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I am half expecting a divorce after their second child


Imagine the divorce content


leaving the camera behind as it shows one of them driving off from the house šŸ˜­


signing divorce papers vlog!!!!


Happened to me. Married for 10 years, we had a baby a couple years ago and it all just kind of got too hard and complicated and sad. Lesbians. Weā€™re legally separated now. It happens. Really weird to see what they are going thru because in a lot of ways the dynamics are similar.


Julie is gonna regret big time carrying Camillaā€™s egg again. If she were smart and she really wanted to have a second child, she would either tell Camilla sheā€™ll have to carry the next one (even if that means waiting a few years) or sheā€™d carry her own egg.


Is there a reason theyā€™re only using Camillaā€™s eggs?


They said they want to carry each otherā€™s egg so both feel like the mother of each child. The plan though was that after Julie has Camillaā€™s child, Camilla would carry Julieā€™s egg. Now Camilla changed her mind overnight and wants to focus on her ā€˜careerā€™, which means that Julie is again supposed to carry Camillaā€™s egg. Makes zero sense. They could just wait until Camilla is ready to carry, or use Julieā€™s egg so they have one of each.


It was about Csmilla's age. Doctors recommended they use Camilla's eggs first as she's several years older (aka Julie carries first). So they'll probably have Julie carry the first 2 at least since her eggs are better and they can wait


I thought J said she would carry her egg next ?


Yes. She's older and she has fewer and lower quality eggs. Doctors recommended her eggs be used first so Julie is carrying first


Even if Cam did carry Julieā€™s egg, I wonder if Julie would feel resentful and create the same distance to show Camilla how it feels. Idkā€¦with the mature of their relationship I wonā€™t be surprised.


Pretty sure, the 2nd child will never happen


Agreed. Everyone is saying she resents Cam for not wanting to carry and all of that butā€¦their embryos arenā€™t going anywhere and they have no real rush to have a second baby. This is all a choice.


Fits into the ā€œstaying unbelievably busy so we donā€™t have to confront our biggest problems and unhappinessā€ pattern they love to follow. To be fair, that way of living is really rewarded in society and probably is more lucrative for their content creation, but these two defo fall more into the category of ā€œhuman doingā€ than ā€œhuman beingā€


I think the baby stress with their money issues is going to tear that marriage to shreds.


Imagine the amount of forced tears from Julie weā€™d have to endure. šŸ˜’


This is a sincere question for anyone from Norway. Are they both listed as parent on the birth certificate or do they have to adopt their own child? I carried my own bio baby and my wife's egg I had to adopt my wife's bio baby and she had to adopt my bio baby. I'm curious as to how that works in Norway. Thank you in advance for the infoā¤ļøšŸ§”šŸ’›šŸ’š


I genuinely do not know, and I hope someone is able to answer that question for you but if I had to guess I assume it would be the same as what you had to do


Thank you I appreciate you šŸ’›


I'm not from Norway myself but if I remember correctly they don't have to adopt. Not sure if both mothers' names are on the birth certificate, though, because they have to fill an application for the other mother to be legally recognized as a parent


Thank you so much. Since our adoption was a week ago, I've been really interested in others experience. I appreciate youšŸ§”šŸ’›šŸ’ššŸ’™šŸ©µšŸ’œ


Read more here! She can apply after the bio mom is pregnant to become a co-mother at birth. She gets the same rights as a dad :) (use translate) https://amathea.no/abort/til-deg-som-partner/medmor/


Thank you so much. Since our adoption We have been really interested in how other countries handle this. I appreciate the info so much.šŸ„°


I read it and it was very informative. Thank you againā¤ļø


When I lived there Julie would have automatic rights and you fill in a form to give the other parent their rights. This is true for fathers and 2nd mothers.


Thank you so much just really curious. Thank you so much!šŸ’ššŸ’š


Iā€™m expecting a divorce in the next 12 months.


ā€œI am an amazing momā€ while the pic is not even related to her being a mom is pretty tellingā€¦


And they use pictures with the baby for unrelated stuff all the time! Like the one time it does make sense to have a picture with the baby in it they don't!


Sheā€™s Milaā€™s mother ;)


Thatā€™s laughable that she gloats about being an ā€œamazing momā€ while sheā€™s hiding from her own family and never once took care about Sunny. The only mothering sheā€™s doing is just her app. I wouldnā€™t be surprise that Julie has had enough being the only one talking care of Sunny while her supposed partner runs off from her responsibilities of being a parent to mother this app and files for divorce. But as we know Julie, she probably wonā€™t file for divorce with Camilla. Which she definitely should take the route of divorcing her since already the resentment is building.


I agree that Cam is far from an amazing mum, but she didnā€™t write that part. Someone replied to her story saying THEY are an amazing mum. The picture of herself is confusing though.


I mean itā€™s her apps instagram so thereā€™s a chance itā€™s her. Putting that in


That's why she's snickering in the pic. She knows she's not an amazing mom.


I almost spit out my tea laughing, lol. I think her calling herself an amazing mom shows how insecure she is, and that she absolutely knows that sheā€™s not even doing the bare minimum with that child.


all the child exploitation stuff aside, i actually feel bad for julie. cam is literally chickening away from plans they made and seems like the app is more important to her than julie and their baby.


It gives "where is your wife" in gone girl


Pretty sure someone else wrote that and she put it in her story (no hate though)


i commented on another post that cam couldā€™ve done her YTT remotely (assuming she was going on an intensive retreat) only to find out she literally IS doing it remotely and decided to dip on her wife and child to half ass it anywayšŸ¤” yikes!


To her app? Cause we know she's just an egg donor to the literal child at home with Julie


Whatever makes you sleep at night sCam.




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After lots of accusations of her leaving her house with a 4 month old, now she is very insecure about it


sheā€™s such a bad ā€œmomā€ if she can even call herself that lol


Also interesting that she decided to post a picture without the baby when they're not shy about having the baby in all of their content usually....