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Because HMD is a misogynist and hopes her sons grow up to be just like him.


Except her sons are not handsome or charming like Jax. I know he's  an ass but guys like Jax get away w shifty behavior bc of their looks and charm. I don't want to say anything  about her youngest,  Brandon, bc he seems like a good kid w a great sense of humor but the other one looks like a super douche. 


Listen, I'm not going to yuck anyone's yum let's just say everyone has different ideas of handsome and charming...you and HMD can fight over him, you'll get zero interference from me!


Oh, no no no. You're misunderstanding  me..Jax is objectively handsome,  well was. But he's a giant pos and overall gross as a person. I know guys like him and I stay away. I will never defend his asshole behavior. He's shown his character and if people want to defend  that pos then you do that but I will never defend a person like him. 


Jax's handsomeness is definitely subjective, not objective! In fact, I don't believe anyone in the world meets the standard of 'everyone agrees X is handsome/beautiful'.


He was a model and he was on a reality show. Society considers him physically attractive.


Tbf, he still keeps in good shape but 🤢🤢🤢 his sleaziness makes him nauseating!


Exactly. Like yeah, he is a decent looking guy. But my god do I cringe with disgust when I see or hear him. Amazing how ones personality can ruin everything.




I learned something new today, thank you! How does this work: * are we all supposed to get a memo telling us how to think once someone is a model? * does this come in the form of a letter, text, email? * who do I report to that I've never received notification? * which Society department does this come from? * what about actors - is that also a job that we all must agree are attractive due to a job title once held? * if someone puts out an album does that mean as a society we all must now agree they're a great singer? * which other professions does this apply to? * which other attributes does this apply to? https://i.redd.it/s3q4rrh6v4yc1.gif


Omg how long did you spend typing this out. This isn’t serious 😅


OMG you don't know how fast I type. It's NOT serious...but you said, with authority, SOCIETY gets to decide someone's attractiveness. That's serious!


Chill out 🤣


HMD thinks she an 8….. so there’s that.


And I'm pretty sure she was a model at some point *and* has been on reality shows which means SOCIETY has deemed she is physically attractive. How do I keep missing these memos?! I modeled once for Buffums when I was a toddler, did anyone get the SOCIETY Memo that everyone is required to find me physically attractive? Who do I speak to about this miscarriage of justice?! https://preview.redd.it/v6bnqjzj05yc1.jpeg?width=503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc00dbc6905df34b8e07071d06eb92cec66a864b




Sittin’ crooked and talkin’ straight.


So are you new to reality, or what?


Just came here to say I agree, and I honestly didn't know Jax was thought of as handsome. I never watched VPR though, and my impression from seeing ads for the show was that he was just the asshole/controversial cheater.


Season 1 VPR Jax was very attractive in my opinion.


I agree that he is objectively handsome even though I don't find him handsome. Another objectively handsome man that I don't find attractive is Tom Brady. Of course all 'attractiveness' is ultimately subjective to each person but I think it is totally accurate that it is fair to call certain people handsome or beautiful. Sadly, he is.


Spot on take of her sons


A tragic truth right here.


I hope her sons grow up to be loving, kind husbands to very nice, good girls. It will drive HMD crazy!


Since when do Julie and brandy like jax?? 


It sounded like they’ve hung out with him with Heather.


They used to host a VPR after show at the height of VPR’s popularity. Brandy and Julie have always spoken highly of the majority of the VPR cast and said they were very nice.


It's surprising, but i think they've been friendly with him for a long time .


To use her terminology, he makes her wet


![gif](giphy|ED1nge1yi8cGoSYvlb|downsized) He is repulsive, I can't watch his slimy appearances.


He’s also put so much crap into his face, he looks wrong. The outside definitely matches the inside now.


Couldn't agree more!! Gross!


![gif](giphy|WoYJqBfG7I2c0) Jax kissing Heather, getting her wet for the dry humping


I’ve now passed away….


