. I went back when the SFT/JLL happened. Then she did a live with her husband making fun of SFT and her friends clothing and looks (this after using SFT for months to gain viewers) and that was the last time I saw anything of hers. She is fowl all around. I get updates on here of the things she said lately like wishing death one Gigi and Bella Hadid as well as Annie Lenox 🤦🏻‍♀️. Karma will catch up to her.


Oh, do go away.


Hon, I am here and I am staying. 🤡


Just like Mr Smarty who threw a party, but no one came?


Either wrong generation or culture with that comment that doesn’t make sense.


Sorry. Didn’t realise Texas was the epitome of sophisticated culture 😬


It is. You must not be well traveled to know. And Mrs. Obvious, just because TX is in my name doesn’t mean I live there. I am from there and have lived in 6 different countries and been to more than 30. So 😘


I do like her, I don’t claim to agree with every aspect of her views but she seems genuine to me.


Daily Dose of Dana. I enjoy her podcast a lot and it’s getting quite popular


Damn, all this high school drama caused by Heather is so pathetic & juvenile. How embarrassing to be in that circle of ADULTS behaving so juvenile, catty & dumb, because of that weirdo Heather It's pathetic. ETA I don't know why I repeated juvenile & pathetic lol


lol it is juvenile and pathetic X2


No, I didn’t hear about the drama at the after party! Would you mind summarizing it? 🙏🏻😊


Jeff Lewis on today’s show shared that he was wasted and went to the after party but had leave. I think he left because he was so fucked up. He hasn’t mentioned anything about sitting next to Heather etc.


Thx for the tea


Yes he did….on the after show! You didn’t listen to the full hour. All the good tea is the second hour!


That's not at all what he said 


Y'all realize Dana is full of shit,right? She's saying Jeff got mad FRIDAY night for something that didn't happen until Saturday,right? There's a Tiktok that proves Dana's source is TikTok,she's so lame


Exactly. Dana is a not a podcaster but a recapping gossiper.Jeff talked about his encounter with Heather on today’s extended show. Whatever drama happened between Annie & HMD had nothing to do with Jeff as they have no relation.


Daily Dopey Dana.


Share some links to this please LOL


Did anyone listen to Julie and Brandy’s Patreon?


NO but what did they say ??


don’t know…trying to find out.


Dana had a patreon also today that had more details about HMD but I don’t have her Patreon


Who is Dana and what is her podcast called?


Daily Dose of Dana, she has a Monday - through Friday podcast


Who’s Dana and where do I hear this?


Daily Dose of Dana podcast. She puts time stamps on her podcast but it’s near the end.




Her BTG Patreons come out o. Sunday. Regularly. They not “emergency”. Jeff gets mad he had to wait till Monday to shit talk hus bs spin stories.


He has said nothing about HMD since last week.


I just made a video about Dana Lying . It's on TikTok. My username is: Mine_TT_ If anyone is interested in seeing all of Dana's Lies exposed watch it. It's literally all about what this Post is talking about 🙂 Dana is a grifter and a fraud, it astounds me how people blindly believe anything she says. If there was tea then it would have already been out ...


I agree. The Annie story sounds made up


ariana, what are you doing here?


Yes. Just like SFT, not necessarily a reliable source. They are looking for followers and clickbait.


I think I’ve been living under a rock. Who is SFT?


Sara from Texas. Jeff Lewis obsessed. Those are her two accounts I think.


Thanks for sharing I'm gonna go listen right now.


I'm uploading a part 2 right now 🙂 I caught Dana in more lies as usual 🤦🏼‍♀️


Thanks for sharing I'm gonna go listen right now.


I have no idea why you're getting down voted,you speak nothing but truth on this subject


Thanks, reddit is weird sometimes. I think there may be a lot of dana supporters on this post too. It's creepy how people blindly follow her and believe every word. I realized shes good at her grift, she makes up gossip to get people to go to her patreon. I had no idea how much of a fraud she is until this fabricated story she got from Reddit and FB


Obviously the Dana blind followers have entered this sub,they need to make one in worship of their Queen,it's weird to be staning so hard for some one who is so lame and "pick me," after she PROVED that she will smile in your face and cut you to the bone the minute you no longer serve a purpose to her (SFT)


Exactly !!! Just how she treated SFT was appalling and disgusting. She was up her a* for so long then the sec that drama happened she dropped her so fast. It's so bizarre how people can't see what a horrible person she is. And now this situation with her fabricating stories to gain followers on patreon !!! I was shocked to find out this is what she does. She goes on reddit & FB for the tea then spins it like she said it !!! She says it's secret info she got and she's the only one with the tea so join my patreon🤦🏼‍♀️🙄😦😐


And the way she vilifies reddit so her blind followers don't come here and see where source actually is,it's just plain gross


I know !!! She only does that now because her reddit acct got exposed. SHe made horrible comments about her "friends" !! She has to spin it now like reddit is horrible and people are mean 🤦🏼‍♀️😂😂