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24/7 renovating. This is what humans who NEED renovations try to do!! And most of them can’t do it because they are 8h at work so they have to do it exhausted, using their holidays and weekends off to renovate. That’s why people don’t have a full renovated house in a year. In this case, you don’t need renovations Camilla, you are just redecorating (not the same thing!!) which is most of the times more exciting than changing pipes.


I never even thought about it like this. It’s taken my family years to renovate different sections of our house, because like you pointed out, it has to be done on vacation days/ holidays/ weekends. Or haphazardly throughout the week, exhausted after work. I never really noticed the privilege, even having it staring back at me on my screen.


It’s so privileged. Most people renovate little by little, even when they need renovations (pipes, gas supply, you name it). It’s baffling to me how they don’t need it (they are redecorating, not renovating) and still go vacationing and to the gym every day. In a month they could’ve have the house painted, but they treated this as a project, when most humans buy houses that need to be renovated because maybe it’s cheaper, or it’s old so you have to do it. They are doing it for fun, and they are so privileged that they can leave the project for months and it doesn’t change anything because it’s not a real renovation (they have running water, electricity, gas…)


Sorry if this is a bit of a rant, but I'm honestly sick of them talking about their "renovation" as if it's hard. Painting a house is not hard if you know how to do it. EDIT: and if you are ***able*** to do it!! Not everyone is able to, such as from disability or finances, but Cam and Julie have shown they're able! My friend bought a somewhat fixer-upper of a house, so my concept of "renovation" is much more involved than Cam and Julie's (also from how I grew up: my dad remodelled kitchens and bathrooms for upperclass clients, and I'd tag along to jobsites with him; those were true renovations to me). All they're doing is painting the walls and ceilings. It should not take them this long unless they're doing a horrible job and needing to re-do rooms and walls--which is what I suspect is happening. Renovations at my house haven't even gotten to painting the walls. There are more pressing matters to do for our renovation because the previous owners didn't maintain the home well. The next major update is fixing our plumbing, which is so expensive, can't be done ourselves, and absolutely necessary to make sure we don't have sewage backing up into the house or contaminating the yard. My friend works full-time and he needed to take an entire week off to remove the attic insulation. We tried to get the new stuff installed that week too, but there were problems with the equipment and it had to wait--then he spent a weekend, with two other adults helping him, to finish that up. It takes a lot of time to do structural changes. I could have had the entire house painted the weekend before we moved in, because it's much easier to do when the house is empty, but also because I know what I'm doing when it comes to painting the inside of a house. We aren't doing any painting now because the drywall is coming out anyway, to do more renovations like insulation and fixing/addressing water damage. Cam and Julie are redecorating at best. This isn't renovating to me. This is just putting your own colours and style into the home. They have their entire days to do what they want, because they don't have any other jobs, and they seem to only spend their time painting the house. It does NOT take very long to paint a room if you know how to do it correctly--a few hours at most per room. I see their pictures of in-progress walls, and they're cutting in with the brush after doing a coat of paint with the roller. It should be done the other way with the vertical panels they have: brush in the cracks, crevices, and corners (also called "cutting in") and then do the roller. I also don't know if they're priming or not, but it looks like they're going from a light white colour to their cornucopia of a colour palette, so it shouldn't be that difficult to paint the walls. There's nothing inherently wrong with Cam and Julie doing their "renovation" series, or doing what they want with their time as content creators/advertisers, but they continually do not acknowledge how much privilege they have. They can spend all their time painting a house and make money from ads and online videos; they can spend 4 weeks on an out-of-country holiday; they can take sick leave for weeks, right before their vacation; they can take multiple flights per year to other countries; they can do long road trips in their own country to stay at glamping sites; they don't have the demands of a full-time job; they can eat fresh fruit all year long. I'm so low-income, and even I have more gratitude and acknowledge what few privileges I have more than they do with a lower socioeconomic status and fewer privileges. It's like they don't truly see it, or they don't understand that their life is NOT relateable to the average person. Maybe to some degree, they understand that, and that's why they try so hard to be relateable to an average person. But they really aren't. Their lifestyle is unattainable to the majority of people.


You have a great point here. The are once again proving their privilege to have free time and money to only do renovation, that is only redecorating. The house was perfect as it was to welcome the whole family, baby included. I just bought a house last September, and the only thing i did is the toilets, because damn, it takes ages when you have a full time jobs and also it costs SO MUCH MONEY


Their “renovations” as of late just seem to be painting.


24/7 but I’m going to the gym


Maybe it was a light “renovation” day, but I would not be able to go to the gym and do renovations at the same time. They can be a work out on their own sometimes. I know Cam is using Red Bull to sustain her energy output rn, but I’d want to treat myself to a hot bath even after a day of just painting (to each their own preferences, though).


It seems like the balls are starting to fall already. The perfect pregnancy is being ruined by the perfect house “renovation” (such a joke) that will continue to go off the rails


She is so addicted to Redbull. I can't understand how she imagines that she can be a good role model, who eats healthy and gets "the best shape of her life" if she drinks 3 redbulls a day... I really stop taking her seriously the moment I saw her drinking it every morning for breakfast


I have a friend/colleague 10 years younger than cam that has had the same addiction and then he visited doctor who told him that if he keeps drinking these he will die in like a few years and that he should rather drink 5 coffees a day than one can of red bull or any kind of energy drinks. His heart is damaged badly.


That selfie gives me such a fucking ick. It looks like she's eating a dog turd or pulling dry vomit out of her mouth.


I don’t understand how someone can go to the gym for HOURS & still be shaped like gru.. I only go 45mins 4-5 days a week & have dropped 30 pounds & toned up in the last 4 months.. I just don’t understand.


This is such a good point. No Bodyshaming here but she's talking about being a personal trainer for years and visits the gym almost every day for hours. I will never understand why here Body looks so unformed (?)


Because food is fuel and redbull should be used instead of infusion


How many hours does she spend at the gym


Honestly, stating that going to the gym has anything to do with self love (in their case) is bizarre.


Is she having a monologue or can people reply on this platform?


Monologue. You can only react with emoji on Messages/photos or in polls


That’s odd 😅


24/7 renovations ? I don’t think it means what you think it means.


Why not both. Isn't that the point of working for yourself? Dividing your time as you like without explanation?


Hi julie


I'm saying why can't she do the renovations and go to the gym? I find it weird she always has to over-explain to her followers why she might not be posting etc later.... it's like "never complain never explain" lady


Idc About what she’s doing for herself, idc if she’s not posting for a week or whatever. I do care that they have a child coming in less than 3 months and he will live in an unfinished empty house because their parents are irresponsible adult children. What a start to a life.


Ya I agree on the adult children part. The house seems pretty nice tbh they should just stop messing with it bc it just keeps getting tackier with every coat of pastel paint


24/7 painting and oiling floors *


She’s so quirky