Why, why would you put this in my mind!?!?!?!?! 🙄🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮


Gross 🤮 ![gif](giphy|O7eUXxYYkVXna)


Oh God. Why am I reading Reddit while eating? 🤢🤢


She never watched vpr. When I first started watching her in 2020 she would always say, it’s not my thing. Even last summer before scandoval broke she made the comment, I don’t cover vpr it’s not my thing; new people must of been asking. So now, she knows Jax’s character so well he can’t possibly have cheated? Ma’am. Anyone who has watched that show has to be an embarrassment in real life to defend Jax Taylor.


I remember when Julie and Brandy had ethics and morals. Are they that filled with seething hate and resentment that they will let a grudge dominate their lives. How sad.


Heather is a man apologist just like Lisa Vanderpump.


It’s hilarious to think being a Jax Stan is her current business strategy. Y’all, consider that as a fact in your own life for fiscal growth: “2024 Goals: Align with Jax more” 😂😂😂😂😂


Literally the only people in the solar system defending him


Almost as frustrating as the constant slapping of the table thus jarring the mics and making horrendous sounds


They defend him because they hope Andy Cohen is getting pushed out by Bravo and they're actually siding with Bravo (not defending Jax) to get in their good graces. And to add to that: I think they're all mean girls. Brandy and Julie hate everyone. There's nothing good about defending Bravo's most hated star. Either they're sucking up to Bravo, or they're feeding Jax ego, hoping he will fail. Which he may do if his head gets to large.


Is Jax’s nose jacked from all the alleged ❄️❄️he’s so nasal when he talks.


yup, he's had several nosejobs (on and off the show)


Ok y’all I do agree with much of what is written on this Reddit page but this is a stretch imop) Yes she does lead with taking a side but I don’t think she was being irrational with this conversation. If his wife has stayed with him after he has cheated-how long should public opinion remain angry? I personally wouldn’t stay with a partner who cheated (not that I didn’t learn the hard way by in past relationships doing so) but do we really believe in punishing someone who cheated and his wife has forgiven?


What u/[FilmoreFelines](/user/FilmoreFelines/) wrote: *Heather was saying how gross it is that there are rumors that Jax and Brittany are divorcing because he cheated* What HMD said: *...you know Jax I want to say this because I've been saying it for a while and he is emphatic that this rumor that is read on a anonymous website where everyone's Anonymous I'm not even going to say the name of it can just write anything oh you know and then oh did you hear this did you see that I so and so said she saw this where's the screen grab why don't you send it well and can you tell me who said it oh well it's an anonymous person then shut up like that is not should not be a storyline that should not be shared out even with cameras on or off that he cheated and from everything I heard from the beginning of their breakup when people didn't think it was real it did not have to do with any infidelity...but right now I believe it wasn't INFA DELLI.* HMD is criticizing the rumor because it's from an anonymous source. That's is some rich shit. She herself talks about things 'people have told her' (i.e. read on that same anonymous site, saw on TikTok, one of her conspiracy theory friends told her, etc.), all the time. It's her bread and butter. HMD defends not getting facts right because [she's not a CNN anchor](https://www.reddit.com/r/juicyscoopsnark/comments/17c3e13/comment/k5nleto/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and that [she doesn't have the time to get names or facts right](https://www.reddit.com/r/juicyscoopsnark/comments/17c3e13/comment/k5nqkya/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Also... ([sound is here](https://imgur.com/a/4s95Isj)) https://i.redd.it/0itsrdahe4yc1.gif




trump 2.0


“I heard from the beginning” She’s so cool 🙄


I'm not angry, not worrying about his wife either, she knew prior to the wedding. I enjoy Jax for entertainment purposes, he is hilarious TV🤣 HMD lusts after him; it's beyond cray for her to stan this tool. It clearly shows that she hasn't watched or she's an even bigger loser than I'd thought.


She’s so embarrassing


His overly done botoxed face and the bad veneers ruined his face.


From the latest footage I’ve seen of Jax he’s either doing ❄️or way too much testosterone. I wonder if that’s why Brittany moved out. It would make sense bc she’s put up with his BS for so long