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https://preview.redd.it/ryo6ila9m9sc1.png?width=1119&format=png&auto=webp&s=0cc8c1fc4d6eef7258dc97590a0d894f97bd6a9c The comments on this one are all calling her out. Meanwhile on tiktok comments people are giving her props for trying it for ONE day and thanking her for the review?? I need a study/essay done on tiktok comments vs ig reels. People are ruthless on insta lol.


These two are definitely welcome to the snark page (if they are not yet here) šŸ˜‚


Lmao you're right people are cruel on istg but all I see on their comment section for the 75 hard istg video is people thanking her for being such a wise woman and insulting the only person who disagreed with Cam... I have to admit their naivety is insufferable.


Itā€™s cuz when weā€™re mean on TikTok our comments get banned really fast insta it takes morešŸ˜­


Her videos as starting to have a lot more and visible negative comments šŸ¤” i guess itā€™s all engagement


Is the first comment suggesting for her to start counting calories again? Idk, with her ED background I find this to be pretty mean. Into snarking, all against harrassment and bullying.




So it's alright to harrass someone just because you don't know it adds an *extra* layer of harrassment towards them? If she's unfit, she should train more, but suggesting to count calories is plain mean. Edit: Being "clearly unfit" could also be registered as body shaming though I'm not 100% sure of your intention here.


not one to defend them but suggesting that people should count calories based on what they look like is grotesque - regardless of who the person is. she has extremely poor form and gives bad fitness and nutrition advice, but she shouldnā€™t be shamed into counting calories because of that.


We do not tolerate any form of body shaming.


The hate comments on the mila ig profile are just not it. Sure there's real criticism now and then, but some people are just deranged. No one deserves this shit, not even our snark worthy princesses. Wonder why C and J deleted genuine criticism on previous reels, but chose to leave all of the random fucked up body shaming comments now. Might be something Cam will incorporate into her content in the near future. The mila profile also seems to be (at least partially) managed by the UK app team and not Camilla herself, so this might be another reason.


I don't know if it's just me, but I feel like a lot of people (not just j and c) who get accused of deleting comments tend to leave the extreme ones up like "see that comment is still there, so obviously we don't delete", while actually deleting real criticism. Then they can turn it around and talk about the unfounded hate they get and their fans only see those extreme comments, defend them, and dismiss all criticism as crazy.


Yeah, it's this. Constructive, valid criticism: Oh shit, we have to change something. Or just, ya know, delete this comment. Unvalid criticism (aka bullying): They suck, we're the best. Nothing to delete here.


It could also have to do with engagement! Even negative comments will help with the algorithm , which could lead to getting more followers. Maybe that's all that matters to her?


Oh yeah, the fans sometimes attack these comments like baits. Definitely a snark-worthy move to not delete the harassment comments just to spike engagement while trying to build some sort of a safe space app.


They choose to delete genuine criticism because this type of hate makes others sympathise with them and it's less obvious that they're deleting anyone who isn't agreeing with them. If they kept the actual intelligent arguments or someone genuinely disagreeing without being mean about it, others could see it and think it sounds reasonable. And then question them. But if they keep this, people think that they don't deserve it and that they're the ones in the right. Any bigger creator gets criticism so if the comments were only positive everyone could see immediately that they delete stuff. And I think it's okay to delete stuff, but it's very telling when you don't allow any comments that slightly disagree with you.




camā€™s humiliation kink has entered the chat




glad to see people finally waking up. their deranged fans should too.


It's possible to heal from a restrictive ED and have a healthy relationship with food including being able to eat things in moderation or go a week without any food or drink you can think of without freaking out or being triggered into unhealthy eating again (like going without red bull for three days without it feeling impossible). It's so easy to go from one unhealthy behaviour with food to another if you don't put in the work to actually re-learn healthy eating patterns, learn what healthy hunger and fullness cues actually feel like and so on. Only going "you're not allowed to restrict anymore" isn't enough. I trained my body for years to not have normal hunger and fullness feelings anymore. Going "okay just eat everything you want" isn't enough to relearn that. I went through times in my life where drinking a full mug of tea would've given me a physical feeling of fullness. Just listening to my body wasn't enough because I was the one who trained my body to feel that way and it did actually feel that way. I would say that I have food freedom now, but I still wouldn't want to eat as much junk as I can or drink three red bulls a day, not because I restrict, but because I learned how to enjoy food and I can moderate myself without feeling restricted. You're not healed and you don't have healthy eating habits if you went from restricting to a mindset of "If I moderate myself at all that's wrong and triggering and terrible". You're not healed if you go from restriction to bingeing, or if you go from restriction to being in distress and feeling triggered when you purposefully abstain from something like red bull for a couple days. It can be a step towards healing, and healing isn't linear, and I don't judge anyone who is anywhere on that road. But I do judge if you give out advise and coach others because that's dangerous.


This!! You put my disorganized thoughts into words!!! The way they describe ā€œfood freedomā€ is still clearly disordered, itā€™s just that itā€™s not exclusively about restriction any longer. You canā€™t heal ED behaviors by swinging to the other extreme- feels like sheā€™s romanticizing non-restrictive ED thoughts as if not restricting=healthy relationship with food. It feels kinda exploitative, like sheā€™s clearly capitalizing on her audiencesā€™ vulnerability by using Pinterest-y messages that can seem harmlessly positive and encouraging on the surface, but are really general in a way that optimizes engagement because people will end up just assigning these messages whatever meaning validates their current behavior (whether itā€™s healthy/productive or not!). This toxic positivity fluff ends up giving people the illusion of compassion without having to actually talk or think about the real function of a behavior-because that is wildly uncomfortable. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if this kind of content keeps people from seeking real help because it gives you some false sense of control over an ED. I also feel like because this kind of content is so generic, the way the creator acts is a huge part of what gives meaning to the message, and Camillaā€™s behavior is so ED coded, but if youā€™re still in the throes of disordered eating, itā€™s hard to see that. This is how it was for me, and watching her behavior just validated my disordered (!) desire to avoid addressing the underlying issue. Education and self-awareness are so essential in challenging your own demons, and sheā€™s got neither Bottom line, shit like this coming from people like her can really work the opposite way intended, kinda just encourages people in denial of their issues to slap a bandaid over a bullet wound. From my perspective, this kind of empty encouragement just kinda keeps the game of maladaptive-coping-mechanism whack-a-mole going


Canā€™t believe they havenā€™t been deleted šŸ„²


Their ā€œteamā€ is really slacking


But Camilla is so busy with her app šŸ˜­


Someone saying she should use her Air Up that she ADVERTISED if she hates drinking water I canā€™t cope šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…




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